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66读书 > 剩者为王Ⅰ+Ⅱ > 第二部


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谨以此书 献给JAMES先生

Oh t sd forvr stoppd today All th lonly harts n London Caught a plan and fl aay

And all th st on ar arrd All th handso n ar gay

You fl dprvd

Yah ar you qustonng your sz Is thr a tuour n your huour Ar thr ags undr your ys Do you lav dnts hr you st Ar you gttng on a t

Wll you survv

You ust survv

Whn thr's no lov n ton

Ths n cntury kps rngng you don All th placs you hav n Tryng to fnd a lov supr A lov supr

Oh t sd forvr stoppd today All th lonly harts n London Caught a plan and fl aay

And all th st on ar arrd All th handso n ar gay

You fl dprvd

Yah ar you qustonng your sz Is thr a tuour n your huour Ar thr ags undr your ys Do you lav dnts hr you st Ar you gttng on a t

Wll you survv

You ust survv

Whn thr's no lov n ton

Ths n cntury kps rngng you don All th placs you hav n Tryng to fnd a lov supr A lov supr
