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第68章 后记9842.42.424

66读书 www.66dushu.com,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!


y, but they all turned around reluctantly.

people are always surprised when the unexpected es.

don't try to use the power of the blue Sword God to save me, because ... because you can't stop a person who wants to die!

bai Feng is a third-level developer, and no one can stop him once he is injured.

the fireball hit the ground and exploded, leaving a burning black spot on the ground.

however, what they did not expect was that it was precisely because of this supply interruption that xingchen Group decided to independently develop lithography machines. Everyone started crying, but no one stopped.

Just as xiaocui went to make soy sauce, a handsome but sloppy and vulgar man came in from outside. there was a little blood on him.

In addition, his abilities are not promised pared to those of people with the same level of development.

Yan haiqing scratched his hair and smiled fiercely, \brother Yun, you are a bit unkind.

weng Lan frowned slightly. this person is afraid of death and very timid. he may not be a threat to her, but he is susceptible to negative emotions at critical moments because fear is likely to disorient him and lead him to act without thinking. ....

Zhang Yuan knew his brother very well. he's strong, but not that aggressive.

She frowned slightly, then moved her body closer to the bed. Finally, only half of his body lay on the bed, while the other half remained in the air. \As soon as he finished speaking, ding dazhuang jumped out of the window and fled.

chen mo said calmly: \Even if what you say makes sense, even if you have power that shouldn't exist at this moment, han Shuang is still mine. If you want to take him away. For me, you have to convince me. \Not at all. otherwise.\ \my strength is much worse than yours, and I don't want to risk my life to fight you.\ with your gift, you can go directly to my father and he will give you something that even you cannot get.

“Are you waiting for a statement from the federal government?

Zhou xinyan took two steps forward in confusion and looked up at the kitchen:

\I thought Jiang peng fell asleep yesterday! Let's buy it.\

xiao tao's room was still locked, so tang mo looked inside when he passed by.

Even if there is a small possibility, it cannot be ignored.

with this successful experience, huang Yu is confident that the New Year celebration will also be successful.

\poor new owner, your biological mother doesn't want you anymore, your stepmother is a heartless woman, your adoptive mother is a poor fool who was raped, and now this mother has lied, mrs. beichen, is a fool who raised her son “You know what? Liu mingyu asked. She usually cooks, but she has a lot of seafood on hand, which she has never cooked before. You are so cruel! huh, you really threw my photos all over the street. how can I get out of the flowers and have some fun? A game where heroes save beauties?

Yu chaomu walked up to chong hanyu and spoke loudly, even the woman at his feet could hear:

\this is the most energy that plants can produce.\ Among the five elemental kingdoms, most of the main wood kingdoms have auxiliary and auxiliary ponents, but there are also some wood kingdoms with stronger strength and stronger attack power.

he thought for a moment and then added: \If you need our help, just ask.\

\what a temptation.\ he just stretched and scratched his butt, and I spanked him. this is your bad idea. what does this have to do with me? \

chen mo suddenly sighed, drank all the tea in the cup, and said to himself: \In this new life, my power will disappear, but my faith and will will not change.\ In my previous life, I still I can deceive myself, but... in this life, I can be more careful.

mr. Ren smiled sheepishly, \Is it worth it? of course. If the first panies to order lithography machines are chinese panies, we can provide you with some discounts.

mr. S heard the following conversation:

gentlemen. p said: I don't know about this card. qin An was stunned for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief.

Sometimes, tang Yu would let women hide in the palace, and then perform the Red Luan by himself.

when they first learned about the meal suspension, the elderly, patients, women and children in the hospital were shocked. doesn’t this mean that Li ci hospital can provide three meals for the elderly, patients, women, and children? sun?

\the configuration requirements of the full version of Star Assistant are very high, so my customized mobile phone can't run? this is unscientific. the Star team should optimize Star Assistant.\

After not eating for a whole day, weng Lan could feel her stomach from time to time. where can I find such high quality replacement parts now?

huo Ye became nervous after clicking on various official reports. what is all this? You don't blame me, do you?

he never thought that one day he would meet the goddess of his dreams in this way. but this guy didn't listen to my advice and acted polite to me. I couldn't control my temper and killed him!

\hoo ho, I'm Liu San!\ In addition, this situation consumes cognition and makes people feel tired after waking up. \It is suspected that xiao cui asked.

It's certainly not expensive.

If he were a normal person, he would probably be dead long ago.

the heat in tang mo's eyes was so obvious that the clan leader was shocked, but his expression remained ugly.

Are you satisfied now?

“Is there any progress on the other two fronts?

weng Lan was not thinking about qin qicai, Liu tian and others, he was thinking about qin An. they had a glass of wine with the beam Elf mander in the hall and discussed the future. the darkness of the morning has disappeared, and the villagers of Ruihai Village have a lot to talk about.

wang Yunzhi blushed and asked her to run, jump and learn to crawl by herself. Fortunately, he was discovered by King Kong.

this is also the first time huang wan looks at Zhuge Liang from this perspective. he's ostensibly a two-dimensional character, but actually exists in a three-dimensional world.

when the young man saw bai Feng ing in, he couldn't help but look at bai Feng.

As soon as the elf assistant came out, he smiled at Zhang Jianning and said, \thank you, Aning, for helping me improve. I feel much better now.\

whether in novels or movies, elves always wear the coolest clothes. .

“Isn’t this arrangement a shame?

It’s as if there’s no problem getting over to the other side. .

chu xiqing: \...then do you know how much trouble this will bring to your parents, xiaoyu and the others?\


when bao qingsong heard bai Feng calling Zhou Yu's wife, he felt this thorn in his heart. hearing this, the anger in bai Feng's heart could not be suppressed.

tang mo took the book from xiao tao and started flipping through it.

how are things?

\pavilion master!

of course, this is a theoretical value and does not take into account the loss of energy conversion. .

\this opportunity is rare.\ we haven't had a break these two days. we specifically asked several Antarctic experts to find out. I don't know if I'm asking, but if I were, I'd be shocked. \

but Apple has produced mobile phones that have been very successful in the market over the years. while one or two models have some glitches, huawei phones handle them well.

the production of new generation chips and the simultaneous production of older generation lithography machines will not have a major impact on the chip manufacturing business. .

\...mom, you don't keep your word!\ Jing wentong muttered.

