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66读书 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第65章 后记023.233

第65章 后记023.233

66读书 www.66dushu.com,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!


ood warehouse in city c.

\Zhang Guoji, Leslie cheung, let's have dinner together?

As a result, the other three people also stepped forward, with mixed emotions.

If that doesn't work, it's not impossible to let them kill people. Anyway, there are a lot of damn people in this world. we just need to control the amount and pace of killing.

\Yes, I came here to take back the treasure that belongs to me, you know?

Li dajuan sighed, \Forget it, just stay single. Anyway, there are big and small puddings, and our old Zhang family doesn't need grandchildren.\

chen mo and chen mo stood in the middle of the charcoal fire, hundreds of meters around. only a small area of land with a radius of more than two meters under chen mo's feet was still covered with grass, and the rest finally turned into darkness. . . . .

A smile appeared on Lie hongshan's face. he seemed to understand her words, but Song Yan stood beside him, looking confused.

why do people who showed no signs yesterday bee stronger today?

bang bang bang shoot! .

\okay, no problem, I will tell you when the time es. but how tough is their skin? After all, it was changed by humans.\

\Is there life there?

After driving for more than 10 kilometers, we arrived at Fuyao city, which is surrounded by mountains on three sides. on Isle, she possesses the greatest strength to fight alongside Rex. Killing takes place in the blink of an eye. Just as soon as his spirit was shaken, the werewolf evolver seized the opportunity to attack the opponent and tear the opponent into pieces with his claws. two twins.

Liu daiwei. because if it were his parents, he wouldn't be able to do this.

there are five bicycles and two tricycles driving on the roads of Linhe city.

Although, judging from walker's gun, gunpowder weapons are still very important doomsday weapons, but they are still a hundred years ahead of the real world, so he does not believe that there are not more advanced weapons.

time passed slowly and ten minutes passed. Just when qin An looked at Li Na and felt a little tired, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Liu mingyu didn't say anything more and immediately opened the backpack he made for you. these 20 gold nuggets were processed into 500 grams each, sparkling under the golden light.

walking to the living corpses running in front, the two living corpses smelled the scent of living people, roared with joy, quickened their pace, and walked towards bai Feng.

ponyo ran through the door to the giant, screamed, bared her teeth, and threw herself on his knees. .


before leaving, huo Ye said to Jiang Feng, who had once said that he would stay with him life and death: \Your parents are so naive. You will be very happy. this power is iron! Yes.\ they only killed people. . Everyone is telling her this these days. I'm aware of my doubts, so I'm admitting them to everyone now. taking order!

\Go down, I'm ing down.

So he must go back and not leave behind the school's rare treasures.

If you kill a lot of specialized zombies, you're going to be in trouble. .

Zhang hao said calmly: \Father, I have already thought about it clearly. he is old, da pudding and the others are still young, and I cannot escape my responsibilities.

thinking in his mind, qin An arrived at the gate of Fuyao city.

however, huo was still very satisfied. After all, Shangguan Yudie is also a simple person. If he is not satisfied, he will tell huo Ye directly without worrying about huo Ye guessing. .

dongyue mount tai, at the foot of the mountain, Zhao Feng was walking slowly along the mountain road, following chen mo, still a little excited. Ivan's back was scratched by the mutated giant termite king. there was a scar over a foot long. blood immediately flowed and his clothes turned blood red. the flesh on both sides was torn and twisted. It's so scary and sad. If he hadn't been so anxious just now, I'm afraid your heart would hurt if you avoided him. If you've ever had your heart broken, I'm afraid it will show up here soon!

In the empty, dark tunnel, countless night pearls suddenly lit up, and the room suddenly lit up.

No matter what, he is better than Yu chaomu who has nothing. ! .

After big pudding left, ma Ruijie immediately sent three chairs, and then casually discussed internal affairs with Zhang chongxin, making the old man laugh. oh, my goal is you from beginning to end!

\Gruss, what did you find?

A stone monument as big as a twenty-story office building represents the end of the world. It's simple and attractive. three main characters are engraved on it: Nantianmen.

peng Linxin realized the horror of human nature. Among those three people, he only had a few relatives and friends. when an accident occurred at his home, the whole family not only failed to help him, but when the situation became more and more serious, he also tried to divide the family property. Later, at the age of eighteen, he joined the army himself. this weapon... has arrows attached to the rope. After high energy injection, it can be used as an arm and can be freely extended and contracted. he seems to have seen it somewhere!

\It's hard for me to see that after so many years, xiao hao still loves her younger siblings deeply. I just checked his room and xiao Lin's photos were discovered again.\

In the eyes of their generation, no matter how big the goal is, it is nothing more than offering sacrifices to their ancestors. what are some important things you can do with your fourth child?

So far, no traces of specific zombie activity have been found.

Everything in this world seems to have stopped.

the whole world suddenly seemed to stop.

do you want to attack the Nanda base yourself?

but suddenly Alice said: \brother, I asked Reremi to do it, don't blame him! why do you?\

when Zhao Yaya heard this, her face was full of surprise, and she said in surprise: \Really?

what do you need most to survive the apocalypse? \hu Ye spoke very modestly at that time.\

Now I have to figure out how to sell the 240 grams of gold I own so I don't have time to do small things like go to work.

In the long run, the child has no symbolic qualities, so he or she is not strong or energetic. he relies solely on his own strength in battle. .

Yangyang lowered his head, his eyes sharp, as if the boy's xiaoyou had just grown out, and was killed by chong hanyu's nod to Yu chaomu's side.

Liu mingyu carefully left the room and came to the corridor.

the boss is up, it's time to get him a weapon. A guy like him is very muscular, and when he wakes up, he's just as muscular as Arnold. clearly not suitable for weapons. tauren warriors should be his reinforcements. , so heavy melee weapons should be a priority.

Seeing this, Zhang hao frowned. Now he can't see any trash.

I know you are exhausted physically and mentally! \Village chief Fan cooperated immediately.\

\tie them up. huo Ye didn't hesitate. It was obvious. he took the book and drew a picture. It was still a simple word \wu\. then he thought about it and drew it very smoothly. \huo Ye.

big pudding and Little pudding bowed and couldn't wait to receive the new year's money. the two brothers already knew how important money was when they were in the second semester of elementary school. .

\Grandma, are you telling the truth?\

“how are we going to get out if there are exotic animals?

