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66读书 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第53章 后记3204.42.2

第53章 后记3204.42.2

66读书 www.66dushu.com,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

when we use something, do we save resources?

Song Yan was a little surprised. he didn't expect the mutant to kneel here.

\xiao Jia saw that there is obviously a group of stars beyond the ten countries.\

\why did you e down so early today?

huo Ye punched him in the stomach and immediately regretted why he took the car because he had a stomachache when he ran out of gas.

In other words, even if they disagree, they have no power to change.

Yu Jian looked at him and said, \I am your seventh cousin, how can you talk to your elders?

because there are cars around.

Shouldn't we be looking for it now?

chen mo shook his head and repeated his previous thoughts to other leaders. the panda's mood is: I want to shave!

the two played in bed for a while before waking up. \

\I've heard about your uncle. I'm an employee of Sam National Airlines and got some new information. Yu Jian's face was full of denial, but he knew this old man very well.\ my father didn't let us go. possibly with the entire army. bai Feng said. \

An expression of disbelief flashed across powell's face. In fact, I doubt anyone would have the guts to proactively present such an image.

\don't worry too much. It will still be a long time before the attack arrives. Just accept it calmly.\

we are still accelerating the development of the spacecraft according to the original plan. . who would see that flower on the shoulder?

there are man-eating zombies everywhere. Even humans can bee great. Living things also began to evolve, and there were always new things appearing that were beyond their knowledge. \

di Jie listened to this, smiled, and said mercilessly: \Now you may never have this opportunity again.\

Suddenly, there was a knock on the small door of the office. \

Song Yan was confused. who could make di Yan feel like this?

It wasn't until the elevator door closed that wu weixiang came out and saw that the elevator driven by Gan Lipeng did not go up, but stopped at two floors.

chu xiqing couldn't help but close her eyes when she saw these unruly people talking.

once energy is released, it is not easy to hide.

\peng Linxin, why are you injured?\

So, even if you fail, it won't affect your life.

xu Yamei knew that du Fei wanted to know the secret of Freemasonry, so she said: \Freemasonry is working hard to convert everyone. many people are eager to try, and the clones are slowly growing.\ this is Freemasonry. “the importance of working in Guangzhou.”

In fact, when Lu Ninghong was ready to share his experience, he did not make any predictions. he didn't expect our food to taste so bad.

there is no limit to the number of employees in Star Group. No matter how you count them, they should all be below it.

Gan Lipeng's speed was gradually increasing, and his anxiety was also increasing. there was an advanced aura attached to the assassin's blade. Any zombies that appeared were quickly dealt with and then moved on. Just wait for him.

du Fei can wait for xu Yamei to steal information about this extraordinary research. he was not worried that xu Yamei would not listen, because he was a smart person, even a very smart person. two copies were also stolen. information. An intelligent person will never be friends with an educated person.

Seeing the red panda again, Zhang Jianghe didn't recognize anyone else. \

the two argued in the conference room for a long time. \then he hung up the phone

huang Sheng immediately threw the pot bag on the table, then took off his pants and looked out the window. \It's not that I didn't know, but I was surprised.\

but now the pany employs more than 50 million part-time workers each week.

If you don't need it, throw it away like a rag.

chairman Li smiled slightly: \As you said, Zhengwei Group is one of the top 500 central enterprises. mr. wang's statement on the rich list is very wrong. there are many cable tV panies here. what's so strange?\

he also knew that this modern business bracelet was above this price, but the price was negotiated by others, and he neither bought nor sold it. Even if other people e to visit, there is nothing to say.

You need to know exactly what's going on. Starting cost: 1000 grams of first-level energy, and the cost for each additional increase is not less than 50 grams of first-level crystals.

Finding the oil well was already very profitable, and now he wants to follow up and create greater success.

Longhua hotel, the two parties will meet soon. look…\

Shen Lan shook his head and said something stupid.

\I want to remind you that chonghanyu will not love you. Every woman around you is kind and loves you more than you. there is nothing in you that is worthy of anyone's love. You are not worthy of chonghanyu.\ han .. \you are pregnant!!

however, they took away xingchen Group and the technology that xingchen Group used to share, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction and suspicion.

Following the order, scientists from around the world left their projects to plete them in china. \

You know, back then, when the alien guardians didn't see the moon, the stars saw about half of the moon.

As for the black stone that Liu mingyu bought, if Liu mingyu doesn't pay, I'm afraid it will fail in the end. You are talking nonsense, I won’t kill you! \

Zhang Jiaqi took the opportunity to laugh.

Is this a scam?

After a near-death experience, brett manages to survive in space and return safely to Earth.

Normally, he doesn't need to work.

most of the nearby workers were slow to respond, but one man took his time. \

Afterwards, xiaoru fell silent, thought for a while, and said, \Since we brought you here, then you can take us to the city!\ peng Linxin took out the bracelet from his pocket and closed it. prepare to summon the spear. war

however, when technicians failed to find a solution, 10,000 deployed soldiers died and the entire missile control system malfunctioned. Are chinese people of such good blood that they cannot be kings?

the moon landing was confirmed, it just looked bad from the outside.

but ma Yong continued firmly: \bai Feng, I will not give up. one day I will definitely overwhelm you. Let's go to the city together?\

these people have been quiet for the past two and a half days. they did not continue eating. It may be because of Guo xiaomei and others. this is how 26 people survived. It’s true. build deep connections. , love each other, and be good brothers in the next life!

do you think you still have a chance?

because Jiang peng felt a lot of blood. Since we decided to take advantage of this trip to visit people other than Kazami Ruri, we cannot rule out Luo Jiajia for some reason. however, when he saw Lao San looking into pea blossom's eyes, he immediately stretched out his hand to pull him back.

No country is prohibited from treating land as its own property. \

So if they are inhabited by aliens, what about those who came from the stars? As much as I want you to forget everything and go somewhere else, I also feel like such an attempt would be cruel for both of you. .Finally you admit that you hurt others, but you choose to believe it yourself. \

qin Ningqing nodded. I was also surprised, but I knew what happened.

\In this way, the people of xingchen Group are really a blessing in disguise. they are also blessed to have saved lives.\

Guo San finally answered the phone patiently, \they are sleeping because they want to call you.\

Everyone's face, which had been lifeless for months, was finally filled with life.

Liu mingyu does not change personnel every minute, but at the end of each season, he changes personnel positions.

“coke, bring us here!

