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66读书 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第77章 后记924.1414

第77章 后记924.1414

66读书 www.66dushu.com,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

otherwise, we would never have stopped closing the spatial portals to new worlds so easily.

Every movement in the universe can be considered in dimensional space.

In Zhao Ziliang's eyes, it was as if he had stepped into a stream of seven-colored water.

For some reason, tang mo really wanted to see the little bear. maybe it was because duoyang's little bear was so cute, so he felt a little sad.

\Ahem...Senior, you are exaggerating. I am lucky, I have talent and hard work, and I am worse than brother Zhou.\

In order to avoid such a situation from happening again, Liu mingyu resolutely chose to witness from behind.

while sometimes the oute is the same, the process may not be.

\You're right... brother Zhou has been training with my Uncle Zhou for more than ten years. he is the true leader of the new generation in Laoshan. Not only that, he is still young. I think he is the perfect candidate. ...

therefore, once their weapons are sold, they are hot sellers on the market.

Soon, Zhao xiliang arrived at the edge of the black hole under the mand of Liu mingyu. \

Since arriving in the grasslands of the late tang dynasty, we have rarely seen strange animals.

Zhao Ziliang reported the matter to Liu mingyu.

the half-length mage once again showed a convincing smile, jumping and spinning as if dancing in the sky. her dance was elegant and exciting, but the curling fan in her hand drew a dangerous beam of light, pointing directly at ouyang xiu. .

the electromagnetic waves of munication and the rays based on the principle of gamma radiation have lost their original functions at this time. \


on the other hand, Liu mingyu, a father of one child, was helpless when faced with the situation of his two children.

because the state observed now is no different from the state observed at the beginning.

If these highly fertile sheep were released to pasture, wouldn't there soon be enough food for humans and bears?

Sometimes they choose to retain the appearance of the Gates of heaven in the New world.

the main reason why Liu mingyu asked Sun Zhengkang to gather troops was to go to the New world as soon as possible and occupy the New world after the Gate of the New world appeared.

that is, the gate of the opponent's space is in front of the nest.

You don't need to worry too much. If this doesn't work, why don't we have a fight?

Now this small black hole, no, must be a created space portal, but in the universe, if it is a space portal, the volume of this space portal is very large. If we go at the current rate, it will take more than a month to run out of food in our base. \

Zhou Jianneng asked quickly.

After everyone stood up, huo Ye turned around and shouted: \A little love story!\ how can this be done? Knowing how evil the devil's eyes were, he immediately closed his eyes.

the black hair of the first blood spirit had already knocked down Liu Jun, and when the nine red leaves were about to hit the high eyebrows of the third blood spirit, he quickly came to his side, and then frowned. the hair is black and stretched. Nine red leaves tightly wrapped all the red leaves in his long hair, blocking qin An's attack.

they both increase energy without losing focus. \

the two people who were closely related to he Zhizhou looked at each other, and before arriving, they agreed to keep xingchen technology in Jiacheng as much as possible, and even made many political concessions.

If the boss doesn't believe it, you can check the test reports of other eighth-level fighters.

“You said you wanted to be the grandfather of our generation and bless future generations, don’t fight, don’t fight.


At first, Zhao Ziliang thought it was his illusion. After observing for a period of time, Zhao Ziliang could basically confirm that this was true. there es a time when you can't hide it.

Although they were not members, because the four of them had electronic invitations from the Rose club, the guards did not stop them and did not dare to stop them. therefore, they were afraid that if they died, a god who could cope with adversity would e. is that you?

Liu mingyu looked at Sun Zhengkang in disbelief: \It seems that you didn't really lie. Your test report is not much different from other people's eight-level basic test reports. All errors are within a reasonable range.

First, you need to find opportunities for the opponent to build a space portal and then block it. \

he knew very well that the main target this time was the best cage, and there was no way he could escape to the other side.

Every day after that, tang mo followed duoyang to the bear tent to feed the cubs, to the pasture to collect leaves for the goats, and to the sheep tent to feed the sheep.

but something is better than nothing.

Fang xinhai suddenly became angry: \You knew we would use tao Shuhai to build up the camp's power, but you killed him. what was your purpose?\ tao Shuhai and Jiang bin were not under bai Feng's mental observation. two men.

hearing Liu mingyu's words, Zhizhou smiled gently: \mr. Liu.\ mr. Liu, I agree with your request to the government.

when the laughter ended, a woman's shadow appeared next to him, and her voice became louder and louder.

why did it suddenly bee a white hole? \

Sun Zhengkang thought for a while and asked: \Elder Zhao, you said this is the Gate of heaven, so we should also have the opportunity to pass through the Gate of heaven, right?

the war between a generation and a spaceship is about to begin.

hearing that wang huairu would not continue the case, Zhao xiliang also took a breath and explained: \director wang, we discovered a new tianmen in this place.

he couldn't believe that Liu mingyu would give such information without saying anything.

thinking of this, qin An ignored weng die, walked out of the room, jumped into the room, activated his teleportation ability, and came to the roof outside the rectangular protective wall. Since finding you, I have discovered that pushing my physical limits makes me stronger!

\brother Sun, this is a problem for you. Let's shoot a peacock on this wall and see if it works.

It's better to wait where you are before starting to build.

After emerging, he closed his eyes like a statue.

\hello, brother Liu, I want to know why the lights in this mall suddenly turned on?

Nothing can be done.

that is, some people and some creatures cannot withstand the evolution brought about by the zombie virus, and will eventually be eliminated.

Unlike now, their munication was interrupted due to strong waves.

why did ondy want to kill him?

Soon, everyone went in. \

Liu mingyu said.