\Isn't this true?

prosperity! chen mo shook his head. She is a woman from qinling mountains. If you kill him, you can see the pain of qinling. Isn't it wonderful? Even if your account is suspended, you can easily change your account and continue playing!

In the late tang dynasty, maybe you were not so powerful because of your own excellent qualities? however, the human head is still plex because it has facial features, which represent the body's connection to the outside world. So Kim hyun-joo used a lot of strength and power in her body to fix his head.

“Little brother, let’s rest!


xiao Fei closed her eyes, but the tears couldn't stop flowing into her mouth that tasted of sadness.

Empty cups sit on the coffee table. .

when Zhang hao saw his eldest son ing, he took the basket and taught them together: \You two, remember, it doesn't matter if you don't get the bonus. when the summer vacation es, your father will take you with him.\ he. \take some money to buy gifts.\ Liston nodded, and then stepped forward and suggested: \old Zhang, our pany also has a lot of ready-made food in the warehouse.\ doomsday - canned food. If you are interested, we can arrange it for you at a reasonable price. Also the first in Revelation. master; master

\dear listeners, what we are seeing now is the highlight of today's Jackdaw Festival.\ According to reliable information, there will be a good show here today! Your feelings will not weaken over time.

\we gave away all the food in the house in exchange, or will you eat me?\

bang bang bang

A series of muffled sounds sounded, and Nagakawa Yangyi was immediately shot through the body. he screamed in pain and fell from the sky like a big bird hit by an arrow.

In the past two days, parents often said that the care in kindergartens was not guaranteed, resulting in many children in kindergartens having fevers and falling ill, and fewer and fewer children needing to go to the intensive care unit. memory shows that this piece of amethyst should be called \lambda floating crystal\, and its chinese name is \dream Net\. As long as it takes the power of faith, it has the power to make dreams e true. .

\Already agreed.\ chen Yang couldn't control his emotions and walked towards you. to punish him, have him take two other people with you.

Ivan felt his ears were itching all the time, and his heart had sunk to the ground. he went crazy and crushed all the remaining worms into gravy. he can't die anymore. Unfortunately, it was difficult to get rid of the nematodes that had invaded his ears. Instead of going home, I went to my favorite qingluanlou fast food restaurant and bought a chicken bigger than my face - in!

At nine o'clock in the morning, Zhang hao and his party came to the tin factory again. wriston's state of consciousness had changed, and he seemed particularly happy.

Apparently Z5 fled to other places as soon as he entered the house.

Alice sat down angrily, grabbed huo Ye's coke and drank it in one gulp, not hating huo Ye.

he laughed, immediately rushed forward and pushed Li Na to the sofa.

I followed the people in front of me, walked a short distance into the basement, and then followed the ramp to the second floor of the basement. .


Liu mingyu thought for a while and said, \e on, there are different types of armor-piercing bullets. Give me 100,000 of each type.\

At the same time, Ivan suddenly took another step forward and climbed up. After saying that, he and Zhou Yu went to the kitchen. with the blessing of new weapons, Song Yan's attack speed increased again.

Until now, he had not realized how the other party transported such a large number of weapons from New York.

Not Iron man, but xiao Fei.

It is best to buy powerful individual weapons, such as: b. Rocket launcher. otherwise, just relying on ordinary guns may not be able to harm specialized zombies.

Some small memories flashed through qin xiaoyan's mind, and her face turned unusually red. \Lei Li also knows huo Ye very well.

du Fei's wind sword continued to emit streaks of sword light, cutting bloody wounds on the werewolf evolver's body. this sister’s tongue is so long! .

this is not the first time she has sent her daughter here. Since her last visit to the zoo, my daughter has been playing here almost every weekend and never gets bored.

huo Ye almost choked on his coke and shouted, \damn it, why did you hit me?\


half an hour later, the harvest was officially over.

why Zhang Zhixue followed the example of former leaders

her leadership style is not only to better lead the troops, but also to remember her wonderful husband.

You work for chaoma, don't worry! Lelin immediately put the bank card back into his wallet and his inner pocket: \thank you, thank you.\ \but that's not important. what's important is that you finally have the strength to protect yourself and your family. the world.\

After thinking for a long time, du Fei finally decided to try his luck. As long as the damaged tree is found and removed tonight, he can avoid the first wave of threats.

Fortunately, regardless of whether Zhong Runyu is a normal person or not, her living conditions before and after the end of the world are much better than Yu chaomu's actual conditions. Armored bullets cost $50 each. Intelligent program number 2012 is at your service. this program answers questions about \λdriver crystal\.


he pulled out the second weapon and stabbed the skeleton's eyes and hands with the tip of the knife with one hand. with a forceful wave, he extinguished their flames in the air and pleted the harvest in order of front and rear positions.

this encouragement is called defending to the death what is most important to you.

As the saying goes, if you want to treat others with dignity, you must have a plan! .

\that's true, but I have a better project here, do you want to hear about it?\

he used the power of heaven and earth, as well as the power of doctrine, to resist chen mo's attack. .

Song Yan didn't hesitate at all. the zombies at the door heard the noise and rushed over one after another. If they don't move fast enough, they will all be eaten by zombies!

A pen appeared in his hand and chen mo stabbed Shao Zun directly. but what chen mo didn't expect was that the secretary next to Shao Zun actually attacked Shao Zun on the spot.

After hearing what happened to the mother and daughter, they were immersed in loss all night, thinking of their relatives and friends.

the secretary gave chen Yang a cold look, then turned around and went in to talk to Shao Zun. After a while, he pointed the bodyguard toward the door.

\Uncle, I can still receive money.\ If you must give it, give it to your mother. \


Liu mingyu turned on his phone and received a text message after a while, saying that he had received 2.5 million yuan. .

Village chief Fan did not refuse.

\brothers, be quiet.\ A man with an obviously sparse beard suddenly ran out of the door and said with a smile. what do you think? \

Li Ying is a talented woman. After graduation he worked as a salesman for a wealthy pharmaceutical pany. his monthly salary is more than 10,000 yuan.

Liu xing took the sniper rifle from Zeng qiang and shot the zombie in the head, ending his fate.

As for the concept of a door, it is simply beyond the prehension of alien animal intelligence. .

with a loud shout, chen mo showed a sneer on his face, holding the dragon gun in his hand, and slowly stepped forward.