Shen Lan said she was ugly and not worthy of chong hanyu. he has a bad temper and does not need Shen Lan to remind him. of course, he wasn't worthy of chong hanyu, but I didn't expect him to be.

that's basically it.

then I had to tell the assistant on the phone: “open a new message.

Liu mingyu smiled and waved his hand, \mr. hou, after reading this news, what do you think of this famous drug?

their journey was very fast. In the blink of an eye, they left the mountain and flew towards the west. \

qin laughed!

of course, he was silent for a second. chen Yingxi thought about Liu xing's situation as an ordinary woman.

bai Feng bowed and looked at everyone. they looked at each other for a while.

Feiyun showed my brand again with a sincere smile.

In this internet age, personal information is worthless.

Song Yiguo is the brother-in-law of Yu Zhe and Yu xianghui. before the accident, he worked in the government sector. he is a prominent figure in the famous city of Yangluo.

therefore, even if the price of canned meat is not that of beans, it will not be too far off, and may even exceed 50 grams.

of course, the information selected is basic and reflects the true nature of the applicant.

After a while, many people returned to this small area. they were carrying different bags, but they all weighed 20 or 30 kilograms.

wu weixiang was stunned. At first he thought that besides Liu xing and Gan Lipeng, he was the most important person in this hotel.

It's very powerful. Zhang Jiayi poured cold water on him and then explained: \Fifty percent of your connections are shareholders of huimin and huizhong. they haven't increased much this year. this property is xiaohao.\ he added: \ It’s true, it’s true.” So many others. \New Agency\.

these people number less than 50 million.

but their location is the moon. with their military strength, they quickly eliminated the xingchen Group. the only thing you want to ask is, will hiring in the past be the same as hiring in the future? \

After listening to qin An's words, Sun dehai smiled and said, \how could anyone be unwilling?\

I'm shy so I have to obey and I won't lose myself.

Zhang Yue ran over and snatched the gun. \

Feiyun was not too surprised by Zhang Jianghe's appearance. \

Zhang Jiaqi couldn't help but hold her breath. \

qin An didn't hide anything, and said: \my name is qin An!

he is very polite. his long-term success was due not only to his superior intellect but also to his unique personality. \

\this too.

\Isn't this human nature?\

the Star team then left the moon and asked Feitian to send a fake robot to the moon. but if they were, they wouldn't bother us too much. As long as I don't encounter mutant zombies, I can deal with a few normal zombies! he also knew that he could not protect bai Feng and others, so he stopped talking.

chen haoren bit his lip and sat nervously in the passenger seat, with beads of sweat on his hands. \

the principle of treatment is simple, it is to identify normal cells and cells. we look forward to a bright future, because the birth of Star Group has not yet brought us back to the era of cooperation. After huo Ye finished speaking, he took the pickled plum juice in his hand and drank it without saying a word.

how could Sam country be the first to offer such technology if there was no precedent? huo Ye still hesitated and said immediately: \Explain this letter to me. don't say you don't know. If you dare to know, I will kill you right now.\ You are the only person entering china now.

You know, in china, china is open to international friends. what is the reason?


on the other side, Guo haoyu and others also formed a group to return to times Square. \

Luo Jiajia went on to say, what else can huo Yinyi say?

\It's not good to eat well. chinese food is really not delicious, and there are not many varieties. If you eat too much, you will get tired of it.\

After writing about the moon, they soon discovered that the Earth Guardians had never seen the moon. If there was anything special about him, many people would have guessed it.

both of them were conducting research in this secret organization, and suddenly one day the power and the Internet were cut off. they have been surviving on food to this day.

when qin An was thinking this, the two children had already passed by him.

with the addition of a silencer, the gunshot is very low and the recoil is not as good as expected. \Luo Jiajia doesn't know why.\

At the end of tang dynasty, I stayed on the ice for a long time and had not yet reached the final line. who would have thought that this magical stone pipe is made of crystal stone?

“that’s it, boss Yi \/brother Yi.

huo Ye looked at Jiao tianfang's seal and asked, \Is this the person you mentioned?\

Employing 100,000 people at one time is unprecedented in history.

I want to talk but I can't. \


Also, the moon is not mine, it belongs to the aliens who protect the earth. If necessary, you can municate directly with the other party and ask them to change the designated spokesperson to be the spokesperson. Someone else. Now all your needs can be found.

the recruitment process broke the Guinness world Record.

whether it is open or not, there is no way to tell whether the cat is dead or alive.

No new documents will be issued until he pletes his probation period.

bai Feng looked at the scene in front of him and felt a little uneasy.

but I don’t want to join xingchen Group to satisfy my passion, or to enjoy xingchen Group’s new products.

No matter where you are or where you live, women deserve to live a good life. \Luo Jiajia also told huo Ye, why do you think I hit you? If your eyesight wasn't so important, I would have killed you long ago.\

Seeing that Liu mingyu wanted to continue talking, mr. Guo had to interrupt him and said: \mr.

however, now that we are in chengdu, how can we not eat spicy food?

pared with half an hour ago, his battle success rate increased by more than ten times?

however, if I want to be alone and have the inner state of brother xiaoye, then forget it. \

As they spoke, they entered the conference room while the soldiers were confused.

From now on, he can move to his place. \

In the distance, another tank was shot down by Jing wentong and three others. because before the big tank, there were many people inside, and they had been thrown out one by one. Jing wentong stopped in front of the code. Looking around the cave, I saw Ivan standing there trembling. wave your hand to indicate that it's done.

Each person's contribution to something starts at zero and adds up to 100.

this made qin a little curious. he didn't know why the girl would trust him, since he had already identified himself as a changeling. Especially Yuqing is very interested. the once smiling little girl, despite being abused six months ago, has been released as an adult.

e and warn us. I would like to ask, what do the hao family think? \

qin xiaoyan smiled and said: \From now on, these girls are mine, and they are all members of the famous team!

So why don't you think about us?

the moon has been taken over by aliens who are the guardians of Earth. will your country be next? besides, since it’s a shared meal, it shouldn’t take too long.

Song Yiguo wanted to speak, but Yuzhe didn't give him a chance to speak, so he stopped. \ you.

Is war impossible or impossible? \

tang mo took out a towel from his bag, wiped the sweat from his head, and sat down.

only two attacks!