A real bear. I didn’t expect this young man to be so brave and raise a bear in his tent!

ma Yong was sad for a while, then stood up and said, \Let's go, we don't have to stay here, let's go somewhere else.\

\hmm, isn't it because of you?\

\hey, what did you say?

It's like a stack of paper. You need to break through a point to pass quickly.

Liu mingyu had previously asked him to find a way to prevent the formation of the new world space gate.

An emergency message notification appears immediately.

no one knows.

tang mo nodded. If you put it that way, this law is not too harsh. \

Yang huaqing did not insist anymore.

“but those bears would go to the ranch and e down.

After the two finished talking, they returned to the plane. Sun Shengkang found Zhao xiliang and whispered: \minister Zhao, the boss asked us to do this, especially considering you, and I am in charge of the war. You are mainly responsible for finding ways that the other party may ask for.

this is no time for joking.

I saw a person slowly walking out of the darkness, and a person lit a torch, illuminating that person. )

he quickly covered his whole body with iron, then took out a sharp blade from the back of his hand, cut off the flames emitted by the poisonous body, and stabbed the poisonous body in the chest. I saw

but this time, Liu mingyu hopes that Zhao Ziliang's counter-guarantee is still valid.

Ever since xingtian Sect caused a sensation across the country, everyone in china knew about the existence of the corpse Emperor. when the game was announced, they were surprised, not surprised.

“Are you just going to eat?

Sun Zhengkang did not underestimate his opponent. he restrained himself, fixed his gaze,and shouted with a serious face: \brothers, don't be afraid, just fight like we trained before.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Ziliang surrendered wholeheartedly.

After all, isn't it possible to imitate the real world?

At this time, Zhao Ziliang did not hesitate and saw a black hole appearing in front of him.

however, there are thirty thousand zombies. Not to mention anything else, if you live in a good place, you can stay there for more than ten days a night. \

As soon as xuantian finished speaking, Liu Jun's roar reached qin An's ears, and he shouted: \Uncle!\

\I'm a normal person!

In other words, some things don't happen during simulation.

what you drink may be thousands of sorrows, three thousand emotions or the feelings of this life. the hatred between xuantian and I has grown stronger over the years, and I don’t want to fall into his hands!

the person who poses the least threat is Yu chaomu. don't scare him with your words or actions. otherwise, who would be afraid of a man in a head-to-head confrontation? \

Leremi shouted from the bottom of his heart: “I want it!

this information es from the system and contains various details.

\Second uncle, why did you let him go?\

qin An nodded: \No problem!

Vacuum cannot conduct electricity, but magnetic fields can exist.

Zhao Ziliang smiled and said: \old Sun, can you take any risks?

“boss, it seems like my body has changed, it seems like I’m moving forward.

At that moment, wang huiru seemed to be in a sea of breath filled with breath, being protected.

Some may be ignored, but the victims should be taken seriously. the mainland is not a foreign country. Foreign countries are very chaotic. Sometimes a human life is not as important as a piece of bread. \the leader jumped up and explained, not because he was knowledgeable, but because he was exhausted physically and mentally from the tragedies he had experienced in the past few days. how could he not remember it?

but even though the size of this radius is small, it is still known to have a certain size.

Instead, he still prefers to appear quickly among the zombie-killing hordes. Every soldier around him can give him enough protection.

however, Zhao Ziliang couldn't see much. It was far away and dark.

they were immediately exposed to more radiation than they had been exposed to during the test.

Even if Liu mingyu had the skills shared by Feitian, he might not be able to plete his transformation in such a short period of time.

this is really bad luck.

Either xingchen Assistant or xingchen cloud can be pared with dozens or dozens of other panies.

much of the early development of the system was due to mingyu's luck in being able to develop the system.

the body of the giant white snake shook violently, and a spiritual sealing rune suddenly appeared on the giant snake's head. the beautiful snake wookie wookie wrapped in the white snake's bone body taunted.

he is a short, thin, ordinary-looking old man with gray hair. You are my brother

In fact, this energy is the energy used to expand the size of the black hole. \

when Liu Jun heard Jiusi's words, a look of anger appeared on his face and shouted: \I don't know!

After returning to his cabin, captain Ji Yiwei went directly to bed.

Zhao Ziliang is only five kilometers away from the black hole? According to huang Yi's research on fast energy, he was surprised to find that there is a kind of energy that can promote the growth of the human body.

\You... then why didn't you decide to leave when you saw us?

I'm afraid you don't know that you have turned into a zombie ghost, right? we defeated tao Genbao because the people below wanted to eat, right? \

her character is under charlotte's leadership, while bobby, Karen, and cutch are all the final incarnations of hill. \

\xiao Zhou, don't underestimate yourself. Looking at the entire federation, people like director Zhang will not be born in ten years.

be right back.

the Star Sky Sect can only be called the Star Sky Sect, and it actually predicted the next stage of the petition in advance.

So after di Ji broke up, he first went to the city Lord's mansion.

captain Ji Yi didn't understand why Yan qingling was so panicked, let alone what misfortune he had encountered. he?

Aren't you looking for death when you go there?

the room was one of three brick rooms and had obviously been occupied the night before, so there wasn't much dust in it. Already cleaned up, but the blanket was wet and smelly, but now I can. don't worry too much about it. \

Sun Zhengkang came to power. du Fei originally thought that the pandora crystal turned into a fly in the explosion, but now it seems that the pandora crystal was taken away by a half-formed witch.

If you haven't had a chance to see it for yourself, forget it, now that you have, there's no reason to stop and take a closer look.

\what is magnetic field voltage?\ then, the four people were taken to the sacrificial hall.

Zhao Ziliang felt a familiar feeling in the small black hole.

but if it's a gateway to space, it shouldn't be carrying stuff, right?

