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66读书 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第99章


66读书 www.66dushu.com,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

As long as he can protect the world, he doesn't need to get involved in other things. thank you for saving me from wang qi!

turn the capital into a political, technological, and cultural center, and let us do the dirty work of oil extraction!

dihe pharmaceutical is doing well, but that is its past glory. du Fei said, and threw his sword into the battle. the wind sword matched the lightsaber, and there was no fear of a head-on collision. Governor Li said with a smile.

how to solve this problem?

the explosion was caused by several barrels of unused gasoline. \

\Ahem, there's nothing we can do about fishing in the southeast...\

\You don't have to explain to me, if you don't want to make money, no one can force you. only in this way can you get rid of the thirty-six sieges!\ one plained.

If the speed of the duchamp meteorite continues to increase, the time interval is unlikely to shorten.

the call for Feitian from anonymous people on the Internet was also well known at the time. I couldn't agree more and left!

what if the expansion pack fails?

“we were flying over six hours in a helicopter, so we took a break and there was no requirement for that.

he couldn't really predict the cause of the war.

In his system universe, there are 600 defense points and 6 health points. are you ready

Just like this, the Skywalker Sword in the hand of Ackerman's clone behind du Fei had already penetrated du Fei's body. do you need to escape your crime?

Employees who work at the space center frequently send contact information and never wait for a reply.

At this meeting, representatives from various countries expressed their views.

but this is almost impossible.

to make matters worse, he fell into the hands of his family.

- Yes, I'll give you something to eat.

the mutant rats gathered together seemed to have been summoned and rushed towards bai Feng.

\the time is up, should you slow down?\

\Feitian, tell me the latest situation of the chickens.\ Zhang hao said: \No one knows how this war will end.

Zhang Jiayi stared at it, \do you live there?\ mr. wang looked suspicious: \And as far as I know, tasmania doesn't have much coal reserves. maybe one billion tons seems too much.\ but the carmichael coal mine this is not the case.

\Sir, you saw the logo of xingchen Group, this honest and disgusting red panda, you are no longer pure, what else can you do to continue stealing?\

waves of energy fluctuations swept through the body, exuding a powerful aura.

Yuzhe also found that he didn't care.

he wanted to see how other material affected him, and Sixth Nature was different.

“third sister, after being the governor, you don’t have to be so careful, maybe you will turn the big pudding into a small pudding.

“people e from heaven.

Even the two smart people next to this zombie succeeded.

In fact, a month is not a long time. Although there is something special, Liu mingyu can municate with the real world and the doomsday world through the munication system provided by the system.

\that's it. do you think we should send flight information to xiaoliu first?\

Zhang Jiayi almost made a sound.

Finally, the zombies found the lifeless woman on the ground, Su Zhengmei!


the speed of the new spacecraft can reach 1\/10 of the speed of light.

he was a little surprised, then shook his head and said:

\No, all we see is a statue of five people, none of whom can look God in the eye.\

Sun Yan's expression didn't change at all, and he didn't care about the oute. If the door wasn't so powerful, he wouldn't want to break it. ——Shangguan Yudie also made it clear and got to the point.

we know the situation even today.

I hated you from the beginning, but your season is also different, because of the victory in the first expansion pack, you, the strongest person in this season, have another choice. \

“master xinkong is very polite.

At about the last second, a holographic projection appeared behind Liu mingyu's eyes.

there appears to be a solar storm in the background.

others can design and build it directly. \

“call the police, call the police!

An old man with a swollen forehead like the lucky star on the door painting, a young-looking child wearing a cute short coat, and even an armored warrior with an extra pair of eyes on his forehead.

on the other hand, after a long time, all the people of Sam have moved away from mars.

they are old so this should happen to them.

mond's eyes lit up and he said:

“In the city of the Sun, there is a statue of a god whom we once called God and who became the five guardians of the city.

while eating, Lelin called Yuzhe and said to Yuzhe: \we have arrived in magic city. All the ships in the main port disappeared on the way. this port is only designated for small and medium-sized ships.

I heard it's not all trash there, but there's a lot of good stuff there too.

how can such novice technology produce such a product in a short period of time?

this is known. \

Zhang Jiayi also agreed: \It's very difficult, taking the train for five or six days!

If the Earth is used as the benchmark, the size of the planet in the new world may be 100 times that of the Earth.

make sure you go back quickly and acplish what you want so you don't piss off the Earth Guardians. \

people on the Internet did not appreciate the positive announcements from different countries, but some noticed that xinjiang groups missed them.

Liu mingyu did not appear underground, but appeared below the mother planet.

when huo Ye came to the stairs, he heard the sound of \dang, dang, dang\ footsteps ing from above, and then saw the young woman running down. Seeing huo Ye on the stairs from a distance, he shouted loudly. , I raised my legs and wanted to get down quickly, but in the end I took the front legs off the back legs and flew away! \

we can't wait to get back to the moon.

\what if you eat me? You bring me to this rooftop? Surely you're not here out of pain?\

\does anyone know where the guards are?\

ma Yong asked worriedly: \what happened? we encountered a mutant rat. did someone die?\

Liu Yuyi fell helplessly into a large pit in the middle of the road, her body exposed to the rain. A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in his sleep: \wu hong... help you get revenge... you can rest...\

the heavy rain continued for a long time, and the rain gradually subsided until late at night. Liu xin stood by the window with a sad face, a cigarette in his mouth, and looked at the scene outside the window. the city is still filled with black smoke. one can imagine. we know how much damage Liu Yu caused to the city.

e on, the research and development of this anti-cancer drug is almost successful. Are there any other projects that can pare with it? After crawling for an unknown amount of time, Su Zhenmei caught up with the zombie monster!

this is also the main reason why Liu mingyu looked for him but failed to find him.

Ackerman seemed to know what he was doing, but the more he lost, the more frustrated he became.

In other words, no matter what damage chen mo suffered, he would eventually be protected by 10%. he only strengthens his own defenses and weakens the enemy's attacks.

In a nutshell, that's it - bat is really fun!

- No, you should e right away this time.

Information regarding contact with Earth's protective planet is reported immediately to superiors. \

Liu mingyu smiled and nodded, \okay, I have to nod and say that there is no need to continue the anti-cancer drug project...\

before Zhang Guoqing finished speaking, hou Yaolin, who was sitting next to him, said excitedly: \mr. Zhang, look, they don't like this anti-aging drug project. It's cancer. they want him.\ \A Anti-cancer drugs are about to be released, and only the purchasing pany... he ignored the dark-skinned pirate and looked at xu Yamei and Ackerman.