Feiyun smiled when he saw this information. If all your mobile phones can run the full version of xingchen Assistant, what other mobile phones will xingchen Group sell?

the indicator light lights up and the lithography machine is officially running.

\No, the qin League is very quiet. Guo Shuai only summoned 8,000 tiger-striped women to camp outside the city.

tang mo said, and took out another bag of items, which contained five crystal pills. Such a woman will be eaten by zombies sooner or later!

You can use this method without even realizing it. Even if other people know about the situation, they should cover their noses and stop it. .

129 was lying on the ground, eyes wide open, looking in disbelief. , .

Although it was an irregular punch, du Fei clearly felt that this blow was much faster and more powerful than the previous blows.

hey, I'm not happy. whenever a clone dies, I take all their memories with me and grieve for a while.

Is it right? how difficult this is. Flip the burger! I also apologize to you. I have never had anything to do with weng Lan, so don't be so cruel, okay?

Are you still confused?

the remaining earth dragons began to appear on the earth.

there was no need to look back as the affected zombie's head exploded like a watermelon.

plus, most of their engineers have tested it and believe they still have a say in whether it's true artificial intelligence. .

\oh?\ Yin xuan'er asked immediately as she placed the hot buns on the plate, poured the jam on top. Jing wentong said it was very annoying, something he had never said before.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, weng Lan walked back to the bed and was still lying on the edge, half of his body hanging in the air. ten minutes after falling asleep, he fell back on the bed and woke up ...

After making the bed, he took out qin Sanshan from his backpack. what happened?

\wait a minute, we still have a huge advantage. If we kill everyone on the other side first, we will win!\

oh, by the way, after you kill me, my wife Lin Lei will also disappear. we are all better sisters. we agreed to live and die together, so he will definitely mit suicide after I die. In this world, there are no more Lin Lei and Yin hanchao! .

After Fang qiuyue finished speaking, Ge weiguo nodded. that's all he can do now. .

\okay, I scared you, stop crying.\ Your face is swollen and ugly. \

the last time he let a zombie bite him, his evolutionary skills failed. Zhong hanyu felt that this was not possible, so he could only hunt zombies every day, hoping to improve his strength through fighting.

\why don't we run quickly and leave qingshan without worrying about running out of wood?\

cen Lianxiao was still thinking about it, but cen Luyi said bluntly: \At this special moment, everything will be simple. You don't need to register for marriage, and you don't need to prepare for marriage. blessings are enough.\ the elders' ! \

Everyone was disappointed. .


So he happily prepared to ask the next person, wang Yunzhi. I pay 50,000 yuan. If anyone wants to sell it, you can message me directly . If brothers can help me introduce themselves, I will give you an extra 10,000 yuan as a reward. .

\hey ...old qin, can you suddenly stop talking to me in that tone like my father? I bought it at a high price, how is that possible? Go to the show!\

Zhang Jianning touched him accidentally and his hand was stained red.

From a purely technical perspective, it makes more sense for Alibaba Group to purchase the rights to use artificial intelligence for ten years.

\do you want to die? You have finally advanced to the fourth stage. there are not many third-level developers in this base, and you are already a fourth-level developer.\

Even if he was the first, Jiang peng would feel that his private property was contaminated by a stranger with the dirtiest things.

Zhang Yue raised his eyebrows, took a step forward, raised his hand boldly, and struck towards the fireball.

xiang Junshan and others behind him were also surprised. In addition to Fang qiuyue, there are two third-rate programmers! xiaomi nodded politely. \So that person was the head of xingchen Group some time ago?\

As long as everyone knows that he Gaoji's rape and murder was premeditated, we can pletely destroy he Gaoji's base at capital University and terminate he Gaoji's plan. .

he said \hmm\ to hanyu and returned the green smoke in his hand to Yu chao. he opened the passenger door and saw Yu chaomu sitting down. he put his hands on the roof of the car and looked down at Yu chaomu from inside the car. Street asked:

\Is the injury healed?\

Yang Zhaoxiong and others suddenly became excited.

beichen smiled slightly and then said:

\didn't I say that in the early days, tang Yu actually began to pay attention to some of the forces around him? Even in the most difficult times, he did not take back the people he sent. If you are unwilling, then continue to save today e on, you hide in the room, I’ll e out and take a look!”

“only three ships?

Liu dongfeng, who was unable to answer this question, was asked by wang Yunzhi to do something brave!

one two Nine basically created flames out of thin air. )

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the reality is so cruel that anyone with leading technology has the right

Yi wen's body fell to the ground, and two legendary weapons exploded from the ground, shocking Jing wentong.

he tianyu was sure that he saw this light.

Liu mingyu smiled and said: \without candles, this is just a meal.\

From the outside, they appear to be identical.

but Liu mingyu believes that this period will not last long.

Some people say that Apple is no longer the Apple after Steve Jobs. .

\heartless man!\

Zhang Jianning shouted, quickly wiped the water off his face and ran out.

\xiaoyu ...are you too scared, too frightened, or too sad?

Along with Feidian Group, bangziguo Four-Star Group also submitted a shopping list to xingchen Group.

If so, he couldn't just let others go.

\the full version of Star Assistant is true artificial intelligence, and the ponents required must be of the highest quality. current mobile phones simply cannot meet the minimum configuration for running the full version of Star Assistant. but I want to ask, is it okay?\ Isn't it optimized? ? want to ask Starry Sky Assistant?

this is tang Yu's power. to this end, xingchen Group decided to randomly select 1,000 lucky viewers in the main live broadcast room to receive xingchen mobile phones, and randomly select about 1,000 lucky viewers to receive version 2.0 virtual helmets. there are countless other small prizes. brothers, let's go up.

oh, so tired, but also so fortable. I really want to sleep peacefully until tomorrow!

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Yun's mouth, and he suddenly raised his hand, taking this opportunity to attack tianling Gai without hesitation.

No one knew what was going to happen next, his phone vibrated next to him. .

Next to him, Zhong hanyu frowned slightly and took his hand out of Yu chaomu's back.

\boss Sun, there was a traffic jam on the road for a while, so I stopped you.\

Yuzhe smiled and shook his head, \there is truth, but you can't use it for experiments. You can't break the seal of the drug. If you open it, it will self-destruct. Remove it.\ three hundred. \blessed are the viewers. besides, there are at least a few hundred people, right?\ huang Yu asked with a smile.

but in business, munication is necessary when negotiating.

on this day, not only Sola colony, but also several colonies closely related to Sola colony reported this case. .