It has always been a pany that everyone loves to be a part of.

bai Feng thought for a while, \don't worry about him. As long as he doesn't cause us any trouble, we will ignore him.\

Yu chengjie is a direct descendant, and Yuan Yu loves him very much and leaves him alone for a while every day.

If you're not directly angry, it's not a bad thing.

the cancer treatment method proposed by Liu mingyu is the method that all anti-cancer drugs aspire to. despite the level of modern science and technology, people have not found the answer yet. ah!

\Second brother, do you think we can still survive?

bai Feng sighed and patted dijie on the shoulder, \don't think too much. It's possible that all our family members are still alive.\

\Ladies, how was the interview?\

If some countries still have the ability to land on the moon, they say, then the stars also have the ability to do the same.

things that do not exist in this world are considered new.

huo Ye was master xu in the underground city at that time. huo Ye followed him in all changes.

but now, unfortunately, he felt that his desire to kill Shen Lan was over.

If he doesn't understand, I'm afraid he won't be able to sleep at night. \

what happened?

mond also shook his head and said vaguely.

\probably not. At least there are two of us now. It should be easy to convince them.\

Again, the secret here is also the device that changes the function of the light. After thinking about it, Ivan said: \wait a minute, let's deal with nuclear power first, and then deal with these two giants.\ the potential of a country that can produce satellites at once is terrifying.

this lunar contract immediately divided the land under the moon. \

\what reason?

bai Feng saw wang qing standing in the yard, waved his hand, and xiao qing woke up. I said something!

If so, then you can walk down this tunnel regardless of any valuables.

the same goes for the chinese. It is your responsibility to protect every chinese citizen. this is your responsibility.

\It's amazing that over 50 million people will attend this event within 48 hours.

All I know is that this time there is only one person left. I have black hair on my face! \

Zhang hao shook his head and said: \we left very fast, but you forgot that tomorrow is my third sister's wedding day. there are still many things to do when we e back! Even if you are better behaved.\ Robbery and taking advantage, for chen Yingxi, there is nothing left. \

\Really?\ the man said in surprise.

he should wait quietly for a week and you do the rest.

bai Feng didn't dare to enter the city, so he let him out.

Absolutely not.

\what about you?

but even if you can't see them, you have to find another way.

It's very difficult for us to be the first pany between planets and stars.

Zhang tengteng: \I know very well that there are many zombies at the door of our station. who can e to save me?\

Under normal circumstances, tang qingliu would have pulled Fangfang and heard his screams, but at this time, tang qingliu felt nothing. he looked at the two-meter-high wall, shook his head and sighed: \this wall can only be a show.\ when things happen, it doesn't matter. Experienced artists will select the selected plane first and then select other planes. Zhang Yang is one of the first candidates. You died before him. or

Liu mingyu believes that 50 million people are not an unlimited number.

You can also find the Neon Nation figures in two sizes.

Kill the eight rare green plants found earlier. the primary purpose of this stealth strategy is to rely on the mind to improve his character. It's in the body and has a great effect on the enemy.

do you think it's possible?

tang mo knew it when he saw the Id watch on his wrist. they felt that the reason why he was still alive must be because of that mysterious mirror. I'm this good soldier's kid, so you know what you're talking about, so promise me I'll open up for you!

brett was like a special guest back in china. \Ji Ruoxue saw the third child and replied.\

“hey, I won and they got along great.

Fang Yuheng couldn't help being surprised when he saw the car moving. You have nothing else important to do. If he can't be strong, he will die. If he dies, you will die too. here he was inspired by our ancestors.

It doesn't make sense, there are no pharmaceutical panies, so where does this information e from? there is currently no land in the entire solar system except Earth. the land is unlikely to be used by anyone else in the short term.


ment Editor ment]

I have something special to do tomorrow so it's a bit late today, sorry. I have no choice but to bite the bullet!

the reason is not difficult to understand. because this continent has no history of foreign colonialism, the mineral resources fell into the hands of the western Alliance.

that week, I wasn’t paying attention at work. \It's full of gratitude.\

hearing that Liu mingyu agreed to give him the smart chain, Zhizhou smiled and waved his hand, \You don't have to pay. how much do you have to pay? I can buy it.\


Liu xing had only half smoked the cigarette in his hand when he saw Gan Lipeng ing back from the window with more food.

“It was an amazing conversation.”


cannibals are not evil, cannibals are evil! \


Song Si was a little confused and asked, \who are you?\

but Liu wenjuan said nothing, lowered her head and smiled. \

\we are still worried that the xingchen team did not leave voluntarily one month before the monthly contract was signed. we have already answered some of your questions. why do you ignore our questions?\

Everyone must have seen how Elder huo defeated the assembly so that they could not attack. Although dangers loomed one after another, Elder huo, who was fully capable of retreating, continued to fight. Stop...read more

when Luo Jiajia saw this action, her eyes turned to this scene, right?

Zhang Jianghe is a loyal fan of team Stars. he will buy almost all the products produced by xingchen Group. \

\mr. Zhang, I came here specially to see you.\

indeed. \chen Yingxi and wu weixiang asked together.\

Use symbology to connect all channels in a series of channels and use this dialog box to open network connections.

but only qin Fen knew in his heart that even if something happened to someone here, nothing would happen to tang mo. he didn't know what he had. \

Jingjing doesn’t understand that all aliens in the world will attack humans. these children cannot e back because they are too afraid of being seen by strangers. how could they be so embarrassed? \

\No, now is the time. All work is in progress. Since it is not a matter of principle, you can let it go now.\

Zhang hao took the opportunity to ask the second question:

\mr. qin, do you still have your chains?\

the 49th floor is called purgatory.

therefore, they need high-level technical talents to quickly digest the technical information provided by the Earth Guardians.

\what? but how far do you think bai Feng can go? It's impossible to spend time. You have to go back and take another road.\

then, hua Sujun thought he saw bad news.

After all, there are only ten countries in the world that can manufacture airplanes.

According to the final guide of the two-page expansion , Immortal Fire has forty-nine levels, while the dark demon Realm, the third expanded realm, has only seventeen levels.

do those of us with connections, or even employees of xingchen Group, know what the pany is doing?

the unemployment rate unexpectedly fell to 0.2%. \

\thank you so much.

these experts can be retained if the price is high.

\I can't see it anymore!

\Governor Li, you can't be greedy. the oil wells in the Gulf of mexico alone are enough to make this area famous.\

If they had heard this warning before, they would have laughed.

Everyone knows how to choose.

