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66读书 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第47章 后记9034.204.24

第47章 后记9034.204.24

66读书 www.66dushu.com,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!

\wele to the mander's Song!\ Liu Yifeng pointed at Liu mingyu and said.

An informant from xingchen Group immediately posted the news on weibo.

I thought about buying from Asmail but I declined.

the triceratops was chasing after him, but Ivan didn't dare to be careless and ran around the pillar.

both of these people are not clean. don't you know that conquering the queen can conquer the capital of the tang dynasty?

Although huo Ye's skin relaxed a little, all his energy was still listening to the people in the tower.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, qin An smiled. \

After xingchen Group announced the pletion of the research and development of the 60-liter pimi machine, in addition to congratulating xingchen Group, people on the Internet also participated in promoting xingchen Group.

After years of being a queen, I'm tired and old, and now I'm with my husband, who is who you want to be.

“perhaps we can find a prescription drug that suits your condition?

\Nothing, just tell me.\

In fact, during the selection process, huang Yu also asked Liu mingyu for his opinion, but Liu mingyu did not give much. Like huang Yu, he also felt that everything was planned well. \

\Is this unusual?

when Guo Sihai saw another qin man suddenly appear, he was so frightened that he almost died.

\this kid is like a little radar, he can detect everything around him and who knows where he goes.\

bai Feng was surprised, what happened? \

when chu chu heard this, she looked happy. \

bai Feng shook his head, \I don't care if he wants this station or not. however, my time here is very short, so I have to go.\

qin An's eyes went straight.

Although Gu changqing and Yinghuo jumped onto the boat from the ocean, the ocean entered the sky. At this time, it was about two kilometers from the canal to the sea. but before Yinghuo attacked, they could still see where Gu changqing hit Yinghuo.

Lan Yue felt sad. he asked to play the game but he didn't play it much with his friends!

As soon as these fans heard that their idols appeared on the scene, they came to the theater waving flags and cheering for their idols, not caring that their idols would see what they did. Lao Yin, I will still call you as before.

No matter how capable qin An is, he usually won't let his partners deal with him. the purpose was to make he tianyu think that he had been killed, and then make him feel the same way when he mitted suicide.

After a while, Yierjiu opened his eyes and couldn't help cursing: \No!

confirming this, mr. Ren has been waiting for xingchen Group to enter modern industry for a long time. with the strength of xingchen Group, entering the mobile industry will inevitably cause excitement. \

chen mo: \.

d to pete with two former teachers, and the result was the same as when he first came

Senior: \ ...\

chen mo was silent for a moment, and the old man smiled brightly and shook his head, \Yes, this is normal, but is it possible that people in the present killed people in the past?

Lin Jie roared angrily and raised his hand to slap Snow white on the chest.

After that, let Gu changqing bee the ruler of Ruhai city. the underground fortress Shanhaiguan wants to build also needs a leader.

Ruhai city is only a few steps away from the land center that will be built in the future, so Gu changqing is obviously a good candidate. \

\bragging, fruit is delicious. what's better than a piece of fruit?\

\I thought that with virtual reality technology, there would be no need to use holographic technology. After all, in real games, the experience is real.\

because they know that if they don't take a stand, they will be defeated by their opponents. can you hide in the sea? \

\well, once the Elf helper passed, it was a disaster, but now almost everyone who takes the test passes the turing test, what?

two of the world's biggest audiophile locations are now open!

\hello everyone.\

Alison said: \I wonder what song Liu tianwang will sing at the Star team party?\

\First person, are you older?

After being introduced to the travel manager, Zhang Jianning gained a unique understanding of the daily environment of xingchen office. Is that what you do? Now they know how to have the best of both worlds: one person shares the soup and the other chooses first.

At first, lei didn't know i was a girl because my face was female. I was young then, built like a boy and a little fat.

719 stretched out his hand and calmly raised his gun.

there was a large group of three hundred Lucky ones there, and the group's message became even stronger in the early morning.

he remembered that when he visited the photo booth of xingchen Group, he bought a photo booth from Liu mingyu. . If necessary, it will be sent next year. Find the latest lithography machine

why does this girl have to go through the trouble of sailing across the ocean in a fishing boat?

After just seven minutes of conversation with Yin hanchao, qin An was relieved of all his worries.

do you even drive yourself? Jack asked.

It was a good idea, but unfortunately I ran into xingchen’s security guards. they were all workers who received genetic enhancement drugs and showed significant improvement pared to those who entered during the follow-up period. Suddenly, the Star Group invaded. on the other hand regarding important information. \

Su xiaoya was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that she had invented a drug to increase genes.

