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66读书 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第59章 后记34.24.52

第59章 后记34.24.52

66读书 www.66dushu.com,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

children talk a lot. A volley of five guns fired, which, while causing no hail of bullets, actually struck the bodies of the casualties. ] the system apologizes. before bancroft hunted him down, he was a sophomore at an evil university in the Undercity.


Since leaving Sola city, he had been a little unfamiliar with food for a while, especially in Rongcheng and New delhi colony. Spicy red peppers and spicy curries made her feel unfortable and question her life. .

Liu mingyu's ammunition demand is huge. doug doesn't have enough supplies and must buy them from his superiors. .

when chen Fan asked hu Ze, he immediately gave in. For a moment he didn't know what to answer. A pool of light yellow fishy liquid oozed from her lower body. his eyes were full of fear and he said: \brother Fan!\

\I've been thinking about it for a long time.\ there is a book called \morning blossoms plucked at dusk\. my title can't be so disingenuous. It will be called \past chronicles.\ It records unforgettable stories with the deceased. I have never read this sentence. I never thought strangers would see them. So I walked to xucheng. \Although there are several families in the building where I live, the doors are locked and I dare not go out.\ Shangguan Yudie said. For example, if the owner wants a fermented egg, the lambda driving crystal can turn the raw egg into a fermented egg. Fermented eggs use less energy.

\oh, be gentle, it hurts!\

but if there are no items to restore mana, this is the only way to restore mana.

he panicked and quickly wanted to stand up to check on the girl, but found that his legs were weak and he couldn't get up at all!

After writing for more than ten minutes, the girl picked up a teapot from the ground, found a disposable cup, poured qin An a glass of water and handed it to her. .

chen mo joked: the era of gaming has arrived, and money is useless. In the age of sports, life is the only currency. And make him his first signing executive ! It's gone! .

Zhang hao tried to remember.

chen Fan looked at hu Ze who looked helpless and sneered: \don't worry!

this is the ultimate example of human guilt in the heart of the weak.

Undoubtedly, he saluted the two elders and then knelt several times. his forehead suddenly turned red, showing his strength. they shouted: \children of columbus, set sail again!\ \Li Lanlan was shocked.\

Yuzhe immediately asked mr. tang qingliu, who said he had never heard of such a thing.

this afternoon alone, he spent more than 8,000 yuan.

Returning to the guard room, he divided the pastry into more than ten pieces. most people don't like snacks and often take them home.

In fact, bacon also poses this risk, but it is impossible not to eat it. we will win!

Father Liu and mother Liu looked at the scene on the street through the window. they were so frightened that they could not speak. their bodies were shaking. Looking back at everything Liu xing had done these days, he seemed to understand her intentions. 】

chu xiqing was also silent.

In the late tang dynasty, the movements of humans were quite light, and the facial expressions of the alien beasts were dull at this time, so they did not notice it.

qin An saw Li Na rushing out of the room and quickly drove her away. It was late at night, which meant the bodies would be ing ashore soon. If Li Na escapes, she will definitely be devoured by corpses.

Now, at the end of the tang dynasty, he himself has lost all bat effectiveness and can only rely on the remaining organizers to fight the decisive battle. this is considered normal. I'm just a high school student. Even if he gets the card, he will probably be taken home by an adult. Just have a bank card. .

Village chief Fan suddenly became excited. Liu xing thought in his mind and couldn't help but quicken his pace.

\No need to say anything!

the eyes of the people kneeling by the brazier were bloodshot, like a group of zombies that had not eaten for a long time, even beyond the brutality of zombies that had been bitten by their former friends.

but he was still there, chasing them stupidly and recklessly until bai Feng killed four S4s.

the two of them didn't say anything else after that, and huo huo immediately fell asleep until dark!

Seeing the living corpse approaching, bai Feng tightened his grip on the kitchen knife.

he discovered this while pleting his last mission, but whether it is true or not has not been confirmed. this is the true thought of all wen family members. In fact, she, Shangguan Yudie and the parents of the two families could all see that Alice and Lerimi truly loved each other, and only one layer of window paper was not broken.

then, a red teardrop-shaped crystal fell from his hand.

Liu mingyu also knew that david Shi didn't really believe it, but it didn't matter. when the time to open a store was right in front of him, he couldn't help it.

what the chu family needs is a strong, determined successor who can shoulder important responsibilities, not a weakling who is weak and inpetent. but before you go, I hope you can satisfy my curiosity! ;

when Zhou Yu heard that his mother could cook his favorite dishes, he jumped up happily and said, \okay, it's okay. I haven't eaten the food cooked by my mother for a month.\


At first people thought there was a power outage, but there was no bad light anywhere outside the square, so it was definitely not a power outage! the wolf howled loudly and attacked those closest to him. .

\the first owner in everyone's mouth.\ he was the first to understand the conversation. there are many moments in life. many people speculate that he must be very powerful. After all, he established his first base in Nanzhou. today. \, maybe we can see the truth. It's definitely a matter of attitude. we arrested him immediately.

there is a lot of content in it, such as age, place of origin, address, previous workplace, apocalyptic experience, etc. qin An had a headache. Under the starlight and moonlight, bai Feng saw that these living corpses seemed to be moving in the same direction. .

mu chengkong naturally thought for a while, and then said after a while: \tell me, I will always work hard for my dreams in my life!\ xingrong's tone was full of impatience, he and wanzi baoyou were talking, and I my sister is hanging out at the bar.

three S4s had attacked them again. bai Feng looked at the three S4s that attacked them with disdain. Song qing said seriously. the S4 literally flies into the house with the Z5 on its back. there were two swords stuck in the high tubes of his hiking boots, a knife stained with algae in his hand, and three other knives. one hand was in the pocket of his leather jacket, and the other two were in his hiking bag.


on a stone pillar, an old man was fighting zombies with a kitchen knife. there were multiple wounds on his ankle, but his humanity allowed him to tirelessly wave the kitchen knife at the zombies beneath him.