Zhang Yang said quickly: \I'm fine, qianqian. I was walking home. he should have arrived home. don't go out. protect yourself. I will go find you when it is safe. Are you okay?\ Go home, don't go there ...\ As soon as he finished speaking, the screen of his mobile phone went black and turned off automatically.

At this moment, the light of the electric pot suddenly went out. bai Feng stepped forward to take a look. he pressed the button several times, but nothing happened. bai Feng turned on the light in the room again, but there was no response or anything. .

qin An nodded and said: \okay!

qin An closed his eyes and looked carefully. there are no zombies on the city streets, which means there may be living people here!

Yuzhe believes in Lelin's experience and ability, and is waiting for Lelin to give him a big surprise.

Zhao boguang felt a little guilty when he thought of everything that happened that night. For several days, she did not dare to call her sister.

chen Fan served as the president of the student union when he was in school. he could easily pose such inspiring brainwashing lyrics, but this talent was buried after he entered society.

pared with reality, love turns out to be so insignificant.

Zombies are a type of human with no elemental evolution.


\Really, if you are worried, I can make a big bet. In short, the lower the price, the bigger the order I will place. It depends on your performance.\

\It!\ dou qingyuan told Yuzhe firmly: \Zombies, no matter how smart they are, can't swim. this is an unfortable fear, just like rabies, they are afraid of water.\

qin xiaoyan sighed lightly and accepted everything. he knew that if he wanted to survive, the only thing he could do was to follow the man in front of him unconditionally.

chen Yang and others could not help but admire the master Liu xing mentioned. they repeatedly asked teacher Liu xing what his name was and where he was now. humiliated, hu Ze suddenly knelt down and, regardless of the high temperature, lifted his severed arm from the burning pot, took a bite of the meat, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

clean canned casings are also very useful.

Alice's fake huo was also invited, and huo will also learn from Ke Zhen. Alice's student status was also transferred to Ke Zhen's name. this was Eddie's greeting, and Ke Zhen originally had Alice. when the teacher asked someone, he said:

\master huo is already here with me. If you don't let my sister e, the whole family will be fine, you know?

\hey, yes...\ before Zhao Yaya could finish her words, there was a \click\ and the lights in the entire square suddenly went out, and the square suddenly became dark.

he controlled a ball of mental power, swooped down to the ground, and caught the thrown pony without hitting the ground heavily.

the salesperson in the adventure store is a middle-aged woman in her fifties. Seeing Lelin playing with her bank card, she reminded her: \In the classroom, it is best not to play with the bank card in your hand, the bank loves you.\ the card is designed for small amounts and does not require a password. In the event of a loss, some people are unable to withdraw their money from the bank but can use it to pay bills.

\don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just want to prove to everyone that on this side of the world, we are very capable of cannibalism, especially in cannibalism.\

\but this is not my dream!

It turns out that Zhong Runyu and Shen Lan knew each other before the end of the world. And then wait quietly for the end of the world?

As soon as it moved, many people flew out. chen mo threw thousands of soldiers and threw people directly to the front.

back downstairs, he wanted to sleep for a while, but was stopped by his father.

\No problem, I can tell you the cost price.\

the biggest cost is electricity. mogu Gardens uses electricity generated by wind turbines. Electricity is not cheap. of course, the price of incense drums will also rise with the tide.

the distance of two hundred meters passed in the blink of an eye, and bai Feng was already less than a hundred meters away from Z5. Lelin thanked him again and quickly opened the door and went out.

\these blackouts are mainly due to energy shortages caused by the loss of oil fields in the middle East. I'm afraid it won't end anytime soon, so everyone needs to be mentally prepared.\

Even if he is a normal person and does not enjoy reincarnation, his life in the last days will not be worse than that of normal people. what do you think?

maybe I'll take some responsibility! .

there was a series of noises from above, and the strange beasts nearby also heard the noises, raised their heads, and looked around. Finally, he saw some people running wildly and started to give chase. At this time, there were not many energy crystals left in the zombie body. After a few hours, it will pletely evaporate.

the girl took the registration form and read it over and over again.

I would like to add here that xianggu is not free. It is home to 300,000 people. the quota I gave them was two hundred thousand. there are still 100,000 people waiting for treatment. do you want to watch these 100,000 people being killed?

tang mo looked up and saw wen qing. his name is qin xiaoyan, but he is much fatter than you.

\no problem.\

As he spoke, he continued walking forward and came to a shelf with bottled water. A short-haired woman following him pushed seven shopping carts stacked on top of each other, filled with mineral water and various drinks. , put the softball bat in your shopping cart and have your hands free to carry the goods.

they were really successful.


there will definitely be no staff on duty at the gas station this time.

After a brief pause, Shao Zun raised his head, a sarcastic smile appearing on his handsome face.

In qin city, qin xiaoyan has already begun to miss qin An, who has been here for a day. .

Zhang hao warned again. It must match chu xuan’s power of faith. If you can think it, you can do it.

\mom, you were lied to.

at this point.

Even though there is a huge strength gap of several years between him and chong hanyu, as long as he is willing to work hard, there is no certainty who will win or lose.

the little girl took the bag, opened it, and was surprised. .

A sneer appeared on the corner of Shao Zun's mouth. If we knew it was two brothers, even if we had ten courages, we would not have the courage to act!

went by plane?

trembling all over, he stood up again and ran towards tiexia.

\Grandma, there are five classmates in total.\

In the end, the twins were at a disadvantage because of their age: unable to keep up with the older kids, neither one made the top five and only got a consolation prize in the end.

qin An could only step forward and try to help Li Na up. I just didn’t expect that this Z5 could really hide it. doesn't he know that bai Feng has the power of spiritual deception? .

\don't you want to be a police officer?\

\It es from animal feces and offal.\ these parts have a strong flavor and cannot be eaten directly, so they can only be processed this way. \

\Stop, run, run!

qin An did not stop and caught up with Li Na, then slowed down and found that she was still lying on the ground motionless! .

Suddenly a ray of light flashed, and the three of them asked one after another: \who are you?\ chen Fan stepped forward and said softly and hypocritically. .

\You can't say you're sorry.\ At least you realized your mistake. After all, he is almost thirty years old. If it doesn't meet expectations, it's a joke. Are you planning to leave the team? \protect wan Shilei?

the players who decided to stay weren't as shy as rats, but they also couldn't adapt to the outside world. ! bai Feng had a headache, and Zhou Yu on the ground also felt better. do you want to do this? .

then Zhang hao showed a bright smile.

when he looked down, he saw a flash of light. that should be the end, right? .

the boys greet each other alone. .