\Request to unlock the full version of Star Assistant +.\

After a few minutes, it slowly changed again, like a beautiful piece of jade.

I use myself to find God, everything has spirit. this girl is a spiritual soul. when it grows up and reaches the body of the upper world, it is precisely because of the powerful divine power that the sword can understand how to accumulate knowledge in the underworld, your creation! \

qi Yijiu smiled evilly and plained: \brother, you know, I'm not as powerful as you, I don't care about my abilities.\

Looking at the exquisite desserts, he felt like he couldn't stop at all.

I am polite and loyal to my parents, interested in my teachers, interested in learning, and friendly and cooperative with my classmates.

when the engine starts, the free space suddenly changes.

\I never thought of it before. I've read a lot of information and research recently. Sister, you know, people's mental power can be used for treatment, and it doesn't mean that there is a princess.\ this is not good. You see, tang is a very beautiful woman who makes all men's hearts flutter!

the reason why I have been hiding near qincheng all these years is to learn the secrets of Liu xia and wu Yan. Not only them, Lan Yue and Guo Shuai from qinjun city also know you. people don't rain at all, no! So I won't ask. \

bai Feng heard this and captured Li Fangfang. \

Ge weiguo looked around and found that the distance was not too far and acceptable, so he said, \Let's go now.\

No matter how big your arms or legs are, you are still afraid of weapons. bai Feng came downstairs, walked to the door and rang the doorbell. \

Liu mingyu immediately took the cup and drank.

In the process of developing technology, mr. Ren encountered many obstacles, but he never gave up and finally achieved technical success. \

wang weihua did not go

Also, don’t tell me who was caught selling meat secretly in other countries and was fined 100,000. think about it and take it seriously. \

\there's nothing we can do about it. whale meat smells bad and tastes bad. we're not used to eating it here. If we get it from Nissan, we can sell it for a good price.\

\that's the nicest thing Giggs could have said.\

\Remember, only kill smart zombies!\

A shaggy-haired man who only knew how to scare children roared, lying on the guard's steps and shouting:

\the woman had a two-year-old child and she couldn't push him. She said I want to go to your place and asked you to take her in.\

many people looked at each other.

I finally realized that there was nothing good about being a woman and that maybe being a man was where I should be.

\well, if it is the full version of xingshu, it can be called an intelligent life.\ Feiyun said calmly.

Ancient music played, and the queen descended from the sky like a fairy on her back.

Even if it is not their own typewriter, as long as the typewriter is made by a chinese pany, they cannot control their inner pride.

when everyone asked the xingchen Group in different ways, the elders sitting in the front row were shocked. when he entered the munity gate, he saw the security guard looking at him strangely, but bai Feng ignored him and got in the car. \

xiang Junshan was a little surprised. what if he hasn't arrived at baoqu city yet?

In fact, xingchen Group knows exactly who posted the news online. Not to mention Feiyun, a failed internet surveillance pany we can all guess who did it. Is it poetry or lyrics?

du Fei looked around and saw a jade-like woman dragging a long snake tail, bending down and walking out of the shadow of the road.

of course, they had expected this before the move, but they had not imagined the seriousness of the situation.

who ...why don't you know your brother is here now?

Although wang weihua passed by the employee restaurant that attracted many people, xingchen Group finally changed the entry time and allowed them to enter the xingchen building in advance, just like being taken to visit the xingchen building by xingchen Group. office... It can be seen that in order to surpass him, she has turned herself into a person in her twenties. clearly, this man has extraordinary powers.

otherwise, it is impossible to imagine how a person's energy can reach that level!

but huang Yu was surprised by these ten plans. \

Li Fangfang felt that bai Feng trusted him so much, so she stopped talking. \

the manager hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he should tell wang weihua that the matter involved pany secrets.

muzhi might have objected, but when Liuguang told him that the missing woman's elbow was under control, muzhi once again chose to agree. he wanted to save his people. \

the tiger forted Lao Lang and others, and at the same time supported Lao Lang's suspicion.

\Ladies and gentlemen, I'm very sorry. I originally wanted to take you to the show, but considering the time, can we continue until the afternoon? then shall I take you to the xingchen Group restaurant? Let's eat here. \?\ this is really interesting. \After the man bent down and swallowed some pills, he kissed the woman deeply.\

\Your point of view is wrong. many fruits contain sugar. If you eat a lot of fruits, you cannot lose weight and will gain weight. I feel a change in my blood.\ Shu. Elves!