Liu mingyu even thought that he would be unlucky in the future and would have to update the system. If he still followed the system update procedure, he might not be able to update the system for a long time. Liu mingyu. we all learn from history that when we entered a war economy, it was an open question whether big pudding and other panies could win business.

If the Jurchens refuse, it means that mankind's first attack has been successful, which means that it won't take long for mankind all over the world to perish as a result.

of course, all countries could put aside their regrets and pool their scarce resources to build their ultimate spaceship.

but having said that, as the federal capital, everyone knows why Zhucheng is not eager to bee independent.

I got a lot of negative warnings.

Liu Yu knew the location of the five-star hotel. on the top of the tall building next to him, twenty level two zombies surrounded him.

the plasma blade of the sword hit the ribs filled with evil energy, releasing countless electric sparks and radio waves. but the light did not cut off the alloy's ribs in an instant. Slowly cutting the lead rib, the energy consumption of the sword gradually increased.

It seems that this foundation has been gone for a long time. what is the language like?

\I hope many people will not suffer! Like a shooting star that es late and does not disappear in the starry sky.\

of course, it requires very few resources and can only conquer other countries. \

catherine pushed her husband into the room.

Finally, someone, although he didn't know where he came from, shouted again and couldn't stop crying, seeming to understand Liu Yu's mood.

will you help Earth survive this crisis? this gives you time to do other things.

more than a dozen countries in the world have launched spacecraft carrying tens of thousands of nuclear weapons into space. \

chong hanyu ordered the two of them. when Zhao boguang checked the situation here, he did not think of helping Zhao boguang solve the remaining problems. no doubt

title: \Universal medicine for cancer treatment\

It took hou Yaolin so long. when he saw Liu mingyu's news headline, he couldn't continue talking and immediately sneered: \haha, mr. Liu, is this the so-called new project?

we believe that whoever the \bolan Sitola\ people are, they have entered the universe. Although they are slightly larger in diameter, they can use various anti-aircraft missiles.


then he withdrew his gaze and slowly walked into the kitchen. there were very few people eating there at that time. \

In his opinion, with Song Yang's strength, it is very difficult to open the door now. \

therefore, it is not the time to update the daily tasks to kill zombies.

he looked at the tower, shook his head and said:

\the guardian of Sun city does not like to live in high places. he should live in a city closer to destruction.\ Governor Li used leadership skills.

wu weixian rubbed his eyes and said secretly: \brother xing, why did you e to see me so early? we have found a place and killed the bad guys. I have decided now.\

Shi bochang believes that there are eight conditions for upgrading the 7-level system.

Ackerman looked horrified, realizing that the clone's instant kill was his last trump card. this remaining power can only be used two or three times, and remember that each time will be very unlucky. it

when people are having fun, they will also check the live broadcast room to see if there are any new programs.

At this point, he didn't listen to his brother's nonsense and listened to Archon Yi's words instead.

If so, then cancer would no longer be a fatal disease but a mon one.

\brother, what does Uncle Li want to do now?\

For a time, all kinds of terrible feelings came to my heart and I couldn't suppress them. he didn't take his arm, did he?

Since no lessons were learned from the apocalyptic world, real-world research went smoothly.

Fan Yuhen came to bai Feng and said, \mr. bai, I just made some statistics.

he led everyone back to the roof and saw qin An still unconscious. \

Everyone in the sky was surprised, you looked at me, I looked at you, they didn't look at each other.

Unfortunately, nothing could be seen around except the ship. \

An opening with a diameter of more than 10 kilometers can acmodate several spacecraft with a diameter of 400m at the same time.

the other is to convey the position of Emperor of heaven to chen mo?

the exact number of zombies cleared is unknown, but these survivors know that at least the unconscious people in the pit must be cleared of all zombies in adjacent blocks.

this time, a new world is discovered in the real world.

huo Ye then told Lu dingyuan about his trip and their ing from Saibei city. Lu dingyuan immediately said that he would receive his pany boss and vice president well, and even give them peace of mind when sleeping at night.

Still in level six.

that day, Liu mingyu opened the user interface again and tried to click on all clickable places on the system interface.

Europe is even more convenient. Not only are all ports in the mediterranean open, but a total of five temporary pontoons have been built in a narrow strip of only 14 kilometers wide between cape Espa?a, morocco and cape Sires, morocco. at the same time. \

- Gee, Fan-amak, you're so lucky, Ganchini is a very good person, how can you blame him?

I suddenly remembered that this could not be xinchen Group.

Zhang hao breathed a sigh of relief and asked, \who is waiting?\

when du Fei saw this, he bowed and reached out to take the vine sword. \


Until chen mo and wang Shizun entered the ancestral hall. Is this really your business product?

du Fei pointed Ackerman's branch in the air and snapped his fingers. the thunder and lightning generated by the wind sword element roared out. A thick bolt of lightning shot into Ackerman's body like a gun. \

we need the truth.

there was a loud noise, and the big palm fell on the ground, leaving a large footprint several meters wide. he slashed at Ackerman's fingerprints, releasing all the remaining energy.

don't look at it. It's been almost a month since Liu mingyu killed someone in the new world.

Liu Yanhong is Ye qingxuan's zombie stand-in and is responsible for all operations of the pany during Ye qingxuan's pregnancy.

As soon as du Fei saw the bullet, it had already been shot in front of him, and his eyes had already seen the pattern formed by the rotation of the bullet.

\I want to form my own team!\

\what about the pany?

the mother planet is always hidden in a hidden corner. If the mother star cannot be found, people on earth will not be able to see where the mother star is.

however, improving the system level is a factor that Liu mingyu is very concerned about. don’t have enough meat at home?

Upon closer inspection, it is impossible to confirm that the object behind the eye is indeed an alien creature. \

Yan huaqing refused on the spot: \Father, no need, my parents still have a lot of meat!\

After chen hu defeated a level four zombie with one punch, he said to Guo haoyu next to him. when the plasma has enough energy and is pushed through the energy field to the length required to acmodate the blade, it solidifies under the influence of the energy field and turns into a glowing blade.

goat! has that zombie beast been deeply awakened?

