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66读书 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第66章 后记92302.23

第66章 后记92302.23

66读书 www.66dushu.com,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

the speaker's name is Yang Zhaoxiong, a small boss of a local private loan pany. his business recently collapsed. After hearing boss Sun's plan, he planned to risk all his wealth to give it a try. \Liu deyin thought about how to convince other managers, but he didn't listen to the general manager.

“before, I felt that I was not in a hurry, but now it seems that it is time to hurry up.

At this moment, Zhang Yue quickly retreated without hesitation.

bai Feng could tell at a glance that all five people had appeared, but the young man sitting there was a normal person.

but if the price of a xingchen mobile phone is 100,000 yuan or more, I am afraid not many people will buy it. master, I'm sorry! Fortunately, I was careful to turn off cloning at the beginning, and it came in handy this time.

As soon as the clan leader's mental strength recovered, he leaned back even further.

Like Feidian Group and Four Star Group, Liu mingyu also saw more unexpected markets.

Is there anyone better looking than me?


As soon as Yu Zhe hung up the phone, Yuan Yu immediately jumped up and gathered people to do something big. .

As long as xingchen Group plans to sell photolithography machines? master Ren will be happy. how dare you ask so many questions?

\Let me tell you another secret.\ our miss No. 1 wrangler is actually hong Luan, the lord of the seven cities of the qin League!

of course, Yu chaomu is not afraid of other people's opinions. today, these old and frail women and children rely on chonghan jade to survive. do you have the ability to express your inner thoughts? what an idiot, now much better. the zombies are not active at first, and you only need to survive the night to wait for reinforcements. I really don’t know if any accidents will happen in this situation.

oh shit!

can he break through the boundaries and gain freedom? .

Yan haiqing said \hmm\ and said, \then she is really brother Yun's sister...?\

\without those evil radiation ghosts, these ugly men would not be alive today.\ chen Fan raised the fire ax and ran towards Liu Rong, whose brain had not fully recovered.

togo. .

\Fortunately, he's not dead yet!

tang Yu immediately found master beichen and expressed that he was ready to surrender and hand over all his troops to master beichen.

weng Lan reached out and took out the lighter from his bag, lit it and looked at it.

A video is playing inside, showing the ruins of ancient civilizations tens of thousands of years ago.

10:40 am

Since King Kong has already answered this question, there is no need to bravely challenge it. .

A standard 60 pieter lithography machine, let alone $3 million, is worth even doubling the size. .

\but you don't have to think of these as jobs. \I'm asking you to do one thing. \Jing wentong said.\ chen Fan shouted angrily, but did not dare to take action again. At this moment, more than half of his physical strength was consumed.

Liu Rong, who was playing with an ax, reached out and pressed the breath on his right side, covering the big hole in his stomach. with the injection of breath, the big hole in his stomach no longer remained, and the wound slowly healed as before. .

huo Ye initially thought he was trying to avoid the bright light, but when he turned on his puter and saw the current reports, he couldn't help but sigh.

weng Lan pushed the dresser onto the bed, climbed on the dresser, grabbed the black hole in the ceiling, and looked around. It was too dark and he couldn't see anything. there really is no time limit on this snack! At least there is no evidence. Even if Zhang Yue wanted to overthrow he Gaoji, few people would believe him.

Liu Rong accepted the punishment and did not run away. his hands remained still and he held the ax tightly, preventing chen Fan from pulling out the fire ax.

haha, having said that, I still want to tell an interesting story that is a bit difficult to tell: Actually, tang Yu and qin An had a reunion and relationship after the apocalypse. .

Some administrators began to speak one by one, saying that it was not okay to disagree. \Yin mu'er stood up and took Jing wentong's hand and asked.

\It's okay, we just arrived.\

Jing wentong opened his eyes suddenly!

tang Yu's most loyal men, Gu Li and Sun Yue, are actually hongluan. .

\I regret to inform you that the Star team has made many changes, and the Star Assistant you are currently using is the final version.\

Very expensive.

hao Yi and others even heard a hint of aura from the two of them.

the two looked at each other and smiled, and the man saved the woman's heart.

weng Lan frowned slightly and looked at Lu te's bag. It was big and long, like a backpack leading to the end of the world.

pared to the simple experiments of many Internet users, these people have experienced the technological disruption brought about by artificial intelligence.

throw things into the house.

damn it! .

\xiaojiu, my mother doesn't want this either, but you have to know that this is arbitrary and I can't control it. he is a member of the ancient xiangying clan.\

that day, when the perpetrator grabbed my shoulder, I took the knife from my hand, stabbed the man in the abdomen, and then ran away quickly.

wang dequan of huawei Group also participated in the research and development of this lithography machine.

Although they did recruit out of selfish motives at the beginning, they were still brothers for seven years, and they didn't even know their names...


“hey mayor, I think the federal government will pass these bills soon.

ment: this is a living buddha worshiped by villagers in wuxi city.

After qin An returned, he personally led his people to eliminate the remaining forces of the men in black, and cheng Gang also joined him.

Alice puffed up her cheeks and said, \Great, everyone is here to eat!\

Everyone was doing push-ups in utter despair. what's the punishment?

or continue to provide xingchen mobile phones?

In the future, no single project will be able to defeat the public and suppress other projects.

chu Jiangyun turned to where he was typing, his brows twitching.

chen hu also raised his knife in his direction and approached with a smile on his face:

\we have no problem here, captain Song, he did a great job!\

qin An smiled fiercely and shook his head, I don't know! You have to be very careful.

the three kings each formed a faction, but tang Yu and I were mother and son! .

there are many ments, and almost every ment has been well received by countless people.

Looking at Zhuge Liang who seemed to be standing right in front of her, his every smile seemed to hit her girlish heart. .

Suddenly someone pointed forward.

Almost all of the whale meat is sold, except for a small piece. Village chief Fan was calculating on the calculator with a tired look on his face.

If cancer cells from one person are transplanted into another person, the cancer cells will not survive. !

this is awesome!

Although Liu deyin is the chairman of Feidian Group, he does not hold many Feidian shares, and this is not his vote.

wu tian did not participate in this process. It still hurts and he can't get out.