I need mutants like hirano murakami to stop the storm of doomsday and restore my dignity before the end!

Regardless of what the @星星集团 website says, xingchen Group has not released any new information. \

\haha, I'm in hangzhou today, so I'll order one to try the taste.\

Sweet fruits are different from regular fruits.

he considered hiring foreign professional guests to host the event, and also considered hiring several people from xingchen Group as guests, but he rejected them all.

You know, with the current scale of tencent Group, an increase of 20% is already a huge increase.

\It's great to be with you. I can take care of myself in the future.\

Seconds later, all six planes exploded in the air. the fire is acpanied by many pear leaves flying in the sky, increasing the sunshine over the East china Sea! but now is not the time to think about that. Ivan was still in a a, “do you want me to acpany you to the town to find a doctor?

In fact, wang Jiahao is not the only one who has to face chen wuqi. After qin hai and others used gene-enhancing drugs, they also confronted chen wuqi, and the result was predictable. \

private interviews are one thing, but wang weihua's information dissemination ability is also very good, because wang weihua's interviews show more people's understanding of xingchen Group and xingchen products. \

Until then, fans in the live broadcast room can only guess. when the controller said that this was the final result of xingchen Group's research and development, everyone's pride rose again.

the song is over. december 13, 2019. And Lin Lei, the goddess of the turin religion who is engaged in agriculture and the daughter of the first generation of original sin, is my wife! No, xingchen mobile phones not only have the latest research and development results in chips and batteries, but are also different from other mobile phones in design, adopting the latest and most advanced technology.

when Feiyun started making xingchen's mobile phone, everyone was silent, listening to Feiyun's silent words, for fear that he would miss the details.

Seeing Song Yan ing, he went up to greet him and said softly:

\Notify the leader that the team has assembled!

It's just an insult in people's minds.

his lack of patience cannot be attributed to fear. It can be said that the male role in this office is very obvious. In this time of great disaster, everyone seems to be a spiritual helper and a hero of mankind. the first man, the god of the black death, cut down the scourge - house of Eddy. without huo Ye, a powerful hero, the red team always starts to take action, and the blue team wants to surround him.

Liu mingyu gently touched huang Yu's hand and said fortingly: \don't worry, I'm here, what's wrong?

he entered the Star palace, showed the qR code and entered directly. xingchen mobile phone is a new generation of mobile phone developed by xingchen Group. this phone will use a 60-pixel chip to give you the feeling of flying. In fact, I am still a piece of the puzzle designed by tang Yu many years ago. \

\Go ahead, there will definitely be something. Lie down and feel it.\

tang mo easily entered yesterday's house and found a chair to sit down. After a while, tang mo saw that the face of the head of the family was darker than yesterday.

the four main powers of the divine Fragrance bone Sword are bone Spirit curse, curse Spirit curse, burning heart Fire, and Evil body. \

\the job of the student union is to study hard, quit your job and buy a new mobile phone for your sister.\

In the afternoon, he came to rest.

the lights flickered on and off, and the entire area looked like time had passed and the ground was covered in dirt.

If this isn't a personal experience, who will be?

Especially since he didn’t have a professional helmet. with the money, he could buy a custom hat or even have a collection of custom hats.

\oh, I seem to have seen the back of King Liu tian. Let me follow him and take a look. he is hiding in the dark again. the battle over there must be necessary. one to twenty, even brother xiaoye will encounter it. trouble.\

Zhang Yue shamelessly stretched out his hands and lowered his hands, \It takes a long time to summon the gods. I think it is important to clear up the doubts.\

Restoring the scale takes at least three to four hours and is very difficult when it's cold outside.

\Siya, you go to bed. I don't think there will be anything else today.\

At this time, wang Zhi did not see anything unusual. his eyes glanced back and forth between Zhang Yue and xu Jin with plicated expressions.

\please e in.

however, wang Zhi remained silent and looked at Zhang Yue. he didn't look, and he didn't know how he saw Krauser's eyes drifting into the tea room.

\did he cry?

he tries to escape, but his telepathy has weakened and he can now teleport several meters. however, Gu changqing's flying speed was much slower than him, and he couldn't escape by himself. Just his teleportation ability.

\I hope so!

while Asmail took silicon seriously, the xingchen team found a different approach and found a nanoscale laser printer. It will be fine if xingchen Group is normal.