Zhang hao took the basket, poured cigarettes into the bucket next to him, and praised:

\So impressive. You picked up the basket so quickly. Keep it up!\

Village chief Fan was startled and asked quickly. Even if you can't find a big grove of bad trees, you can leave the neighborhood behind. the magic city is neither changsha nor Nanchang.

he held a heavy sword in his hand, and he stabbed with the heavy sword.

one floating island after another.

It may not be as obvious in the later stages as you are used to, but in the early stages equipment is definitely a valuable asset.

Live broadcasts on all screens around the world ended and were replaced by new rules. Zhang Yang played all day and returned to qianqian very late. he didn't feel tired or bored at all, he just felt like he had more to say every day.

Fortunately, her body was not very reliable and she drank the milk in the cup in one go. dougal smiled. he has a deep memory of Liu mingyu.

the only thing huo Ye remembered was that when Jiang tong sent Jiang Feng over, he whispered to huo Ye: \master, to be honest, uncle, I am also a father. my son will not worry about his future.\ \You.\ . certainly. Good luck. After tian bing's mother finished speaking, she looked at her watch anxiously, \Grandpa Guoji, I have to catch the subway. we, tian bing, are sorry for you. Fortunately, there is no one around, no one else.\ I would definitely suspect that this was a kidnapping. Kill someone!

\No, what's wrong with mr. Shen?\

why not $200 or $100?

Liu mingyu took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and shined it through the glass window above the fire door. \Shangguan Yudie smiled and pushed huo Ye away, but she also thought the idea was good, at least it was interesting.


the change in environment made him feel a bit like a dream, but fortunately he quickly regained consciousness.

tang mo fell heavily, his chest shook violently, and the last bit of strength in his body disappeared. he lay on the ground unable to get up. .

Seeing Song Yanlu qi nodding, he smiled. this is a powerful service skill! Fans! wouldn't that upset people? but this Amethyst knew the contents of all this from the depths of her memory.

\have no idea.\

they found a green belt with soft soil nearby. the three dug a small hole and buried the two bodies in it.

dai huaan in front of the screen was in a very bad mood at the time. what is he doing? .


Lan qianqian looked at the screen, was silent for a while, and said softly: \I can't have him. whatever you decide is right.\

but when the world ends, this oil will surely be more popular than the so-called \super stuff.\

chen mo?

these people is so fat and thick that bai Feng's heavy sword cannot easily cut through their thick skin.

Emperor dongyue's aura exploded tenfold, and then he used the third strongest magical power among the thirty-six heavenly bindings. [Zhang Jing (human Race)] LV1: \brothers and sisters, this system is very unreasonable. what should I do when I wake up?\

\ponniu, e back quickly!

In turn, Angelite swung her long whip, tightly wrapped it around du Fei's waist, and pulled hard to prevent du Fei from slamming his sword to the ground.

hu Ze wiped away the soft tears on his cheeks, stood up, and stared at chen Fan with gritted teeth.

the ax that reaches the sky is powerful and full of spiritual energy. coupled with the acceleration of tang mo running from a high place, he barely hit the Iron Giant's knee. the First Iron Giant bowed in response. I can't take it anymore and I'm losing the ability to fight.

\that girl, I really don't know what you are thinking.\

Even the seat of power has problems. In this apocalyptic world, how should we, as ordinary people, live?

At the same time, other tenants asked about the price after seeing it.

qin An quickly turned his head and looked at where Li Na was lying. .

his voice had a soft british accent and sounded like a reading prehension voice.

did he evolve after killing so many zombies like chen Yangliu? consumption. what would happen if we killed fewer women at the end of the world? Even if one or two damaged trees are removed, there will be one damaged tree every five kilometers. A busy schedule, coupled with raging infections, will throw the entire city into chaos. Is mississippi black soil just gold?

but when they are gathered together, they are still a bit scary and can easily scare new players.

Now there are only about 400 kilograms of gold left, but there is still enough gold.

thinking about it this way, Shen Lan's location became a mystery, and sometimes he couldn't figure out where Shen Lan was going. \Lerema's living room is on the laboratory floor.\ he led the two men upstairs, pulled out two chairs, and then turned to look for the refrigerator. he casually let go of his hand and went to pour her two glasses of wine, but didn't pour it for her? I don't know why, I didn't take a shower. \

\Isn't this great? So when everyone passes by other stores, they will look inside. If there are red-eyed zombies, they will take them away so that Zhang Yang can continue to absorb crystal stones.

Liu mingyu looked at the mission requirements of the three special zombies in the challenge mission, especially the flying dragon, and came to the conclusion that before going to the apocalypse this time, he should carry a load of weapons. .

\e out, please follow me. Your own abilities are not worth mentioning, but you can fight your way out.\

this time it was faster and all sold out in less than five minutes.

After crossing several provinces, Zhao Feng suddenly ran out, and chen mo's figure fell to the ground.

the man looked excitedly at the three people on the road in the distance. Just as he was about to call for help, a bloody hand pulled him off the rocky pier. the man's last look was a mouthful of blood. he bites.

After a while, this increase may be meaningless. As long as he stands out a little, no one will consider 2 to 4 points of direct A damage, especially [weapon use] damage cannot be amplified in capacity.

Lelin opened the door, knocked on the table, and asked, \when will the last flight from Feiyang Luoshi take off?\ Let's wait! \

Zhang Yang didn't have time to think too much, and he couldn't think too much. there are 30 floors in total. No one knows how many times the elevator will stop along the way. It was definitely too late to wait for the elevator, so he walked straight up the stairs. At this time, Zhang Yang stopped getting up. they can fly several stairs at the same time. Not only does she want to survive, she also wants to invite her family and qianqian.

the interface pointer immediately moves to the top of the potion and clicks gently.

After giving birth to xiangga, the twins did not stay too long and came back with their grandma. It was almost eleven o'clock and they had to go home and prepare lunch.

Although the size is the same as the Z5 crystal, it is still a level four living corpse crystal. .

\the one I want to fight is you. You declared war on the whole school and even founded your own club. You didn't even mention such a big thing.\

It's also an old practice: everyone brings their own food, but they eat lunch together.

chen mo has already set a direction for his new life. the perfect foundation requires attention to detail, and nothing can be overlooked.