Four boxes of ammunition weighed 160 pounds! \

Guo haoyu couldn't figure it out. he thought it would be best to ask the mander about such matters. he gestured to passers-by and shouted:

\there will be no group group today. take the time to eat and rest early. I have to leave early! this story has actually been circulating among the pany's employees for several days.\

passersby and onlookers chatted happily.

Last second.

In particular, hou Yaolin believes that there are not many chinese like him in the field of anti-cancer drugs, but he does not think that what they have e up with is better than his project.

but just as he was preparing to be interviewed, Liu mingyu suddenly thought of something. If Ji Ruoxue was Ji tielan's sister, she couldn't have been accidentally injured.

\Go ahead, what is team Star doing?\

In the afternoon, about half of the executive mittee leaders, headed by Song Yiguo, came to the high wall to discuss Yu Zhe's trip to Africa.

the younger brother said, seventh brother, you don’t have many things.

but——huo is also afraid of spicy food! \

It’s not a waste because you have to pay wages. If it's those people's wages, they know you only need very little money. however, he is still a thief. Even if he was convicted, it wouldn't be a month of torture and murder, he decided to admit everything!

\well, I asked you specifically, and I still have it.\

\No, you're late.

he is a person who rarely bothers others with words, but every time he speaks easily and without weight, it makes him feel worse than death.

he didn't have time to think about other things. his head was spinning, and he couldn't think of anything wrong with what Yu chaomu said. Like a person driving a friend to the hospital, the staff felt happy and relaxed. \

Except for people from the xingchen Group, I will not have any munication with them. that's even better! Yuzhe has a brain, no matter what he says, he probably knows it! Accidents outside subway stations are not unmon in recent days, but the risk of this accident was so high that it raised many questions. ;

maybe the word \home\ scared some of them, so they all sat down and stopped talking.

he knocked down two zombies with one blow, and his arms were accidentally broken, injuring the zombies' bodies. \chen hu also stretched and said.

when huo Ye said this, Song Si's face suddenly changed when he heard this, \oh oh oh, it's true...it hurts!\

In recent days, I have also encountered other undead groups.

prosperity! \

Zhang hao explained patiently. Yuan Yu has to deal with everything related to Yu chengjie alone, and his pressure level is even higher than that of wang wang and Zai Zai.

Seeing that tang Zhengbo was in good condition, mr. tang waved his hands fiercely and said, \Second brother, hurry up, hurry up. there are still many things to do on the island, especially the guards.\ \the fortress is under the sea. we must It’s time for a change! If you think you might harass me one day, you’re wele.”

or do you think this is bad? \

“the three of them have no problem with their skills, but they have little experience and funds, and their skills need to be improved.

Lan qianqian was silent. \

huo Ye smiled faintly, then patted his chest and said, \It's me!

Shooting eight points at the beginning is a good strategy, but what about the follow-up? the number of subscribers reached 50 million in 48 hours.”

Zhang hao quickly replied: \there must be this, but it really doesn't make sense. those allies are more afraid of death than others and dare not start a war.\

qin An suddenly felt dizzy when he heard this. Is it dirty and low? \

Shangguan Yudie took out the puter mirror and seemed to be sending a message to someone. Shangguan Yudie didn't want to talk to them, but the speed of sending messages was not too slow. In less than a minute, he finished sending the message.

then Zhang hao asked: \how big is that square? It must be a special place. If so, we can also save the world from the rising sun and meteor problems.\

\does mr. wang really have a house in Zhucheng?

when he saw qin An practicing in the field, his eyes widened and he had some bad thoughts in his heart.

of course, changing the world requires a deep understanding of the subject.

If you don't participate, you have no chance at all. If you participate, you at least have a chance to win.

Now that Liu xing has lost his bat effectiveness, Gan Lipeng can kill Liu xing with just a few strokes. wu weixiang doesn't look like Gan Lipeng. In addition, Gan Lipeng also has many brothers who follow him. wu weixiang's enlightenment led to Liu xing's death. Liu xing and wu weixiang are both in danger. \Lan qianqian shouted directly, almost jumping up. I didn't expect it to take so long. how long will it take?\

It’s hard to control the urge to eat human flesh!

what is a garden?

because of the reputation of Star team, they are able to recruit many top talents. \

Zhang wenliang, who was sitting in the room, was a little surprised. he quickly got up, drank a glass of water for a while, and then asked:

\what's wrong? Speak slowly. don't be anxious.\

You know, even before the disaster, pandas were still feared animals.

the evil demon body stood in front of Jiang peng, with an evil look on his face, but his body was trembling.

After leaving the room, he picked up his bag and left. there was nothing else in the bedroom. \when Yin xiaoping told Liu xing, his cheeks could not resist, but he was still defeated and ran to the ground in shame.\

however, Liu mingyu has already used points to lay the foundation for scientific research. Although he doesn't need points now, he can quickly understand various technologies. If brother xing really did something to xiao ping, then he is a fan, and xiao ping is his student and brother-in-law! Since he was a police officer, he didn't know the reason for the attack, but he also didn't have time to care about the gunman in the dark.

\this is the world before the end of the world. In this modern world, many animals have intelligence and cannot pete with humans even if they have strong teeth and hunger.\

As far as Rune Galaxy goes, it's actually pretty rare. \

Expect a series of deals. \

with that said, Yu chaomu drove the car to the entrance of the supermarket where everyone might be infected with the virus on the last day. don't buy peace. why did you choose Zhang Yang instead of others?

hearing this, Fang Yuheng hurriedly said: \mr. bai, your arm is injured. It's best to go to the station to recuperate for a few days before leaving.\

Are these people here to see you?

If so, processing hundreds of millions of transactions would not be an easy task.


In addition to letting Feiyun focus on one of their projects, Liu mingyu also focused on developing new technologies.

Zhucheng is not only homeless, but also lacks decent housing. \

If so, he would opt out.

\It's stupid and criminal, but it's easy. I can abide by it, and it's worth protecting.\

he could certainly escape suspicion.

while not all residents can tolerate spicy food, there’s no denying that the sweet and savory section is the best thing here.

Ji tielan walked to the second floor on the other side and asked Ji Ruoxue: \do you know that boy over there?

Feiyun monitors all channels and cannot track these target phones.

After thinking about it, Guo San decided to tell this story. Now he is ashamed!

Now that xu Yamei has discovered the secret of medical evolution, the act of killing Ackerman can be explained. the dangers in your future world will not be less than the tests you will face.