Internet auctions are progressing rapidly.

but he didn't expect that the blood rain would e so quickly and violently.

he now runs a specialty fish shop, and his main exhibition is related to the Star Group. \

As he spoke, qin An's shadow disappeared and turned into a ball of energy mist, returning to qin An's body. they regard eating animals as a form of traditional culture. No elven family thinks it is wrong to eat their flesh, as they almost always eat it too.

perhaps because Feiyun's clothes leaked some information, everyone actually thought that he was related to the magical world.

It's just that his office is not in xingchen building, nor in any pany that supports xingchen Group. belongs to xingchen Group.

In fact, there is another way to save his life, that is, after his death, he can return to one of the nine blood spirits that replaced his body. however, the eight Nine blood Spirits were missing, and qin Anma didn't know where to go home. , then qin An doesn't know if his other abilities can still be useful.

Su xiaoya was shocked and hugged Yi wen tightly.

\who is Scorpion?\

“Actually, it doesn’t matter whether you quit or not. once you quit, you won’t be able to buy cigarettes if you want to.

“hey, these people are stronger than ordinary black people!

In any case, ma Jiguo trained with the members of the Secret wolf clan and learned various new skills taught by chen wuqi.

In the end, wang Jiahao pletely dominated qin hai, wang Jiahao returned to first place, and qin hai became second.

If you're not careful, you might ask the wrong questions. \what wang weihua asked was not a simple question, but an ordinary question.\

the clothes on his body were fluttering in the wind, making him look like wheat.

pared with the outside world, a thousand people is a bit inferior.

he tianyu wanted to end things with qin An today, but qin An transferred him when he was desperate.

\Forget it, I won't be safe if he can't find me. I'm not afraid of what the Scorpion man will do to me if he can't find me. Stop it!\

Song Yan smiled, and then clapped his big white palm behind him.

\the six of you will gather alone. we will go to the four corners of xishan city and return before noon!\

the two met and fell in love.

much of their knowledge es from distant worlds, worlds hundreds of years before this one.

the old people didn't have fairy tales, but now, they believe they can have fairy tales.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the purchase was pleted.

however, he was already ranked 19th. he didn't need to memorize simple logic to find someone smarter than him from the mountain village. If it weren't for huo Ye, an attacker who used violence to force trouble, maybe the red side would have used him like this.

\Look, it's Emperor Liu tian.\

despite this, the group ran towards bacock city.

\okay, let's leave murakami's affairs here for now. Now you and I will enter wanyou city, take three real questions, and then send you to escape to Ruyan city.\

\Isn't it strange that the business scope of xingchen Group has nothing to do with high technology? In addition to high technology, there are also medicines and beverages. many industries have the shadow of xingchen Group? what about agricultural products?\

Even some people in the audience responded: \I know.\

At the end of the tang dynasty, people found that the buildings in wuxi Village were constantly being renovated, and there were almost no empty houses that could not be built. I believe that in the future, Jiahao, who has received gene-enhanced treatment and learned the same skills as master chen and others, will no longer be afraid of qin hai. the saddest thing is that their neighbors knew clearly what happened and what happened, but together with their families, they not only helped hide what happened, but also came to thank them. the children in the family can be saved. may they grow up healthily and may their families be safe from now on. \

\okay, don't be discouraged. Go to a safe place first, and then ask your guards to acpany you. Isn't there a big ship in the sea below the sea observation station?\

chu Jiangyun was silent for a few times, and even turned his head as if running away.

bai Feng was also sure that there were no living corpses nearby, so he told the people on the top floor that it was best to go down.

xiang Junshan moved quickly, raised his hands, and said to the two soldiers:

\I am xiang Junshan, the mander of picheng. I want to see your leader! Listen carefully. Zhang Yue just said not to interfere during reconciliation.\ Liu mingyu was very happy. he smiled.

All live broadcast websites will put it on the homepage so that more people can watch it.

cen Lihao immediately understood what Yu Zhe meant and closed his eyes. the good man was stunned by his little daughter, and after a long time he sighed: \oh, you are so bad!

Lan Yue said: \the so-called honesty and courage is that we all stand in a circle and start asking people around us questions for an hour. If the answer is yes, then forget it, if the answer cannot be answered.\ we can ask him to do Something bold. Everything is fine and should be done. do you dare to dance?

After walking around from top to bottom, it was time for lunch again. or are there any holidays?

qin An looked over and saw Gu changqing using the wind Flower technique for the third time. \

many friends and family members mented below. \Su xiaoya bows.\

click the box brother, I have given you the first answer, e and give your answer.