Each menu has 30 cans and 30 bowls of food, including dried fruits, dried vegetables, frozen cranberries, blueberries, various prepared foods, rice, beans, meat, etc., with a gross weight of 816 kilograms.

the power of the world belongs to the empire. No matter how strong chen mo is now, he cannot shake the entire underground. what is?

\Little brother, you are not young anymore, why are you so strong?

with Grandpa's encouragement, Little pudding nodded unconsciously, but in his heart he was confused and half-understood. the subject matter was a little too ahead of her age. Geckos are reptiles. how can he think if he doesn't have a brain?


qin An secretly thought that young Li Na would wake up soon. what should I say to him as an acquaintance? .

I really haven't seen these people alive these days, most of them seem to be dead.

Zhang Yue carefully observed the situation on the street. once the zombies die, they will enter the system to collect materials without hesitation.

tang mo saw that the protective barrier was destroyed, but he himself was severely injured. his body was now at its limit. Even if he could absorb the crystals quickly, he couldn't keep up with the speed of using his mental power. he simply couldn't bear this protective barrier anymore.

I didn’t expect that the plot of the tV series was actually true.

when the middle-aged woman sitting next to her saw this, she also smiled and said: \okay, Lao Zhou, you two fathers and daughters are the same. If your daughter doesn't e, you can talk about it later.\ when your daughter es home, you will the sermon will begin. \.

\but when there is disharmony in society, someone has to be responsible, right?\

this place is a traditional cultural village. to be honest, it is to build some old houses with local characteristics, and then sell some local food and specialties around the houses to attract tourists from outside the city.

qin An was shocked and thought to himself: \the dead Li Na's body has disappeared! die!\

he has never doubted that the end of the world is ing, because the pre-opened jade pendant and the spiritual energy floating in his body that is about to fall from the sky are very powerful proofs. In addition, the host can only obtain half of the energy, and the system will take the other half from him as a reward. .

\Search the vocabulary in the recipient's brain and construct sentences intelligently.\ Liu xing saw xiao Jiujiu in Zhang Zhixue's heart, but he did not show it to her. he wanted to see what Zhang Zhixue's purpose was. the hotel kitchen was destroyed by zombies, infested with various cockroaches and rats, and the seafood stored in glass containers was also destroyed. there were only a few wilted vegetables in the refrigerator.

\Look, it's on fire! bai Feng put the rice into a bowl and thought about it while eating the half-cooked rice.\

he was curious. he recently bought a lot of guns and ammunition for himself. From a spectator's perspective, you can fight him. Unexpectedly, just a few days later, he came back to buy weapons.

I found a truck on the side of the road, took them to the living room, and stored them.

For example, if chu State only receives supplies.

You can't blame him, the way he killed Kim hyun-joo just now was so cruel!

\what... I really didn't say brother, wele back!\

xiaofei was very worried when he saw the pony running out of the house, fearing that the giant would hurt the pony. .

“Young man, you haven’t really tried, have you?

tang mo watched helplessly as ponyo fell heavily to the ground, with blood flowing from her mouth.

dufy first examined his character.

In fact, if there is a chance, it would be better for Liu mingyu to get the apocalyptic weapons. .

Li Ying immediately pursed her lips and frowned: \can you open one of the jars and take it away?\

Song Yan did not hesitate, glanced at the zombies at the main entrance, turned and walked towards the smaller entrance.

the people behind him were immediately speechless. In fact, everyone recognized Sadina as Zhao Yaya. he is the future heir to their Southeast Asian colony of Kitopsina!

tian bing's mother warned her daughter a few words and then left in a hurry.

Law day is finally over and new laws are finally here. he also easily killed many zombies along the way, and the black blood of the zombies was once again cleaned out of tirehong.

because if someone can fly, cast various spells, cover several miles of territory with one blow, and easily destroy an ancient city with a population of one million, what kind of god is that?

I saw no living people on the road, only zombies on the road, and the road was desolate. As for today, maybe I can figure it out. I am willing to give you two years of life!

bai Feng closed his eyes and tried his best to convey the impact of Zhou Yu's development. bai Feng slowly saw the picture in his mind. this is a very important step in the evolutionary process. If Zhou Yu is stuck and cannot get out, evolution will fail. .

Village chief Fan shook his head. .

“bee part of the elite instantly?

Feelings are the most sincere things and people should never learn or give up. with a smile on his face, dougal then said of the prize: \I don't differentiate between species.\ )

du Fei was pushed around several times due to mental shock, but his consciousness was not affected in any way. A smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she immediately took three steps back from Zuiyue wangxing. he walked all over Yongchuan Yang's body and raised his hand to aim at him. hit him in the face.

\what's there to vomit about?

\bye, see you at the high school championships!\

\I wonder how his training in Yanjiang Shili Road went. did Yin xiaoping and peng Linxin train him seriously? what will the strength of the army be like after I e back?\

Zhang hao gave his suggestion. .

without cangnan, it would not be so easy to solve such problems.

but wait, what happened to his third wish to restore peace?

Liu will be a strong and powerful member of the team. Yu Zhang Zhixue's men tried to overthrow Zhang Zhixue's leadership. .

wriston was deeply grateful to him.

If this were true, people would not fall into past lives. I lost the courage to be with my little girl just because I couldn't love her anymore.

As for the heir, he gave up.

\thank you grandpa!

but animals are animals. they thought they could pass through the gap when they saw it, but they forgot that there was someone holding a sword below. Although these two dangerous battles gave them many wonderful memories during the journey, it undoubtedly brought their hearts closer together and made them further apart. .

\thank you, village chief!

hey, forget it, I can only buy it with tears at the price I quoted.

the rules for Rule day have been successfully changed based on majority decisions. \muchengkong finally couldn't bear it anymore and called huo Ye directly and sent a voice message!\ Shao Zun was stunned. .

As he screamed, Li Na opened the door and ran out!

there is a 24-hour messenger not far from where he lives , and that is his destination this time. \ Seeing huo Ye stop, crowther shouted loudly and ordered that all bat troops and weapons have been sent to mangshi Airport.

Zhang chongxin suddenly felt a little uneasy. .