You can imagine my excitement.

he never expected that the terrifying principle of gamma radiation existed in such a remote place. \chen mo spoke again.

their team is far away from the black hole. they would still be affected by the strong currents in the area, but they would not be able to send the necessary information, as if they were on the edge of a black hole. the location is great and they can send messages easily. \

After xuantian finished speaking, he passed out and fell asleep again. Is it time to start farming? this is the new heavenly Gate, and no one knows what happened through the heavenly Gate.

Is this the door to heaven? Liu mingyu asked subconsciously.

\okay, okay, don't worry!

the experience value is reduced to three times its original value, leaving only one eighth.

xuantian said: \Green smoke is a kind of spiritual energy! And moving in the sky means that we have mastered the ability to municate with the creatures in the sky, allowing them to swallow our bodies once and for all and take them to another place.\ place!

Everyone waited for a while, but no one came out.

these required huang Yi to try many times to get the result.

Zhao Ziliang still has some understanding of his speed ability.

Fortunately, as things stand, broad has no intention of using teleportation.

there is no time to react until now.

during her stay, Liu mingyu was not lazy. when the biopic's cooldown came, I couldn't wait to get into the story. tang mo wanted to stretch out his hand, but before he could, the bear bit his head.

Four thousand new purple moon ships were built during this period alone.

If it fails, there is nothing they can do.

At this time, Sun Zhengkang and others ran away. they were relieved when they saw that Zhao Ziliang was far away from the black hole.

Liu mingyu heard the conversation between the two and immediately asked: \Ziliang, how are you?

ten minutes later, the injection volume had been reduced by half. \

\Yes, fortunately, they had an invitation, and the guardian was saved from this battle between heaven and man. he knew that he would definitely die.

the fifth blood spirit Langya also easily dodged qin An's sword attack. \

\Is this why the previous energy radiation disappeared?

Everyone's body balance is different. \

hearing what weng die said, qin An was a little curious again, but in the end he suppressed it because he thought you were related to Li Ying, right?

It has been almost half a month since I saw space. \

the other advance team soldiers wanted to celebrate, but they heard the second half of Song Yan's words, right?

After that, the mean-looking man tortured me for more than an hour, doing various tests and even an electrocardiogram. I thought it was a terrible disease. \

“boss, no problem, we’ll leave it to you.

but no matter what, in order to gain a place in the new world as soon as possible, Liu mingyu still continued the idea of creating xiu.

this is quite difficult to do.

the pure power can reach 1\/10 of the earth's water cannon.

can't test everything against each other, right? \

In Sun Zhengkang's subconscious, although he thought he would not break through immediately, traces were still left.

In order to see the truth clearly, Zhao Ziliang chased Ziyue and approached the situation cautiously.

many people looked at each other and immediately rushed to ma Yong's side. \

\Saha, I'd better go home!\

At this time, huo Ye and Shangguan Yudie were busy at the engagement party. It's New Year's day in two days. the four of them were playing video games in qingluan building. Lelimy killed everyone here. Especially this one. A machine that looks like a gambling machine. his 160 Iq brain can calculate these things quickly and easily. Eventually the boss gets embarrassed... and invites them out.

At first, everyone was still awake, for fear of something happening suddenly.

In the guest room, Zhang hao asked while holding Yang huaqing.

\Kailo, do you want to go back to huicheng, or stay with me?

Upon seeing this, the suddenly mutated poisonous body immediately jumped behind the three-headed hell, avoiding the bite of the bone-white snake.

the reason black holes grow so fast is because black holes release a lot of energy.

After checking the munication records of each group sent by the personnel on duty, the situation is normal. the team's results are all online, and most people answered \everything is normal.\ captain Ji Yi took a breath and felt himself immediately. Keep your brows straight and fight.

A small group of Silver moons quickly changed their attack methods and used laser attacks.

Liu mingyu feels the same now. \

ding chengkong clenched his fists, then sat down and said: \After announcing the news from the province yesterday, I ordered Ji dao to send a hundred thousand troops into the city. It will take half a day and one night. Estimate the number of zombies in the city.\ And normal people Same, about 30,000.

one group consists of children under the age of sixteen who have stayed at the hulang base since birth, and the other group consists of adults over the age of fifty who belong to the core aborigines. \

Zhou hengming was very reluctant.

I don’t know how Lao Zhao’s investigation is progressing.

At this time, Sun Zhengkang was still immersed in the joy of being promoted to the eighth level warrior, and did not notice Liu mingyu's worried eyes.

After the explosion, Zhao Ziliang also turned his attention to the wall. \

on october 23, Zhang hao and others followed mayor Jiao and boarded a southbound passenger ship. when they arrived, everything was normal at the port, but when they left, it was pletely white.

Song Yan looked at the remaining one hundred and seventeen people with a smile in his eyes:

\You are all good children who survived. congratulations, you now have the opportunity to join the special operations force!\

In fact, both of them were a little surprised by Liu mingyu's previous suggestion.

Leader, do you think we should go back or stay where we are?

but why did chong hanyu remind Yu chaomu about this?

but judging from the many warm corpses he touched, bai Feng knew that these people had not gone far.

but from Zhao Ziliang's perspective, he could clearly see the existence of this wall. \

“So, what should mwalimu Young city do?

After the two began to perform the mission, Sun Shengkang returned to his serious look and said to the battle station in a deep voice: \brother, our mission this time is to build a mother nest outside 50,000 astronomical units to pletely eliminate the opponent. he then the opponent is pinned to the ground and cannot run away.

we can only ask Zhao Ziliang.

this is the main purpose. As for the others, Liu mingyu doesn't care.

It's true that black holes can be seen in space, but he wanted to take a look at real-world black holes to see if they could help create a space portal. \

the First Emperor nodded and smiled: \Immortality and freedom are like two extremes. how can a person who has bee an immortal be free?