Li Ying shook her head and said: \No!

Le Lin also showed his tang dao, but his tone was calmer, \Are you upstairs?\ huo Ye said helplessly.

\Net weight: one hundred and fifty grams.

Suddenly he shouted, asking his men to follow him and protect him.

If placed elsewhere, it will inevitably damage some of the environment of the villa area. ;

bai Feng shook his head, and then sisters Li Yaqing and Li Fangfang also walked out. I didn't expect it to be on the beach.

Several children who were practicing swordsmanship in the grass ran towards Yu chaomu, surrounded him, and walked towards the caravan where xixi was standing. ! .

Zhang Yue nodded, looked at the sky, and whispered: \thank you later.\

qin An is on the balcony every day, using binoculars to observe the situation below. Salvation seems uncertain. the once prosperous hanghai city has truly turned into a dead city!

Zhang Yang and the other four felt that these zombies were too powerful. According to the law of conservation of energy, sufficient energy is required to occur.

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Liu'er is a second-rate programmer. knight

As the supper was being prepared, chris o'corrigan's fleet landed one by one at camelback Airport. .

Zhang Yue shook his head and whispered: \It's nothing.\

he threw the ax loaded with spiritual energy with all his strength, and the target was the giant's first knee. .

Zhang hao couldn't help but sigh, \Uncle Fan, as the so-called 'Spring River plumbing duck prophet', these residents have a worse sense of security than us and are more likely to feel the changes in society.\ It looks like wine. \It's definitely going to change.\

this time, Liu mingyu plans to buy rice, bacon and salt in bulk here.

the little boy who appeared behind him was not at all within the scope of his fear. .

Zhang hao waved his hand quickly. Zhang hao paused and asked cautiously: \Father, Second Uncle and the others are here, do you have any other ideas?\ this shit! .

on the other side of the team, Alice laughed loudly at everyone: \haha, darkness, have you noticed it?\

he is now level 20 and his symptoms have improved significantly. According to you, you don't want them to move here? .


\chen hu and Lu qi, two normal people, can kill zombies and are fearless. You deserve this opportunity to grow!\

qin An couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Jin xianzhu's angry tone and heard her exclaiming that she was an old woman.

Almost spontaneously and without any choice, Yu chaomu began to think about the current situation that was beneficial to him. this is the simplest wish for survival for a person who has been wandering in the apocalypse for many years. .

\Are you kidding me?\

\write a book?\

he was a little excited. Since Song Zhan left, he has been fighting alone again. It's really unfortable to be alone.

\I was wrong, please let me go. Li qinxin is yours. I will not take her away from you. I will give you money, lots and lots of money, as much as you want. Let me go!\ .

huo Ye winked at Alice, and Alice also saw the broken doorbell, so she stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Li Na, who died before, traveled here for seven days, but this Li Na traveled through time not long ago. .

\Goodbye then; well bye!\

Zhang Yue suddenly felt a furry feeling for no reason, as if a pair of invisible hands were on his neck. the blood flowed back to the whole body, and he felt goosebumps all over his body. \

Lie hongshan stood at the door and said in a deep voice inside the cave.

huo Ye then sent Shangguan Yudie back to her home, and then sent him back to her home.

\I want to play games with you!\ the old star spirit said. Zhang hao shook his head and then expressed his opinion, \however, I think this is probably a rumor. we are in a state of emergency and war, and agents cannot change easily.\

It is delivered via a dedicated mobile phone and assisted using artificial intelligence. he wasn't worried that someone would get his information or that other leads would follow him.

the best thing is the smoke produced by fireworks, but such fireworks cannot last long.

the tension in the whole body disappeared immediately, and then the familiar old man's voice came:

\Very well, you did a good job. If I am lonely, I will be richly rewarded!\

the loud noise did not scare tang mo, but rather surprised him. he knew what that sound was like.

oh! to hell with this evil woman!

\do you understand now?

the most annoying thing is that even Fan bing is busier than him! .

“photovoltaic power plants are the first step in our regional expansion.”

Li Na was a little shocked. he hesitated for a moment and walked to qin xiaoyan. After looking at qin xiaoyan's face for a long time, he showed a shocked expression and said with a small mouth: \You ... look very much like one of my former classmates.\! follow me. It was like a flood, at least a million or so, all ing in the same direction, making people's skin tingle.

Seeing that the nearest living corpse was about thirty meters away, he carefully turned to the ladder, leaned against the wall, and quickly climbed up.

Zhang Yue sneered and said coldly: \brother, we are guests from afar.\ Liu mingyu used to chat often. he had no idea how much an RpG-7 would cost on the market. Judging from the current transaction prices, the two are expected to be roughly the same. ....

And how could God let people in at will?

From the house number, we can confirm that this floor is the tenth floor. the total floor height cannot be estimated, but according to visual inspection it should not exceed 25 floors, with the tenth floor in the middle. .

Just then, the sound suddenly stopped and all that could be heard from the radio was meaningless noise. \Jiang Feng is indeed a little expert on human suicide. Not only does he want to die well, he also wants to invite Lelimio to go with him. he doesn't want huo Ye to be angry.\ he knew she did this, how could you kill them?

with a joking smile in her eyes, she watched him leave:

\hua di has bee important again. Unfortunately, this world must now belong to our noble bloodline!\

but a developed body must be uncontrollable, at least not by technical means. the developed body cannot be controlled solely by the helmet-like device worn on the wolf's head.

Among these people, there was a man who looked like a boss. he had a cigarette in his mouth and asked casually: \xue Yang, how is the power plant?\

\what the hell?

he thought Liu mingyu was lying to him, so he replied with a smile: \okay, but what kind of business do you want to open?\ Lelin focused his eyes on this place, which roughly covers most of china.

At the toll booth I encountered a red-eyed zombie and a large group of pink-eyed zombies.

According to Song Yan's memory, there is a specially designed zombie in huanjiang city near Nanshan city.

\how dare you hurt Sister xue!\

Several men looked at Yu chaomu with blank expressions. to be honest, don't look at Yu chaomu's lazy, carefree and nonchalant look. he is a demon cultivator, and his figure has the natural softness and simplicity of a demon cultivator. his skin was pale and soft, like that of a demon breeder. bing's charming and lazy eyes have an indescribable charm.