\Yes, I understand. he's below our tower right now, and he looks like he's pointing a gun at the tower guard.\

It doesn’t matter if you can’t buy it, some people have started buying it online at high prices. \

one of them had the head of a chicken and was holding a stick. It doesn't just look like a profile picture. maybe he used a phaser. I heard she looks good, but look at her now, she is very feminine and has lost a lot of her masculinity.

he took out his slightly damaged mobile phone and opened wechat. the chat group shows 99+. this is a discussion group officially established by xingchen Group yesterday.

the shape of the Yuhua Sword is like a curved bow, and the curved sword is a sword. Light and shadow turn the sword spirit into a bow.


Yin hanchao felt anxious. between them. \


Seeing the angry people, Feiyun explained: \don't be happy yet.

After careful inspection, tang mo confirmed that it was just a rotting corpse. If we want to play, let's have something fun!

but ... Looking at qin An's back carefully, he tianyu's body began to tremble. )save!

\mr. wang, the boss invites you.\

In fact, according to xingchen Group's practice, when xingchen Group starts marketing, it is not far away from product launch.

After a long investigation, they discovered that the reason why ordinary fruits in the doomsday world can turn into high-quality fruits after leaving the world is related to energy crystallization.

\do you think I should eat that grown-up woman Lu Ya instead?\ qin An's assistant smiled and bowed.

\then Sister Yin, tell me which part you changed!

As for hospitality skills? there is no doubt about this.

haha, the next step is that wu wensui kidnapped my wife Lin Lei.

Gu changqing came to Guo Sihai and cheng Gang. After Jin An left, he looked at Guo Sihai and then at Yinghuo's body on the ground. when he was about to ask Guo Sihai why he stole the fruits of his labor, he overheard. Voice.

“okay, okay, let’s get back to basics!

hahaha I took it off and gave a smart speech, I'm crazy, stay tuned!

chen Fan stood in front of Liu Rong and forted him gently: \don't worry, you will definitely follow us if you follow us in the future...\

before he finished speaking, chen Fan suddenly burst out with all his strength, concentrated all his strength into his hands, and struck Liu Rong with all his strength.

It was Li Fangfang who opened the door of bai Feng's house. She smiled and hugged Li

Fangfang, \do you miss me Fangfang?\

other than that, the Z4 is a disgrace. After bai Feng killed the S4 line yesterday, Z4 wanted to go back, but was angry that he was still here. \

Just as there was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, the second president appeared.

Zhang hao did not go home immediately, but turned around and went to central Village. depending on the weather, whale meat is ing and he has to deal with it.

the scars on xu Jin's body gradually disappeared.

Especially captain qi Ninghao rarely woke up twice. Not only does he use the power of ice and healing, but he also uses strength to enhance his strength. \

cen Luyi quickly corrected his last sentence: \Yes, I will make a deal. the other one has similar beauty and is mature. he is also reading a book, which is a biography. the three of them were silent , so the atmosphere is very special.”

when the killer shows up, he can't escape! \

A scream was heard.

he stood up

three hundred articles were recently published on the site.

\where is the memory card reader?\ du Fei asked.

xingchen’s technical database is really amazing. by chance, is there such a pany in china? otherwise, we are still a long way from being on top of the world.

\what happened?

there are so many materials that need to be produced in the modern world that it is impossible to provide them in large quantities in a short time. how dare you question the will of a great soul?

At this time, there was another person who had different feelings, and that was Jia xiaojia, the owner of the store that Gu changqing saved. he was also among the crowd at wanghaitai. he also irrevocably saw Gu changqing's strength, although it was not as strong as a gun. Elf. Actually ...

qin An on the fishing boat saw the images of many wooden guns, smiling and feeling satisfied.

Song Yan bowed happily, which made him more confident. e on, this rain is scary.

when six planes filled with bullets suddenly fell from the sky, the eyes of the two qin'an members were very sad. there are 5 numbers that are slightly closed, and out of the 5 numbers, one is more closed than the other.

pared with eternity, it has experienced two levels! A king without a crown? \Jack stood up and said, please sit down.\ After waiting for about three hours, he decided to leave at noon.

\work is too expensive. the price for boys has increased more than fifty times. I quit smoking after the chinese New Year. I really can't quit.\

beyond 3 nanometers there is only 1 nanometer. how could he be the son of queen tang Yu?

qin An saved him again. If he had to sell their lives, wouldn't he lose his last chance to kill qin An?

to get good seeds, you need good technology and good equipment.

Evan is wise. Feeling Su xiaoya's hand, he immediately gritted his teeth and used force! \

\well, yes, if the three of us go in, I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with them, especially if the interviewer must be Yin hanchao's greatest son, right?\

King Liu and princess wang, this is just the beginning. one by one, many artists entered the Star palace. \

\You need to know or I'll prove that Sparky is dead.\

\hahaha, xiaocui, you are so big-hearted!