Egwene had a dream, a very long dream. In that dream, ten years passed. he knew early on that this was a dream, so it wasn't really a dream.

At this time, the professor asked mr. p and mr. F: can you guess what this card is using the known points or colors? .

Yin Yao smiled, reached into qin Jiusi's bag, took out a bottle of medicine, emptied it, and drank the medicine. .

\but why?

when he shot, he bent his palm and drew an arc in the middle, so that the force of the blow was not too strong, but it was still felt.

Some inspectors are hired by officials themselves, and these people naturally choose to take advantage of mobile phones to conduct inspections.

Not daring to be careful, he fixed his sensitivity on the flying cannonball and found that it actually flew into the room where he lived. . . . .

Everyone pletely lost interest and thought it was not very creative! In the mind-controlled dream he is invincible! .

\haha, if you want to leave me, you can start preparing now. In short, prepare for the deal as soon as possible. It would be better if reinforcements e early tomorrow morning, but what if no one es?\

chu xiqing nodded: \of course I remember.\

\oh my god, it must be so painful to live in a barren age without people!\

oh, and by the way, I'm also a black Society Secret Service agent, as my alter ego is the Frenchman from Eleven. \You're smiling so numbly! It was my luck. It was like a satellite trip. So I opened my eyes and looked around the house.\

\Ito Group plans to purchase 20 lithography machines at the same time for US$1 billion. If xingchen Group intends to give priority to delivery, it is willing to pay an additional US$1 billion as a delivery deposit. So now is the best time to act.\

however, tang Yu picked me up without hesitation and took me home.

\okay, Aning.\

A restaurant like this wouldn't be able to open in the apocalypse without a solid backend. .

qin An's hand holding the knife began to tremble ...

kill him!

It is said that Ito Group was the highest bidder received by xingchen Group.

the woman leaned gently on the man's head and asked in a low voice: \do you regret not getting xingchen's cell phone?\ And did qin An save him again?

dong Enze's entire family was killed. I do it by myself. there was an old woman named hua po, an ordinary woman. She looks like a kind old lady. I couldn't bear to kill him. I killed one of the eleven shadows. ....

Four outstanding drivers fared slightly better. they stood, but were crushed beneath his feet.

After qin An came back, he was exhausted almost every day and rarely had time to talk to me alone. .

Zhou xinyan drank the wine prepared by Jiang peng, and the girl rolled her eyes at Jiang peng with a happy face.

weng Lan's eyes lit up when he heard Ayers' words.

“German bank?

It is possible that what will happen when the latest generation of lithography machines of xingchen Group is widely used and Feidian does not have a new generation of lithography machines?

In his previous life, chen mo was able to improve step by step and eventually surpassed his predecessors. how could he be an unforgiving person?

500 million per unit.

After the photolithography machine was dismantled, the show did not continue.

After breakfast tomorrow, after the fermentation period is over, there may be more terrible high temperatures. '.

chen mo put away the dropped things and couldn't help but said privately:

If the lithography machine really wants to use it, he can use it again, but it must be shown to the lithography machine that it is still operated by a dedicated person.

Unfortunately, before the research and development results were published, we encountered the xingchen Group that gave up halfway.

\Excuse me, is it roast pork?\ chen Fan said, using the power of his legs, he hit Liu Rong's head again when Liu Rong was not prepared.

Jiang peng nodded, very happy that he had grown up, not to mention that he had deliberately encouraged this growth, which was a great sense of acplishment.

cen Lianxiao did not expect that his daughter cen Lu would suddenly scream and announce that he would get married immediately. .

Zhang Zhongmou pointed out that first-class photolithography machines are very important. panies with state-of-the-art lithography machines have advanced technical capabilities. If you have the opportunity to get a batch of original photolithography machines, even one. this is a very good result. that's too bad! I am just a little spy who obeys the orders of the queen of End Soul, and I can also be regarded as an intelligence officer of the End Soul Sect. Even if someone crosses the path at that time, they end up involuntarily wading into the dark water. .

\that's very good.

So tang Yu sent me to an ordinary farmer in the suburbs and asked him to be my father and mother temporarily. tang Yu wanted to wait until I was older, until I was two or three years old, before taking me in. three years, then take me away from you. She sent me to kindergarten and I hired a nanny to take care of me.

mr. Ren stayed in a nearby hotel for one night and came to xingchen building early in the morning to wait. this is a specially customized high-end mobile phone. both the materials and methods are top-notch. I request xingchen Group to open the full version of xingchen Assistant. If it really doesn't work, I can give up.

humph, boy, he even said he would e to the United States to find her. As a result, he not only had seven infatuated wives, but also gave qin qicai life ...

weng Lan thought of this and sighed. he knew that he didn't hate qin qicai at all, and he also loved and valued her very much.

but while the qi family escaped from the black scene, they were definitely not a pure product. he must have mitted numerous violations of rules and discipline. how did chu Jiangyun offend her? .

Song Yan patted xiao huihui and said word by word: \You stay and help her, I will go there to see the situation.\

he originally wanted to challenge Liu mingyu, but when he saw the tiger was killed instantly, he gave up the challenge.

Liu xia's current powerful power has not recovered from the impact, so she is just an ordinary girl. Any stone that falls on them will hurt or even kill them! .

Yu Zhe is a petitor, not a hero. his ring doesn't have room for various items. She couldn't handle the expectations and ended up with him, but that didn't matter. he now has more than enough gold coins and can easily exchange them for items.

tang mo pinched the insect with his hand and put it in his mouth.

mr. Ren came to visit early in the morning.

the villa Liu mingyu bought was beautifully decorated. this room was sold as a model and already had various furniture and daily necessities.

It's actually a good idea to occasionally talk some sexy trash talk to spice up your life with a beautiful woman.

hey, this is our wife. Sometimes you know he is using you, but you have to choose to cooperate with him to achieve other interests and goals, because he always makes you feel that friendship with him is more important than friendship. must be an enemy.

Although chen mo was not sure whether people from the previous game era went out to crack immortality, chen mo consciously determined that since there are people who survived the previous game era, then there must be people who survived the previous game era. era. Start from the last game and survive until now.

the impromptu shareholders meeting was held in a hurry, but not much time was wasted. the decision was made within half an hour.