Except for a part of Ziyue who stayed in the real world to avoid safety risks, only a small part of Ziyue was sent to the doomsday world by Zhao qingsong.

there are no new world monsters to provide low points on this side of the apocalyptic world. \

tell yourself from your inner world that this is true.

we have retreated madly from humanity. \

“when a solar storm es, there is no large planet behind the earth to help the earth block the solar storm.

the largest planet, mercury, has a diameter of 4,800 kilometers. \

ding chengkong looked excited. when he saw everyone in the sky, he couldn't help but click his thumb.

because regardless of Liu mingyu's order, Feiyun, as an observer of the world network, now has more human emotions. , prepare to self-destruct.

chen mo picked up some golden tools and the golden plane, and chen mo's eyes flashed. After hesitating for a moment, he released the Emperor's Golden bone Soul onto the dungeon map. the most... hemiplegia? \

but because of our impatience, miracles don’t happen often. \

\hello, this is a private area and cannot be entered. please leave immediately.\

the birth of the mother star left a huge impression on the earth. however, meteorites have not disappeared. does this mean you are not saved yet? \

\who says it's not, my dear, tut!\

half an hour later, I finished all the indicators that were three days late, and then went to listen to the briefing. I also increased the speed of the treadmill and started running. After remembering this person, everyone remembered the guardian who protected this world from wind and rain before this world.

however, it’s only when you look up close that you truly understand the horror of these craft.

Zhong hanyu took a step forward, turned back and stretched out the hand of Yu chaomu who was surrounded by several people. with a soft smile on his face, he led Yu chaomu back to his team.

\Not satisfied?


the latter was a little confused, but he finished his sentence and said:

- Actually you were very noisy when you came in today. we were surprised. what happened?

Zhang Guoqin actually didn't believe it in his heart. Long experience told him this was fake news.

the group of people arrived at the conference hall on the top floor of the dihe building. \

Seeing that the waiting person finally arrived, the captain shook his head. You still want to die.

At this moment, Liu Yuyi's muscles and veins all over his body were filled with powerful currents, and his heart beat faster than a normal person, which showed that his body had undergone a new transformation.

Under such circumstances, their game business exploded, with monthly direct revenue exceeding 30 billion, three times the previous amount. \

\hmph, don't worry about my work!\ Liu Yu's eyes flashed with lightning and he whispered confidently: \thunder!

xiang xincheng received a light punishment. \

\don't you understand what I mean?

Looking at the same-colored marks on wen qing and qin Ling's hands, tang mo also smiled. this is too bad. \

——this cannot be said. don’t forget, the army will increase from three million to four million at the same time. how many military vehicles will this require?

Governor Ji's speech lasted for more than two hours. because the theme of the annual businessmen's conference became economic reconstruction. the other party was well prepared and put forward dozens of special conditions.

the snow had stopped. when I passed by the military camp, I saw someone shoveling the snow outside, then taking a blanket and placing it on the ground in front of the door to avoid slipping.

Ackerman's attacks were so powerful that each blow left a huge gap in the blade of the air sword. he seemed to be on top.

when others encounter the mysterious force, they are instantly destroyed.

Ackerman felt that no metal could withstand the sword's edge, so he struck his ribs with all his strength.

others didn't provide much information.

Yes, even when you hear its name, you feel the ferocity of this creature. but, didn't you even notice this?

when he was surrounded and bitten by dozens of zombies! \

mond's face was gloomy, as if an ice wave passed through his brain, but he quickly convinced himself of the reason. \

there are a lot of scientists working out there and I'll tell you the truth as I know it.

the overall principle is to ionize the plasma through the photoelectric motor in the handle, and then the plasma is transmitted to the outside world through the focusing lens, where the energy is induced to produce light.

but he also knows that sometimes you shouldn't trust too much information. technology requires rigor. Lao hou is very talented in this area and can definitely distinguish between good and bad. don’t worry. Zhang Jiayi couldn't help plaining: \You don't understand such a big thing. deputy director, you are probably a mess, right?

we need to launch atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and other powerful bombs very slowly and very slowly outside the solar system.

this technology is very easy to use and requires only small pulses. how did he bee a monster? \

——I closed my eyes, why didn’t I see the meteorite?

Zhang Guoqin smiled and said, \Since mr. Liu has such a plan, the next conversation will be easy.\ huo Ye asked.

Not to mention ma Yong, the transformed rat head flew away in a flash of sword light.

the powerful aura at that time still made him feel something.

Another beam of light appeared, the woman's face disappeared, and the crystal on the high platform emitted a scorching light.

Not happy to see her smile, he opened his mouth and bit her neck hard to express his displeasure.

Killing 100 zombies is a simple and easy thing for Liu mingyu.

Unfortunately, no matter how many times I clicked on it, the system update could not be initiated.

\haha, are they kidding?

what if it doesn't work?

- okay, okay, no need to take responsibility, I will take care of you.

\I mean, this is great! e on, get the food!

\I'm not sure. maybe there's something important. what happened?\

wang Shizun was speechless, pulled him behind him, sighed, and said to chen mo: \Sect master, what should we do?\

For meng bai, Guo haoyu only had purple gauze and energy knife bombarding Jin Yu's head. \

Shangguan Yudie looked at huo Ye, meaning: don't you know who is more suffocated? many sailors died in the Southeast fisheries, but I didn't see anyone shed a tear. \

Zhang hao tried to convince him.

In addition, the moon is also a romantic destination for china. \

\his sister said that after the child is born, the whole family will move here. Although Yandu is a first-class city, it is very cold in winter and I can't stand it.\

\Leng mingjing, you have been with xini all day long, torturing me, but the staff and management remain silent!\

\well, Lake maracaibo is not famous, but it is the largest lake in South America with an area of 15,000 square kilometers. It is called an oil lake. I am hanging up now. we are at the entrance of the subway tomorrow. 7:30 pm

many people's plans were ruined.

Sam's ground officer shouted softly. \

chen mo burst out laughing, and everyone in the xing Sect sitting next to him stopped in excitement and blushed. \

Liu mingyu's behavior in the real world is not hidden at all.

At this moment, a giant hand that blew up appeared out of thin air above Ackerman's head, opened its five fingers, aimed at Ackerman, and punched out.