Respect is respect and always will be. \

Interviewing more than a hundred celebrities was also a daunting task. chen Fan asked before leaving.

Liu Rong was only two meters away from him.

the two tree queens, mu Zhi and Lu Yi, don't breathe like other people.

In his previous life, Jiang peng didn't know how many people he used and how many people died before he pletely killed the boSS! \

Nan xianglong is loyal to me. If he hadn't lived in the early tang dynasty, I wouldn't be able to support a big thing now, so the lobbyist proposed. how you do it is up to you. well, I hope you can give me a full answer.

Gifts are not a big deal, but some people give them. when will it be their turn to give gifts? After ingestion, internal organs gradually collapse, causing severe pain. people often say that grass and trees are heartless...but we are the descendants of grass and trees, so grass and trees are our ancestors. So I have to find a way to survive because I can't leave this world!

but it doesn't matter.

xiaocui is indeed a very beautiful woman. he is about 1.7 meters tall, only ten centimeters taller than beichenxing. \

\this is the news given to me by my grandma's cousin. he works in the public relations department of xingchen Group. the news is credible.\

\Ah honey, I'm going to fly, you are so bad, cheer up.\

two of my men were beside him, and they immediately told me about wu Kun Sin. why does he enjoy his life?

\A good gift?

therefore, a large number of people will e to his live broadcast room to wait for wang weihua's words. I really like listening to Liu tianwang's songs. I've listened to almost every song over a hundred times.

currently, this activity is still ongoing. I really don't have a specific reason for doing this. I just want to grow old! If the wounds on the body show signs of healing, it means that the child has extraordinary intelligence and skill. consider the following.

due to limited time, wang weihua did not ask questions for a long time, but only asked a few simple questions. \

to him, animals are just animals. the sudden appearance of a big wolf was surprising.

Seeing Jiang peng ing down from the ground, his eyes full of future technology, he blinked twice! I first discovered the mutant identity of murakami hino, then I beat him and chopped off his hands. when he lifted his legs, he had no strength left! didn’t you stay at master Yinghuo’s house for a few days? I don’t want the little girls around me to grow up early! \

\It will be ready soon, it will explode soon,\ the man said. the woman opened her mouth, bit the man's neck, and began to eat the flesh. \

when he left the hospital half-covered in blood, the children didn't see him because Ami pushed them behind. \bring the list here, I'll sign it now.\ Zhang hao bowed and said.

two men who share the same goals but have differences can end up in a bad relationship. \

\oh? then you can only rely on the first and second level undead for protection.\

\Uncle Fan, how many cigarettes do you have?\

the days we spent. \

\It seems that only high-level magicians can wear such clothes. If other magicians find out that they wear them secretly, they will be killed severely. boom!\

Not only the audience, but also the bloggers in front of the large online live broadcast room have e forward and said that with the elf assistant, their mobile phone life is better. \how many genes do humans have?\ Jack said.

In fact, Liu Guang was originally one of the few black people in his family. he was a scholar and worked as a teacher before the end of the world. So no matter what, tangdu will still be ours in the near future! \

wang Zhi bowed and saluted, turned around and walked towards qi Yijiu. both have a talent for ice and water, so they are not afraid of diving. Kong Yan shouted to bai Feng: \bai Feng, e here quickly.\

A month? For a normal fruit tree, this is very fast.

\No problem, everyone still has it, ten copies each. queen tang Yu, my mother is not a fool.\

So I don't think simple methods can solve the problem. If I want to avoid retaliation, I have to behave. \I can't believe you have all the food you have now. does anyone have more iron than me?\

Fang Zihai blinked and immediately realized that bei chenxing looked more like him today than before. \han Shuang glanced at chen mo and bowed finally.\

the area here can be considered as the top wall of wutong Station.

In fact, the guards are very powerful in bat, but the main ones are twenty. there were no elders in the forest, so no one told them how to fight.

there was a piece of garbage on the ground. when tang mo took a look, he saw blood-stained toilet paper.

At this moment, Liu tianwang, dressed in fairy clothes, slowly walked backstage. At the same time, a group of players followed behind him. Finally, he pointed out the efforts made by Li wenhao's research group in the laboratory to develop the typewriter. why did you leave it?

Just like that, everyone got a pillow or blanket and a hat to sleep on, and sat down in a large area on the floor.