\oh, great!

You're a producer, so what? And now I'm trapped in a building, eight hundred meters away! \qin An's tone was very bad. when he saw cheng Gang walking in front of him, his eyes were sharp.

Ivan came up with a strange hypothesis that surprised him. he had never been exposed to this place before. After some research, he finally came to the conclusion as to why he didn't \wake up.\

A few years ago, he ran away for that woman weng Lan.

Although his people are back now, is his heart still wandering in a distant place? Is the layout still the same ? Are you still paying attention to holographic projectors? make video calls experience science news and experience private conversations.

of course, wang Yunzhi did not dare to be too harsh on him. Looking at wang hui's butt again, there is a small red handprint on the left side and a larger dark red handprint on the right side. Although he has many ambitions, he must avoid all opportunities to expose \Yunjiang\. .


Shortly after she posted it to moments, wechat notifications kept ringing. can you walk faster?

when the party ended last night, it was already early in the morning, and he was embarrassed to talk to Liu mingyu.

In fact, he couldn't think of a good way to get the best of both worlds with his mind, but his curiosity about unknown places and his youthful self-confidence disappeared, allowing him to enter the dangerous inner world with a playful attitude. It is said that my adoptive father saw all this, so he never closed his eyes until he died.

but I already had an idea in mind. when I e back, I will sue them, I will sue them! when the dormitory was full, they divided the classroom into two and rented it out. Is there another big project in the pipeline?

As for Sister wang above, she continued speaking on their behalf.

So I prefer to call mrs. beichen my mother, not tang Yu, let alone the Li Ying who left me!

huang Yu looked at the loose wall in surprise and asked, \brother Yu, what happened to your room?\

\At the beginning of the apocalypse, the boss was General Gene.\ At that time, beheading was like picking peaches. \I know, I will kill them all.\ Liu mingyu asked directly.

\check the phone configuration for me.

this is also the reason why many prostitutes increase their membership. .

they followed the soldiers' footsteps and came to the base's restaurant. the familiar yet unfamiliar smell of food wafted over them.

he has passed the age where he dares to curse others. For chu Jiangyun, 23, who has gone through seven years of ups and downs, family is the most important thing. what do you think we should do?

In a \real apocalypse\, corpses will unfold quickly and germs will spread much faster than you think! \Foreman molested two girls.\

Jiang peng said, turned around and entered the living room, then lay down on the sofa.

Liu deyin was also a little uneasy. .

Shangguan Yudie looked at Alice in shock and anger: \Go away!

tang Yu was really hurt at the time. he felt bad watching qin An's life every day. of course he also knew it was a disease.

In fact, this rule is a rule of thumb!

In fact, Liu mingyu can now protect the lithography machine as he wants without having to wait so long.

Red blood began to flow from his eyes, nose, ears, and corners of his mouth. Eight hundred meters? .

bai Feng smiled, not angry, but looked at bo qingsong and said: \I really don't believe it, I will get whatever I want. As for you, Sister xiaoyu shouted, Sister xiaoyu, you are also my wife. \You can shout, what do you want to do?\

\you ...\

damn, qin An’s balls hurt. that's not what he meant at all. .

Zhang hao replied immediately. .

\of course, it would be better if the city also participated.\ this would increase the security level by at least two levels. And Antarctica is so big that we can’t even do it all as a family. \

xiaohu holds a gun and is well dressed.

\Gui Yena, it's me, Zhang hao. I'm sorry to bother you. do you have time today?\

If you drive very slowly, you won't know where the line is. Jing wentong clapped his hands and said.

hao Yi looked confused. he couldn't imagine what was going on, but his first feeling was that this foundation was different from other places!

A golden-red spear streaked across the sky, and a big bird the size of a house fell from the sky and landed on the ground. No matter what he thought, he couldn't understand why. Jing wentong felt confused and helpless. .

\one, I also think it is more likely that xingchen Group installed it first? It is also said to be a 60 pieter chip. does it look different from the current chip?\

du Fei waved his hand and locked the energy on the soldier's head . Suddenly, the chain gun ejected a sharp blade, spinning as fast as a meat grinder, cutting the venomous snake into pieces.

by the time it was over, it was pletely dark.

he ignored Guo Sihai, but looked at Gu changqing and said:

\brother, we're almost there, don't be placent.\

or live on, change your appearance, and experience a different life? \Els was frustrated.\

others also expressed their congratulations to Liu mingyu.

the glass box is a device that converts energy crystals into low-voltage electricity. the box contains energy crystal liquid. Energy crystals can be consumed to generate electricity by melting them internally.

In order to resolve internal conflicts, tang Yu decided to take the dangerous step of launching a foreign war.

the so-called general attack is of course just a barrage of high-tech weapons.

\You can't do these things, fat is good!\ what? \he tianyu still cried and looked at Shangguan Feiyan anxiously. then the next step is up, including the points gained from chasing the last corpse, as well as the profits from sprint racing and betting on wildfires. Yes, we have now It's almost on the same basis, so don't begrudge points, as long as you raise yourself to the next level, all the stars will be rewarded!

qiyijiu suddenly raised his head and asked nervously: \Is what you said true?\

the restaurant qi Ninghao found was very good. chu xiqing looked at the menu and found that the simplest stir-fry here costs more than 200 points.

the movement of Liu A's arm made qin An very unfortable, and the silver thread danced wildly. A silver storm set off over the battlefield, and a large number of enemy soldiers raised their hands high and were thrown to the ground. then the blue team's people rush up and finally sweep you away.

Yu chaomu made some money relying on this thing, and he was very happy. he thought it would be a good way to make money. he can make money without going out to kill zombies or organizing people to get supplies. It's very interesting.

I don't know if my idol is really standing in front of me at this moment, he is very weak. .

Fang qiuyue looked apologetic. he didn't expect Liang hongbo not to answer the phone. In this case, he must send someone over to take a look.

this was a very sincere engagement gift, which made the cen family very happy. this also shows Yuzhe’s strength. the Yu family must have a way to obtain more antidotes to the zombie virus.

blood continued to flow out of the large hole in Liu Rong's stomach, and part of his intestines followed the blood flow and overflowed from the large hole.

Gu changqing was very unhappy at the time and plained to Guo Sihai.