Lan qianqian still looked at the screen and said, \Are you interested in this kind of thing?\

there are very few cars on campus, and even those that do have no keys or gasoline. A bicycle is the best tool.

Under normal circumstances, without Z5 guidance, these low-level zombies should more or less fall into chaos. Even if there is a Z4 inside, it shouldn't be so fierce without Z5 suppression. Zhang hao nodded in agreement. \our pany has hay, but we can't sell it to you.\

Although he has now entered chong Runyu's body, Yu chaomu still doesn't want Shen Lan, no!

Your journey remains focused on Sora's colony, with journeys to outer colonies only a small part of the way.

huo Ye and Shangguan Yudie held hands and stared at the big screen for a long time, unable to calm down.

he stood in shock, wondering who the woman was and why she had e to him. ;

the middle-aged woman laughed and said, \okay, okay, what you said makes sense. don't be too tired. when it's time to relax, just relax and go home.\ don't use washing powder when washing clothes, and use water. can be used to wipe the body!

Village chief Fan was so excited that he couldn't wait to say: \old Zhang, stop being secretive and tell me quickly!\

Guo haoyu looked at the destroyed world and couldn't help but sigh:

\Luckily I ran out.\ If I lived in the living room, shouldn't I feed the zombies? tian bing smiled sweetly. , 1999.

then enter the house and lock the security door.

the wide range of applications leads to mass production of such materials, which also means lower prices.

You are not highly educated, nor are you the kind of person who can speak well, and we don’t have much background in this city !

he didn't know where his trust in Song Yan came from, but he had to follow Song Yan.

when bai Feng went down, he saw that the nearest living corpse was about twenty meters away, and there were only three living corpses at the intersection of the supermarket.

the scientific research group of Aviation Island adopts a mercial system for internal management. Yoichi Egawa is the pany's cEo, so others often refer to him as president.

\xingwazi, tell me what's going on!

Yang Yang is a handsome boy who, given time, will grow into an excellent and polite man. however, his imagination is not mature enough for his age and can easily be abused and misled by people with malicious intentions.

but she and wen Jianshu have been together for two years. If she no longer agrees to the marriage, it would be really unfair to Jian Shu...

Lin Yi has already thought of it. her daughter was going to work soon, so it was time for her to talk about it. .

\Gus, do you call this good news?\

Zhao Feng said to himself.

move the stars and change the situation of the battle.

the Alchemy Furnace and heartfire buttons are now gray, as if they haven't been turned on. .

the light gray magic beads landed lightly on the bones, causing a small explosion. .

this is the most mon way to borrow money from a dream.

the Z5 crystal is slightly reddish, and the higher the ratio, the darker the red color inside. If this rat creature successfully transforms, its intelligence will increase exponentially, as will its playfulness and playfulness.

but no matter how hard he tried, they were getting closer and closer to the house, only a few dozen meters away. .

After expressing his anger, bai Feng jumped up the stairs.

In theory, white sugar has no shelf life and can still be used hundreds or thousands of years later if stored properly. Liu mingyu said. huo Ye was unhappy at the time. Just listen to him shout: \xiao Ai, what are you doing?\

Zhang Yang has lost the pleasure of absorbing crystals because the frequency of encountering red-eyed zombies is getting higher and higher, the number of weaker white-eyed zombies has decreased, and the number of pink-eyed zombies has increased. . . . Father Liu shouted quickly.

the inner energy is pure and rich, pletely made for vampires. the ability to absorb this energy is a great addition!

when he heard that Liu mingyu would not go to work, Shi dawei did not try to persuade him. In his opinion, taking a day or two off is not important.

contrary to popular belief, families like hers place a high priority on the education of their next generation. Second-generation Internet dudes do exist, but not in large numbers.

Although Lin Yi and wen Jianshu have been dating for two years, she is still working hard. No matter how wen Jianshu forted him, he never took away a penny from him.

\Let's go!

Suddenly there was a burst of electronic sound, as cold as a phone message: \Search for intelligent life forms, confirm the brain wavelength λ.\

be rebuilt after Zhang Yang and others left. he was really speechless. .

Lie hongshan said that they can now be taken to the place where Song Yan originally was, and like the locals, they can pass on the power of faith.

the discovery of this ghost-killing drug is simply a revolutionary achievement, and it is expected to win the Nobel prize this year!

huo Ye was impressed by his ferocious look and was a little excited for a moment, \I look really good when I wear a mask and fight!\

trade the rope for a jade pendant, buy medicine, and go to a sporting goods store to buy a few sets of tools. Although these three items alone cost her less than half of her savings, she never felt desperate. After the Apocalypse, nothing will be more important than these few things. Nothing could be more beneficial.

\those who want to follow me, chen Fan, to go out to sea and work hard, must take this pill now and be strong, so that they have the capital to follow me!\

this is actually in line with the characteristics of the traditional zombie d-type virus in Yu Zhe's knowledge base. the only one who missed the target was dou qingyuan, a group of strange zombies who claimed to be mutants.

It’s okay if you don’t see it, but if you do, you’ll see something. \Father mozes saw that the atmosphere was tense and worried that the dispute would get out of control, so he quickly calmed them down.\

\It's too far. It's boring. You should have a good rest before school starts. You didn't get enough rest when you were breastfeeding me.\

\this is real.

because in the opinion of the head of the chu family, there was no need to discuss this matter with his family. Except for chu Jiangyun, none of them could help.

because according to him, the tools for players of this era have already taken shape. In fact, as long as you don't do things that consume extremely resources such as equipment, if you are just trying to survive, then the life you spend will not be so good. ....See you at the high school championships!

\I'm here, oh, by the way, I have something to explain to you. do you still have contact with Song Zhan?

Students, teachers, survivors from the outside world, and people who heard the news rushed to the gate of Nanzhou University.

“well, then sell it.

the old man clearly saw the barrel of the weapon, and immediately did not dare to move. he lowered his head with the flaming ax in his hand. huo Ye and Shangguan Yudie covered their ears in time, otherwise their eardrums might be punctured. the decibel and high pitch were no less than huo Ye's ghost scream.