Ah ... having said that, I have something to explain to my brother. \

beichen smiled, xiaocui rubbed it like plaque on a dog's skin, but there was nothing he could do.

If students settle down from the beginning and set the current entry conditions, let alone one machine, even ten grain machines will not be a problem.

A few years later, under my guidance and planning from afar, the moling world flourished. of course, wu wenzui himself has done a lot and has his own strength!

\then I'll be back soon. by the way, let me tell you the story of princess tang Yu?\

bai Feng was shocked when he heard this and said boldly: \You mean xiaoyu's father is the first leader of this station, but why didn't xiaoyu tell me?\ Su xiaoya asked.

Rebecca's head dropped to the ground, but she still screamed with her arms half around her neck, the moment she entered the air.

when I saw the beauty of the turin cathedral, I knew it would eventually be my place and I had to run it!

Fishing boats are large in size and have strong hull structures to protect them from attacks by marine animals.

qin discovers he is a mutant and takes steps to control him

qin An sneered, \he is indeed a bad guy, angry just for hot soup!\

\of course, she is very strong. Even ten kilometers away from here, you can say that the scorpion snake is dead. It seems that the spiritual connection between the sinful girl and the darkness is great! It really works. Everyone, no matter how high the level is, I Everyone wants to buy one.

\You all should pay attention to the queen's face. how can it be so easy for a potential queen? wu wenzui has been promoted to the world of maoling. It's a pity that she doesn't know his existence.\ She is really just a person who has been playing for many years. toy. I had great success in destroying the church!

outside Shengtian camp.

this question made chen mo excited. \the boy's eyes widened, then he waved his hands with an impatient expression and laughed at people.\

As for xingchen Group, everyone has a certain understanding of the design of typewriters and photolithography machines, but no one has seen a real machine and doesn’t know what a typewriter looks like.

Everyone looked at King Kong, but no one spoke for a long time! my name is Liu Rong!

he put the car down and climbed back on. \wang minjie suggested that even celebrities and famous artists in front of ordinary people are not enough in front of great people.\

he finally found a place to stay.

wang Jiahao fell to the ground, without despair, as if he could not bear the pain. \

mu Zhi stopped talking and blushed.

Gong xue narrowed her eyes slightly. hong Luan was probably nowhere to be found, because he didn't want to speak, was silent, and didn't feel anything at all.

wang hui himself couldn't believe what he heard.

Yu chaomu treated her well and naturally grew up with her.

Although this girl looks small, her small figure is very beautiful. why still farm?

the seeds of almost all vegetables and fruits can grow with energy crystals and bee long fruits.

Liu mingyu wasn't too worried about the good seeds breaking.

xiao tao's father went to the forest alone to ask about insecticide, and then came out of the forest covered in blood. the girl passed out in front of the bed, how did she know what I did to her? \

Everyone laughed, and qin An looked at Lan Yue helplessly, \Uncle got up to fight you, but you are still playing!\

\thank you for your love for fruits and vegetables. these fruits and vegetables are all agricultural products produced by our pany and have passed relevant tests. If you want them, you can order them from xingchen market.\

wang Zhi's eyes lit up and he immediately turned to look at Zhang Yue, his eyes full of surprise and curiosity. \

mu Zhi's voice was soft and worried. You ... why did the wild snake die?

huo Ye sighed and suddenly had an idea. he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, seeming to have regained his confidence.

the celebrities did not enter the hall early, but the stars had to enter the hall first to see the grand event.

If you follow the usual method and plant vegetables and fruits that have already had good seeds, even if they are better than the vegetables and fruits, you will lose the quality of the good seeds. \

Feiyun's honest and sincere image makes people laugh. A simple sentence made everyone laugh. part of the sea water from the sky fell on the sea, and the waves were more than a

thousand meters high!

Like a regular white radish? It takes only three days to mature. \

the middle-aged man said softly, chen mo looked at him and smiled, \If you stop, you will encounter a lot of secrets. At that time, if you want to be in the present situation, you must be in your current situation. It is. \be strong. Get the red material as soon as possible while you are still in the death world. You don't need tai chi, but should be at least red to maintain level one. At the same time, you need to prepare materials to upgrade the equipment level first. when you cut the gap, closing the control and turning the device on will force a quick repair of the device. \

\the price is actually not expensive, it's just much more expensive than most fruits. If you go by the taste described online, it definitely costs money.\

“Yeah, but it’s a long story!

Liu Rong buried her head and cried, no. Everything he has shown in the past is wrong. he may even bite his lover without any warning. why did he wake up suddenly?

this voice ...became a powerful god, helping him crush the sword spirit and purify the sword's intention!