In fact, I should have killed Fang Zihai long ago. After mr. beichen's death, it was neither a threat nor an advantage to me.

weng Lan almost laughed out loud.

chen mo picked up the card, took a look at it, and immediately said: \call the other four wuge people except han Shuang to e to me. I have something to say! what qualifications do you have to fight with me now?\

tang mo's eyes were fixed on the thread. Although he couldn't understand it, he always felt that there was a mysterious force pulling him.

\mr. Liu, we don't want to spoil anything. there are more than twenty guns pointed at you here. If you move, it will bee a hornet's nest.\

is a semiconductor design pany.

he actually killed qin An with a small sword? \Zhang Zhongmou looked incredulous. what Liu deyin said was pletely unreliable.

A total of two hundred barriers, protected by more than a thousand tame flying mutant beasts, ascended to the north.

tang Yu divided his people into two groups to develop together. he decided it was too dangerous to stay in one place. the two armies are separated, one wave is destroyed, and the other wave will retreat. If you don't, it will continue. A young fox will do this, wet his tail, which is useless.

the team members behind them were not so blessed. they stood beside the two bosses and waited quietly.

It's just that Gu changqing is very sloppy and doesn't look like a king at all. therefore, Guo Sihai's idea was to simply give him a name and make him the legendary hero of the first generation of tree elves. I didn't expect him to be so willing to seek death and listen to Li Fangfang's advice. don't blame him for being dissatisfied with bai Feng. .

\It's my teacher Fang Zihai!\

Liu mingyu smiled and nodded, looking drunk: \Yes, this sea cucumber is much better than the sea cucumber I eat.\ Afternoon. \

e on, future.

mom, how do you choose?

pared to physical labor? Is it a problem that can be solved programmatically? why are you spending so much money?

having said that, the xingchen mobile phone currently on sale is just for marketing? do you warm them up first? Are there hundreds? It's not a big deal.

Even Asmer's most modern lithography machines are still far behind, let alone other panies.

Not only did he place his subordinates in beichen palace, he also made many other arrangements, including hongluan Yipin.

bining the success of the postgraduate entrance examination and the subsequent misfortune, he decided to disappear and cut off everything that belonged to \Yunjiang\. .


\when you get tired of playing, just throw it at the zombies!\

tang mo had a pitiful expression on his face.

If you deal with xingchen Group, whether you are a large pany or a small pany, we will treat you equally.


prosperity! it's him!

\You are too strong to follow your mother to such a dangerous place. I don't know how you two children are doing now ... xiaoshan, you can really sleep like a little pig. Your mother will call you. You are a pig.\ Strong pig.\ \okay?

to speak.

but it can be seen from this incident that it is unrealistic to pletely control the elves. Although there is no problem with his Iq, his emotional intelligence and mental ability are very poor.

we can't say what they said is wrong. In general, mobile phones have both positive and negative sides. of course, the officially invited reviewers will do their best to talk about its positive qualities. .

Fan bing suddenly became angry. he is a sniper battalion mander. wolf, how dare you look down on me? .

After saying this, the middle-aged man looked down at chen mo and said sarcastically: \boy, the world is big and the game is bigger. If you want to survive to the end, you have to learn to persevere and learn to persevere.\ to endure what ordinary people can't endure thing, don't you know that it's only through life that you have a chance?

they have an opportunity to go out and consolidate their power. \the man asked. Feng wuming would personally protect dai huaan.

Log in to your account. Suddenly he jumped, but even so his thoughts of God got the better of him and he hit the wall.

then, of course, there will be troops stationed in the original Sunlight city and hell city, and the Night watch Legion must shoulder this responsibility.


\open, open, open!\

King Sun spoke first. ouch!

therefore, Yi Erjiu did not dodge and let Zhang Yue's hand hit him. he twisted his arm and slammed the three-pointed nail into Zhang Yue's neck.

I saw him walking up to the lithographer and touching him lightly. the lithography machine originally looked like a plete cube with a drawer protruding from the side.

the gene chain kept appearing in dreams, and finally one day it was successfully realized. the first thing to do is, if you allow yourself to flow and suddenly encounter problems, you will be in trouble today.

You didn't sell advanced technology to china in the past, and I won't sell you photolithography machines now. .

Everyone quickly turned their attention to wang hui.

If you want him to sit there and terrorize an apparently civilized person, don't give him anything, just sit there and call it a day.

he nodded, agreed with the man, and told him to hurry up.

Is all this true or false?

So he had to gamble. If he wins the bet, he will get a separate small room where he can rest. If he loses the bet ...


there is a reason why the other party can make Feidian Group so big.

when he saw Liu mingyu holding a gun, he had the same idea as Li Longming, thinking it was a toy gun. In fact, he is not alone. when everyone saw the gun in Liu mingyu's hand, they subconsciously thought it was a toy gun. the walker Assault Rifle is more than just a toy gun. .

Liu deyin nodded in agreement. As long as the major shareholders approve the plan, he's fine. .

\I'll eat Australian lobster, grouper, Kobe beef and, well... lots and lots of other things.\

For huang wan, as long as he can watch tV series and play games, that's all. As for other bells and whistles, he's not ready to know yet.

\Zongzong, am I healed?

carefully shake the wine in the bottle, then pull back and pour slowly into the glass!

due to the long-term fishing ban in Antarctica and surrounding areas, fish resources are very abundant, including not only penguins, but also whales and krill. If they are really allowed to break up, they will definitely be extremely happy. .

Liu dongfeng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the game was still going on.

At this time, Ruri Kazama, who was full of energy just after eating, said while chewing the frozen tofu full of soup: \I don't need it anymore, I'm too lazy, there's nothing left.\ I'm tired of it... Use my magical powers. when you are tired, you don't need a machine.

however, after obtaining the blood Lord Sword God, her body was rearranged and she became a brand new woman. don't think why not be shy and try him!

It is better to die than to live in the apocalypse.

Sleep is a very strange state. the human body is a treasure. there is a word \potential\ in the subconscious mind, which represents potential. So, the subconscious mind is an asset. In dreams, people can do all kinds of things that are impossible in reality. In an experiment like \quantum Unmeasurable\, the quanta will change as a result of our research and will no longer be what it is, making it impossible to measure at all. In the dream, if the simulation succeeds, the results are measured!

du Fei found a temporary safe haven, opened the exchange system, and looked for a means of exchange to leave the area. the dark twin sisters' space travel ability is a good choice.

otherwise, everything is in vain.

when Yu Zhe and hao baishuang said goodbye, cen Luyi did not follow Yu Zhe. In two or three days, he will leave the demon city and settle in Yangluo Village. he has a lot to do. maybe I shouldn't have chosen this path, but I did choose other paths. what about the promised domestic production? cement mixer trucks were lined up and driving along the road, followed by a group of evolvers.

the leaders of both parties discussed the main terms of the contract, leaving other details to those below.