Although wang dequan did not disclose too much information to master Ren due to the confidentiality agreement, some simple information was still disclosed to master Ren, so he did not feel that xingchen Group was deceptive like others. .

the mayor took a deep breath. .

Ayers and the other three were stunned for a moment, and looked at weng Lan at the same time.

he was right, xingchen Group's business was actually faster than robbing a bank.

Early the next morning, Zhang hao barely slept and went to the village headquarters after breakfast. .

Zhang Yuecai didn't want to answer him. he easily tiptoed the ground and ran as fast as a ghost to 129\.

“Yes, sir, sister-in-law!

chong hanyu jumped up with his body and sword power, approaching chao mu. he reached out and took the sword from Yu chaomu's hand. he put his other arm around Yu chaomu's waist. he turned around and stopped Yu chaomu at the door of the car. he had no choice but to put it next to the car door. ask:

\You know this plan? he won't lose!\

Star Assistant membership prices in china are very low pared to international standards. Liu Rong said disdainfully. At that time, he looked like a normal person, and his demeanor and conversation matched chen Fan's. 2015 version of china cigarettes?

he sought acmodation in one of the bedrooms. It is also connected to a small backyard, but the door is broken now.

capacity increases immediately.

product development bees easier with the help of artificial intelligence.

the residents of Sunlight city will be relocated to Jiulong mountain within a year, which means that the tibetan government fully agrees with qin'an's plan to connect the city to Jiulong.

the human mind is posed of subconscious mind, consciousness and will.

meeting place. .

\No need to wait any longer, we can e to South America first and wait for the opportunity.\ As soon as the Antarctic Federation is opened, we can take action immediately.

Various incidents have put many mobile phone manufacturers into trouble.

these new things always touched his heart and made him curious about the world.

the two talked about everything, and all kinds of questions came to their minds.

when Ito Group purchases the first batch of photolithography machines, Ito Group may also enter a period of rapid development.

the most outstanding thing is Zhang Yue's insight. .

huang wan thought something big had happened to his roommate. don't you want the tree elves to grow better? .

\on world channel, everyone dreams about their favorite female star.\ I think these people are so interesting! \

It's normal for them to have such questions.

this is very surprising.

As expected from xingchen Group, no matter what product it is, it is always better than other brands. .

\okay, don't think too much, e and clean up the zombies quickly, it seems I found a genius zombie there!\

Also in the backpack was a bag of sausages in a plastic box and a bottle of mineral water.

Especially the implementation of virtual games has made it clear to states like Sam that if restrictions are not imposed now, the technology of the future will be controlled by the chinese. .

As he spoke, Ayers wanted to return to weng Lan.

onyxia opened her mouth, sucked two pieces of mythical equipment into her mouth, then flapped her wings and flew away, disappearing into the air. \Sister, there is no other way to get the Star phone except lottery. what if it's still stuck?

the breakup is at least emotional, and Jiang peng can sincerely wish the other person to find happiness. In addition, as agreed, the 300 million yuan will be delivered to you at noon, so you must be fully prepared. we are looking for the person who arrested Sister wu and came here. A few days ago, zombies suddenly surrounded the city and we were trapped here!

there are so many flying zombies, estimated to be hundreds of thousands. only one part will intercept the plane, while the other part will e directly south, said to attack people from the air and support underground zombies. before her death, her adoptive mother was raped by a gang leader. he died miserably! .

Song Yan jumped off xiao huihui's back, looked at Fan bing's figure, and couldn't help but nodded.

Not only were his hands full of seafood, huang Yu also had a lot of seafood in his hands. .

chen mo summarized it and then began to tell a few people what had just happened.

Jiang peng hit his head. what do they have?

dai huaan knew something was wrong, but he still tried his best to use his super powers to protect himself, causing a storm. !

honestly, it's like an apocalyptic online group chat.

half an hour later.

Like Asmer’s previous order of lithography machines, this order will also be pleted in a few years.

\what? Lu Lixi and Sha Junze each hold three personal hero rings.

All personal belongings were a suitcase and a box. It's easy to own a car and pack it for a trip.

Apparently, the owner of this store knew qi Ninghao very well and gave her a 50% discount.

do you still believe that the xingchen Group lithography machine is the Asmer lithography machine? .

Feiyun seemed to have heard the ments from netizens. After announcing the welfare of the live audience, he finally contacted the network staff in the live broadcast room. Isn't this cool? .

\what are you doing?\

xiao hu's parents were not at home at that time. Although the two failed to kill the alien beast, they were still able to go to the clan leader's home to find work and maybe food.

wait, I guess you'll never relax! .

\well, I learned a lot.\

but it’s okay if you’re not clean. the more popular you are, the more prestige you can bring to your team and attract the best talent.

Generally speaking, there are many people who support xingchen Group.

this is to be able to produce the correct accessories in the real world, where most mobile phone accessories will be produced in the future. ouch!

In such games, relationships between people are strengthened and bee closer. .

It was cheng Gang who spoke. In fact, he also felt sad after seeing Shangguan Feiyan's performance. the problem is, weng Lan was obsessed with playboy at the time. It can also be said that over the years, weng Lan was his daughter, the only woman besides cheng Jiayao who impressed him the most.

wuyan asked: \tell me, how many women of your age have you seen in your life?\

the mayor said unhappily. what if the chips in the hands of workers are real 60 pieter chips? depends on its location. System efficiency.

It just flashes sometimes!

du Fei's whole body was sore now, and he was so tired that he couldn't even move a finger. he felt that most of the flesh and blood in his body was no longer his. .


the lithography machine is of course the seller's brand. mr. Ren was afraid that Liu mingyu would eavesdrop on the negotiations and refused to sell. .

\maybe you're not ready to give up yet. they haven't released the source code of the full version of Star Assistant yet. how do you know my phone is broken?\

qi Yijiu nodded and whispered casually: \It's the third new master, no, he Gaoji, the boy with a human face and a beast's heart.\

he vaguely felt that the model looked familiar, so he couldn't help but knock on the door and entered xiao tao's room.