Looking at the girls in the group, the boys wanted to get close to Amei and cheng Yanfang again while fighting zombies at work.

\boss, I'm fine. Look at the results of my two measurements. You can see that my facial features have all improved.

In this way, these panies present their products as high quality. \

“they were gifts from friends and it’s hard to say no to such kindness.

All things considered, the monster should be as close to the door as possible.

captain Ji Yiyi received the report that Yan qingling and his party had returned, but he did not visit them, partly because it was more important to contact some people at the time than to find the reason for their absence. . on the other hand, captain Ji Yiwei didn't want to face Yan qingling. After regaining consciousness, he said: “howler monkey!

Liu Yuyi once released a high-voltage current magnetic field. the magnetic field level was posed of five glutens, and the full force release this time was several times stronger than the voltage previously released passively. Are there more than 10 units for sale today and at least 50 buyers?

the three-headed hellhound receives special care. As an adult, it is more powerful than the other three-headed hellhounds. considered a good snake's tail, parts of it were swallowed. the green flames chased the white snake into the forest, blowing the white snake to pieces. Every tree where the fire touched was burned. Even some plants that could spread water after burning could not extinguish the poisonous fire. , quickly burning into hollow, charred tree trunks. I am a kind-hearted person!

what? Is it a black hole type space portal or a space portal?

the wall is still standing without any damage.

\then what should we do next? Something doesn't seem right.\

he finished speaking softly and slowly let go of Yu chaomu's hand.

Zhao Ziliang immediately opened the battlefield and shouted loudly: \old Sun, stop fighting in front of the children, the children are about to escape.\ I want to eat the delicacies of Gucheng again, so let's start with the delicacies of qingluanlou!

“boss, it seems that the brood has discovered us, and the enemy seems to be slowing down and trying to escape.

Fortunately, Ziyue's improvement speed is very fast, and she can advance quickly even if there are energy fluctuations.

\No, the public security is not very good now, how can I guarantee that you are an unmarried woman?

Seeing bai Feng appear, everyone's hearts dropped.

“No matter what you want, no one is going to that place but me.

After regaining consciousness, chen mo couldn't help it anymore. Facing the future generation, Sun Zhengkang did not feel fear, but was full of energy.


meanwhile, the battle on the mountain was over.

Everyone is full of curiosity and concern. he turned and left, leaving several reformers looking at each other.

It should be blocked by the energy radiation of the black hole, and there is also a show on the other side.

Normally, when a mother nest falls into a black hole, its final size is about the size of an apple.

Sometimes they choose to directly close the space portal to the new world.

du Fei came to life again, shocking many deformed bodies. mayor Jiao said calmly.

when did this happen? \

\Use your skills and recruit some people for me! there must be a position!\

the energy arrow immediately separated from the arrow and shot in front of the half-makeup artist in a flash.

It is not an easy task to catch the sheep that has changed the power of everyone in the wolf Guard base.

but this time, Sun Shenkang felt that his body had undergone unprecedented changes. the feeling of energy filling your body is amazing and wonderful.

this black hole is a new type of space portal. Since there is no teleportation, we can take measures to see if there is a chance to teleport to the other party through this air portal.

Liu mingyu obtained many technologies for transforming the planet through flying.

don't think too low. \

Jiang Feng thought for a while and said: \Ah... I remember a senior graduate sold me information on this. Although the howler monkeys have amazing attack power, they must pay a price for their attacks. After force, they can \many, their load points are underground in geologically active areas!\

“Special drugs to treat leukemia.

So has the information provided by Liu mingyu passed human clinical trials?

du Fei didn't dare to resist the green flame for a long time. with just one touch, he could already feel the scorching heat of the green flame.

Star technology does not exist, but now seems to have left the mysterious pany. \

Yu chaomu turned his head angrily and said again.

\I am attracted to cheng Yanfang and Amei. If I see a woman looking for these two people, I will run over them with my car!

the same goes for today's black holes. \

\I'm not asking you to follow me!

he was finally startled by the roar, and everyone around him looked at him.

but what encourages everyone the most is that if it turns out to be true and proves that Sun Zhengkang's body has been transformed by the energy radiation emitted by the black hole, then he might as well stay here.

As a global health problem, most cancers are incurable, although some cancer patients survive.

“Far away, but close.

After a while, Zhao Ziliang reached the center of the black hole.

I don't know yet if the wall will crack. \

\okay, boss, please wait a moment, I'll go check on the situation right away.

Fortunately, huang Yi is a zombie and Liu mingyu can easily take him away. otherwise, even if he wants to e, he doesn't know when to take him away.

Everyone thinks this is a good thing.

Normal zombies will usually be electrocuted to death within five meters of Liu Yuyi, but gluttons, evolvers, and second-level zombies need to be three meters away from Liu Yuyi before they are electrocuted. Still. will hit Liu Yuyi. this impact is the greatest. the stronger the person, the closer they will be to Liu Yuyi.

the proud words about Yan qingling's team made captain Ji Yi sad, and captain Ji Yi decided that they could not survive on this ship. oK If those gentlemen and ladies have been bored on the boat for five or six days and are still worried, what will happen if they see criminals?

the months of this season are no longer the same months as before.

\okay! From now on, keep an eye on the boss, be sure to protect him, and don't make any mistakes.

however, huo huo is not a person who uses words to show weakness. without thinking, he said: \Liu Li, if you go out, pay immediately.

Got different results.

Liu mingyu listened to the conversation between Sun Zhengkang and others.

when you enter Guanghan palace, if you don't know that this is the moon, you will still think that this is a secret realm on earth.

his shoulders were as broad as mountains, but he was not very tall.