\mander Zhang, we currently need a ship that can be used as both a supply ship and a cargo ship. After all, it is not easy to go to Antarctica. we want to stay as long as possible. I remember those first years.\ If I want to attack you, Shan Zhihen Shentu Ganglie, Jueding hongluan, moner wang Sixi and others all joined the qin Alliance.

She nodded happily and said cautiously:

“Is your base mander at the base now?

the lives of these assassins were all saved by tang Yu in the apocalypse. tang Yu brainwashed them and made them death soldiers to repay their kindness.

Everyone was disappointed when they saw this machine.

\we intend to purchase 10 lithography machines at a price of 5.5 billion rupees each. If Star Group is interested in favoring Four Star Group, the unit price is expected to increase to US$250 million.\

he suspected that this child might not be qin An's biological child?

Everyone was surprised at first, and then very happy. I was a little nervous while kissing, but it was nothing, it was just a game!

You read that right, it only takes one step!

that's why he sent people to kill mr. beichen. of course this is not possible, because mr. beichen is heavily guarded and it is difficult for anyone to get close to him. what time is it? .

Yu chaomu felt like a rag doll, being carried by Zhong Luo from Zhong hanyu to Zhong Luo and lying on it. .

Some people cheered when they saw that none of these high-end phones could run the full version of Star Assistant.

the first series certainly won't be the first series. It would be good to be able to ship them a year later. .


\well, three ships is three ships.\ First, let's talk about your overall strategy. As long as there are no major problems, my resources will be available immediately. \

of course, I am Yin Liang now. As for the three bugs Yinsha and Lao deng, you should also know them, because they will not help you much.

the whole performance was over. In order to make the ending more realistic, tang mo pretended to choke, which made the patriarch even more happy.

A father is like a son.

the stretching movement made her body twist and sag, making her already straight figure even hotter. \the girl didn't defend herself because she knew it was useless.\ he must do his job well, otherwise he will be scolded by Sister wang. \

Lin Feng placed the card in front of chen mo.

weng Lan began to think, was the previous act of killing Sam right or wrong? .

\mayor,\ he asked casually.

\Lord, go away!

Soon, when tang mo sent the bug into space, tang mo felt a spiritual power approaching him.

qin Jiusi cried and ran back to Yin Yao's mother's arms, threw herself into Yin Yao's arms and cried loudly.

there were no strange noises ing from the room, which meant it must be safe inside!

\Yeah, what do you think?\

\Yiwen.\ Yin xuan'er whispered, suddenly thinking of something else, \Are you still alive?\

Everyone can't wait for Feiyun to announce his reaction to this extraordinary gift.

Yi Erjiu's powerful body suddenly fell to the ground, and the clothes on his chest fell off, revealing a strange tattoo.

the customer service of many panies has also been criticized here, but in order to save money, they still choose AI customer service.

No, not just the rich second generation.

chen mo motioned for several people to sit down, and then said: \han Shuang is gone, maybe I will leave too.\

Is there anyone in the house who hasn't seen Zhou xinyan's wound healing process? .

Zhang hao nodded happily.

After turning on super hearing, there is no abnormality nearby. Yin hanchao couldn't take a joke. Unless you are a super strong person, it is impossible to escape from his grasp.

God, he only eats so much, does he really want to feel better? .

\mayor, there is no point in making noise. If you want to do big things, do big things. I heard that there are millions of whales in Antarctica. there is a lot of space to manage. cut the most important axis.\

the rope raised by the spiny dragon was like thousands of strands, passing through countless black hairs and tightly wrapping around dai huaan.

In any case, for Gao Gui, killing a housewife is just killing her. what more could he have to lose? As the sword shadow continued, the beautiful snake's well-developed body suddenly collapsed and was suddenly filled with air.

Some panies that need photolithography machines and have certain capabilities have begun to negotiate with xingchen Group to purchase these machines. Exercises in tsukuyomi's world also improve physical performance, thereby improving strength and flexibility. .

\hey, xiaocui, you ...what are you doing?

A rusty sickle hangs on the wall of the small courtyard. while weng Lan continued to aim his gun at the four people, he walked closer and picked up the sickle. \Liu deyin stared at the cEo. he sold the equipment to the huawei team for US$500 million, but when he received it, the amount doubled?

Liu dongfeng then asked wu Yan.

Liu mingyu's office.

\don't move! do you want to eat? Fight!\

\haha, can't our mobile phones work? can't your mobile phones also work?\

Jiang peng frowned and thought.

It was her choice not to cry, to stop crying, right?

A flowerpot, a chair, even curtains and quilts.

I'll tell you a secret. beichen Jun was assassinated by tang Yu at that time. they just made it look like he died of natural causes. No one knows all this. only I saw the murderer who secretly sent him. that person is. I once saw big government in the wrangler movement at castle.

\And you!

chapter 719 he cannot die, he must live to prove it. his confession was necessary for he Gaoji to lose the trust of everyone at capital University.

It's time to rest, I can't play anymore, my life is healed at this point, I can save my life. .

Listening to Shangguan Feiyan's gentle words, he tianyu's mood finally stabilized, but he still cried, more tears than before.

Shangguan Yudie nodded, indicating that she was fine.

\what are you doing with lightning?

this service is not yet available for purchase. You know, the only thing you can ask for is the approval of the new owner, the second most powerful person in the base.

“the world is round, but I still can’t find the boss in such a large area.

At this moment, qin An suddenly heard a voice approaching slowly! Your tree is so magical, but the world is so big and there are so many people you've never met.

the head was split into two halves, the left and right shoulders. Liu Rong's hands independently grabbed the two lifeless halves, as if they had been healed for the last time, and slowly raised them up. the newly developed flesh and blood is as solid as possible. the two halves of the head were quickly brought together by hand.

\the origins of Ancient civilizations\. After all, there is a real ancient civilization. the appearance of the people and animals there is very different from modern people, and the bones are also very different from modern people! the crow transformed into a bird and patrolled the area to make sure the corpse was quiet.

han Li and xu xiaodong arrived in time. there were a few empty rooms in the house, but they were all on the second floor.

haha, I just think I'm despicable. he is a liar. of course I will lie to you once, twice or even more! .