\there were two black vans parked in front of the villa.\

\Look, Li Lanlan and the others have been rescued from the living room!

bai Feng entered the house and suddenly found that Z5 and S4 were no longer there.

however, bai Feng was not in a hurry and relaxed his mind. .

As we all know, captain halls was born in a slum and is a legendary figure who has risen from the bottom of society to this day.

bai Feng took a deep breath and felt a burning pain in his back. It's probably not good, it only hurt the flesh layer, not the inside.

In fact, the boss’s wife sent her some snacks everywhere, and sometimes even slaughtered a pig or a sheep for her, as well as this delicious soup, which was very suitable for eating.

mentally alert people often rely on psychological attacks to defeat their enemies. their physical strength and agility are relatively weak. If she can't mentally overe her opponent, someone will almost certainly stab her. mu chengkong said excitedly.

there was a hint of anger in the old voice, as if he was plaining that the man didn't give him a good explanation.

the snow was falling heavily, and Yuzhe discovered that Lelin had been gone for almost a month, and there was still no news. It looked a little unusual, but Yuzhe didn't mind. he believed that no one in this world could hurt Le Lin anymore. Forest. !

At the same time, he raised his feet, focused a lot of energy on his calves and legs, and then kicked Kim hyun-joo in the stomach. tang mo suddenly laughed, his tone as gentle as ever. without toys, he doesn't have much time.

chu xiqing sighed helplessly and could only get the prepared water from the kitchen.

Study room, entertainment room, chess and card room, private kitchen, bathroom, etc.

Song Yan also stood at the back of the team holding a lunch box. the people in front noticed that Song Yan was sitting behind him and wanted to give up their seats. .

then he returned the basket to his youngest son.

the brain was destroyed, and the living corpse screamed twice and fell to the ground motionless. ;

Li Yaqing said: \when we woke up, xiaoqing wanted to go out and help you, but I didn't let him, so don't blame bai Feng.\

Yesterday, Liu Feng was in charge of the logistics department and went to the market to purchase supplies. At this time, Liu Feng deliberately delayed the opening time, as if he knew about it in advance. the team members all looked at Liu Feng, waiting for his answer. If it falls and someone sees it, five or six hundred will be swiped here, seven or eight hundred will be swiped there, and all the money on your card will be deleted after a few swipes. \he changed his story midway.\ the system's name is not xiaoliu. \

Yu chaomu lowered his eyes and looked at the phone. he really has no interest in delving into the past of chong Runyu and Shen Lan, and even has a certain avoidance mentality. .

I have to say that wen Jianshu thought very carefully. chen Fan said without blushing or heart beating.

\don't worry, we specially sent the samples to a well-known institution for testing, and the result is positive.\

\Village chief, I want two pounds, but I have no money now.\ can I manage the account? I don’t have to check every day. how can I go home so late? \

then someone came in with a candle and the beam went out. .

\hahaha, that's right. From now on, if you need anything else, just e to me directly.\

bai Feng only needs to cover the air wall in front to stop L4 who is the first to attack. then you e back and your father will find you a job in the government. civil exams and stuff are just your father's words.

Song Yan hesitated for a moment and jumped down. this jump made him regret a little. there are about 30 of us in our group, and we invite students to voluntarily e to the cafeteria on the second floor to meet us. wen qing will be with us.

the middle-aged woman said: \xiaoyu, you damn girl, why haven't you e home this month? do you love each other?\

bai Feng let out a heavy breath. .

Anyang's words calmed all plaints.

the first place gets 10,000 yuan, the second place gets 5,000 yuan, the third place gets 3,000 yuan, the fourth place gets 2,000 yuan, and the fifth place gets 1,000 yuan.

my mother's voice came from the phone: \be careful, wait for rescue ...\. So bai Feng is not here now.

what surprised him! .

Li dajuan quickly expressed her concerns. he walked into the bedroom, pulled down the curtains, took out a password box from his bag, and changed the password to 2012. with a click, the cipher box opened, and a diamond-textured amethyst slipped from his hand.

bai Feng took out a few L4 crystals . Even if they e, they will only be a few headless corpses. .

this last one is strange. Everything around him goes against the original conclusion of the world. can it even be said that it is not a product of a certain world at all? It’s not that my friend doesn’t want to break up with him, but I don’t want to either!

\captain Zhao, wele.

Later, after leaving school, he learned how valuable the mushrooms he had traded for a piece of bread were. It turns out that rare treasures that can increase attribute points are too rare, even if they only increase one attribute. Everything will be sold. .

\Uh, yes.

the crow crows louder as Ivan gets closer. She kept waving her claws at him, looking aggressive. .

\the letter should arrive before the end of the month.\

this guy actually speaks chinese very well, but he still can't recognize and understand the meaning of other words!

Speaking ill of qin An behind Liu tianyu's back became an emotional relief. .

Lelin raised his head in surprise and saw many meteors falling from the sky. the meteors are far away and not in the same place.

“but if I don’t eat, will I really die?

therefore, my sister chu xilan can be pampered by her parents, enjoy love, have countless beautiful babies and new clothes, and be praised by everyone, but chu xiqing can only continue to live as a teacher. Learn everything heirs need to learn day by day. .

\open a gold pany and you can e and take over when the time es.\

xue Yang seemed a little reserved towards those three people.

So only Yu chaomu and three children were left in the villa.

bai Feng walked to the window and saw many living corpses passing by the house, but no one wanted to enter the house.

pink tracksuits for girls! with a higher degree of education, you are a person who has returned from abroad. with your father's relationship, you have been promoted very quickly. It's not much better than the police academy where you want to be a cop or something.

the world lost its color in an instant, and there was no color. Everything looks like an old photo. black, gray and white are the only colors between heaven and earth.

then people will need food. .

when Zhao Feng heard this, his heart became cold. one hundred thousand people were killed. what was that scene like?

Underneath each drink is a small logo that ranges from \No Grade\ to \Level 1\ to \Level 9.\ 】

Yu chaomu thought for a while: Is chong hanyu in the hospital?

\who are you?

this is the essence of this study. .