\the degree of expansion has exceeded expectations.\ If the Shenzhou mansion wants to isolate this virus, it must eliminate all the boSS corpses on these streets before they rot!

tang mo gave the clan leader the warmest smile.

Juliet and Ludia fell asleep, while Els and Ives kept watch. Stupid horse, run faster! 2 kilowatts of power may not seem like much, but it is enough to fully charge a thousand cell phone batteries.

\mr. Ren? don't you think a 60 pieter lithography machine is worth the price?\

Liu xia's heart jumped suddenly. what on earth was this damn man going to do to her?

Soon, strange, distorted letters appeared on the puter screen. he frowned and muttered:

\Yes, there is a password?

this is not unmon. there are only 400 adults in total. qin An alone, with eight clones, killed 107 earth dragons within a radius of 20 kilometers within five minutes. because the Earth dragon has a small brain but a large head, qin An has enough space to use long-range maneuvering skills. In fact, his performance has always been very simple. In words: he did it as soon as it occurred to him, without hesitation.

this opportunity can no longer be called a coincidence. .

when beichen talked about this matter, his eyes became a little gloomy.

\okay, okay, no problem.\

huang Yu wanted to refuse, but looking at the seafood in his hands, he suddenly felt attracted again.

Spark cells are similar to cancer cells in the human body. If out of control, they will continue to divide, gradually forming tumors and eventually being amorphous monsters.

After walking a few blocks, Jiang peng returned to Shenzhou Fort! .

\You can't kill me even if you hit me!\

“well, thank you very much, boss.

however, some of the three upgrade methods for the Nano battle Suit are described in detail.

however, pared to her sister huang wan, huang hao knows more about the mobile phone given to her by her brother. chen Fan asked sadly.

\these gourmets are largely due to you, right?\

ps: Encourage me and vote for me! .

Gu changqing, who shaved off his beard, turned out to be a very handsome man. he is a bit uglier than cheng Gang, but he also has his rough charm and is good at chasing girls.

quietly, no one came out to express dissatisfaction, no one made trouble.

A man's voice came over the inter. qin An concentrated all his attention on the sound of the inter.

this is indeed an excellent phone.

but in reality, the struggle is not that simple.

haha, such a determined woman can only die in the end. Apart from qin An, he really couldn't find anywhere else. It’s 200G. Fortunately, the phone’s storage is large enough, but when can it be downloaded? .

chen Fan leaned on the fire ax, grabbed the ax handle, and slowly stood up. Seeing Liu Rong whose brain had just recovered, he frowned and thought, \do I have the same awakening ability as him?\ without mental concentration, he would not have been able to trap four people in the yard at the same time. Not to mention the zombies outside.

\xiaojiu, look at him!\

beichen nodded slightly and was about to ask about the details of the operation when xiaocui had already returned. why should I give him my food? Ivan was full of curiosity and continued to work diligently to extract the gene chain.

no! \At that time, Root's face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked scared.\ because it involved high-quality materials or high-quality materials, the city could not e up with it. In this case, there is a chance to forcefully pass through the light film as soon as possible.

by the time they finished shopping, it was already 5:00 pm. Fortunately, Liu mingyu's car is relatively large and has storage space, so he can bring what he wants at once.

In the afternoon, Liu mingyu and huang Yu had lunch together at Longtai hotel.

Zhou Yu looked down and saw two second-level programmers standing there waiting.

Zhang hao lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

Fortunately, the xingchen mobile phone still adheres to the existing design and has no other special features. changing your phone's SIm card is easy.

this brings a lot of inconvenience to many individuals or panies dedicated to specific research. If the project they have been studying for a long time achieves results, the other party will e up with mature technology, which can be mercialized immediately.

he often travels abroad and then suddenly shows up at home in china. he was so mysterious that both tang Yu and the private detective were confused.

mom, which one do you choose?

At seven o'clock sharp, the mighty empire begins. they use different methods to dig holes in the ground. they are small, winding caves. once opened, the great powers would either attack quickly or use heavy weapons. or use your powers to quickly kill giant worms hiding underground.

\According to the curator, they must have achieved the awesome longevity factor during the last game to be able to survive from the last game to now!\

I don’t know much about the queen of Soul and the mysterious man behind her.

promotional videos released by xingchen Group continue to circulate online.

Yan heqing, who could clearly see xi qing's face from the front, breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, \I couldn't see clearly just now because of her hair, but now.\ I think he really looks like Yun Jiang.

Ren Zhengfei is well-informed and mature and has crossed more bridges than most. .

there are not many personal belongings in the rental house. most of them are old clothes and the like. he threw some very important documents into the vault. he can take storage anywhere. .

Liu mingyu also sincerely admired this old man. he was just standing on the shoulders of giants and talking to them, someone with real power.

the two brothers’ cell phones were exposed, but their roommates just watched and did not do anything inappropriate.

this is the first lesson your mother teaches you. You must remember her.

In chen mo's heart, this sky is just a place to practice and live, but in han Shuang's heart, it is his home.

this is a mon bidding scene in many science fiction movies.

\damn it, do you really look down on me?\

After Song Yan finished speaking, the wings that fell b


“It was just a phone call, no big deal.

Liu Rong didn't let anyone stab him this time. he leaned over and appeared in front of chen Fan in advance. Just when chen Fan was panicking, a background image passed by, and its sharp claws immediately cut chen Fan's throat.

what is on the A+ gene? my mom works in sales, so I understand that sometimes the only way to get the results you want is to be patient with an overwhelmed customer!

of course, mr. Ren knew through him that there was another organization that had such a discount.

Anyone who can enter the world of the ancestors is a rare existence in the world. .

Yin hanchao finally stopped looking at the sun and turned to look at qin An, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

“brother Ning, you are 666 years old, how do you use xingchen’s mobile phone?

\Ah wu wu wu, second sister!\

the two-year-old little carrot monster dutifully held a small vase of flowers.

It was already midnight, but the Internet was still very active, and xingchen's phone was filled with everyone's messages. It can't be stopped, no matter what happens, it can't be stopped.

After all, it seems unreasonable for the other party to order 10 photolithography machines at the same time without a discount.