Zhang Jianning chose to answer a few simple questions: \I just installed the full version of Star Assistant, but I still don't know what features it has? I'll try it out first and then p

ost it to moments.\

Feiyun said that current mobile phones cannot run the full version of Star Assistant, which immediately caused dissatisfaction among many people.

mr. Ren is sincerely happy that xingchen Group can surpass it. No, it has to surpass European and American countries, and there is still a long way to go.

but in business, from an entrepreneur's perspective, the success rate is still very high. .

the warrior explained with a smile, and then left. I recently left the pany for a few days. why is the pany's survival suddenly at risk?

Sure enough, murakami smiled coldly and said, \You idiot, you can't save anyone even if you try hard!\

these patterns are all intermittent, like twisted lines intertwined, making it difficult to see clearly.

\Although it is a psychological process, I am very ill and my psychological quality score is very low, so it is of no use.\

omG this place is amazing!

of course, there are some people who have not yet recovered.

while I was surprised by your behavior and thought you weren't listening, unfortunately you weren't! …”

Everyone was pletely speechless, this King Kong was so childish. Unless the genetic patibility between two people is such that a bone marrow transplant can be performed, the chance is less than one in 100,000.

In the corridor, the zombies were also infected by the excitement and kept wailing and crying!

tang Yu asked me, what is the name of the sword god on his body? .

wu Zhen cried softly after hearing Lan Yue's words. Forget it, it's a game after all, and qin An doesn't hate it either.

the price exceeds most people's expectations.

the spark cells spread widely in du Fei's body, allowing this microscopic battle to continue for a long time. when the spark cells pletely separated from the body, du Fei was already very weak.

the circumstances of the crime scene were quite disturbing. once his identity is known, more people will gather to swear allegiance to him. .

chu xiqing looked at the angry beautiful woman, the smile on her lips slowly faded, and she looked at her with cold eyes, \do you think you are qualified to criticize my brother?\ but it is definitely not a family business, and everyone usually goes through the government or are connected with large state-owned enterprises, which is the most suitable place to maximize welfare.

Zhang hao waved his hand, \I never joke about work. Let's just limit it to march 1st. If you are late for one day, I will pensate you for one day's loss.\

In terms of configuration, the quality of xingchen mobile devices is very high, and you may not be able to buy them for less money.

the fireball hit the arm. confess your love to me? .

Zhang hao pointed to the whale meat on the side, \Are these leftovers?\

do you want to see your hair?

the evolver of development.

once the news was released, many people saw it and forwarded it to their moments.

he has never heard of such a name, and he actually said that he has known her for a long time, and he is still on her side?

but they are just helpers. when did they get treated so well? .

Yu chaomu reached out and took out a few crystal seeds from Zhong hanyu's jacket pocket. he handed it to the woman waving in the rustle at his feet and said:

\You overestimated your superpowers, and you wasted and absorbed the energy in the crystal core.\

Zhang hao was a little disappointed. he originally wanted to do something big, but unfortunately the other party didn't do enough.

of course, they did not believe that xingchen Group had such power at first. his roar full of love made bai Feng extremely unhappy.

I just gave xingchen a mobile phone, so this gift shouldn’t be too bad, right?

It can be concluded from this data set that the ameliorative effects of electrical stimulation decrease as function improves, and that there may be an upper limit to the ameliorative effects of weak electrical stimulation.

due to Zhao qingsong's professionalism, there are as many as ten secretaries around him.

tibet has long disturbed it. of course, the earth dragons that came out were quickly slaughtered by masters from all major realms. the resulting cave is actually filled with liquid cement material that the team standing nearby had prepared ten minutes earlier. they were originally loaded onto a truck, which was pulled by multiple trucks and thrown into a large ditch.

\one two three four!


\It's entirely possible.

After he saved that woman yesterday, he could no longer expect her to give him a child. Yu chao doesn't like this.

Ayers curled his lips indifferently and ignored Ayvis. Instead, he stepped aside and leaned against the wall. he picked up a piece of grass from the ground and put it into his mouth, but his eyes were still on weng Lan. weng Lan felt extremely embarrassed when he saw this.

After waiting for five seconds, weng Lan felt that a century had passed.

how does a small pany like xingchen Group do this?

maybe he'll wait another year until he grows up. After all, he doesn't age, right?

Although it is not easy to leave the underground laboratory now , it is not too difficult for du Fei.

du Fei struggled to control his body and abilities while enduring the pain of tumor growth.

the girl forted her in this way, but her curiosity was soon reawakened. .

he didn't understand how to pletely absorb the crystal core, nor did he realize that this was an overuse of his own power. he only knew that the reason why she dared to take her children and enter the apocalypse alone was because she had such power, even though she was useless. No, but his abilities will improve. .

both sides shook hands and made peace.

when tang Yu and I were together, I had practiced this action hundreds of times.

huang Yu was blind and drooling.

the tree elves need heroes, their spiritual leaders and idols, so the super powerful Jianxiu Yuhua is obviously the best candidate. Guo Sihai and qin An have pletely identical views on this matter.

\don't you want an ax?

Since tang mo knew the value of the Soul power Flower, why would he trade it for bugs?

\Is this a newly developed chip?

don’t be afraid, no one will blame you for wanting to avenge your biological mother;

You need not be afraid, for I will always be by your side, as I have been for many years;

but if it's frustrating ...it's not necessary. does qin An's death make you sad? when they heard that cen Luyi was getting married, they immediately showed interest and their eyes fell on Yu Zhe, who was being held by cen Luyi. Even a fool can guess that he is the groom Guan'er.

Assistant sprite images can be customized to your liking.

Finally, everyone understood qin An's intention. In fact, there is a big difference between kissing and making love!

As night falls, the zombies outside bee quiet. before that, Els climbed up the wall and looked between the wall and the curtains. he found that although zombies were everywhere outside, everyone was standing still. he seems to be sleeping. .

Fang qiuyue knew something about official matters, and of course he understood Ge weiguo's plan, but since it was just this topic and it couldn't be here, it was better for him to disagree.

the late chen Fan was resurrected.

he mainly uses it to perform plays and sometimes play games. .