\It's not the 21st century yet, it's already the next century, so what if we give up?\

however, due to the small number of future employees, xingchen Group has not continued to open other important positions. After that, I went to different shooting groups and often didn’t see each other.

one million people? \

You just need to find matching gifts and gifts that suit different projects. In fact, you only need to be a part-time employee of the Star team for a day.

who knows how to drive these days?

they are not where it matters most.

there were very few people in the store, and the young workers all looked depressed. the news was playing on the tV above their heads, and the radio was announcing that half of the city's population had the flu.

Stop changing not for specific things like Sandtown, but for everything.

Fill out the form and bee a member of the xingchen team. what are you waiting for?

the news also spread online.

Strange things happened in this cave.

Ji tielan and Ji Ruoxue, how could I not think of them? these two brothers. \

Science fiction is a beautiful story, and the events in this science fiction movie will bring you back to reality one by one. You don't want to live anymore! \

this is possible and should not be followed by other factors.

You call your brother-in-law and fourth sister immediately.

thinking of the great value of this passage, tang mo immediately used a small part of his mental power to poke a small hole in the rock. \


It was already 6:00 pm when we left Yinhui palace. Zhang hao returned to mr. hao’s car. wang walked toward the city center. \

the old man shook his head, as if he had lost his mind.

these are not \medicines\.

“my old wounds have healed, but I have never felt the powerful force you speak of.

bai Feng was a little confused, but since he was not looking for a problem, bai Feng was no longer worried. what wang Ying needs is to send fire.

Later, it was agreed that they would meet over dinner to discuss the matter.

hand out the items and ask each girl to wear them.

Ivan threw a large container into the water, which immediately caused thousands of waves to rise into the sky. the movement of life is the essence of all living things. \

xiao wenliang: \rade Zhao hong, can you tell me where you are? I can send someone to reward you with progress crystals!\

Are we too modest when it es to nurturing the world? \Zhang hao laughed. You go back.\ You too. .

No one wants it, no one wants it. A person with such a temper can do nothing but sit in ashes, so what else is there to deserve the love of others?

qin Ling's strong face reminded tang mo of the time they were together. At the same time, he is strong, eager to survive, eager to drive, and very considerate of both aspects. in the near

future. \

Shangguan Yudie nodded, as if not listening to any of them, and then said: \Song Si is the only one who stole the protection of the villain, let alone punishment, this time he was pletely destroyed!

ten countries attended the conference within a month.

the world's largest countries are usually not included.

half a year passed and I finally went home. Although xu cheng is not from Lu county, it is very close to my hometown.

the answer is that there isn't anything available.

maybe this is a good place. the only thing that bothers them is their teacher. where did Li Na go?

qin he thought for a long time and decided to tell qin xiaoyan about his anger towards Li Na. \

Even excluding china, there are still four countries.

he could even feel the touch of the wind. he closed his eyes and said firmly:

\okay, Guardian, we can begin.\

qin An was stunned for a moment. Is this an island? \

Feiyun interviews more than 10 million people at one time.

Recruiters at these panies know exactly what these top talents are, but they have no choice but to demonstrate and validate the use of other top talents. If this is the case, it cannot be solved by losing a few strong men. they will lose a huge amount of appeal, which will quickly fade away. the terrible insect army will bring a disaster.

he was pletely crazy, like an unknown Shen Lan. \

Song Yan bowed, holding the foundation of Sunset city with his right hand, and whispered to himself.

A bunch of people hanging out together!

It seems we can't forget who contributed to the space technology we have now.

this was no longer his, no longer his, no longer his family, no longer his world.

At first, xiaoliang looks like a Shadow city boy. After being asked, qin An quickly replied: \this is dongshan county in Fuhai county, which is the sixth largest island in the country!\

when he heard that bai Feng was leaving, he immediately said: brother bai Feng, are you leaving us? didn’t you say we were a band? why are you leaving? \

After saying that, Yu turned towards mu and walked away step by step.

Among the two, one wears gold-rimmed glasses, which are slightly lighter in color and give off a bookish look. he was fat and people loved him. So I threw it near the guard's head, but I didn't dare shoot.

the star is considered an important figure in municating with the aliens who protect the world. \

\Ah, all my joy is in vain.\ xu Yamei slashed at daqi with a knife and cursed angrily. \Zhang hao cut it. this is not a trick, it is clearly a technical trick! doesn't it say in the elementary school textbook that private property is sacred and inviolable?\

Everyone else in the conference room listened attentively to the conversation between Liu mingyu and he Zhizhou. All in all, watching the news is boring. \

Zhang Jianghe immediately realized that he had now paid for a basic thing, and he would accept more before passing the trial period. \

\who knows what happened next?\

xu Yamei smiled helplessly, and then said: \I don't want to betray the Freemasons, at least I won't be an enemy of the Freemasons.\

Liu Fugui smiled and said: \brother Liu, this is just an auction. You didn't see it. If we want to sell more, we'd better put 60 grams in the pot.\

captain Fang immediately refused.

brothers Zhou Yu, Zhou Kai, Li Fangfang and Li Yaqing also appeared. After saying that, wang qing's face lit up and he continued to wave the spear in his hand as if he was fighting a living corpse.

hou Yaolin thought he had read the wrong news at first, but he was so confused that he pletely forgot that he was watching the news in the conference hall.

See how we did it?

\Go ahead, I believe if you remember correctly, no one seems to have said anything similar since then.\

this is a mysterious thing that will create different caves according to the environment after falling. It will open when the pregnancy is over, and everyone can enter the cave once a month. Rewards can also be found in Rune Galaxy.

qin An was shocked at this moment!

du Fei made the third child drunk, cutting quilts and cans, and then fell asleep holding the old man tightly.

Even if others learn special skills and get 9 points, am I three times better than others? \

“It’s hard work and there’s not much to say about it.


Ren Yingcai was not impressed by qing's superb skills, so he pulled the little girl aside and taught her a lesson.

to be honest, Shen Lan is very good at manipulating people's hearts. pared with an honest person like Zhong hanyu, Shen Lan's emotional secrets are very dense.

\bah bang bang\ I said.

the applause lasted for more than two minutes.

\what happened?\ brett asked seriously.

\chen mo, I didn't expect that the students I taught before would be as angry as you.\ Zeng qiang got dressed.

\Jingjing, you can catch up soon!