Although this situation has not been replicated in the virtual world, they are also very confident that they can immediately eliminate the enemy in front of them.

when I chose to stay put, I thought the characters might find me, so my invisibility started right from the start.

can I go see what's going on now?

Zhao Ziliang had no choice but to explain again: \As long as we know the material of the wall, we can destroy the wall in a targeted manner. In other words, Liu Jun just wants to surround the ninth blood spirit and keep it out. he can use this Exchange the world's abilities to reveal yourself and let the Ninth blood Spirit return to us!

because he knows how much mission he will get after today.

It's not technology, it's money. If I had known, I wouldn't have participated.

my whole body is filled with relief, and I cannot stay here for long. \

the order has been issued.

but this was always a rumor. It is believed that the ring reappeared after a special mission and it was seen in a populated area approximately 100 kilometers away. . It was no longer alive, very quiet, and suddenly appeared. on the table or curbside.

Song Yan did not follow him, but took the signal source on the table and shouted to everyone.

\don't forget the last four sources when you pass by. who else wants to buy? I don't care if you eat today.

how can this be?

Liu mingyu holds the thin and silver moon on the back of the moon. It only takes ten seconds to go from the earth to the moon.

Zhang hao nodded quickly: \You don't understand, and I don't understand either. how can I have the time and energy?\

After hearing bai Feng's words, the six monks looked at each other.

Liu mingyu hugged huang Yu gently, with a smile on her face: \don't you remember the inheritance evolution potion I gave you?\ diji asked.

he didn't know where the beads he was looking for were, and now he didn't want to make an enemy of either man or bear.


\hahahaha I wish you all the best, sir, do you know anything about our base?\

wang huiru looked at him and smiled: \You should have invited me a long time ago.

No, not even a black hole.

\Look at my pig brain, why do I look at it in a normal position? he is the son of the colonial presidential family and the most successful businessman in the colony after the Shangguan family. Yes. the president's son did not follow his father into politics, but choose to be a businessman.

Nothing has changed.

qin An was even more tired because there were too many things to deal with. they said they didn't know why they lost the relationship and didn't care.

“then just stay where you are.

After a while, Zhao Ziliang saw that there was no nest mother in Fang's space, but there was some kind of biological tissue floating around, indicating that there was a nest mother here. \digi turned his eyes to bai Feng and raised his middle finger to bai Feng.

he was shocked on the battlefield. Everyone rushed to the prepared pile of property and dead bodies and sold them all.

Either the Zerg space portal in the bering Strait, or the space portal created by Zhao Ziliang and others.

but sailing around the edge of a black hole can also be dangerous.

but this time, because of Yu chaomu's warning, Amei and cheng Yanfang did not dare to talk to the girls anymore, and took their children to touch the corpses in the pile of zombie corpses.

After the bullet disappeared, the taoist could not be seen in the darkness for two hours. chen Yang and the soldiers tried to see what was hidden in the darkness of the garden forest.

Indeed, the looks of guilt and sorrow on the faces of those young gentlemen and ladies were remarkable. this is a sign of an immature worldview. It floated in captain Ji Yi's heart and did not stick to it. . \

the bald man patted his fleshy chest, forted Yu chaomu and said:

\I will never let those girls go to get close to captain Zhong!\ Yan qingling sneered. As she spoke, she picked up the whip and continued to beat captain Ji Yiwei.

the three hell heads were not skilled in their movements, but when they saw the sound of white snake blood gushing out of their bones, the three dog heads screamed and emitted evil green light, shooting in the direction of xie Shu.

been waiting all day.

Zhao Ziliang is obviously the most suitable to take on the task of preventing tianmen from appearing.

that seemed to be the end of it.

he didn't even think about whether it would be better to lose tianmen in the new world or stay in this world.

Later, when I looked at the big man in front of me, I was not surprised.

Sun Zhengkang did not answer much. General contact information does not work here. Liu Yuyi turned around and shouted, and all five scorpions immediately took out their sharp weapons and attacked Liu Yuyi.

there are only a few ways to call the airport. \

bai Feng smiled and said: \I'm also trying to hear what you mean.

the Starry Sky Sect can easily predict the next big step in the game, which proves the power of the Starry Sky Sect. Join Star Group today, you won't regret it.

Liu mingyu's mind was in confusion. I'd better not fight with you and Jiang Feng!

If they didn't have true invisibility, nothing could escape their noses.

however, after reading it, he Zhizhou directly stated that he would establish a new pany in Jiacheng city. doesn't this mean that his information is very likely?

Even in many previous storylines, broad has been inconsistent.

because during the day and night conversations, duoyang discovered that she was one year younger than tang mo, and was impressed by tang mo's tenacity. In the following days, she kept calling tang mo sister.

Liu mingyu came to her senses and asked, \what happened?\

Song Yan nodded and said.

\I will tell you later, e back and stand up! I do know something about this kind of disaster. what do you want to know?\ the squad leader thought for a while and said: \According to reliable information, it seems to be a group of knights. Five phoenix ten ming Sui, forty-nine howler monkeys, and the last corpse. Fifty Feng ming Sui riders. they have powerful attack skills, most of which occur in one day. ordinary people and soldiers patrolling three remote areas are Even if he is hit, he still has the ability to travel through the air!

Everyone can feel that the thick smoke has dissipated and the place has returned to normal.

Soon we were back in the spaceship.

Although they have a lot of training, they are all trained in the online world.

Liu mingyu opened her mouth and found that the grapes were not full yet. while he watched helplessly, he picked grapes for himself to eat. \

the First Emperor was stunned for a moment, then he said with a silly smile: \Yes, if you give xiao Jing to me, I will give you the benefits of expanding your victory.

Sun Shenkang was curious whether the black hole in front of him was the same as other black holes.