\Litske, don't laugh at mom ... mom doesn't dare to go out because she feels too insecure. \Now we can be alone...\

After I said this in a very low voice, there was no sound in the room except the roars and annoying sounds of zombies ing from outside.

but as more people flee and the crisis continues to spread, their vocational schools, which specialize in tourism services, puppetry and methods, are increasingly losing hope of opening classes or re-enrolling students.

the items originally stored in the warehouse, except for the puter where panda Feiyun was located, were all placed in a room in the mansion.

he really didn't dare to shoot, because although he was in a desperate situation, he was not dead yet. If he shot to pull out the zombies, it would be tragic. \the mayor responded immediately.\

xiaocui was already satisfied, so he didn't eat at that time, but sat next to beichen and continued to ask. ...wait a minute, didn’t the queen want to destroy the qin Alliance from the beginning?

please don't look at me with your cowboy eyes. he heard and understood clearly. I'm going to break you. Now flip the burger over or I'll shoot you!

thank you for my explanation. \

\Ahem, Uncle Fan, in addition to the farmers in our village, do immigrants also buy it?\

he was never irreplaceable. .

\but you certainly didn't see the sun this morning. what you saw today was noon!\

he doesn't talk much among his friends.

one year something big happened that pletely changed my destiny.

\xiaoyu, look at the electric stove, your eyes are almost on qin An's back!

After weng Lan finished speaking, he placed the backpack with food in front of him, and then carried the backpack and his son behind his back to free up his hands.

bai Feng believed that they were also here to do business, so he ignored these people.

who would have thought of such a cool operation?

huang Yu saw two girls jumping around the corner with a faint smile on their faces.

baby Amei was reluctantly raised by Yu chaomu because Amei promised to help xinxin and take care of other children.

After dinner, everyone returned to the room early, everyone wanted to have an early rest.

the fourth magical power of the divine blood Lord Sword is called Sweet Girl's blood, which allows anyone who has sex with her for the first time to receive the blessing of power and achieve the ultimate breakthrough in power.

\Girl, your mouth is so sweet!\ Ivan screamed and snapped his fingers. In an instant, tens of millions of astonishing energy appeared in the sky, powerfully affecting the dream!

Finally, chen Fan punched Liu Rong directly in the stomach. her right foot stood in the middle of her abdomen and touched the wall behind Liu Rong.

\tell me how many stars are there in the sky?

So, although we knew each other and had a good relationship, we lacked verbal munication and were physically close. .

Fan bing took out his sniper rifle and ran towards chen hu, saying arrogantly.

bai Feng smiled when he heard bao qingsong's words.

It doesn’t matter if it cannot be produced within a short period of time. Star Group can purchase some parts of the hospital and then use apocalyptic technology to innovate.

\mr. Liu, I want to buy one of your latest photolithography machines.\

he was really happy for Liu mingyu. Faced with interference from Europeans and Americans, the huawei team has been dealing with it for more than ten years, but starting from scratch has bee increasingly difficult.

through previous gentle conversations, weng Lan had memorized the names of four people for easy identification. I'm curious about how the lithography machine makes the chips. but wu Zhen was still held inmunicado. .

\besides mu Shanshan, there is also milk in the refrigerator. You can heat it up and drink it yourself!\

oh, what a horrible woman.

Very typical, let’s talk about master beichen. tang Yu initially took refuge in him, but in just a few years, tang Yu actually established an independent tang dynasty organization within his own power, but he was helpless. can he swallow this tone?

Guo Sihai knew that if he became the leader of the empire in the future, he would have to deal with the relationship between wood elves and humans. maybe you should try to cultivate Lu Yi.

moreover, after a short period of getting to know each other, they both understood each other's feelings and knew that no matter how important it was, as long as it was something that could be used, no one would get up and take it away.

ding dazhuang has been a gangster since he was a child. there is nothing he dares not do. he has been taught a lesson many times, but he is thick-skinned and not afraid to hit himself. .

\don't worry, it doesn't matter if you owe something.\ oh my God!

when one of Liu dongfeng and wang Yun returned to the room, they immediately started playing a horse riding game. of course, this time wang Yunzhi is the horse and Liu dongfeng is the master. .

hearing this, bai Feng knew that this man was just an ordinary person and he had no reason to be ashamed of him.

while the party is going on? the full version of Star Assistant has finally been downloaded.

\As far as munication goes, we have the right departments in place. I'm going to call the minister now and get him to answer...\

they shouted, but no one responded.

Fortunately, he could surmise that the patriarch's mental power was much lower than his. do you want me to sell myself?

\I understand your illness, but there is no good cure for bugs yet. In a few days, after we go to the place you mentioned and catch a lot of bugs, I will make a tree for you. After the purple light disappears, du Sunfei created the illusion that he could walk through the wall. Is he very rich? wang minjie asked curiously.

Liu Rong's headless body shook even more violently, and her body kept making heating sounds, as if thousands of ants were scurrying around in her body. I have had headaches since I was a child and have been suffering from them for a long time. I think you should get through today safely, nothing can endanger you!

Julia's face also turned pale, and she couldn't help but lean back and press her body against the wall.

Liu Yuanchao naturally didn't want to embarrass him, so he asked a very simple question, and Lan Yue answered it well. .

weng Lan felt that she was in a bad mood. he knew that Ludia was shocked by the shot he just took. If he didn't threaten her this time, wouldn't it take more effort to quiet her down ?

\woman, why are you so greedy! Although xingchen Group has only existed for a short time, the products launched by xingchen Group are better? In this sense, xingchen Group has already done it.\ She is very beautiful.

It is early morning in china, but it is still daytime in many countries and the peak has been reached.

things are strange. I became mr. beichen’s son. who would have thought someone could be so brave as to give up his own son to bee a spy? .

qi Yijiu's heart was slightly shaken. do men have to talk on walkie-talkies now?

before 129's three-edged military nail could hit Zhang Yue, Zhang Yue's hand had already hit 129's chest. .

Among the people present, he was the only one who urgently needed a photolithography machine. No matter what kind of mobile phones xingchen Group launches, xingchen Group still lacks many high-end chips.

Jing wentong looked at the mountain peak in front of him excitedly, \we are preparing to capture the city and kill the thieves.\

\haha, my dear! Not only is it unique, but it also has a special sense of design!\

chen Fan's pupils dilated slightly. the moment Liu Rong pulled out her claws from his neck, chen Fan suddenly opened his mouth and sighed.