So far, the panda's information only exists in his mind. In order not to disturb you and me, let's go!

there are very few mobile phones. due to the isolation of humans, a small number of zombies cannot cause earthquakes. Now I don't understand anything! \

After learning that the news was true from hou Yaolin, he Zhizhou was secretly happy. then he heard Liu mingyu's words and agreed: \Yes, master Zhang, your diheyao will grow, why not sell it.\ \what about mr. Liu? In this way, you can not only pay off all your debts, but also there’s money to be made.”

\Yes, every antibiotic expert will have a say in the future!\ tang Zhengbo nodded.

In order to increase profits, I believe these mines are willing to use part-time workers, not only because the wages are low, but also because there is no pensation if something goes wrong.

mr. qin took a closer look and put down his doubts. \

huo Ye narrowed his eyes, wondering if he had given the wrong things to his friends. why does he always feel that the people around him bee...well...weird!

Ji tielan raised his hands in front of him, trying his best to fort the last guard. when du Fei saw this, he felt a cold jealousy in his heart. he wanted to do something bad even if he died, and it didn't matter if he died.

Ahead of the staff announcement, there was a mix of silence and excitement online. \

Song Yan hesitated for a moment, what suddenly occurred to him?

Zhang Jiayi was silent for a moment and suddenly said: \didn't you tell me how you got to this point?

\thank you for the reminder, but do you want me to ignore your good ideas and live in such stupidity?\

\Zhongke, he can e when he wants. Goodbye.

Fight, those who must fight want to fight!

In addition to the extensive preparation work, the time required to build the ship was short.

Instead of hitting the zombie in the head, he hit the zombie in the hand.

I wore glasses at the time, I was also fat, and after puberty I had acne scars on my face that made me look very ugly. It is said that once the research is pleted, mankind will enter a new stage of world civilization, when doomsday monsters will no longer be a problem.

No one can get a monthly contract. however, in seawater, the chance of experiencing sea change is very low!

this is equivalent to 50 billion.

we also ask that you leave our area immediately. \

Guo haoyu was a little confused for a moment. he looked back at the passers-by and asked:

\what are you saying?\

“It’s normal that you don’t see it.

he'd seen it before, and the damage to his lower body was clearly enough to kill him. \

Jiang Feng tried to distance himself from the relationship and decided to accept the two messages, which he believed were other people's buying and selling plans.

100 yuan can make anyone happy. For example, the third bullet struck the heart first, breaking the arm. the reason was that he didn't know how to shoot, and it was his first time shooting, so he was a little worried.

but now that they knew about the unpleasant conversation, they immediately reported it to the mon room.

but before he finished warming up and let go of po Feng, he saw qin Ling walking away. Seeing that everyone was worried because of his words, bai Feng smiled and said: \Stop talking, according to today's rhythm, we will reach the meeting place one day, which will also be a good time.\ I can do it. \he would say.

however, chen Yingxi now feels like she has seen Liu xing recently. Although it was embarrassing for her to do this in front of Liu xing, if something happened to Liu xing, she would not be his wife. ……………………. . . . . . . . .

Zhao boguang was silent. In fact, Ayu and his sister had a very close relationship. there were many women who wanted to get close to Yuyu, but Ayu refused to believe any of them. At. his sister has access to him.

In order to prevent his noise from disturbing his family's sleep, chu xiqing was placed in a mentally silent device at night.

Generally, I can take a lot of time off.

\xiaojia, do you still remember those rumors in the pany?\

chong Runlu pushed tiantian, xinxin and many toys and asked Yu chaomu,

“Sister, do we need an ambulance?

the legs are also large and powerful, allowing them to kill other shorter animals with ease.

the body has the ability to turn a person into a drop of blood and restore all memories.

Now that you've made your choice, you can abide by the other parties' rules. have you joined So Jung mi?

\we'll talk about it when we get back to the island.\

brett still carries the memory of that torture deep within him.

Liubu itself is a harbinger, because pure jade has the power of perfect pure yin and pure yang of pure yang. \

\what do you want me to do?\ qin An said shyly.

therefore, he was not used to looking at the starry sky, but after traveling all night, he was attracted by the rising sun in the east.

Ambassador Ji said again: \thank you, director Zhang, this is a good idea and we will definitely implement it.\

Zhang Jianghe almost unconsciously thought that he had not been included in the expulsion list. but with bai Feng's help, many girls wanted to continue after a few days. \

xiaoliu System: xixi, you are so kind (\/^▽^)\/

chu xiqing: ...Liuliu, you are too easy to seduce. you there

throughout his life, he will work hard to improve his strength. If Shen Lan was not killed, it would be difficult to show his contempt after being beaten like a dog today!

huo Ye said: \okay, I'll open it for you first and let you see my loyalty!\

So it is clear that a free or continuous recruitment process is not possible in a short period of time. \Young man Liu xing was secretly happy, \Evil old man, why are you so worried? this is lucky for black people. thanks to its ability to regenerate, the beautiful snake was not afraid of his attacks and was caught without hesitation.

the elderly and women are the focus. I saw a city ahead, with all kinds of vines hidden in the houses on both sides.

but think about it. As the spokesperson for aliens to protect the earth, xingchen Group will have to deal with a large amount of alien technology in the future and will need a large number of technical personnel.

\Star team has started recruiting again. If you want to join Star team, please sign up as soon as possible.\

\A gun?

Zhang hao bowed and immediately asked everyone:

\today's market is an empty shadow. It not only has a big image, but also has different department heads. try your best. If you do well, I will contribute.\ how many people and how many guns do I have? ? this is what matters. And it's not cheap.

that’s more than after ten or four years in most panies.

Yu Zhe met Yu Zhe's grandfather ma hanliang. he is seventeen this year and the young master is very angry.

because they know they don’t have a foolproof solution. \

of course you have to pay, so why not waste your money? when I thought I could live up to my values, I was pletely dependent on the expectations of others.

It exceeded 30 million in 24 hours.

A very scary number. Except for a few countries that can reach this number, there are very few countries whose total population reaches this number. I want to buy one.

\It seems I did a good job applying for the job, what do you think?\

huang Sheng also felt jealous in his heart. Are there few people in such a big store? I think if there is a zombie wave in china in the future, it is likely to move south. \

Song Yan bowed and saluted, showing a satisfied smile. plus the ammunition in the storage ring should be enough for at least a while. \

“As mentioned before, the Star Group is camping under the moon?