If the brood uses teleportation, it can continue when the teleportation distance is close to the opponent. \

bai Feng couldn't help but smile when he heard the words: \okay, you go to bed. when he opened the secret room door, captain Ji Yi felt his ears were extremely cold. Judging from many examples, it was bin's legs.\ Although his strength is a bit weak now, but they saw bai Feng's strength. \

\thinking of this, Zhao boguang followed the general trend.

Just when everyone thought that Silver moon was about to disappear from everyone's eyes, they saw two flames burning.

Zhou Jianneng expressed anger: \According to xiaohao's wishes, I will let you take over after I retire.\ he fell into a a again, but this time he was hit even harder. he smiled and said: \It's okay, gentlemen, let's wash up first.\

Fang qiuyue was stunned for a moment, turned around quickly, smiled sweetly, and said:

\today's harvest is over. Finally, there are only the last four pieces left. After they are sold out, we will stop for a while.

but when I go back to other aspects, I'm back to my first level.

And Liu mingyu knew very well that brod was easy to deal with and would not encounter any big problems.

this worry is unnecessary.

Sun Zhengkang then looked at Liu mingyu and asked, \boss, I want to take someone to check out the situation and see if we can find anything wrong.\

\well, I don't understand your professional matters, so I'll bring wang huairu here now.

Apparently, he saw five corpses and three unconscious people. when bai Feng saw them, he knew that both tao Shuhai and Jiang bin survived.

this is not only my mother's home, but there are also a large number of Zerg around. \

Liang hongbo showed a wonderful smile. Although the task was difficult now, he was very happy.

think about the purple moon I piloted as a regular soldier. \

the other advance team soldiers wanted to celebrate, but they heard the second half of Song Yan's words, right?

Each bear had bloody wounds and most were dead.


Lan Yue's face suddenly turned as red as the sunset, and she panicked: \master!\

\I do not remember.

No, first they ask once a day. \

Fang Yuheng said with a smile: \tao Shuhai was saved last night, and Jiang bin's dismembered body was found on the west wall.\ chen Yang pushed Liu Yu into the mall, and the remaining loyal soldiers followed chen Yang's instructions and cautiously moved toward him. walk to the mall entrance.

\what happened?

current simulations range from once a month to once every two months, then two years or more.

Zhao Ziliang did not continue his research. If he continued this level of research, he would be unable to do anything.

From this point of view, what initially expands briefly should then gradually decrease.

Even when tested on human subjects, the data are conclusive.

I went to the hospital again yesterday because I haven't been feeling well for the past few days.

Liu mingyu smiled and said: \I called you here at this time because I want to hand over this job to you. however, you are not the only one. this time it is about where the black hole enters space from, so adding Ziliang also Not bad.\ ... , there are two of you. \personal responsibility.

So bai Feng plans to rest here for a few days and wait for Zhou Yu, bai Jie and others to recover before leaving here.

the focus now is on finding the cause of the change.

It would be great if during the research process a way could be found to stop the other side.

pared with other panies, he Zhizhou feels that xingchen technology is a real high-tech pany.

I'm the only one.

Shall we leave now?

he nodded, turned around and walked out of the RV door, knowing that Zhong hanyu was behind him, acpanied by a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. chen Yang cursed angrily: \You don't look like a glutton, but you're not a developer. Aren't you afraid of zombies if you go out late?\

Liu mingyu then called Zhao Ziliang and Sun Zhengkang.

You can't stop the boss from getting together, so you have to protect the boss as much as possible.

Needless to say, the virtual reality technology they are using now is based on the virtual reality technology provided by Feitian on the aircraft carrier planet.

the bright light prevented everyone from seeing clearly the special features of the cage.

the nine days necessary for life, that is, three days, have passed twelve days.

there seemed to be no more strength left in his body.

Is it the other side of the black hole?

but when the first step of the game fell and the second step was lifted, dark clouds suddenly appeared in his heart. he expected to receive bad news, but he did not hesitate in his actions. bad news is better than no news. At least you can decide to go home and leave the magic city.

A task that would normally take several minutes to plete took almost a day to reach the edge of a black hole.

while the children were thinking, the gamma ray cannon bined with the terrifying gamma rays launched a fierce attack on the children's area.

Also thanks to his ability to reach the sky, if not for his current actions, he would have been floating in the chaotic space flow.

do you think this method is ineffective? \

Although Zhao Ziliang did not ask Sun Zhengkang to help record the video, Sun Zhengk

ang thought of these things in advance and thought he could help him a little.

Is there any other way to search for black holes in this area?

Soon the two unmanned spacecraft arrived in front of the black hole wall. du Fei retreated, avoiding the thunder and lightning, and then the wind sword lifted the makeup artist's body to block the green light beam. \

“does your boss agree with you?

the diameter increased from one meter to ten meters in a short period of time.

Guangyue and Yinyue seem to be many, but in the eyes of the nest mother, they are just ants blocking the road.

Just when everyone was approaching the wall and preparing to climb the wall, a voice sounded.

the test results will e out immediately. It doesn't matter! but he didn't think he could escape by climbing over the wall.

It will be like a bright door of light. \

“well, if you’re arguing with me at this point, you’re a difficult person.

Sun Zhengkang was not lazy. After the initial shock, he immediately seized the opportunity and launched a fierce attack on the remaining Zerg.

Fang Yuheng and Fang xinhai walked towards bai Feng.

the penetrating power of death rays varies, but it doesn't change much, and sometimes it doesn't even decrease a little bit.

however, Zhao Ziliang was not discouraged. he knew his research skills, and he was not good at research.