At this time, the other end of the phone was busy.

what I didn’t have the courage to say before, I now dare to say it openly.

\thank you. I'm sweating on my forehead. Is this a dream?\

however, many of his friends know that he attended the xingchen Group's grand ceremony today as a happy bystander.


\he's angry!

while speaking, Lu Ya let go of his backpack and threw it towards weng Lan with an angry look on his face.

on the way, chong hanyu heard Yu chao’s order:

\Go straight, turn left, and turn right at the next traffic light. You are right. move quickly. there are no zombies in this area. Go through the park first...\

\where are you taking me?

For a time, everyone involved in lithography machines focused on xingchen Group. .

\this is actually xingchen's mobile phone, isn't it a concept phone?\

but the people here didn't even listen to xiao tao's words, so tang mo obviously didn't want to be unhappy, so he said goodbye to xiao hu and went home. .

Zhang Jianning is so handsome because of the walking posture of the helper elf. It would be perfect if it helps the genie to e out of the phone.

View the guide you placed on your phone's desktop.

Fortunately, xingchen Group's customer service system has now adopted a large number of artificial intelligence, otherwise it would have been attacked by these panies.

In addition to smartphones from xingchen Group, many small gifts were also distributed.

\can a level 50 blue boSS like the black Feather Eagle King really drop so many blue tools and one purple tool?\ \I want to kill qin An! As long as you name the instigator, I will make a decision. You don’t have to die.”

Are you still nervous? Feiyun said in exaggerated language.

\Never try to test nature, right?\ Ives was a little angry and yelled at weng Lan. )? does hua mulan know? .

Fan bing saw the big wolf running from a distance, the sniper rifle in his hand spurting red flames, and quickly said \hello\ to Song Yan. If xingchen Group dares to bring the lithography machine to the local area and produce it locally, it must have been tested, and there must be a problem with a certain program.

Although they all have some thoughts in their hearts, they simply don't have the courage to speak out. .

mr. Ren is older and sleeps more peacefully, and because Liu mingyu promised to talk to him more fully after the party yesterday, he woke up at six o'clock.

\pavilion master, this is the high-level monster location mark map sent by dark Star pavilion. Although the number is not large, dark Star pavilion has sent people to explore the locations of some high-level monsters. I believe it will be.\ In a few days, you will be there. You can find the coordinates of a large number of strange animals!

\I believe this.

back at the hotel, Zhang Jianning couldn't wait to exchange his mobile phone card for xingchen's mobile phone.

Yang Zhaoxiong continued: \mander Zhang, whaling is actually not as plicated as you think. Some primitive tribes may use small wooden boats to hunt whales. we just need to make the right changes.\

For Ge weiguo, Song Yan, this mysterious man, has already left an indelible mark on his heart! .

\It's funny ... makes people happy? willpower is a person's persistence. It is often explained by incredible willpower and so on to explain other people's persistence. that is a manifestation of greater willpower.\

bai Feng raised the corner of his mouth and said, \I just said, what's wrong, what's wrong?\

the world of technology is expected to experience explosive growth in the ing years.

Zhang Jianning was simply surprised when he saw this exaggerated layout. \Gu changqing said casually, but cheng Gang coughed.

After emptying the long bag, weng Lan gritted his teeth and seemed to think for a few seconds before finally deciding to grab qin Sanshan's petite body with one hand and push his legs into the bag.

It wasn't until he pleted this step that Jiang peng slowly raised his head from his serious work in the bar. perhaps because of the exercise, the ends of her short blond hair were soaked with sweat, and there was something stuck to her forehead.

\deutsche bank, are you sure you're not telling a science fiction story?

129 felt like he had been hit by a bullet. there was a sharp pain in his chest, followed by a sudden tightness in his chest. She felt like she couldn't breathe and was very unfortable. \Jing wentong thought about it for three seconds and then decided.\

countless spiritual energy fluctuations are \illusions\, but dreams are \real\.

hehe, tang Yu has always been a master at playing with people's hearts.

do you know there is a word called \introspection\?

A small closed room with an exit, this is what weng Lan dreams of now! how did you delete it?

wang hui limped up to wang Yunzhi, bent down and raised his buttocks.

\It fits!

It's all happening. I believe that the necessary spare parts will soon be manufactured entirely with the help of zombies.

\Let's go, let's deal with this ruthless alliance first. he dares to take advantage of Jiang cheng's attention.\ \does Yao dare?\ what a great intention.

Asmer always has access to the best lithography machines. Although china has its own lithography machines, it is still far from the best lithography machines. did he really want to steal her things?

previously, xingchen Group’s steel exports were temporarily suspended. If chips cannot be purchased now with the latest generation of lithography machines, prices will drop significantly.

the gap between the two can be bridged by $400 million, and I believe many panies are willing to spend that money.

And Liu xia's heart was beating very fast.

\Let's go hunting.\ we only get a meal when we bring it back and hand over the trophy. \

It is no exaggeration to say that tang mo seems to be very satisfied with the clan leader now. the fat meat is no longer fat, sweet and chubby.

It's unclear whether it actually burned.

\didn't I say it's been two days? what's the matter with you ing here now?\

the two decided to cook a dish each. Liu mingyu chose steaming, and huang Yu chose frying.

Liu mingyu waved his hand and said: \No need, I'm here on time. mr. Ren, e and try Longjing tea. this is a good thing passed down by brother ma.\

At the end of the tang dynasty, it was said that headaches occurred where the aura was. .

Although qin An is very familiar with Gu changqing, his thoughts have been directed to Gu changqing in recent years. therefore, Gu changqing still doesn't know qin An's true identity, so qin An will naturally reveal it to him.

the faint smell of sea water tickled her tongue and filled her mouth. he praised: \brother Yu, I didn't expect your shell to be very well made. It looks like it was made in a big hotel.\

... Lu Lixi didn't hear any ringing in the room, but it rang twice and she answered the phone.

but if you are looking for someone, then you can only look for Song Yan!

this is the xiangying clone ability used by Shengjian true God. pared with qin An, he is really far behind!

these were two people he was close to and grew up with. Is the current leader of the honorary mander-in-chief of the qin League Jiulong Liancheng?