In the desperate woman's eyes, a fireball hit her head, and blood gushed out, splattering all over chen Fan's face. chen Fan stuck out his tongue, tasting the woman's warm and fresh blood, bathing in the feeling of blood flowing along his body.

bai Feng took a few bites of food and felt a little more relaxed when he saw a few more living corpses dozens of meters behind him.

So Jiang peng was actually a little unhappy. this system is a series of products created in Stardate 3679 to \take you to the top of life\. It was pulled into the space-time tunnel in 4126 and is currently 77% damaged. It needs to find a host to help the system recover and gather strength to start over. open the space-time tunnel.

\mander Zhang, there are rumors on the Internet that the consul is resigning. Is it true?\ Seeing tang mo's attitude, Lin Yi finally felt relieved and called wen Jianshu after dinner to discuss the matter. It's time to eat.

there is an iron rule: a poor person can get rich by running away: if you want to go fast, you must have money.

\the potion system is ready and ready to serve the host!\

\I'm in the bedroom, okay.\ Song qing blushed after hearing this, ignored him, and went to pack her things. .

“ …”

the fifteen people were silent, then nodded. Although their words were full of disgust, they were helpless.

chong hanyu's avatar is a green military quilt and a green camouflage hat.

why did Zhao boguang bring wan Shilei here? the problem now is that the logistics staff and family groups of magic city are unwilling to e here. magic city is very safe. If the zombie crisis can be resolved, magic city will undoubtedly have more development prospects in the future. \Zhao Yaya said goodbye and waved to Shangguan Yudie behind huo Ye. \You decide for yourself whether you want to spend the rest of your life with me or bee the master of the world! \

qin An said to himself: Although she is a woman, she is a descendant of the nine manders of wanguo city, and those people are all notorious ogres. You don’t have to be soft-hearted! .

this sentence was sent out, but Zhong hanyu did not reply. the fish lay on the bed morning and evening. Just as he was about to hang up, the phone in his hand rang again. he looked down and saw Shen Lan calling him again. of. \In order to defeat huo Ye, Alice never lowered her strength. No matter what, huo Ye has always been Alice's punching bag when she was unhappy.

For a moment, those who were still shy behind wang xiao seemed to bee excited.

Now that the two are married, wen Jianshu naturally can't bear the overwork of his wife, and the money makes Lin Yi live fortably.

After standing up, du Fei saw a clear humanoid creature. he is a human wolf with black fur. this werewolf has some posite controls on its head and limbs. Just thinking about it makes my head tingle.

bai Feng lowered his body and avoided the heavy blows from the two L4s.

this chongrunyu usually buys things online. After ordering a lot of takeout through the takeout software, Yu chaomu unlocked the chongrunyu online shopping software and kept shopping until the end. the money he spent on chongrunyu online went bad, so he did the same. If I owe North china anything, I will borrow it. So du Fei stood at the door of the bank. of course, he's not here to rob a bank. Even if he wanted to rob a bank, he would have to wait a few days, but until then, the charges could only be used as toilet paper. Liu mingyu sighed secretly.

when he saw Zhou Yu struggling on the ground, his screams became more intense. why can Li Na wake up!

the two rooms are not of the same standard at all. So how e they are here? Yu Zhe's tone turned cold: \Answer the question quickly: Is black soil transported in bulk now?\ In fact, Z5 was omitted on purpose to confuse bai Feng.

my original points value has been deleted!

the girl seemed to have read through her thoughts, smiled contemptuously, and then took a swig of a glass of water. I'm brother Fan! All supplies and rescue fighters are expected to arrive at tuofeng Airport tomorrow afternoon.

this was a physical condition he had never experienced before. there is so much power in his body, and every muscle has so much energy, waiting for the master's signal at any time.

therefore, chen Yuan had no time to worry about Yu chaoma. In the past two days, he only took an occasional break from the busy work and sent a message to Yu chao, asking him to plete his homework and go to school after he recovered.

there is usually an aunt in the villa who is responsible for taking care of Yu chaomu's daily life, such as cleaning and other chores. however, my aunt has also been sick and caught a cold these days, so she said goodbye to chen Yuan.

Yes, you can e if you don't want to, no one is forcing you to e. .

he really didn't know how to control himself. For the sake of the child, he kept forcing her into his arms. how shameless is Zhong hanyu?

\thank you very much, thank you very much.\

\can we have a nice talk!\

qin xiaoyan didn't speak, just nodded. .

\Zhang hao, don't worry. before we leave, let xiao ma e to the house to stay with hua qing. there won't be any trouble.\

but if others knew, no one would laugh at him. If you and your brother don't have a good relationship... bah!

\Stop him!


those who bought it were ecstatic, as if they had discovered a huge advantage; those who did not buy it were depressed, regretting the delay and missing the opportunity.

the door opened and the secretary and vice president came out. She is a woman of unusual appearance. If chen mo remembered correctly, this woman was also one of Shao Zun's harem.

Liu tianyu is a person who likes to gossip. he often said to qin xiaoyan that Li Ying marrying qin An is like a flower blooming from cow dung!

\Uh...\ mother Liu finally couldn't bear it anymore and vomited. Liu's father quickly closed the window, picked up Liu's mother from the bed, lay down to rest, and then ran to the dormitory building to find Liu xing. Shangguan Guan asked Yudie. my sister treats everyone like this, so don't worry too much.

“Let me go, do we really have to kill all those bugs to live in peace?

Volcanic ash and cement are important details that are crucial to building the castle.

prosperity! .

Zhang hao immediately placed a large order. .

Zhang hao smiled. this was an idea that just occurred to him. Zhang hao shook his head repeatedly. \house prices in huicheng are very high. do I still owe tens of billions of foreign debts?\

the strange thing is that no ordinary living corpses arrived at that time.

As soon as mander wang came in, he said loudly: \mr. Liu, wele.\

After a few rings, dougal's voice came from the other end of the phone: \hello?\

cang Nan was a little surprised. he didn't expect that Song Yan really knew about his current relationship.

\try to lift this pillar.\

the weather is very good today, and magpies were chirping on the branches early in the morning.

Ivan ran over, turned around and fired. Since there were so many zombies, he was lucky to hit one in the head.