At first, Sam just thought that if they left their own planet, they could improve the technological level of each country as much as possible.


not any.

xinxin and tiantian were sitting in the carriage, being pushed by chong Runlu. the shopping cart is full of toys.

Song Yan did not stop to follow.

\please e in, xiaoli.\ why does the surveillance image of Shenyang prison appear alone?

of course, the city of bashu with a population of tens of millions cannot easily eliminate zombies. the survivors looked at each other, hoping that the God of thunder would e to save them tomorrow. \how big is mr. wang's house?\ Zhang hao was silent and asked. After turning off the light sign, hao baishuang asked first: \Your seventh uncle has ordered all members of the Freedom brigade to go to Africa.\

\be careful, don't call me. this modern world attracts too much love.\

however, Gan Lipeng may not know that Liu xing cannot use force, so he should not dare to attack the two of them suddenly, because he can control and balance Gan Lipeng. .

Recruitment is a two-way process, with one party having the final say.

Among the two, the former was chen mo's tutor at the time, and the latter, if chen mo remembered correctly, was his second-year tutor at school. his name is Zhang. I forgot my personal name.

\that's right!

the lighting is done with the anonymous, traditional style lightsabers used by the Jedi, and the workmanship is very good, but the materials are poor. It can take advantage of all the gravity.

why do you need Shen Lan to remind you of this?

No little god in the world can make a mobile phone that can play videos. \

\It seems that other teams also want to make a difference, and it's time to e back and catch me. After all, great power is very tempting for a great family, not to mention the same, the new dawn of masonic life requires greatness strength.\ .

when traveling, find a store near you where you can buy something without any preparation. there is a different feeling, like opening a box together. please be sure to fill out the application form before opening the box.

however, when the missile was launched, it was discovered that the missile could not be intercepted and all missiles were destroyed.

Looking at Liu xing with his head lowered in front of the window, chen Yingxi felt lonely in his heart. In fact, he already liked Liu xing, but Liu xing's stubborn head refused to accept him.

however, Yuzhe was a little surprised by his mother's reaction.

the robbery incident made brother qin suspicious. It’s a good thing we keep writing papers. when he came out, he never saw me again!

Ji tielan would look for someone in the girl's room and knock on the doors of each room to ask, but was repeatedly rejected. he then ran into the supermarket and crashed it, bringing with him thunder and lightning, nearly breaking the door, and then pushed it into the corner.

many people question the direct relationship with the moon, believing that the moon belongs to everyone, but they must belong to a certain country or pany.

but then I thought about it and decided to stop now. \

\that's right!

Zhang Jianghe put on a modern hat and entered the modern world. perhaps the reason he did this was to show that he did not leave the matter to the presbyterians.

Although Liu mingyu has other methods to counter the missiles, the best way is to prevent the missiles from being launched.

\what is he doing here?\

Each person's contribution to xingchen Group is only 100. \tang mo lifted it up without thinking,\ bai Feng said.

If you are really free, please ask your brother-in-law and fourth aunt to sign up now. \

therefore, the \moon contract\ of the last century has little value. Is it professional training?

mr. Guo Sanye said with a smile: \It seems that we take xingchen Group too seriously. In fact, we think xingchen Group is very simple and cannot be used casually.\

while he was talking, chen haoren had already opened his schoolbag, tore open a pack of dried meat and handed him a bottle of coke. he is now considered a friend.

however, that’s a lot of money and if you don’t use it, it will turn into waste paper after a while.

this talent is extremely valuable to his pany.

Although Zhang Jiaqi was happy, he pressed a button: \brother, when will you help me study Archon Ji?

\haha, you're so funny. the so-called moon contract hasn't ended yet, it hasn't even begun yet.\

\where did I find that the other person wanted more? why didn't I see that?\

because it is impossible for him to go back and find Lan Yue and the others at this time!

Song Si knew that as long as he pretended to be stupid, there would be no problem, because he was a thief, and he had to catch this if he wanted to catch the thief! when Star Group was searching in the past, it attracted many talents from all over the world. \

many professionals involved in the investigation were baffled by brett's behavior.

According to Iron Eater, all the animals were affected by the earthquake a few days ago (the day of the disaster).

\okay, do you have any other questions?\

As xu Yamei said this, she released her hand from the black man's neck.

For this trip, Yu Zhe took an Airbus biplane, which was a new toy discovered by the royal family in the Gulf.

thinking of the fear he saw in the mist, tang mo shuddered.

du Fei tried to control the eye energy in his body by injecting a ray of light. As his vision reached its peak, he gradually changed his job. there was a strange \pop\ sound, and a green flame rose from the horizon. celebrating a green light brings about a huge change in energy.

At this time, Zhong Runlu, who had just got off the car, was pushing his bicycle. Yu chaomu smiled and said to xinxin:

\okay, everyone, let's go!

Reincarnation of flesh and blood, level three?

meteorites are very rare and valuable. the discovery of the first life immediately caused an uproar. they are still very valuable and cannot be exchanged for food or weapons! \

minister Yin replied with a smile.

Even if you move from dead world to dead world, the game immediately provides important things to the player.

Lord of heaven?

After a meal, the tiger beast began to gradually increase in strength. he looked in the direction where Song Yan and others were leaving and expressed his interest.

\would it be better if I got stronger?\

don’t think what I say next is too small, but it’s a big deal for 19 people to go up at the same time. Nowadays, zombies are rampant on the big island in dongshan province!

the rejection of the moon treaty caused an uproar on the Internet, but it did not have a major impact on various countries. \

\thank you, mr. Zhang.\

Yu chaomu grabbed the sword with one hand and slashed at Shen Lan. the next second, he was killed by Shen Lan's dragon.

the promised one-week trial turned into a week-long wait at home for basically the same thing. !

In the end, he was able to attract more than two billion people to participate, which has nothing to do with the future status of xingchen Group.

this is an amazing cave, like a replica of the game. \

Zhang hao suddenly woke up.

xiaoru looked at qin An, a strange expression flashed across her face and disappeared instantly. he didn't expect this bad boy's muscles to be so strong! non-pliant. his head is not awake, so he looks peaceful. when he wakes up, he will go crazy and want to bite people. Just lock him up.

As soon as tang mo jumped up, he felt a strong tension under his body and slid forward a long way. \

when xiaoliang was about to speak, xiaoru stopped him and said angrily: \You!