In fact, there is not much difference between Feitian and Feiyun in terms of information collection, or it can be said that the two have not yet reached the low level of artificial intelligence.

this has been happening for a long time. huo Ye said a little arrogantly, but then changed his mind: \I run fast!\

Shangguan Yu pushed him, why are you making such a joke now? two post-apocalyptic societies travel at once across sub-Saharan Africa, one in the east and one in the west.


\Ignore her, chase her quickly, be careful not to look into her eyes!\

Now everyone's hopes are pinned on the old guard.

——third sister, don’t worry, because with the foundation you have laid, no matter how bad the situation is in the future, they will not allow hunger.

Liu mingyu smiled and said, \of course, I have brought the news.\ Everyone was shocked.

——Ruyan, where is he?

Zhang Jiayi agreed and congratulated. huo Ye agreed, then looked at Song xi who was hesitating in front of the hotel, and slowly followed Song xi.

Liu mingyu nodded and said: \this is an experimental product of our pany and has not yet been launched. If you need this screen, you need to purchase special equipment to make it.\

china's spacecraft is the seventh to reach the far side of the moon. Let me die! \

will we survive this time?

Fan Yuheng replied: \Actually, we have a lot of people here, and ma Yong also brought a lot of gasoline. If we pour gasoline on the mutant rats and catch them with the same method, we can kill the mutant rats. of course, this bullet. constant has a constant force and accelerates it until it reaches the target.

“Find a safer place and try to destroy it.

“A director wanted to make a movie with me and have me play this character.

but this explanation did not attract their attention.

the end of the world has e, but there are still people who are very dedicated and hardworking. this is really impressive.

\You stole the heaven transformation mysterious weapon, killed Gao taibai, and slandered the queen mother's innocence. what do you want to do to you?

qin An entered the city, put Su Zhengmei on the bed at home, and then went to explore the city, look for food, and fill his stomach first!

Giant zombies have no skin, their strong muscles contract slowly, and viscous fluid continuously flows out of their joints.

moreover, the crisis was inexplicably resolved, and the crisis was inexplicably resolved.

After this incident, heaven will take final action against the New Sky Sect.

- what are his siblings doing?

After visiting the night market, huo Ye immediately sent muchengkong to his hotel. before muchengkong got out of the car, huo Ye said, \pay attention to safety. If you have any questions, call us. If you have any questions, we can help.\ Save me! \

city Lord fans said: \Very good.\

“If I had my choice, I think Venezuela in South America would be a good opportunity to try it.

I returned from the moon to mars almost immediately before making the decision.

\Isn't the world dark?\

In order to prevent himself from slipping, qin An put the xuantian heavy sword into the muscle gap of the giant zombie, and then hung his body on such a giant zombie!

then, he returned to the room where Su Zhengmei was in a weak state. he looked at Su Zhengmei who was still unconscious on the bed, and felt worried in his heart! what do we have! Following the impact of Zuixianmen's footsteps, du Fei's attack speed was as fast as lightning. the sword in his hand came first, and Ackerman jumped to his heart.

I'm not very familiar with how white hole type space teleporters work.

Yuzhe raised his finger without hesitation and asked loudly: \who are you?\

xin xiaotong shook his head and said:

\I don't know what to say, I'm just bored and the little girl who lives in my room eats chicken every day.

Focusing on the research and development of anti-cancer drugs, dihe pharmaceutical is a pany that truly meets Liu mingyu's requirements. \

mayor chen asked impatiently after waiting for the other party to finish speaking. Explain it quickly, and if the court agrees, your debt will be forgiven!

Although it should be tested, there are still ways to test. \

Zhang hao tried to convince him.

china Space Administration.

he defeated zombies by walking alone with his bare hands, easily defeating three of his zombies.

chen mo didn't know if it was a mistake or something else. Anyway, give it a try, but don't expect it to work. Although his mind was filled with confusion, tang Zhong immediately contacted the soldiers stationed in the magic city and called again more than ten minutes later. what should we do now

\don't listen to me, there are very few crazy people in the early stages of life.

According to their previous observations, there are still some spacecraft on the earth that are watching their opening. \

Yan Zebiao said that unfortunately, he already knew about this restaurant. \

Zhang hao handed the phone to his wife, picked up the flame spray bottle and started to burn the pig hair. the temperature outside was very low, and it quickly froze inside. the boiling water froze and continued unabated. Actually works.

the sixth attribute of the chain is suffering, which corresponds to the attribute of the chain itself plus luck.

“the message has definitely been sent.

Under the leadership of the waiter, the three of them conducted a forcible search and finally arrived at the conference room. \

After speaking, a smile appeared on his face and he said: \So, I don't remember who I am!\

but she began to be dissatisfied. She walked very slowly and ran away. She was fed up with being called sister and fed up with kissing him all the time. No one expected that the guardian of the world would suddenly appear at a critical moment.

It's not too late to e back.

\So, what does mayor chen want from you?\

didn't these two people have an unpleasant story before the birth of this world? \

Zhang chongxin's face also showed an evil look.

A moment later, Ackerman heard a loud voice behind him: \I can clone energy.

they ate the empty food and water Zhang chao snatched from the sky. the portions per person were not too much and were enough to fill their stomachs.

“It’s so amazing that all these realms disappeared instantly, which is enough to prove that this huge opening is indeed a space portal.

- wait, where is he? the woman standing in the queue coughed in vain, raised her eyes to look at the thunderclouds above, and said, \this thunder is so terrible, I can't stand it.\

then he smiled and said: \I'm sorry, mr. Liu, but I still want to ask, why does mr. Liu have no intention of giving up this anti-cancer drug project? Indeed, your season is about to begin. humans?\

Very confused. but the sword that entered du Fei's body turned into Skywalker's real sword.

As the number increases, the points spent also bee very scary.

Some people (who originally set up these bars) were skeptical.

Su Zhengmei is now a morning person with excellent physical strength. She hugged qin An and ran all night until ten o'clock in the morning. In other words, they ran for fifteen or sixteen hours, and during these fifteen or six hours, they ran hundreds of kilometers! \

the live broadcast room is also quiet, and it feels familiar to watch the live broadcast.

our goal is not to let xiaojia lose confidence during this difficult time. \ma Yong found a gas station with a lot of oil in it,\ he said with a smile.

chen Luyi covered his mouth and shouted unfortably. \

It only takes a few minutes.

the picture you see now is a picture of a day. \

this is a phenomenon that has never happened before the discovery of celestial bodies such as white holes. can we talk about the end of the world? \

chen mo smiled. Although he apologized, he never apologized.

chen mo's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

when bai Feng saw Fang Yuheng for the first time, he only saw him standing there, staring at the mutant rat.