\classmate tian bing, he was the first one to e.

however, his wife qin xiaoyan could not ignore one thing: she found that her husband seemed to love Li Ying more and more. once, Liu tianyu and Li Ying were photographed eating alone in the restaurant below!

Ignoring the queen-like appearance of this sportswear, Yu chaomu put on the sportswear with her eyes closed, opened the bedroom door, and walked around her house four or five times.

he looked at Song Yi and said:

\You will leave this world temporarily and wait for me to summon you.\

\It's not bad. Except for some inconveniences in life, everything else is fine.\

cheng Gang is an idiot who only knows how to play with women. during her years as a colleague, qin xiaoyan has seen countless women deceived by cheng Gang's appearance.

“oh, I’m injured, but it shouldn’t be too serious.

without much hesitation, du Fei used the tai Sword as a tool and spent a hundred points of energy to change his appearance and create the heavy sword \Frostmourne\. Granted, the sword doesn't have the mystical power of icy magic, but it looks a lot like Frostmourne. Just a sharp, heavy sword.

there was really nothing he could do at the moment, otherwise he would have escaped long ago, and Li Na, who woke up and appeared in the room for some unknown reason, could not take away the loot.

\A few nights ago, this woman invited me to the rooftop and said she wanted to do some fun things with me. Unexpectedly, he took the opportunity to secretly attack me, hoping to take my place and rule you.\

xiao Fei couldn't even breathe. when he saw the giant destroying the last defensive barrier with golden light, he couldn't help but rush out. with a thought, two arrows flew towards S4.

\I think what you said is very good and makes sense.\ why are you so shy? \

\we haven't met yet, let's clean up quickly.\

\dad, what do you think this is? Is it a ghost?

\Looks, looks real, human!\

only then did he realize that the vegetation under his feet was just ordinary vegetation, but it could still support him.

Zhao Feng was a little confused. he knew that the Jade Emperor said that the gate to heaven on Kunlun mountain was the gate to hell.

when cheng Gang met Li Ying, he even thought to himself: cheng Gang, you must work hard to make Li Ying love you more!

he and tong xin were at the south gate, where the danger could be minimized.

but there is another saying: my heart is at peace where I live, and on the other hand, where I live, the world is sweet.

In his last life, he gave Shen Lan chongrun jade! .

In fact, the so-called holiday activities are parent-child activities in a narrow sense. After all, the two boys are still very young, so it still depends on experience.

\mom, but get married. I believe my mother is right about people.\

with the moonlight outside, Li Na couldn't see the beautiful woman standing at the door. .

huo Ye stroked his temples blown by the wind and said with emotion: \For people like me, the trajectory of life is almost determined by birth.\

Liu xingchu looked at chen Yang calmly and thought to himself: \what an old fox. he doesn't seem to give up until he asks me questions!\

It's not difficult to win it.

but Zhao Feng has always felt that the Gate of hell is a scary place, but what about here?

Zhang Zhixue clearly felt that in addition to the serious injuries to his upper body, several tendons were ruptured, and there was not even a piece of intact skin on his body.

\because you are so fixed, you can e to me if you need anything. You can clearly see the street and the lights of the surrounding buildings in the moonlight, even though you can't reach the five fingers behind you from your feet to see.

moreover, they did not remember Jiang peng.

In a sense, huo Ye's dark Alignment is all symptoms, and learning the spell can be considered a talent.

No, it is now impossible to deal with these undead without Z5's guidance. .

the noise gathered the wandering zombies to where the pot had fallen.

Yu chaomu sat at the foot of the camper, straightened her skirt, and waited for Zhao boguang to explain his plan.

but the problem is that his [General Skill] has reached the power level. ——Zhang Zhixue asked rhetorically.

bai Feng thought for a while, maybe the aura of zombies above level Z5 is here, and these low-level zombies dare not e over. .

“No matter how things change, we just need to live our lives and not worry too much about other things.

If he were the original chu xiqing, he would never buy a warehouse full of chocolate balls because of chu qingyu's little hobby. he should know that he is already chu xilan's sixteenth life. on her birthday, all he gave her was the clothes she had always wanted and a \happy birthday\ before going back to her room to sleep - she had never had a real birthday, so he thought gifts and blessings were enough.

\there is a saying in my mind: healing: healing the wound.\ Leylin had no evidence, but he knew in his heart that the zombie virus was ing and the doomsday crisis was ing, and it was now. who do you want?

without pushing the Z5, the Z4 won't be like any other Z4. .

\I am also not certain.\

Alice screamed at huo Ye with her mouth open, and without saying a word, she slapped huo Ye on the back hard.


I cast myself in the wrong body, so it caused bad consequences!

the fish starts to stretch towards the wood, its thighs, calves, arms and waist. he's no stranger to stretching techniques, after all he was once a warrior. only you?

Seeing qin An's eyes, the little girl smiled slightly, stood up, took a mosquito net from the table, put it in qin An's eyes, and said with a smile: \this is the incense passed down from the ancestors of our family.\

boom at that moment! \mu chengkong plained in his heart, but he still put two emotional symbols as normal. Yes, emoticons have bee popular in Sola colony recently.

there's something wrong with his radio and he can't get a signal?

\mr. Liu, the total gold is 10,000 grams. According to our price yesterday: 250 yuan\/gram, the total is 2.5 million. It has been received.\

when we got to Groot pudding, we finally got a different answer: \dad, I want to be an entrepreneur.\ du Fei asked again.

the body of the female passenger was dismembered into several pieces. the right arm and leg are missing. the severed head has a pair of big blurry eyes, with crows pecking at the eyeballs. the two brothers depended on each other for life and had a very deep relationship.

when Guts first started, he was a young baron, although not as powerful as he is now.

however, bai Feng's confidence was soon shattered. but I've met one person so far. others can only hide at home and wait for rescue. Still not rescued. over time, food and water supplies will bee depleted.

the young, handsome, and wealthy cheng Gang definitely meets his expectations. In just half a year, he found Li Ying, which gave qin xiaoyan a feeling of revenge.

the old man did not dare to move and could only glare at chen haoren. .

\then I must grow faster.\ he himself felt that there was little hope.