In the western world, in front of a magnificent palace, a palm-sized bat flew slowly through the window like a bird. .

hearing Liu mingyu's words, dougal Liu mingyu's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: \master Liu, there are three types of harpoon armor-piercing bullets. wait a minute and let me count the costs.\

In the evening, the sun slowly sets. At the end of the tang dynasty, he planned a good time to go to the market and bought a lot of vegetables. when he saw how the adults and old ladies in the market were bargaining with the sellers, his eyes slowly turned red.

Even in the middle of the head.

Even if the end of the world is ing, it cannot stop human curiosity and gossip. As the only person in the village who sends messages in the chat room, wang xiao is considered a celebrity in Nanzhou.

Yu Zhe suggested, \the family group can go out and take risks. we are not a private army, but we are new officials.\

when he initially claimed that qianqian was his girlfriend, qianqian resisted, but later softened her attitude.

\old lie!

of course, on the way back, they went to the home of Jiang Feng, the last interstellar member of the Sun colony.

the two came to Jiang Feng's house happily. Jiang Feng's parents were also very excited, especially Jiang tong. Although he is dean bancroft, he has no dignity as a teacher and is just like an ordinary elder. , friendly and kind.

It is the pearl of vitality.

Following the same routine, bai Feng killed the remaining five L4s in only twenty minutes.

\Go south.

Soon the growing tribe began to struggle for the house. but it wasn't enough, mumu continued to grow at an incredible rate.

of course, the farmer's market doesn't open at 10 a.m. like the mall, but as one of the largest markets in town, the farmer's market opens very early.


the sound of the machine rang in Zhang Yue's ears. can you guarantee that they will not pete with us for resources? After pleting the task, Li Lu asked Liu Feng. It is not easy for Li Lu to chase Liu Feng's cousin, but he has to face it all.

Little pudding looked up at grandma.

It has been five months since the t-Virus broke out on a large scale in the city . people e in every day from the floors surrounding the residential building. It is said that they were residents who stayed at home, probably because they ran out of food and had to go out.

Zhang ma was a little worried and followed her back to the bedroom. Several worms burrowed into the intestinal organs created by the fractures in the upper body.

Looking at the news in the group, Song qing is the happiest person. he was always quiet and happily walked around the room several times before stopping.

the surrounding walls glowed spontaneously, revealing the first glimpse of the entire tunnel at the end.

but tang mo's attitude made him unpredictable. .

chen Yuan is indeed a very busy person. he didn't even notice that his daughter didn't e home last night. when Yu chaomu came back with his three children, chen Yuan was still busy in the kindergarten. .

\wow, brother Liu is here, what do you want today?

“Zhizhizhi is him!

colorful lights appeared around Li Na, as if she were a luminous body. .

there are all kinds of strange animals, and not everyone has enough courage to go outside to collect them, let alone go to the curtains to collect them. .

david Shi looked at him doubtfully. Liu mingyu's behavior is a bit strange these days. could this guy get a bigger payday? .

wen Jianshu put the bank card on the table. Lin Yi next to him didn't speak. Apparently, wen Jianshu convinced his wife on the way back.

It's really tough. Yu chaomu's body had never been so weak before the end of the world, and his strength had not been exerted.

Although there is a saying that ants kill elephants, without Z5 guidance, no matter how many living corpses there are, you are just a grain of sand. .

the latter nodded slightly, this talent is not bad, and it also has a high threshold of strength.

If you wear an upgraded piece of equipment all over your body, that would be considered a \luxury\.

but no, something quietly changes and blooms quietly. Every parent in the world will do what is best for their children. while they think it's okay, sometimes a child's wishes are automatically ignored.

car headlights illuminate the small space. twelve cars of different models were divided into two groups, one group of seven cars and one group of five cars. he parked at the edge of the driveway. the doors of every car are open. ..., the trunk was also opened, and I saw that the luggage was loaded, the passengers picked it up, and the car was about to start. .

\It's not a problem.\

huo Ye suppressed mu chengkong's roar and asked, \have you ever thought about what to do after you made your decision?\ the world's four major black soil belts, the mississippi River in North America and Ukraine in Europe, all transport black soil. the pampas grasslands of South America are now zombie territories, and the rest is the plains of Northeast china. would you still want to buy a house from some of them?

then the living body arrived outside the house.

qin An also deliberately cut part of Jin xianzhu's back and spine more than a dozen times until all the brain tissue hidden in his back was destroyed.

of course that was before the end of the world.

\Stop hitting me.\

After the shopping guide walked for a while, manager wang from the gold store came over.

the growth of an heir is destined to be unbalanced, and chu xiqing must also grow up amid stumbles. Even because of her identity as a woman, the ordeals she went through required more effort than men.


blood jade is Yang Jin's entry into pure purgatory. After integrating into chen mo's body, it flowed into dantian. In the dantian, the tiny zhenqi is blood-red, and the purgatory pure yang gold is exerted automatically.

A floating island! .

[qiu haonan (human Race)] LV.1: \what you said above is right. Several skeleton monsters are lurking at the door and on the way out. Just fighting the skeleton monsters has reduced my blood volume by more than half. who knows what's going on outside? what else? what dangers await us!

Everyone's eyes showed a look of desire, and the source of that desire was Song Yan. .

the girl didn't seem to expect that qin An would speak so frankly about owning weapons.

because at least from the front, no player can defeat Jiang peng! .


Everyone was talking a lot, and two people at the back of the crowd even had expressionless faces. Especially the 13-second long airplane murder video made it clear to everyone that Ye Yu Jackdaw was a powerful psychic. this is very important, because so far, this is the first time that huo Ye and Ye Yu Jackdaw have achieved anything. A lot of the same thing.


If you still want me to protect them for such a simple task, then you are too weak. Is this usually a one-time task? how many people do they have to recruit to plete the mission? .

qin Fen next to him grabbed wen qing.

he needs special work to acquire special tools like formulas and routines to improve his score. I will do it! 】

【there's noise!

the sea breeze blew in front of him, and he felt particularly relaxed.

After writing for a few more minutes, the registry was finally ready. the registration form was so full that I had to write a thousand words about my apocalyptic experience!

After all, this is chong Runyu's mother, not Yu chaomu's mother. Although Yu chaomu took over chong Runyu's body, he did not inherit chong Runyu's memory.

the boss is a very shameless and angry young man. he often advocates a boycott of pornographic material. No matter what it is, as long as it has something to do with the island government, they won't buy it.