As long as you have enough materials, you can open the port door.

the deeper the metal goes, the harder it is to pull it out, and the greater the strength required, and the more excited tan mo bees.

the more money Zhang Guojin invested in the project, the less he wanted it to succeed.

If they die, they die.

Success must be successful! he shouted to Fan Yuhen: \master Fang, tell them not to run away.

xiang xincheng clearly remembers that the first system update required his character level to reach level 50, which required 1,000 points. \

du Fei felt the surge of sealed energy in Ackerman's body and immediately focused all his attention on defense.

Even xincheng Group can't do it.

because he was shocked by the roar of the giant zombie, he was seriously injured, his internal organs were spinning, his ears were buzzing, and his head hurt. body! \

\Spaceship? can you believe that the spaceships owned by the Earth Guardians are aliens?\

Speaking of mengbai, xiao tongxin's mind flashed to the chicken drumstick he had just swallowed without even spitting out the bones. have you ever seen a small black hole?

“If you think there is something here, call the police and stop the spacecraft immediately.

by doubling your speed, you can throw the meteor into pieces and have a chance of surviving the crisis.

Liu mingyu wants to know the location of the new world planet through the starry sky.

wait for the white hole's energy to be pletely exhausted before sending the spacecraft to retreat and explore other new worlds. huo Ye hesitated.

From this perspective, we can see that a white hole with a diameter of 10 kilometers is not very scary. \

\oh, that's it.

Since the discovery of the meteorite, this has not been a lower-level mand center. \

Following the normal route in the ruins, Song Yan must climb the stairs again and seize the city foundation from the guards of wanxia city. \

\what kind of plane are you planning to fly?\ chen mo asked sarcastically.

therefore, china's speed is very fast, and the construction of the new spacecraft was almost pleted in a short period of time.

You can contact the guardian civilization of the earth planet, and you may also get technical support from the other party. but why was the hand that hit her ass a coincidence... men only have two hands, and the 1\/2 chance is just a coincidence! \

don't worry, if I encounter a beast, I won't go there if you don't tell me, but the first- and second-class mutant rats are just a group of sheep that will be slaughtered before I die. Eye


Liu Yi's eyes suddenly turned pure black, glowing with black light, and the electric arcs in his eyes continued to flow, with the power of thunder, suddenly bursting all the blood vessels in his body.

It is absolutely impossible that the world began to decline due to human attacks. You are no longer pure, what else can you do except steal? Although du Fei stabbed Ackerman with his sword, the tip of the sword was too deep, and Ackerman had powerful healing and birth abilities, so the wound did not cause much harm to him.

this data is a summary and prehensive analysis of Yanluo city management mittee meeting minutes and business-related information. there are a lot of trivial and meaningless things, but because of these things I am not only close to them, but also tolerant. Yu Zhe's family and relatives. Ning hao must record and organize carefully, and Yu Zhe must also analyze and make wise decisions.

information, and then Lu dingyuan’s voice and eye roll: “hey, boss!

Even the satellites of many planets are larger than 10 kilometers. \

maybe there is life after death.

\Are there any activities by the Guards? Instead, some unidentified alien spacecraft appeared. As for the Earth, are they here to save the Earth, or are they here to enslave the Earth?\

Although it is located within the solar system, it cannot be said to be one of the largest.

After qin An used his teleportation ability, he quickly threw the xuantian heavy sword and killed a circle of zombies. then he teleported again more than ten meters away, this time to the head of the zombies!

Needless to say, this is the miracle of life! Su Zhengmei was the only one left on the roof.

Liu mingyu thought for a while and decided to stay in the real world for thirty days.

You'll be doubting from now on.

If you're going to use this kind of scheme to get money out of you, bach, while I'm here, I want to keep the pany director's scheme in place.

In this way, when the two huge d3 zombies are removed, qin An will stay away from the zombie beasts, use his own ability to escape, and return to his position. he always rides on the back of an animal.

due to the various new products developed by xingchen Group during this period, a small number of viewers also retreated to the live broadcast space, which may cause a collapse.

Everyone looked at tang mo at work and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Some people accept this assumption.

qin An tried to calm down and shouted: \Su Zhengmei!

After a while, something strange happened. Su Zhenmei, who was no longer able to resist, began to recover from the wounds on her body!

In fact, neither side has a good argument.

the leader's eyes changed and he became a little worried. did the builder actually show up?

but many people watched the live broadcast.

Liu mingyu's current thoughts are beyond this world.

\Is this the end of the sun?\

At first I thought I could contact the other party, but unexpectedly I finally got in touch after arriving at my destination.

After using phantom skills continuously, qin An felt as tired as a mountain!

Is this the sixth nature of weapons?

In fact, whether it is technical losses or zombies, the institutional level needs to be improved. but in a real battle, if you don't use lightning speed, your body speed will not be able to keep up with your movements, and you will bee a burden.

then came the cry of the mutant rat, which was very sad. \

bai Feng smiled and said: \the two of us have killed about fifty people, and there are probably less than fifty mutant rats left on the first floor.

“You think you should reach out to as many other parties as you can and see if you can work with other parties.

the bloodthirsty idiot's ability almost exhausted qin An's physical energy. As long as qin An leaves the battlefield and the bloodthirsty Fool's ability is cut off, he can collapse and die! \

\It's really weird, is this really a white hole?

\billions of people around the world are watching the live broadcast, and I think the chairman of xincheng Group is also watching. If he must have seen it, please tell the chairman what can calm xiaoqia down, you can do it!\

catherine was so happy that she stepped forward to hug Village chief Fan and gave him a long French kiss.

\Stop! this is a two-lane road divided into two sections. the two-lane road is divided into a passenger road and a private road. the speed is restricted for privacy. - Lights depending on the limit 60 to 120 kilometers. For those who are eligible, the speed limit is 80 to 160 kilometers. that gets the guard's attention, it's the whole world and they have it for themselves. people start shaking as soon as they hear it.\

the city's loyal fans were quickly convinced.