Everyone will reflect on themselves, the positive and negative aspects of what they have done, and the positive and negative points.

At the same time, Zhang Yue quickly took out a medicine bottle and swallowed it directly. \the second in mand repeated.\

Elvis was a little shocked. the woman across from me was acting strangely. his sense of survival seemed very strong. otherwise, he wouldn't be so bored with so many things. why does he want to live so much?

they just didn't know that it was the same person who brought this tumultuous series to bancroft, and that there were several others who knew the truth.

xingchen Group's celebration not only caused an uproar in china, but also caused an uproar overseas after netizens uploaded it overseas. .

\I'm in the development zone, what are you looking for me for? I heard the sound of propellers!\


well, it still needs some tweaking, but when someone sees a picture of the help Elf, they can recognize it immediately. this is because our existing mobile apps don’t support true artificial intelligence. therefore, we can only use this method to appease everyone with artificial intelligence. but master, xiaocui loves you. I can let you touch my ass if you want, it's so bouncy!

None of them prepared a seafood feast, but they could prepare ordinary fish. Like before, Liu mingyu chose the simplest silent series.

Girl Ives is actually very good-natured, but the other three are not so friendly. .

he doesn't care about his brother's past, but assumes that chu Jiangyun's past will not interfere with the present.

the original price was US$500 million per unit, as evidenced by the announcement of a partnership with huawei Group. .

“I’m telling you, even if you kill me, don’t think it’s a pliment.

he usually uses it as an ordinary mobile phone and does not use the holographic display function. Unexpectedly, it was exposed. .

and then find a place to eat and have a nice chat?\

Yi Erjiu raised his hand coldly to block Zhang Yue's punch, and whispered: \Zhang Yue, don't be so shameless.\

the four people had different ideas, but weng Lan had already done it: he took off the stockings hanging on the clothesline in the yard. .

the flying clouds dispersed and new aliens appeared.

If huawei Group's 5G technology shocked them, then xingchen Group's lithography machine technology really shocked them. !

what they didn't expect was that the conference table bumped into them.

du Fei took a deep breath and prepared for his first space action . For safety reasons, he opened his Sharingan.

he took a burger out of his bag, ate half of it, and drank some water.

After all, the conference had just ended, and the people from the Five pavilions had just left and regrouped. could it be that something serious happened? .

\where are you? then convert the inflammatory energy into small leaves with the ability to ignite, follow the painful nerves, and pletely kill the spark cells in a microscopic way.\

\e to my room, you have to do me a favor!\

Externally, Asmer has the best lithography machine in the world, which can only be built by bining the most advanced technologies from different countries.

Even Zhou Yunping should know about him. when she heard he was ing, she had to go see him.

So when they were ordered to kill the earth dragon not far from their station, everyone was shocked.

he has shot Sam, who is black, and now has a hostile relationship with the man who confronts him. then how dare you sleep with him?

\In addition to the support of our audience friends, we can also see our friends in the live broadcast room at this moment. the overall success of this music festival is also inseparable from you.\

he didn't want to tell huang Yu that he was hit in the head.

this bold thing was to kneel down to Liu dongfeng, pretend to be a big horse, and then carry wang Yunzhi on his back for about three rounds. how does it work? I did not prevent them from entering the tang Empire. After all, can’t we be a family from now on?

Liu mingyu did not stop fighting and said with a smile: \okay, let's go now. I'll invite you to the villa for dinner tonight. After qin An goes in, her body turns into a ghost sword, and he can kill people.\ \It only takes a few moves to quickly defeat the Earth dragon. this is what distinguishes qin An from others. her team attack skills are not aimed at zombies, but are very convenient for dealing with people with group power.\

\mom, you are still so beautiful!

\I'm convinced that the vast majority of Antarctica's population is actually not penguins but whales.\ there are probably millions of whales in Antarctica. we only need to keep a few hundred to get rich. \


oh I see! .

huo Ye's words pointed out a general direction, and no one raised any objection. .

\where are you going?

As the economic backbone of Neon country, the Neon country government did not allow the Ito Group to disband on the grounds of social stability, despite the Ito manor tragedy that occurred some time ago.

this was Zhang Yue's punishment for taking the crazy potion.

Apart from selling photolithography machines produced by xingchen Group, no one should be able to spend a lot of money to buy photolithography machines, right?

he seems to know how to drive a wedge between the four of them. If he is still trapped tomorrow with no way out, he must bring Anvis here. At least it makes you feel like a good person. Until four different people agree. , then you still have a chance!

when they first decided to build a real smartphone, the two brothers received a prototype model. .

the middle-aged man took the belt, pulled han Shuang and turned around to leave. han Shuang turned around three steps and looked at chen mo. Seeing chen mo nodding to him, he gritted his teeth and left. \one of the managers, who looked very young, looked surprised. Unlike other managers, he continued to work hard in the pany. he had just taken a vacation these days and didn't know much about the pany.\

when weiguo looked away from the canteen, the soldier nodded.

the population of the apocalyptic world is limited. Even if everyone gets involved, it's too late.

After the establishment of the three main base cities, the various uses of energy crystals gradually became clear, and energy crystals even became the currency of the universe.

After reading it, chen mo handed it back to the middle-aged man, nodded and said, \han Shuang, I will leave it to my parents for safekeeping.\

129 also knows that 719 is now a very important symbol.

\Sigh... my cargo ship has been taken away by the aforementioned things a long time ago. I'm afraid I won't be able to get it back for a while. the resurrected person has more precise control over the body and can detect abnormalities in the body.\

Ludiya and Julie, who had been sleeping soundly, also woke up, with evil expressions on their faces, as if they were frightened by the sudden roar of the zombies.

Shangguan Feiyan said softly:

\okay, okay, xiaoyu, I won't tease you anymore!

but don't be so rude.

do you know how many players carry corpses and sell them for cooking?

these woven materials are all raw materials Yu chaomu purchased from low-altitude airlines. Nearby customers only receive finished products, regardless of raw materials. .

\then there won't be anything interesting going on in this country.\

Should we bring back the clone who has been with qin An all these years? !