Liu mingyu looked around vigilantly, wary of whether there was an emergency. Remember this and don't make mistakes.

the chewing sound from hu Ze's mouth stirred the nerves of others. Following hu Ze's first words, the weakling finally rushed forward, grabbed the remaining burned hand, and bit his fingers. She chewed hard in her mouth, tears flowing down uncontrollably.

the young man, probably the owner of the house, fell in a pool of blood at the door. I want more.

there is a small village in the mountains three kilometers away from Fuyao city called Sanli Village. but his only mistake was to forget which family this student soldier belonged to?

two guards with tough bodies and focused eyes stood at the entrance of the blue house.

of the 100,000 people in the newly formed Fifth Legion, nearly 20,000 currently live in the new settlement, 40,000 live in magic city, and the remaining 40,000 live in the Emerald Reserve.

I have seen all your hard work since you got married!

the planting area is ready. Some tropical trees and shrubs have been cut down, but others have not been planted and will soon regrow. but that's a little difficult to do in a room that's only eight feet long. .

\thanks for reminding me.\

the colorful lights emitted by the trees spread all over the mountains and plains, in urban centers and every corner of the world. we don’t have much food in the magic city, but there are still some individual supplies, industrial products, and raw materials that need to be transported.

Now they are face to face because the mutant rat found that Ivan's intelligence was the same as or even higher than his, so he was more careful and did not dare to attack rashly.

Just as huo Ye expected, a short video of only thirteen seconds was played on the big screen - thirteen seconds of floating murder!

\why is it like this?

qin An curiously began to fill out the registration form.

therefore, the teaching difficulty of [world words] is also calculated based on groups.

chong hanyu cannot give anyone hope. So if he sees signs of a problem, he eliminates it at the source.

when he reached the door, he jumped up on his feet and ponyo opened the door.

In order to meet the needs of young guests, Li dajuan specially added several hard dishes. the children ate with their mouths full of fat, and at the same time they became more determined... to be good friends in the class, and to be lifelong good friends with the twins.

the screen shows numerous trees of various kinds. .

\You can try to break into the mansion, maybe I will admire your courage.\

chris o'corrigan added: \Some interesting stuff.\

Shangguan Yudie also smiled and waved, then huo Ye stepped on the accelerator, and the two left the Zhao family villa. huo Ye grabbed Alice's shoulders, pushed her to the sofa, and said firmly: \If you confess, you will be gentle, if you resist, you will be strong!\

At first, Liu

Village chief Fan speaks seriously and sincerely.

Lerimi didn't know Alice was so anxious, so he quickly stopped her, \Stop, stop, stop!\

ps: Encourage me and vote for me! .

Zhao Feng thought for a long time and couldn't figure it out.

As soon as Lelin entered the hotel, the first thing he saw was that on one side of the bar and next to the bar in the lobby, there was a small room with a glass wall, which was covered with posters of tourist attractions. there is also a red sticker on the glass: Special offer on air tickets.


\what's it called?

\If you have nothing to do, just leave.\ If you don't go out for a few steps next time, you will get hungry easily. when you're only dealing with living type 4 zombies, you have no idea where to go. \Z5 left. I clicked on the Eye of Reincarnation in the void option, and then the introduction to the Eye of Rebirth appeared. From then on, my mind was full of information, and there was nothing new in it.

dougal was very excited. the audience tripled last time, which is actually a big deal. Just leave him alone!

but many of the above-mentioned players apparently did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and in fact many chose to remain detained.

Everyone in the pany stood in front of the door, watching everything happening outside. captain Li Lu frowned and looked at the scene on the road in shock. the team members vomited and fell into a. Li Lu just wanted to give everyone an order. the guards were sent over, but were stopped by Liu Feng. he has such good physical strength that he has been working for such a long time!

“It’s a huge job and we need to find a warehouse.

Ultimately, he failed to protect what was most important to him in the world. .

muchengkong, who was resting, almost overturned the table on the spot. how could such a shameless person exist? Liu\

Zhang hao finally told his purpose.

In the distance, with the dim light of the setting sun, you can see a small town, not too big. .

\Sister xue, that little candy hurt you so badly, and you still spoke for her and asked me to kill her with one shot!

he quickly bent down, held Li Nai's body in his arms, and turned her over so that she was no longer lying on her stomach. .

huo Ye was speechless. would you like to know when we can contact you again later? this store is not big, only about 40 square meters. bai Feng checked the containers one by one, but there was no one there. when he finally arrived, there was an open door that was usually used to store things. And then talk to your husband, what do you want to tell me? Sandra was quick to thank me.

his physical body lived a fragile life before the end of the world. Every day he goes somewhere through the city. If the distance is not far, he usually takes Route 11. If the distance is far, he takes the bus and takes Route 11. \

Fake hongshan said nothing, and the figure in front of him gave Song Yan the answer. Evolutionaries at the early stage of the fifth level have very strong digestion capabilities and a very strong ability to store energy. Lelin estimated that he could still eat for about an hour. this is a strange effect and only one-sided. what had been a good fight in Ivan's eyes had now turned into a raging massacre. this is the power of unity, the power of weight!

through the glass, Liu mingyu found a large dark brown substance on the wall, which looked like blood stains.

david Shi asked worriedly: “Are you sick?

It seems that the care and love for Lin Yi and tang mo in his previous life were real.

I didn't expect him to get paid so easily. within two days, my deposit had grown to over three million.

\It doesn't matter. You helped me out of love, but you didn't help me lose my job. I just hit you because you spoke too harshly. I wanted to teach you a lesson.\

\Are all the zombies going in the same direction?\

Liu mingyu quickly ordered in her heart to leave this ghost place immediately. .

the team members looked at each other and sincerely thanked Liu Feng's cousin for saving the pany's life.

her promise to young people has been fulfilled.

Lerimi is a bit of a germaphobe, so her home lab is always very tidy. Not to mention something as simple as grouping parts, even the screws of the model are arranged in the same direction. Rex, the man injured several people on the island and killed the experimental evolution. this is your responsibility.

Needless to say, the food was plentiful, with chicken, duck, fish, abalone, ginseng, chicken wings and tripe. \As long as he gets his mission, it's not a problem for him.\

\Are you chen mo?\ Shao Zun became a little impatient and waved to call the bodyguard.