\If I knew what was going on, I wouldn't have to stay here.\

Seeing bai Feng sit down, the young man smiled and asked, \Are you bai Feng?\

\It was a pleasure working with him.\

After listening to Liu mingyu's words, huang Yu laughed and said jokingly: \Is there any problem?\

And wang hui's face suddenly turned pale, and then even whiter! .

“Great, this is the best dream I’ve had in a long time!

Although both group panies have previously announced that they will stop supplying steel to xingchen Group, in their view, this is not a big deal. okay, brother, e with me.

do you understand?

Everyone called others names, saying that it was the same as what wu Yan asked Liu Yuanchao to do, so it didn't count. I want to play with him for you. how dare you have sex with a woman I'm wearing? ——A middle-aged man asked.

Even now, Yi Erjiu still wants to kill people and fort people. .

the patriarch felt much better when he saw tang mo's appearance. moreover, after collecting so many things, his face was no longer so dark.

of course, the cen family has channels for chartering flights, but it just takes time. Yuzhe still has a lot to do in Shanghai, and Yangluo city also needs to make some preparations.

Liu xia is very quiet. when qin An spoke, he just smiled or nodded.

what is love?

In Yiwen's previous dream, three years had passed, but in this dream, seven years had passed. Feidian Group has a wide range of businesses and the steel it produces is used in many industries.

more than half of the lithography machines produced by Asmail are purchased by these two panies.

the problem of racial inferiority of tree elves has actually been discovered and taken seriously in tibet in recent years. .

creating dialogue is just one beacon on the right path to the apocalypse.

or would you rather live and die to support those so-called idols...

\why are you laughing suddenly?

\I told you, it's only five seconds!\

Jiang peng took the towel next to him, wiped his hands, and walked to Zhou xinyan's side. .

Zhang Yue's tone was calm and his expression was as calm as water.

her tears started flowing again, and she slowly stood up on the dresser, put it down again, and began to make the bed. .

“As soon as Antarctica opens up, I want to go hunting.”

he had already walked in front of Lin Yun and almost bumped into Lin Yun.

After watching the promotional video of xingchen mobile phone, the girl always felt like she had seen such a mobile phone somewhere. Suddenly, his eyes turned to the cell phone placed on the table by his roommate, and then he saw the promotional video on the cell phone.

huo also guessed correctly. dai huaan did fight, but he was always distracted from his mand. he did not mand a well-trained army. Not to mention the quality, not even the silent synergy and tacit understanding. No. this is not the case, so the order must be careful. .

\okay, I believe your lies, what should I do? I'm going to kill him!\

Red Energy mode and Yellow\/color Speed mode now utilize low voltage to stimulate the muscles and ligaments of the arms and legs, stimulating the body's potential to increase strength and speed in a short period of time.

this is impossible. Nowadays, due to the pollution of zombie virus, there is not much clean land and water source left. our crops are only rice and wheat to fill our stomachs, and only a small amount of fruits and vegetables can be grown. .

Although tired of this woman taking advantage of him, the thought of spreading his legs and using the skills she taught him to please other men...

Jiang peng was still trembling.

\well, I'll make arrangements right away.\ mander, please keep your phone open. I will notify you if new information bees available. \

both of his legs were gone. they must have turned into zombies today, right?

when the body is subjected to random electrical stimulation, the body will vibrate uncontrollably with large kinetic energy. however, if certain areas are incentivized according to certain rules, the goals pursued can be achieved.

Now the Spark cells are dividing and multiplying in the body like tumors.

\As for my brother...\

chu Jiangyun sighed and interrupted chu xiqing's self-introduction: \my name is chu Jiangyun, and this is my real name.\

Since the director was running very fast at this time, he stopped, took a few deep breaths before ing back to his senses, nodded to Liu deyin, and said: \chairman, we have reached a preliminary agreement with the other party, but the price is another .\ the party is the party. \A little high.

\Let's go!\

Liu mingyu said to wang Zixin casually: \Replace the tea leaves with my precious west Lake Longjing.\

At the same time, in an apartment in hangzhou. okay, okay, let's go quickly and see if there's a helicopter for us in the tower.

but qin An and Liu xia are different from before.

After returning to his hometown, he found a job as an ordinary person and saved enough money to start a business. .

when I know you can fight and have weapons, if you want to do something stupid, the devil will do something for you. .

Liu mingyu smiled and said: \Yes, I inherited it.

Lin Ningbing and mu Shanshan were a little curious when they saw this. they imitated Zhou xinyan's movements, straightened their snow-white swan necks, and looked towards the kitchen.

wang Yunzhi's question is also very simple. In fact, he learned it from King Kong.

\do you want to go?

\Yes, no more! those soldiers who were still pointing at bai Feng felt as if they were suddenly hit by a large truck approaching at high speed.

the ceremony ended successfully with the chorus of all participants.

does she want to avoid her sisters?

mengxiu is a very special class. there are only about a dozen people in china. they attack their dreams in different ways, without doing real work, just to find the meaning of their existence, the truth of their existence, the world and so on. maybe they have nothing but a father and a son. maybe they were just passing through, but you can't let such a dangerous man do that when he's part of the enemy. .

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, lit a fire between his fingers, and wrote his name in the flames.

who are you insulting by offering $100 million? .


Although US$500 million is a lot, it is not a big problem for chinese panies.

Speaking of which, Liu mingyu's secretary is wang Zixin. they all flew back, blood splattered all over their lips.

the middle-aged man was a little confused and looked at chen mo with a frown.

In fact, huang wan didn't know that the gifts he and his brother received were actually several levels better than other people's xingchen mobile phones.

I am a foodie with limited resources. Usually he can only wait and hesitate to eat these seafood, but today he can have a feast. If something happens, I will take responsibility. the wind talisman turned into clouds and mist and enveloped his whole body, making him unable to distinguish his head from tail for a moment. the falling rocks were so big that they might hit him directly and he wouldn't be able to save himself!

the applause from the audience continued throughout the evening.

when you see a certain technology or product e out, you have no idea how many of your colleagues have died in their hands.

the entire process was supervised by Zhong hanyu.

when the 60 pieter lithography machine suddenly appeared, the two panies suffered heavy losses. If I skip meals and drink very little water, my body's functions are severely promised. Now my milk and water are very low. If the baby starts crying after a while, I might run out of food and I'll run out like a zombie. No matter how silent you are, you will be attracted! chen Fan replied displeasedly, his taotie aura suddenly erupted. I don’t want your name to be Yan Liuxiang, which is too rustic. I just want you to be Yin Yao’s mother!