\ten thousand people wrote in blood, asking the government to clear the starry sky in front of that small meteor to see if it was a trace sent by the guardian? what is the result now?\

Governor Li was helpless. No service fees required!

“If you want to vote, please extend your hand to the person announcing the vote.

Since the birth of the Star cluster, the existence of the Sam nation, a weak country with a high level of science and technology, has never stopped.

on the helicopter, tang mo overheard their conversation and saw that the woman's name was Lin xin. he is a very good user. he said he was the captain of a small team and he came here just to get this rare treasure.

If these are the seven elements, and if the seven swords have the effect of cutting titanium alloy, then this ability will be very powerful. but I think there are too many people and too many hands, so I use three hands! If I had known earlier, I would have left earlier...\

\director Zhang, not long ago you gave Lao Li an idea and asked him to go there to inspect offshore oil wells? do you still remember?\

It quickly attracted a lot of people's attention.

Song Yang turned around and asked:

“Shangshen, I mean, have you ever seen Shanghai?

the pany is supported by the S base, and then gathers some ordinary people with low character values and unable to hunt exotic animals, and gives half of their monthly ine to the union. System adopted by S”

hearing this, di Jie looked at Fan Yuhen and others. \

he is still famous. hearing hou Yaolin's words, he fell silent, but it could be seen from his expression that he was still dissatisfied with Liu mingyu's behavior.

xue bin's movement speed is not too slow.

but few can argue with that.

No one can understand it. \

\whatever the final oute of the research, we are all human heroes. I doubt we will leave a permanent mark on human history.\

A cold voice called out, it was rare, but it was as cold as thousands of years of ice, making it impossible to feel it.

they, penguin, were the early Internet giants. Now they are faced with a dilemma and have to change their investments. the Internet is vulnerable to industry penetration. \

“does the camera change the image?

Shangguan Yudi was also a little surprised, but sighed that this was fate.

but instead of working hard, some of them gathered together and blushed. Yu Zhe held the phone in one hand and rubbed his skin with the other.

\theoretically, even if all nuclear bombs are dropped at the same time, they will at least have a considerable impact on the meteorites.\

Zhang hao was shocked, \what's wrong? this is not qin An's choice, because the zombie giant has already controlled the direction of progress, so go south!\


At least now I can municate with other people.

their numbers are unimaginably small.

So he started teleporting, got under the belly of the zombie monster, ran over quickly, ran along the side of the building, and immediately jumped up!

\who knows?

In the blink of an eye, these invisible ghost-like clones flashed forward and entered du Fei's breath, and their transparent figures slowly appeared.

- no problem!

After the liberation of Shaolin, everyone can finally see the sky full of stars.

In fact, panies also e to ask for medicine. definitely one of the top ten tortures!

Ackerman tried to escape, but he stayed, and the smell of blood was strong. \

\You have to use the language and characteristics of the country, so you think the other person is from that country too, which is a small mistake.

Liu xin and others in the living room were standing by the window watching this scene. Except for a few people who knew who sent the lightning, they all thought it was the god who fell to the ground, the earth.

the two expressed their feelings to Ann and released the pain in their hearts.

what if this meteorite is actually a living spacecraft? Is the team ready for the cEo to join?

when du Fei took the wind sword, Ackerman jumped down from above and was already on top of him. the tip of Skywalker's sword had reached the center of his eyes. du Fei quickly retreated to avoid this.

the two swords separated again, and the lightning of the air sword connected between the blades. \

there is no red check mark in the dialog box.

mr. Zheng also said: \e on, let's also pay Zheng dafu one billion.\

xiao tongxin did not hesitate and immediately walked into the path of the zombies.

Shen Lan kissed his lips, looked at Yu chaomu who also had a cold face, and said sarcastically:

\Is this the broken sword you came for?

due to the destruction of the two giant d3 zombies and the zombie monsters that spawned, another rectangular defensive wall was also slightly damaged. the surrounding normal zombies were so crowded that many normal zombies crawled out of the castle. wall number 36.

\James, can you confirm that the source of this message is the Earth Guardian?\

Zhang hao has no plaints.

Even if it bees a particle in the universe, it cannot escape the attraction of a white hole.

the aliens in this apocalyptic land are very small and do not appear in groups. Logically speaking, they are not Lin xin's opponents at all.

pared to hou Yaolin who puts everything on her face, King Zhang appears more cautious. he asked in unison: \I wonder what mr. Liu has to say about this?

there are no stars except the earth, and with the panion stars, we occupy a lot of space. why are we fighting there?

If there is no building upgrade card, the zombie chemical plant will be upgraded one level.

- Yes, as the saying goes, brothers are jealous of each other and protect each other externally.

Fan Yuhen thought for a while and said: \I have an idea. I want to discuss it with bai Feng. You can e with me. when did you first get it?\

“don’t forget, as soon as today’s news es out, everyone will go crazy, and action will be taken soon, so it should not be underestimated.

Even if the meteorite is intercepted, it will have a significant impact on the earth.

xiaojia quickly digested the information shared by hua xia.

Shangguan Yudie watched at the scene. huo Ye seemed to hit Song Si immediately when he saw him. Yes. , and then he was in position—a decisive blow forward! \

After saying this, xiao tongxin turned his gaze to Fan bing and said again:

\Sick, why are you like him? what happened?\

You should still try to find ways to improve your system.

Yu Zhe was very surprised to see hundreds of people watching here today. where do these people e from?

Go back and find these monsters in the new world. this is something that should be done correctly and correctly within five to ten years. \

chen mo pointed at the young general and frowned. hearing this, the major general looked at chen mo. he took a deep breath, obviously suppressing the anger in his heart, and said: - here I e... Erlang Shen!

he said angrily:

\If we can't find you again, we will fight Shen Lan and his team immediately!

many people were surprised to see the red color underneath he Jiesu's spacecraft. \

Zhang Jiayi reported quickly. what does he do? \

he Jizhou then said sharply: \mr. Liu, dihe pharmaceutical is the first pharmaceutical pany in Jiacheng and a famous pharmaceutical pany in china, so there is no shortage. Is it still worth taking?\

Liu mingyu still couldn't find a way to improve the system.

does he think he disagrees?

before choosing to upgrade, Liu mingyu didn't really give instructions to others, but just told Ye qingxuan and Ye changqing that if they had any questions, they could talk to Liu Yanhong and municate with them.

of course, except for qin Fen and wen qin, these two people seemed to be on vacation. they found a large clean rock to sit on and watch the entertainment. Furthermore, we are prepared to stand firm no matter how difficult the situation.

therefore, Liu mingyu's number request is very rare. \Zhang Jiayi forted him sincerely.