Liu Yuyi stretched his palms forward, closed his eyes, and enjoyed receiving the electric current from the remaining three mangurs. the three mangurs immediately breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground, looking at them in shock. . “before the late tang dynasty, I had heard of conflicts between bears and humans.

this fight is different. Liu mingyu truly felt the reality of this world when he saw the two children in front of him.

Everyone once again launched a more powerful star-destroying cannon attack towards the center of the city wall.

the only difference then was that he was constantly bathing in the energy material released by the black hole.

So when encountering such a thing, duoyang knew it very well and immediately hid behind tang mo, waiting for him to face it in person. \my grandson is wrong, grandson, spare your life, spare your life!\

Looking at the empty tianmen, Liu mingyu asked, \Should we go back to the old path?\ he couldn't stop thinking.

It was made in the late tang dynasty, but if you see it with your psychic ability, it can be regarded as seeing it with your own eyes, right?

If you don’t go out after this time, you are likely to get lost in the chaotic space and not know where you are going.

\hey, this is for our future. As long as we have money, xiaoyu and his brother will be happy in the future.

depending on what happens next, the next major invasion could occur at this time.

without some other means of identification, no one can confirm whether it has been transferred to another entity.

If you dare to run, aren't you seeking death?

hulan Foundation always weles capable people. on this basis, there are the rules set by qiang ba. Looks like we need to talk to someone about this.

If this is the case, it would be a good thing for Liu mingyu and the others.

Sun Zhengkang and others were far away from the mother nest, and there were Zerg in the middle, so they couldn't keep up for a while.

the insulators we call wood, rubber, etc. are not 100% insulating. As long as the voltage is high, the current will destroy the insulation and discharge. \

Zhao Ziliang thought for a while and nodded. this is also about you. only by tearing down this wall can we find a way to break through the past.

It would be better if it was fixed. \

hearing this, ding chengkong shook his head, got up and came back.

Liu mingyu decided to do it a few more times, at least two or three times, to see if there were any changes.

Just as Liu mingyu was about to answer, the smooth bracelet on her hand suddenly rang.

Everyone in the elite group has greatly improved their strength after being injected with the transformation potion. Everyone who bees a team leader gets one successful injection. ding Yan, who received two successful injections, became the leader of the group. the maximum number of injections for members of the normal group was 3. Second-rate

captain Ji Yiwei did not visit Yan qingling and others, nor did he plan to interview them. Regardless of the reason, they all quit the team within seven days. And just like that, for whatever reason, they came back. \

Sun Zhengkang looked at Zhao Ziliang in confusion and whispered: \I just want to say that if we find the material inside this wall, we can destroy this material in a targeted manner and break through this wall.\

holographic projection is like a real screen created before your eyes.

tao Shuhai was pletely desperate at this time and knew that he would not survive.

the theme of \heaven's Gate\ is harnessing the power of heaven.

Seeing that the children he sent were immediately killed by the enemy, Seed realized that you would no longer continue to fight the enemy!

this is the last hidden threat Liu mingyu currently faces.

the man seemed friendlier than expected.

After du Fei kicked out the poison Flame Evolutionary body, he immediately threw away the metal burned by the flames, then turned around and jumped into the thunder wedge Evolutionary body.

Liu mingyu also chose his own ship, Ziyue. \

\oh, floor 128, at least 30% is for food. work hard and eat like a fat woman. Let's see who you like!\

must reach level eight. \

Song Yan turned around and unexpectedly saw Li Jun standing next to the man. he couldn't help but smile:

“okay, first tell me what your station is called and who your station agent is.

Initially, the brood was half a world in size. the moment he woke up, or even earlier, the pain awakened his nerves, causing his body to react violently and fight fiercely.

chong hanyu fed Yu chaomu another rice, but he didn't eat it. he concentrated on feeding the fish chaomu, because he did not feel hungry during the process of absorbing the crystal core.

because of this behavior, Liu mingyu gave special instructions. \

\No, according to Feng mingchui's character, this is already the most advanced formation!

After working hard to defeat the monster, you get nothing but zero drops.

\boss, what do you want me to do?\

Even if Sun Zhengkang wanted to help, he couldn't do much, he could only look here.

In other words, in a very short period of time, the hive mother released about half of the Zerg.

Gamma rays fired by gamma ray guns emit colored light into the universe. Sure enough, tao Shuhai and Jiang bin met under Shen Nian's nose, and ma Yong was also present.

\warning, please run, please run.\ Yan qingling and others came back and said that there was no danger in the past few days. they were just busy opening the security door in the bank basement, so there was nothing to worry about. otherwise.

Zerg are huge in size. Although Silver moon and Red moon attack wildly and form a network of attacks, there are also lucky people who can pass through the connected fire network.

Effective protection is the best way.

If you want to establish a base there, Zhao Ziliang alone is not enough.

because the munication between the two parties has not been restored. \

bai Feng shook off the blood on his sword and wiped the blade.

but when he met bai Feng, everything changed.

the thunder fire and half-makeup witch forms are both sensitive, so they cannot sense du Fei's life and death. \

Sun Zhengkang was puzzled as to why Liu mingyu’s progress had slowed down, but he quickly replied: “okay, boss, no problem.

Another character makes this request after entering the black hole and waiting for a while. did he want to see the Gate of heaven?

many people have similar situations. Something from mythology?

but now the information Liu mingyu receives basically covers 50% of the people.

the explosion of the two silver moons was really because of him.

I feel like I really don’t want to.

Sometimes spanking a child can be difficult. \

Sun Zhengkang had actually seen the migration of Ada's lair a long time ago, but he didn't expect that the other party was the only one who sent a group of Zerg, and then he turned around and didn't send them.

the feeling of bathing in the hot sun is a plete illusion.

In the discussion, black holes, no, should be called white holes.

Zhao hongyi and huo also started talking. the other three looked at each other and couldn't help but start talking.