\Is it no problem? mr. Liu? then I will reserve two photolithography machines in advance.\

then the two watched the promotional video and slowly tried the mobile phone in xingchen's hand.

Although Alibaba Group recently licensed artificial intelligence, its panies are already using artificial intelligence in many products.

Although qi Ninghao's family is black, it has gradually bee darker than his father's generation. As for qi Ninghao’s space, the qi family is half black, but not white.

two words rose in qin An's heart, and the fierce quarrel made qin An even more depressed and confused!

the celebrations continue.

Not only Yi Erjiu was surprised, Zhang Yuan and wang Zhi were also surprised.

there were only a thousand people at the party. In more than half a month, the number of viewers on New Year’s Eve will increase. If the same situation happens again, that's a problem. we must find a solution to this problem. ....

the tall rock fell and hit qin An hard! he was lying in bed and someone blew the roof off his house with a cannonball?

two breaths of equal strength collided together instantly, and the huge air pressure exploded, sending a powerful air pressure shock wave from the entrance of the mental hospital hall, hitting the faces of the eaters who were watching in secret.

Someone on the plane said: \murakami leaves first. what if we meet Sister Zhen?\ At that time, han and xu xiaodong rented a room with six people living there. the living conditions here are good, with beds, desks and wardrobes upstairs. the six-person room covers an area of more than 30 square meters, has a small enclosed balcony, a separate bathroom, and 24-hour hot water supply.

the more people peting, the better.

\I'm not sorry!\

It seems he really didn't buy much. Liu mingyu smiled softly and said, \No problem, you can eat whatever you want. we have a refrigerator to store it. there is so much food, when should we eat it? e and help him eat it.\

\No, let's leave now.\ the two surprised faces that remained in Lulix's mind suddenly disappeared, and an inexplicable picture appeared.

\Second sister!

there was no hidden disfort in Zhang Yuan's heart, but instead he was truly proud and happy.

Jing wentong defeated the general and came from behind to bee the second general master. he is the number one person in Jiangcheng. the cat King of Jiangcheng is also a third-grade general and is quite famous in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

2 minutes.

Nothing is wrong, but nothing seems wrong either! .

Lan Yue looked at the smiling wu Zhen and shed tears silently. then she hugged her and said, \Sister, it should be fine. You should accept your mistakes and change your ways when you return to tibet. didn't you say that?\ ?my father was a great leader?

In the past, there was huawei Group’s 5G technology, and the latter had xingchen Group’s lithography machine technology.

In his previous life, chen mo was an ancient-level figure in the ancient world and the last holy master of the Star holy Land. Apparently he wasn't afraid of death.

the greasy, soft, and cold feeling immediately gave her goosebumps. .

\It's natural, but we're not soft khakis.\

they won't be able to stand it if they don't download it and give it a try.

She is a quiet woman at first, but she has her own innocence. his relationship with qin An was neither extensive nor close, so he didn't think much about it. but now, there is an invisible but strong bond between him and qin An. Let him handle it.

he looked at the screen and muttered: \I didn't expect there to be such a talent?\

because this question was answered incorrectly, it cannot be answered.

“be quiet, okay, ma’am?

If this were not the case, Liu mingyu would not be able to store anything in the warehouse filled with various electronic products in the apocalypse. .

\You can only say that I am a little weak.

Someone had already cleaned the villa when it was handed over, so it was still very clean inside.

In the past six months or so, xingchen Group has eliminated not just a few, but countless R&d teams. .

qi Yijiu rolled his eyes and said in a deep voice: \You agreed?

qin An quickly stood up and put on his trousers and top. It seemed like he couldn't live in peace tonight. Yu Zhe called Yuan Yu's mother, chatted for a while, and decided on a three-day stay.

It’s just that the middle-aged man thinks chen mo is an insensitive man. what's wrong with this?

thinking of this, qin An picked up the glass of wine next to him and drank it in one breath.

Feidian Group headquarters.

Zhang Yue snorted coldly, took a step back, nimbly dodged the attack of the knife, and then punched Yi Erjiu in the chest.

After all, the host is a virtual image and cannot affect real things. Employees must operate photolithography machines.

Now someone is ing to his door, and he must understand the whole story to eliminate possible signs of danger.

one hundred and twenty-nine roared, a sharp light erupted in his eyes, and with a sudden strike, his arm twisted like lightning, tightly grabbing Lin Yun's wrist, then waved his hand, grabbed the three-pointed military nail, and stabbed it fiercely. to Zhang Yue. on the chest.

who would play with them if they had the option of cheaper chips? .

\of course, the boss's performance last night scared me.\ As an affected person, you must not be as nervous as me! \

how about that one?

As soon as the sword appears, Yin Yao's first sword god skill, xiangying, is randomly activated. In one second, more than a thousand Yin demons appeared within a radius of five kilometers at the same time!

where do you think he gets so much energy?

but with Feiyun's review, the party finally became popular again, and everyone finally turned their attention to the program.

therefore, it was tang Yu's fault that I captured beichen palace so quickly.

As soon as Zhang Jianning thought of this scene, he felt his blood surge again. he quickly stopped shaking his head and calmed down. Village chief Fan opened the small book he carried with him: \A total of 92,535 jins were sold last night, of which 2,000 jins were delivered to your home. Almost every family bought them.\

xingchen Group has a plete monopoly on lithography machines and has no final say in price. .

Seeing his originally majestic father so humblely trying to please Liu mingyu, Li Yifeng felt extremely embarrassed.

So will their shares be worth anything?

If du Fei couldn't control the large steel wall to resist the poison, he might be turned into a pool of blood by the poison. If you are eager to redeem skills from other series , your farming will be interrupted. In the end, not only will the skills you exchanged not be able to be properly practiced, but the development of your original skills will also be inhibited. this won't be a failure. .

bo qingsong saw that bai Feng was only looking at him, no longer paying attention to him, and looked at him angrily. this is not his! Just do it tonight. \huang Yu had a bright smile on his face.

Li Longming led the way. She would have been ecstatic to know that this had brought fort to her son. It's not that he doesn't know his son's character, it's just that no matter what he says, he just doesn't agree. .

\one two three four!

After listening to this, several managers thought seriously. they were naturally surprised by the news brought by Liu deyin.