Even if he es early, this time is enough for bai Feng to kill Z5. I lived on the 33rd floor and was always watching behind the scenes. I have an almost professional telescope that can see very far. I kept watching all the zombies enter the highway and cover the entire road. All kilometers of highways are covered. \mu chengkong was stunned. this was the first time he saw huo Ye's vicious tongue. Although he had seen it on the Internet before,

In fact, when he was surfing the Internet, he saw popular emoticons such as \You do good deeds without leaving labels\ and \You will be happy so soon\, and wanted to chat with huo Ye.

\then you can't follow me and apologize to your classmate tang qihan.\

\Lord, I obey your mand!

Liu mingyu, who was hiding in the corridor, even smelled a strong corpse smell. but since the emergence of an unnamed supernatural performer with ancient genetic magic, people have begun to realize the true power of the Unspeakable. It would be nice if the tragedy didn't happen. .

Song Yan was speechless. Lu qi changed from a coward to a warrior.

Already -20! .

today, little tongue

thinking of this, bai Feng flew towards the yellow cat with a sword, and the two cats also jumped up and ran towards bai Feng. when the yellow cat saw the flying sword flying towards him, he immediately jumped to the side to avoid the flying sword. but the flying sword suddenly flew towards the white cat in mid-air. however, based on this consideration, Jianbai culture also released such a video.

the world is empty! .

It's a little heartbreaking, but when you're facing your superiors, the bravest people are the ones who are innocent and fearless. A newer is someone new to the group. there are various hams, chicken wings, pickled peppers, and chicken legs in the pot, and this is how the buffet is formed.

the girl also glanced at him, then waved her hand, and qin An was about to walk towards her. .

Shao Zun was pletely shocked. his face was pale and full of fear.

For the first time, huo Ye felt a feeling in his chest that could not be expressed in words or words. I'm afraid it's the so-called \hard to describe\ thing.

Seeing his grandson's hesitation, Zhang chongxin immediately interrupted him: \don't pete with your brother in everything, do what you want to do, our pudding.\ the younger, the better. \

touching the blood on the corner of his lips, Jiangchuan Yoichi struggled to stand up, forming a triangle with Rex, with du Fei walking in the middle. .


this is the moment that students look forward to most.

\Is this the gate to hell? however, he couldn't believe that such a person really existed. he always thought that he was already strong, but in front of du Fei, he felt so powerless, as if he had no power. .\the courage to fight back...

he quickly backed away, put some distance between himself and the bones, and with a wave of his cane, he knocked the bones away. Good morning! You know, all roads lead to Rome...\

the message from huo Ye ended with a string of ellipses. muchengkong waited curiously for huo Ye to continue talking, and saw huo Ye say: \Although there are people like me, I was born directly in Rome. to prove that I am not weak, I will give you three!\

Li dajuan shouted loudly from behind. .

qin An was pressed by Li Ying. he wasn't plaining at all, just happy.

he leaned forward slightly and asked doubtfully: \mr. Zhang, I don't understand why we are so worried about this power plant?!\

the game starts at 16:01.

At this moment, bai Feng saw a row of two-story buildings opposite the supermarket, with people living above the shops. the floors above are all connected and are only five or six meters high. If he went upstairs and made noise, he would destroy the buildings. Living bodies are transported elsewhere.

\well, you go back first.\ dougal said with excitement.

Five people from the Railway traffic Safety office were stunned. they marveled at the young man's strength and courage. Even if their lives are in danger, they will e to save him; even if their power is taken away after a quick explosion, they will not give up; even if the alien is tired, you still have to rely on your physical strength to fight. .

big pudding waved his hand quickly, \I just had breakfast and my stomach is full and I can't eat any more. Student tian bing, you can eat it yourself!\

but now they are almost all S4 and hidden Z5 , not to mention the big-headed Z5. \chen Yang cursed and wanted to move his legs, but found that his right foot was firmly held in Liu xing's hand. No matter what happened, he could not escape Liu xing's grasp. what a tragedy!\

\this madman did such a violent thing and killed someone. You'd better not get involved in this matter.\ the man behind him suddenly gave up.

don’t you want something shiny?

Looking at the list, du Fei found the apprentice skill [Reincarnation Eye] that saved wang Sheng from his previous life.

this is a cave. there is an endless space at the bottom of the cliff, and even the clouds and flickers in the sky are faintly visible.

So he introduced qin xiaoyan to his master cheng Gang. .

\dad, I just called him and he said he was leaving. I think he wrote something confidential and he didn't let me read it.\

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, huo Ye took the remote control and turned on the tV. what happened at this moment was a 13-second killer in the air!

more zombies appeared on the road from time to time, blocking the way. Liu xing was anxious and said nothing. No matter whether the opponent is first or second, he has drawn the sword of the future. he immediately activated the black Light Apocalypse, rushed in front of chen Yang and others, and killed the zombies instantly. .

qin An pushed away Li Na, who was trembling and still didn't understand what happened, and then ran quickly towards Jin xianzhu with the kitchen knife in his hand that had never fallen. . . .

chen mo was a little surprised.

but everyone knows that if you don't go out, even if you stay inside, you will starve to death sooner or later.

this blow caused Emperor dongyue to bleed all over his body. he continued to use his magical powers in the air, but was ultimately defeated. mr. Zhang also said with a look of disbelief.

hu bin saw green tones growing on the primitive and barren wasteland, stained with red blood, his eyes were sincere and even a little unbelievable.

this gave him the courage to check out the hotel. but I was still out of breath from exhaustion and feeling a little physically exhausted from the concentration.

At the end of the tang dynasty, he also discovered a mushroom with 5 souls inside. Unfortunately, he felt that the soul points were worthless at that time, so he filled his stomach with a piece of bread and replaced him with this person.

It's just that the flesh of the werewolf's evolved body is much tougher, so the wound isn't as deep. bined with his visible recovery speed, this slash was unable to knock him down. I believe you are an irreplaceable sword on the road to ultimate civilization.

the sound of the engine sounded again, and huo Ye had already mixed with the heroes who were more like warriors.

Not only has his spiritual consciousness increased, but his strength and agility have also increased slightly, which must be the result of fighting and training in the qing palace.

with eleven minutes to go before the game starts, there's no need to look for seats. Ladies, how do I know? .

Five Soul Emperor, Yan Shifu

there are also many types of high-quality seafood, such as Australian lobster, snapper, king crab, etc.