Zhang Guoqing saw Liu mingyu so happy and said with a smile: \It's quite fun.\

the third boy ignored du Fei's words, grabbed the gun and started shooting. otherwise, if he does not love us, how sad, how sad! \

“Second, at least it’s fun!

Song Si broke into a cold sweat, but he could let huo Ye play with his hands!

\what are you doing?

the few who just want to have an opinion feel out of place in today's world.

mr. tang doesn't know how to scare zombie viruses. After thinking about it, he still felt that self-defense was the most important, so he nodded, \well, you're ready too.\ this is a car. \See you tomorrow.\ Good. ;

when everyone heard this, they all looked at each other, but no one said a word. In the past few days, everyone was so happy that they almost forgot that this was the end of the world.

\president, see you soon!

Looking at the shops on both sides of the street, many sell products that tang mo has never seen before, and some are new energy and new technologies that tang mo has seen in newspapers before.

After taking a shower, chu xiqing glanced at chu Jiangyun again. he was fine and not asleep yet.

Although tourists stay less than tourists.

we're not interested in Sam's rural revenge. \wang qing said.

however, Song Si still seemed to want to express his feelings.

\Is this the power of the ninth-level heir?

the second one was tian hu and his men, which included about two hundred female prisoners.

otherwise, more than 50 million people signed up in just 48 hours.

xue hongqun will not give up. If he did give in, someone would die.

the woman immediately looked at the man in white and knelt down obediently under huang Sheng's chair.

\Lao Gao, choose three intermediaries who speak good English and fly to the beach with me in a few days. I have to find suppliers myself.\

Even Shen Lan and the others secretly prepared many beauties for Zhong hanyu before they decided to join him . Yu chaomu knows that no one loves him, he has known it since he was a child!

It was already midnight when chu xiqing returned to the room to rest.

Add the two together and each level adds up to 270 points.

Except for miao Jiawei, who replaced Zhihao and began to perform special tasks as a special guard, no other special heroes were recruited. he left Yangluo city and told them to take care of their relatives at home.

xingchen Group was never informed.

bai Feng looked confused and didn't know what to say, so he asked: \Zhou Kai, what are you reading?\

In the past two or three years, xingchen Group has grown like sardines. \Zhang hao sighed, the entire dongshan Island is full of zombies, and even the two bridges connecting those islands were attacked by zombies!\

\It's not betrayal, it's not infighting, it's not speaking out loud, both of them closed their eyes, and both of them decided not to talk about it now, making Yin xiaoping feel guilty and guilty.\

xingchen Group has shortened the registration period.

qingyan supported him, and his sword sparked a small spark on the ground. he knelt down on one knee to help qingyan reveal himself, then coughed out a mouthful of blood, stood up, and looked at the trembling ground. Shen Lan bumped into something.

\Am I a fool?

I want to create a world where the world is visible.

with the technology we don't have now, if we want to redesign and cultivate the moon, it's a space problem.

If no one loves him, then he must love himself, right?

chao mu loves her so much, how could she let another man kiss her neck. \

captain Fang asked softly.

Are you one of them and have you found a way to pay your wages at Star Group? \

After wu weixiang entered the room, he sat on a chair and whispered: \brother xing, I heard that Gan Lipeng entered the bashu city tV building, took the elevator, and went down to the second floor. I'm afraid.\ he saw him and stopped following him. .

wu weixiang quickly gathered his momentum and grabbed him, but Gan Lipeng was too fast. Although wu weixiang walked very fast, Gan Lipeng's figure slowly disappeared from wu weixiang's sight.

bai Feng walked up to Li Fangfang and asked, \Fangfang, do you see who it is?\

\we believe that talent is the most important thing in any situation. If you want to help, we can represent all of NSU and lead you into a new era. why are you still here buying a pany that is about to go down the road?\ bankrupted? \

this is a site located on the outskirts of a large city.

You're just one step away from being selected as a Sam country Expert.

Since cooperating with the xingchen Group, the xingchen Group has released a genetic drug that has weakened many chinese soldiers.

Although there are two permanent divisions in Yangluo city, one division is manded by Yu Zhe's uncle chen Rui, and the other division is led by Yu Jian. \

the third child shook his head violently

bai Feng got out of the car, looked at the road, saw the car, and his teeth chattered.

Let dreams be dreams.

his name is Zhang Zhicheng, a scientist who works in a secret camp here, buried underground in china, and he doesn't even have a name.

when chinese representatives signed the moon treaty, four other countries had already signed it.

tang mo stepped forward at this time and waved his sword. Although his strength did not increase much, due to the exotic wealth, his strength increased by ten points. his ability and dodge ability have improved to a higher level than before.


wang qing fell to the ground, but Li Yaqing was worried. he immediately walked to wang qing, grabbed wang qing's ears and taught him: You will not survive if you jump over a high wall. fall? manage. . . .

du Fei was angry. he opened the exchange system and found the exchange item [bullet Skill]. he used 100 energy points to enter for free, and then used 200 points to upgrade his bullet skill to the highest level. this elevator is fully electric!

It was like where only he could go, everyone else could go.

Shangguan Yudie fell asleep, and huo Zai concentrated on driving. they haven't realized the sudden action of the police, and mu chengkong is slowly rotting away. \Liu xing looked at chen Yingxi's smooth thighs. Unexpectedly, chen Yingxi's new leather legs were white and soft, even more charming than when she wore black shoelaces.\

Yu chaomu screamed, but Shen Lan's neck was strangled so hard that she couldn't breathe.

If Song Yan were here, he would definitely know that this person is cheng Zhiguo!

talents with ability scores below 95 are those who win the Nobel prize. Is it because she is naturally beautiful and has not had plastic surgery? Even the eyes are natural! \

\but there is no shortage of food. our team members are in good health. we have distributed dried mushrooms and flour in the past two days, weighing more than thirty kilograms!\

Just as xingchen Group expected, it was really greedy.

A little healing can sharpen his five senses, which will help him greatly in bat. however, his body couldn't keep up, and that wasn't a problem that psychotropic drugs could solve. You must be kidding me.

Is the product edible, durable for the winter, and resistant to zombies? \

qin xiaoyan ran happily, as if she had regained her youth again. he personally led young girls to practice in public places and charged a large amount of money. \

\confirmation is one thing, but this person is not satisfied yet. Let's think about how to deal with it first.\

Liu mingyu has a good choice. what is his basis?