Liu mingyu said: \I have called Zhao Ziliang, you lead the members of the training team to the children's nest and hide the children.

the soldiers were shocked. Looking at Liu Yue standing in front of them, they couldn't calm down for a long time. If Liu Yu hadn't taken action in time, more than half of the soldiers in this army would have been injured. military style bomb. Suddenly he appeared.

Later, xuantian's voice rang in qin An's heart: \once the seventh blood spirit's fire dance is established and the heart of the sea of fire is established, his ability to control the flame will be very strong, and the heat of the flame will be like this.\ In his hand. .the temperature can reach 3,000 degrees. Let him get closer. Nde: Anya, the eighth blood soul, has the power of magic, don't look into his eyes, use your best hearing to find him and attack him!

throughout the whole day, captain Ji Yi passed by for the second time without hesitation in the chorus of hope and despair.

because he knew that even if the opponent's hatching speed reached that level, he would not be able to withstand the attacks of many xiuhe Yin.

here, someone once thought that black holes might be a way to connect to other worlds, but these were all speculations and no one has proven it. It won't be like this next time.

“be extremely careful.

their current condition prevents them from sending messages to the outside world, but that doesn't stop them from flying.

millions of players died at sea.

chen mo turned to look at the First Emperor, his expression unchanged, as if he had expected this result, but there was still sadness in his eyes.

of course, he was also eager to see tianmen. huo Ye looked down at his body. his clothes were wet with sweat. the sharp body lines under the clothes were very beautiful. In order to scare his opponents in the last match against Andian, he deliberately grabbed his clothes and cheated on most of them. the girls felt like their noses were bleeding, which showed how hot his body was. the weather is still very hot.

Now he knew the reason for creating the space portal. \

the First Emperor was speechless again, and the thousands of words in his heart turned into screams.

ps: It’s the end of the month, don’t forget to vote!

A round from the gamma ray cannon had already damaged him.

After dropping enhanced monsters, how many players were killed by the monsters?

Sun Zhengkang forted him: \old Zhao, don't be discouraged. If it doesn't work once or twice, just the third, fourth, or even more times.\

bai Feng ignored Fang xinhai's words and looked at Fang Yuheng to see what he was talking about.

Liu mingyu told everyone to pay attention to his physical condition before, but this time, everyone gave Liu mingyu useful information. \

At first Liu mingyu wanted to stop Sun Zhengkang's behavior, but considering that Sun Zhengkang always felt that most people's bodies were a little different, feeling different emotions seemed unforgivable.

\director, something seems to have happened at tianzhimen.

this is not about yourself. . \

\You mean you came here because you saw this warehouse on fire? Attributes: fire, space, darkness. After looking at bai Feng, di Ji's defense relaxed.

Just as the girl expected.

qin An turned around, picked up weng di, then entered the bedroom and put her on the bed.

the power here has been greatly weakened, but Sun Zhengkang's position is on the edge of the black hole, and he is still affected by strong fluctuations. \

\I understand, spare your life!

Zhao Ziliang nodded slightly: \As far as the current situation is concerned, that's it.

Liu mingyu didn't worry about disturbing Zhao Ziliang, so he walked to Zhao Ziliang's side.

You can see more detailed data after seeing yourself.

Just a wink.

Shangguan Yudie looked at his brain mirror and said to huo Ye: \there are only names and attack methods in the database.\

when he put these things down, he was a little shocked.

Liu mingyu didn't know if Sun Zhengkang had the same trick. \

place an order.

\boss, is the hongman party tonight?

maybe we'll see it when we get to the end.

I saw the deadly light burst out with tremendous force. \

A loud voice sounded in his mind, and Song Yan's eyes immediately turned to the middle-aged man. It was not easy to create a plete chain of evidence, but as more and more people discovered the rings that suddenly appeared, both at the bottom and at the top, a large amount of important evidence was collected.

I'm going to see what makes this wall so strong.

Is it too difficult to do this now?

Instead of waiting for others to attack, it is better to strike first. \

weng die nodded and said: \Yes! what is the relationship between the two of them?

do you also want to use this method to have the opportunity to update the system?

I believe that if he joins, he will definitely know how to build the new space gate. \

\take it and bury it somewhere outside the city.\ Guard captain Ji Yi was stunned for a moment, then realized, \Even the elite reserve team ran away?

Although doomsday heroes continue to kill their own kind, new auras continue to appear, keeping the total number of doomsday heroes unchanged.

this is the world's first battle.

this means there is a new way to create spatial portals.

huo Ye said: \these are all appearances. before I left, I made sure that they hardly rescued themselves or asked for help from the outside world. After all, the moment they asked for help, it meant that they failed to protect themselves. but As adults also know, opening a pharmaceutical pany requires many due procedures, and I hope the government can provide support.

After all, according to his own words, all five taotie were eliminated. Even the powerful second-level taotie beside him couldn't withstand a simple blow. this. risk. the heavy rain and the gluttonous food that came in the heavy rain became Liu Yu's experience.

If you want to reach the new world, it is impossible to rely on Zhao Zil

iang alone. Someone had to protect him. \he also guessed it.\

I thought the brood was aware of their presence because the brood suddenly slowed down.

\Jumba and the other bears there are ferocious. these bears are born to love people. they want to be friends with people if they don't hurt them.\

Fang qiuyue has a record list of all people who have purchased signal sources, making it easy to find and prevent others from buying more.

Isn't this a plete waste of time?

After listening to Liu mingyu's suggestion this time, they no longer had any doubts, but they wanted to find a way to solve this problem because they could confirm the authenticity of the news. \

\I won't go even if you beg me!\

Seeing the expanding black hole, everyone's spaceships couldn't help but occupy some space. \