After returning home, tang mo told Lin Yi that Uncle wen was a very good person. If he proposes, say yes. .

At this time, Lu qi next to Song Yan suddenly stood up. he was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling slightly. .

\Father, I think we should be mentally prepared. my step-uncle and his family are all members of a big family. If so many people are not treated well, then it will be a big problem.\

huo Ye immediately said: Just leave!

they weren't going fast, so I went back to working slowly. .

\by the way, I heard that you also provide customized services here. In addition, you can help me make a list of canned snacks such as coffee, candy, chocolate, honey, dried fruit pulp, etc.

market response first; after saying that, she raised her little face in front of the middle-aged man and showed him her missing dark circles. Zhang Yang said: \don't be like this. \Speak\, because he couldn't take the initiative to ask whether he passed the test. when he passed by, qian qianhui took the initiative to say that, qian qian didn't say that because he felt that it was not quite right yet. this is It’s a lifetime event, so be careful.

the middle-aged man frowned after hearing Zhou Yu's words, then breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: \okay, okay, it's up to you, but xiaoyu, you will pass the college entrance examination.\ by the way, e in and sit down. bar.

but what is not known is that tang mo's emotional intelligence is even higher than his Iq.

two S4s ran, their saber lights flashing.

\damn it!

Li Na, who was being chased by the phantom, smiled sympathetically and said, \okay, hurry up and tell me the story of Li Na and me!\

“Since you can’t let go of him, then hold him in your arms.

Jiang peng skillfully crushed them one by one while keeping a good distance from the skeleton monster. After all the skeleton monsters recovered, he walked forward with shaky steps. thanks to the existence of mutated beasts, this kind of mutation has amazing abilities! .

Zhang hao is taking the right path.

one week, this time is pletely acceptable, just enough to plete the task and move the supplies there without wasting time.

the school environment is much better pared to other places in the world. In his previous life, he could survive half a year in school with nothing. In this life, with the jade pendant as support and full preparation, there is no reason to run away.

dou qingyuan agreed to take the first batch of Lingnan slaves to myizhi to serve as an expeditionary force.

Everyone has a smile on their face. .

Yuzhe feels that the world is really different. African Americans immigrated to Africa and returned home. If European descendants did not forget their original intentions and immigrated to India, the only ones left would be Asians and natives. what's the surprise?

Are these the gates of hell?

\don't fight yet.\ Sit down and listen to what I have to say. \huo Ye doesn't accept this plan at all.

the crazy workouts over the past few months have brought her body's strength, mobility and endurance to peak levels.

In an instant, the surrounding darkness turned into a new horizon.

his eyes were full of gratitude and fell on Zhou xinyan.

\hold up!

however, the results are still not ideal. .

the system seemed to understand Lin Yun's confusion and made an extremely friendly evaluation of Zhang Yue, a newbie. .

city Lord tang qingliu stared at him and said, \we don't have many troops at our disposal, so why do we stay in the demon city to attack the city and seize territory!\ don't get me wrong, great men will not remember the mistakes of bad men. \

the roar of thunder sounded again, the sound was like the roar of a wild beast, but it was acpanied by thunder and lightning. Zhao Feng was shocked and quickly hid behind chen mo.

[that! huo Ye patted his sister on the shoulder and said:

Alice fought hard and fought back, but finally succumbed to huo Ye's pressure and told everything about Jiang Feng's proposal to make a video and her request for Lerima to make a high-definition video to save him!

Sometimes he would help Yang Yang read ancient martial arts secrets and explain to her the doubts he encountered during self-study.

\let's go!

bai Feng swung his kitchen knife and chopped off the head of another living corpse. the living corpse suddenly lost the ability to move and fell backwards. .

city Lord tang qingliu looked at Yu Zhe and asked, \Let's discuss whether we should leave the territory of the demon city pletely.\

Although Liu mingyu was prepared, she was still nervous and took a step back.

\don't think too much about money.\ when we get married, I will take your mother home. \

As soon as he finished speaking, a disc-shaped substance suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, making him stand up again. .

\And your third uncle and aunt.\ Your second and third aunts don't know either. \

It was as if he said from the bottom of his heart: Follow him and you can survive!

\I don't want your money!

Liu xing then told Zhang Zhixue in detail chen Yingxi's injury and treatment methods. .

huang Sheng followed chen haoren's movements and immediately noticed a huge tibetan mastiff. he couldn't control himself, and a strong look of fear flashed in his eyes. Village chief Fan asked with concern. Ivan ran over and fired five shots. due to running, his accuracy was poor, so he only hit two zombies in the head.

do you want to learn \Secret Skill: pure Yang Gold purgatory\? .

\No, how is that possible?\ huo Ye casually held wen's hand. they cleaned the house, did the laundry and housed me. You can't contradict me when I say something. do you believe?

Yes, fifteen people walked up quickly and stood beside Emperor dongyue.

there was a cry. however, 80% of the 6,400 people in the family are young children and the elderly. It's unclear where he is. please give me instructions.

Yu chaomu stood in the bedroom and walked around. the ringtone disappears again. he leaned against the wall and listened for a while. could it be an illusion?

when qin An thought of this, he thought of Li Ying. If Li Ying hadn't prepared enough supplies for him, he might be dead now, right? .

“dad tell me why you want to be an entrepreneur?

the air power of the wall of fire began to gradually weaken, slowly descending, and reached its end.

chu xiqing touched his chin. he did not forget that the system said that he wanted to open the system gift pack to the fifth level, so he asked: \how to upgrade?\

After dodging several attacks, the thunder ball took shape. .

- haha of course!

\Nais, I've finished my work today.

without the granary of warmth, no one can survive and let something happen to him. .

while speaking, chen haoren pointed to a black tibetan mastiff next to him and whispered: \It's called coca-cola. Now Jianbai culture has brought me a lot of trouble. what kind of trouble do you want? hundreds of thousands, and then jade.\ the emperor and others If a man conquers heaven, many people will surely die. Eventually, only about 200,000 people remained in paradise. If there are many people underground, how can the Jade Emperor enforce the law?

Such people are bound to get into a lot of trouble if they are dishonest. .

wriston asked cautiously. .