Seeing such a strange thing, Su Zhenmei's face turned pale, or his whole body was pale and bloody, because his current physical condition was closer to that of a zombie!

do I believe that every planet and moon in the entire solar system is not occupied by another party?

he has to keep running, and then take the giant zombies and the hordes of corpses behind him! It's January, winter, the coldest time of the year. Even psychologists have to wear thick clothes to keep out the cold. \

what is needed is not the opponent's inferior technology, but only technology that is slightly inferior to Earth's.

Su Zhengmei couldn't eat anymore after eating a little. She was still very hungry. Even looking at qin An in front of her, she felt that this man's meat must be delicious! \

“You can use our pany’s name, right?

don't look now, the meteor is ing in less than eight months.

Shen Lan took out a little, stuffed qin Yan into a rectangular box, crushed it, tied it with a rope, and tied it carefully, hoping that \chao mu\ would be happy to see it. \

“I don’t want to make a lot of money.

there was no reply, no surrender from the nations, they still municated in many ways with the defenders of the world.

In addition to this daily mode, there is also a way to collect unlimited kills, which are finally tallied after 12 hours. \

huo Ye stopped and asked cautiously: \what happened?

the number of zombies is like a vast ocean. \

Since hou Yaolin needed to confirm this information, Liu mingyu put the smart bracelet on the table. \bai Feng secretly said.

moreover, what mr. Li said was pletely inprehensible. A big city like Lianhuicheng will have a power outage every three days, let alone other big cities. In parison, there is no doubt that gasoline cars are more practical.

these 100,000 people are a force that can pete with the entire sky. If these 100,000 people are used to kill him, even if they kill thousands or tens of thousands, it means that only they will die. .

So why do they suddenly have advanced space technology?

because he had practiced many times before, Zhang hao's pig-killing skills had improved greatly. It only took him two and a half hours to kill all the pigs.

\Governor Li, I'm not selfish, but I'm very bad. You also know that the first day of the new year is the wedding day of my third sister. I am the youngest, so I can't be there, right?\

- that's a lot of money, isn't it?

\Now that it's over, who knows what would have happened? If you hadn't called me! why are you looking straight into your room if you're so desperate?

descending from an altitude of 100 meters, Luo Ye activated his body skills and landed on the d3 giant zombie, with his bare legs facing the target. \

Zhang hao answered truthfully without hiding anything.

If Zhang Jiaqi was not married, his family would hesitate to kill him. the last time Zhang hao got married, they had killed the only adult pig in the family. \

\You...\ Liu Ruotong was so angry that she almost grabbed him and held him on her back. he felt his blood pressure rising. If it weren't for huo Ye, he would have died on huo Ye's head. place! don't let two giant zombies get lost behind you!

At first, Yang Zebiao was worried that the little girl would gain weight by eating fried chicken, but when she thought about today's society, she immediately gave up the idea.

Is Africa safe?

maybe there is no such artificial intelligence in Guardians of Earth.

huo Ye suddenly appeared and said, \then are you really dirty in the entertainment industry?

After all, qin Feng has no real power in the qin family, and everything about him depends on the qin family's name. \

bai Feng thought for a while and said, \Yes, except for the rat horns, most of them are ordinary mutant rats.\ how many first- and second-rate mutant rats are there? ——mouse mutation level. \Liu mingyu rolled his eyes when he saw the small black hole left after the death of the mother nest.

Liu mingyu later thought about destroying the bird's nest in the solar system, but still did not destroy it.

Later, after the Zerg were killed, the count was re-evaluated, and the count reached a very alarming number. \

but when they arrived at the front, everyone discovered that the white hole was not as weak as they thought.

Guo haoyu also looked away and said to the people around him:

\okay, the little princess is back, let's go to another city!\

---------------------------------- --

Liu xin got up early as usual. Seeing that qu Suran was asleep, he slowly got up from the bed and went downstairs to the room.

Even if there are no bright stars, there is such a flash.

this is much slower than the speed of our spacecraft.

In this surging energy, du Fei clearly sensed the remnants of cosmic energy.

however, Liu mingyu has not upgraded the system to level eight.

If such a good geographical location had not been arranged before the end of the world, I would not believe it by the end of the tang dynasty. Speaking of which, let's

the connection came out through the car stereo, and it rang twice, followed by flight

merge the two projects and get each project running.

but now we no longer have that technology, we don't have that capability.

the city lord fan was not wearing any clothes and pushed the door anxiously: \but what happened? don't think that just because you changed your name to a bitter western name, you changed your appearance. I e from you. Uncle, brother! he is because You pinched his acupuncture points before he lay on the bed! You haven't done it yet.

there is an unobtrusive dialog box on the screen that contains all the real accounts connected to the wutong network.

Liu mingyu continued: \Actually, this project is similar to the project you are developing now. It also treats cancer. why is it so slow? do you think I, a senior director, have no money?\

whether online or in real life, everyone has a sense of despair in their hearts.

this source of chaos quickly filled Ackerman's body, and then a confident smile appeared on Ackerman's face. the other party's life was already in his hands. the curvature of the corners of his mouth was beautiful, but in but it was true in du Fei's eyes. She's worth a try.

Suddenly, a huge white hole appeared in the solar system. the diameter of this big white hole was about 10 kilometers.

\Let us cry together because we need the truth.\


the sudden white light emitted by people on Earth is the energy of a cosmic portal in the form of a black hole.

the giant zombie shook its body violently, trying to shake qin An. At this moment, another giant zombie crashed into the zombie beast! So stay away from me! we don't need food, but the Rat King must take the crystal. he opened his eyes with difficulty and found that the same person had e to hurt him.

“this is the latest spacecraft developed by xingchen Group.

before Ziyue stepped out of the space door, he was quietly outside, like a ferocious beast crossing the starry sky, making people's blood boil.

“Really, what’s the point of playing a recorded video?

countries that cannot build new spacecraft on Earth do not stop the production of spacecraft.

Zhang hao didn't think much about it. According to him, killing pigs is a very happy thing and nothing can stop it. Even children were immersed in it without leaving any psychological shadow. Songs, can you do that? \

they are both Eastern Gods and western Gods. ma Yong asked.

please confirm that Liu mingyu did not take the initiative to sign the contract renewal terms.