\Yes, mom!\

xiao huihui protested, then looked at Fan bing and chen hu with disdain.

he is very happy. could it be that the tibetan government's rescue helicopter has arrived?

Yes, with he Gaoji's unswerving attitude of revenge, it was basically impossible for her to trust him again. .

Liu deyin was immediately shocked. the placement of the lithography machine is planned to be pleted within one year. he had no doubt. It's up to you to take care of the crowns that meet them and leave the red dots on Lurich and Shajun.

—————————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————

huo Ye used a lot of superpowers. Although he hurriedly searched for dai huaan's whereabouts, he never used his superpowers again. After knowing a little bit about the art of skin breathing, he started to try it, and it turned out that he was right. being taller is just a drop in the ocean.

Although they are not famous, they have a daughter!

qin An felt a little hairy when he saw him, Lan Yue said: \how many earthworms are there?\

tang Yu has encountered this situation before. It's not like she hasn't had feelings for other men over the years. but when he felt the slightest sensation, he suddenly developed a fever and fell into a a. Is not it? do you think this is interesting?

\No matter what happens, we can't sit still and wait for death! the haicheng invasion is over, and dong Sihai has finally shown his ability as the second generation Apocalypse leader.\ chen Fan also turned around and said. he lowered his head and took a look and replied: \originally we planned to go to this place. the mental hospital has established a base. After all, the terrain here is beautiful, especially the entire Yanjiang city. I didn't expect you to take it.\ the first one ! \

\Yes, brother wentong must take care of the ignorant people today.

Unless you see someone in person, you never know what the other person is really like.

gentlemen. p Again: Now I know the card.

blood immediately flowed and splashed on Liu Rong's face. In the blink of an eye, Liu Rong disappeared in front of chen Fan and reappeared where he disappeared before.

In the past, smartphones could not be called smartphones.

Zhang Yue smashed the fireball into pieces with one strike.

If he was willing, he could have pletely wiped them out a few years ago, because their strength was enough to support the entire tang dynasty!

So Yu chaomu received more than 300 embroidered handkerchiefs at once. After receiving the embroidered handkerchief, Yu chaomu did not break his promise. he bought 20 or 30 bags of rice from a low-flying plane and secretly dumped it into the truck partment where hanyu was looking for supplies. ...he tried to use the power of expansion in his body to control the tissue of the Spark cells , but the weak control was not enough to separate the Spark cells.

what is insight? .

\Are you ... telling me I'm funny?\

At the same time, the soft voice of the sleeping goddess came from outside. .

Ivan's eyes widened in surprise, \how do you know? the school has no students and is facing the influx of immigrants, so it opened the campus and rented it to immigrants. As revealed yesterday.\

catchers fare better. It was as if I was just a kid wandering the wilderness looking for food and suddenly I was there. he hugged me and then reminded me to hit him at the critical moment. After I pleted my mission, he quickly pushed me to escape, and then he and several other assassins were killed by bullets.

After sitting down, Liu dongfeng smiled and said: \dear, riding is really good, even at night (it is the real reading application for mobile phone users, Zongheng client, Zongheng application, you can search and download it through baidu, thank you. thank you. support.

It was very quiet in the living room. there are no zombies. A piece of wall collapsed. Under the moonlight, weng Lan could see zombies in the distance. the movement speed is not fast, and the zombie's ability to walk at night must be subject to certain limitations. Fall.

A middle-aged man who left the venue early was finally able to win back his first girlfriend.

without this belief, it is impossible to reach the ancestors, even if you are lucky, it is impossible! .

Standing in front of the three women was Jiang peng wearing a red top.

the family assets of the cen family only consist of stable real estate and land, land, real estate and other projects. From birth to age 18, the family gives each member a fund every year; they must do the rest themselves or their parents. Inheritance, and according to the cen family's regulations, the family will take back 20% of the cen family's inheritance, and the remaining 80% will be pleted according to the will.

\mr. Ren, please.\

however, Ivan retreated to the edge of the cliff. If he resurrects the Arowana gene, even if it is reprogrammed, the Arowana gene will be disrupted again. only by breaking through the A+ score can you survive. Ivan worked tirelessly on research. the crazy decisions in his subconscious made him dizzy. countless data are flying in the air. Eventually, he succeeded. this was a performance that shocked the world. .

Liu mingyu smiled, relaxed and without a trace of nervousness.

there are even carcasses of ancient animals on display in the museum, funerary objects on display in front of the counter, and even the weapons excavated on site are still as sharp as ever!

Finally, in the winter of the second year after the end of the world, they went through all kinds of hardships and brought me to Shaanxi. At this time, tang Yu already had some power in the local area, and the organizational structure of the tang dynasty was initially formed. .

\Let's not talk about that.\ they arrive promptly to update you on the status of the sale. mr. murakami, I saw you first! I actually killed qin An!

Now it seems that the moling Sect and the destiny Sect have officially joined forces to challenge tibet.

only by trying it yourself can you understand how difficult it is to design lithography chips and machines from scratch.

but I'm actually very grateful to him. At least he didn't order me to kill mr. beichen myself. After all, he is my stepfather and treats me like his own son. It has nothing to do with advanced lithography machines.

huang Yu didn't dare to sit down, so he quickly took the food and started eating. he also ate the same dish Liu mingyu brought.

most of these books are piled by old people in wuxi Village. they have hundreds of years of history and the efforts of many people. .

\xingchen Group is strong and dominant and produces steel locally.\

hearing the sound of the lithography machine, mr. Ren also sat up straight and finally started working after discussing it for so long.

because there will be wars and petition for resources, some inner voices against tang Yu will gradually weaken. Everyone understands that when tang Yu fights with others, the person involved in the end will not be tang Yu himself, but a person at that time. the tang dynasty's alliance was not yet pletely unified.

three hundred delighted viewers immediately uploaded it to wechat moments to show off their mobile phones.

however, most panies' investments are relatively low, typically around $500 million.

qin An smiled and said, this is easy to solve! .

the team members immediately began analysis. the more they analyze, the more embarrassed they bee. there doesn't seem to be anything going on there, right?

“brother ma, do you think the artificial intelligence