In an instant, chen mo's body was filled with energy. his muscles tensed and his bones hardened. the qi sea in his dantian increased in strength. chen mo could feel that his reaction speed and speed had bee faster.

he couldn't help but shudder, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the parking lot. we have not only small arms, but also small armored vehicles and tanks. there is no financial benefit to struggling. do you want to oppose me?

on the other side, Zhang chao and his party also appeared in the open space. .

“Are you from our munity too?


Zhang Yue smiled slightly, very interested in this mysterious process, and asked in a low voice: \then what should I do now?\


there was a noise in the house.

what a deadly job this is! what do I want to express? .

huo Ye was stunned for a moment, but suddenly understood. however, he did not ask directly, but directly answered mu chengkong: \As long as you work hard, it's never too late.\

[Yes, host.

After making sure there was no one in the car, he got into the car, carefully removed the ladder and brought it to the edge of the building.

As long as he doesn't encounter a large number of zombies, this is basically no problem, and he can always choose to return to the real world and escape danger immediately. .

Guo haoyu couldn't help crying with joy when he saw Song Yan cutting off the chain as thick as his little finger.

All the audience were amazed. how is such a thing possible? Even if it freezes, it won't kill you. Ice powers are bad. while his blocking is strong, his attacks are weak. of course it's different now. this is inside the body. It can harm other things in the body without harming the body. only genes can achieve this level of control.

of course, I didn't know that when the time came, the prison doors and exits would be closed, and there would be no way for me to get out even if I wanted to. I saw it by accident! Yesterday's game was not convincing. do you want to play again today?

the reason why I chose this Range Rover is because the car's body steel plate thickness is 1.87mm. It is not unusual for one or two people to die occasionally, but it is not unusual for dozens or hundreds of people to die every day.

does Liu Nayang still have a chance to take revenge?

the room was dimly lit. It's obvious that this space is regularly maintained. there is absolutely no dust on the tables and chairs in the hallway. there is a bowl on the table with beautiful flowers blooming in it. the air inside was filled with the fragrance of flowers, which made qin Anmei feel even happier. .


time flies so fast, and it’s already June before I know it. the daily maximum temperature breaks below zero again, and \summer\ is finally here.

he looked around.

ponyo obeyed her master's mand, but she didn't stop or turn around.

Ivan secretly used the ice energy on his body to pletely freeze the seven long worms that entered his ears. the ice energy that had only been stored for a day and a half was consumed in an instant.

\ …!

“I have been to several places back then, but this place was considered a Feng Shui treasure back then.

he believed that he and Li Ying met because of love. Now that they have a family, why are they still afraid of their wives?

when he arrived in the kitchen, he found Zhou xinyan standing by the kitchen window holding a glass of water.

\how many times have I said this?

You know, the news of the truce has spread.

\Early tomorrow morning, the Yangluocheng fleet can arrange to transport changsha employees to tuofeng Airport, then return to changsha huanghua Airport, pick up their families, and then fly to the magic city.\

\Impossible.\ Zhang chongxin smiled and nodded. .

\that's fine.\

After the news came out, the entire Nanda was shocked. therefore, it is not difficult to guess that the organism developed must be a product of the laboratory.

but bai Feng no longer cares about that much. he was deceived by the living corpse. If other people knew this, bai Feng could imagine how ridiculous they would feel.

\I didn't answer, it was Liu xiyi.\

wang xiao licked his lips and his eyes became even more intense.

After Li Na recovered, Kim hyun Joo caught her. the plicated situation did not give him time to think about Li Na's resurrection, and now Li Na is dead again!

huo Ye just wanted to say \xiao Ai!\

\Grandma, why are you crying?\ chu xiqing asked. .

\put it on, what do you mean?\

Zhang hao asked casually.

there was nothing in the empty control room, from the console to the entire wall of screens to the small tables, chairs and benches, everything had disappeared!

“cover me and I’ll make a fire.

In order to regain his parents' trust and successfully implement his plan, he risked his life.

the sound of a woman banging on the metal door and screaming echoed forever in my ears. the first plea turned into a terrible curse: \If you don't save me, I will e to you even to death!\ I didn't. \Just a little more time, wake up.\ the purpose is to tell everyone about Li Na's situation and the crisis we are currently in!

however , has no such screaming options. If L4 falls behind, it will be difficult to control.

they knocked loudly on the iron door of the dormitory building, opened their big mouths, and tried to eat Song and Yan from the inside.

As long as a spell is used to control the ability, unassigned energy counters have all properties, and spells and abilities with different properties can be cast. You just need to spend time chanting the mantra.

As long as she was with Zhang Yang and the others, Su huiqing wouldn't think much about it.

\my grandfather and father are both entrepreneurs.\ Entrepreneurs have worked hard. I'm your brother and I want to help you share the work. \

A great Level 5 programmer, who was once the smartest man on earth, was basically fooled by a living corpse that had only been resurrected for half a year. but although you cut off my head, you didn't let me die!

Seeing this, tang mo tried his best to absorb the crystal as quickly as possible, then used all his strength to inject spiritual power into the Sky-bearing Ax in his hand, and then controlled a ball of spiritual power to rush towards the sky and the earth. huge.

qin Fen stood beside wen qing. qin Fen put his hands in his pockets and looked at tang mo without saying anything.

they follow the rules and even forget that they can make decisions that change the entire world.

the little girl handed qin An a pen and said, \write carefully!\

Even though they only knew each other for a few days, the friendship they formed will last forever. he already considered them important friends. After this time, he didn't know when he would see each other again.

Seeing this, Li dajuan quickly pulled her granddaughter into her arms and forted her gently: \our little pudding is already very good. when you grow up, you will definitely win the first place.\

bai Feng did not dare to accept the punishment, so he stepped on L4's head with both feet, took out his sword and jumped up again.

Upon seeing this, wan Shilei looked at Yu chaomu's back with concern and asked Zhao boguang:

\doesn't this pregnant sister really love me?\

master hu also watched carefully through the window and continued to worry about xiao Fei, but precisely because of this distraction, the pony slipped away from his hand as soon as he let go.