After bai Feng killed tao Shuhai and Jiang bin, ma Yong evolved a little.

it's out of the question.

the most important thing is that I want to believe in mr. Zhang's luck. mr. Zhang never disappoints people. I understand that.

Ackerman saw how strange his ribs were and immediately activated the clone's teleportation. the main body immediately moved to the position of another energy clone, and then threw the sword to slash from the other side. du Fei struck with a cold blow and waved his palm, hitting the elemental wind sword. there was a violent explosion, and the energy clone instantly disintegrated.

we cannot repeat the same mistakes in this world. \Yuzhe's voice became more formal, and he said seriously: \hurry up and collect the grain. I will send Le Lin to let the grain be destroyed in a few days. Governor Li quickly stopped and said, \there is no airtight wall in the world.\ If both sides confront each other, there will be no way to cover up the problem, and only foreigners will ultimately benefit.

\Since we are already enemies, why?

the images outside the live broadcast room are photos taken and returned by space cameras. \

Liu mingyu opened the system update interface, and a dialog box immediately appeared.

only a few countries have not experienced greater prosperity due to their relatively strong and quality governments. \

many people couldn't help but ask such questions when they saw the movement of these spaceships. we still don't know his address. then I placed a long order for the restaurant and asked him to take his time preparing it before heading to the gym.

more than half of Southeast Asian refugees decide to resettle in Australia. there is nothing we can do about it. After all, Southeast Asia is densely populated and chaotic, and death is a possibility at any time.

Another lightning strike, and a level 2 zombie climbed onto the roof. before he could figure out what it was, it disappeared in an instant, leaving only scorch marks on the ceiling.

After resting for a while, Fan Yuhen and ma Yong started the gasoline barrel. \

Li Jing lowered his voice and gritted his teeth.

For the big planets of the New world, that's just a big part. Another energy clone, Ackerman, attacks from behind. du Fei stood up again and turned his body 360 degrees. the air sword in his hand cut off the blue arc of light and instantly defeated the energy clone.

this shout immediately attracted their attention. \

- quickly look to see if it's somewhere else.

however, Liu Ruotong did misunderstand huo Ye in this matter. \

\director Zhang, if possible, can you ask me the specific reason?

there were riots all over the world. \

but now is not the time for us to control it. \

\It seems they haven't figured out what it means yet. Isn't that a space gate?\

I can't see where the other side is.

can't I just do a search to see if there's anything suspicious?

chen mo groaned, and then his whole body shook, and the red clothes on his body appeared around him.

\how are you?\

\of course, Uncle Lee appointed me to his position. No one can forget him!

Later, while we were underground, we observed a spaceship.

A bolt of extremely powerful lightning suddenly shot down from the clouds, hitting a group of zombies and instantly turning them into ashes.

Although everything seems beautiful and peaceful to us, the future of mankind is unlimited.

So first of all, it depends on whether you can hit the meteorite. who dares to let you underestimate me so much?

but I didn't expect mars to be occupied.

\congratulations on meeting the system update requirements. he can no longer go back to the system update for the time being.\

\he really did it!\

Yu chaomu raised his sleeves angrily and started fighting with Shen Lan. his qin Yanjian, why is Shen Lan's face so big?

Although there were no major wars during this time like in other countries, things seemed different.

white smoke floated in the air. when it floated half a meter, it was sealed by the air-conditioning, slowly surrounding its body like a pale snowball.

the most important is.

but in fact, there is no limit to the number of killings. It is based on a space portal, and the distance is only tens of thousands of kilometers. \

At the same time, a small meeting was held in front of the United Nations building. \

however, evolved humans, who view it with a preemptive and nervous eye, would probably run away immediately if one of them encountered a mutant rat, according to diggy.

mr. huo also has many cars. Although not as luxurious as the Shangguan family, all models are available, including cars, SUVs, SUVs, supercars, etc.

For the average person, the speed of cars hasn't changed in about a thousand years, not that people have made faster cars, but that for people this speed limit is a safe zone for the active vision of the eye and the strong eye. the speed of human thought.

we'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

At the end of tang dynasty, he released his canopy.

Strange animals from outside. do you really think our family is run by government capital? \

this warning call was unusual for us.

what xiang xinchen can do is to weaken his own strength as much as possible, so that even if the mysterious force encounters him again, he can still pete with him, but he will be killed instantly like a simulator. \

It's easier to catch a rocket at the beginning of its launch.

Not surprisingly, Liu mingyu later tried various methods of system reform.

A young woman wearing a beautiful hanging skirt stood on the tallest tV tower in bashu city, looking at the light ing from the center of the city. Ike was not afraid of this terrible thunder and raised his body a little. . \

\wanxia city is known as the most famous Silk cloth city, but unfortunately there is nothing in the city now.\

there are certainly ways to municate, but generally there is no possibility of qualitative change.

After hearing qin An's words, Su Zhengmei was silent for a while and said, \Yes!

After Ackerman stole dufy's skills, he believed the sword was made of metal from the inside. they gathered strength in their hearts and prepared to face du Fei's unnecessary attack again, but


Finally, teacher tang is carefully examining the sand, nails and plastic on the floor. If you are not careful, your legs will be torn and bleeding. in the room number. 36. many people have gathered at this time. qin An only needs to stay for one day, and a lot of things can happen. .

At this moment, the eight-year-old Lu Yao, the youngest child of the Lu family, suddenly asked: \did you agree?

but this result already satisfied chen mo. Let's take a quick look.

So in the end there was no way to initiate an update.

You can't immediately tell that the live broadcast ship is not the data ship in your hand. do the elites still want to kill donkeys? what a job! Zhu chen's power is limited, and they cannot guarantee or have the ability to carry out such a huge project. \

\You are the person in charge of xincheng Group. You cannot be sure that these spacecraft are not products of your pany.\

“If we were confident of winning, what else could we do?

Shen Lan also drives an RV. I don’t know where he got it from, but it also has the strength and transformation of steel.

with the exception of the cast, all eight devices were successfully terminated with few testaments. \

It can also be said to be very advanced.


Looking back, I saw a black mushroom cloud rising slowly. If brother marco encounters a problem, don’t hesitate to send someone to report it.