If it was settled when they first started dating, they would think Zhang Yue was crazy at first glance.

After saying that, he immediately clasped his hands together, and then did something that qin An had never thought of ... instead of talking about the past, talk about the present, saying that you are the leader of the Land of doom. that's true, but why do you look like a guilty woman to me? where are you from?

wang weihua continued, and when he was about to ask, the person next to him stood up and said, \don't stop us.\

Just when mu Zhi was in trouble, Liu Guang raped her.

So their family life is not easy. the four-and-a-half-year-old boy loves to tease me. said bobby, genuinely surprised and laughing, \I don't know your name yet.\ chen Fan looked at Liu Rong's face and said, \You must have eaten so many mental patients and received so many mental patients that you became like this.

Li Yifeng entered the hotel and saw brother bao and brother Lang there, and he suddenly felt strong again.

qin An was not too surprised. he took the sign and pointed it to the two of them a few kilometers away. tianchuan, except for me, there is no need to continue reading, everything is over! And...it seems like someone is watching me. \

\Request to unlock the full version of Star Assistant +1.\

turning around, he saw that the opponent's body had been cut into two parts. Liu Rong touched the new body and found that if the head of the body was elsewhere, the new body would e out of the head, and the first A body will e out of the head. one. . the body bees a corpse.

In the cold air, Yu chaomu looked pale, his black and gray clothes making his face pale. he looked at the woman silently.

\I have too many kids to feed.\

Soon, the group disbanded. It goes fast, doesn't it? \

\hey, I ate. Although I'm not a member of xingchen's team, I work near xingchen's house and can e in to eat every day. this kind of food is no longer available to ordinary people.\ me too. they will prevent you from marrying another wife, but they will not harm me.

Lu Yi did have hatred in his heart. he didn't know why Lu Yi wanted to take away the monster Yinghuo. can't wood exist without harmony? but now the hero has bee a murderer and all he has to do is protect her. Unfortunately, his hiding place was very secret, and on the other hand, it was something he didn't expect.

After a while, Alison came back and said calmly: \You are so lucky. master Jack is very happy today and agreed to let you go with me.\

Since most of wang weihua's exhibition halls are exhibitions of xingchen Group, people in the exhibition hall are more or less displaying. \

\Yes! back then, the doomsday world kidnapped many scientists and used a large number of research results behind tibetan and Russian technologies to expand and improve the research and design of dark methods. I have it.\ there is no other. power so I can do it. “I am a child of sin myself, so my children can not only talk to me, but with plete honesty . this is a good thing. Is boudoir fun?

however, most of the people who do this are celebrities. people who know they are different from front-line stars don't think they can be at a party, they are in front of a group of stars, in front of them. Audience. owner’s wishes. . . .

does this station have signal? \

when King Liu tian saw that wang weihua did not continue to harass him, he defeated him.

“well, xingchen Group has entered the mobile industry.

the streamer brushed the hair from his face.

After all, he was born with two lives. he was frustrated. Now that his emotions are under control, he can return to normal.

As a queen who has been in business for decades, queen wang has as many fans as King Liu. his face also made a lot of noise. why did you choose to share it with us this time?

the normal opening is not large enough for normal mice to get in and out. however, Rebecca made a small move in the hearing room and opened a large breathing tube.

therefore, I can only convince my men to do some extreme things, because this is the whole reason why Lingdao bees what it is today.

before this, many players checked their results and found that top players had already exploded!

that figure was created when Yinghuo followed qin An. his body was always burning, and the heat of the fire was so high that even touching the nearest place could scorch a few leaves.

these two are foreigners. Sir, what if I want to kill you and hide you? \

\humph, what's wrong with seeing a pig pond lying on the bed ...\ qin An's voice was unpleasant, but he was happy in his heart.

\no problem.\

“I don’t know where xingchen Group buys fruits and vegetables from. If these fruits and vegetables can be developed, many people will like them and they can afford them even if the price is high.

Is it God's grace? the most important thing is that it looks good and is low profile.

on the other hand, there were a lot of gunshots ing from their home, and people were attracted by the sound. equipment?

\It seems that the technology of xingchen hologram Group is very advanced and terrifying.\ chen Fan said sincerely.

Unfortunately, the person who was allowed to enter the Star palace was none other than wang weihua.

Like wu Yan, Liu xia, Lan Yue, qin xiaoyan, King Kong, ba tian and others! \

Lan Yue interrupted: \poker is not fun!\

wang weihua seemed to notice that the room in front of him was a little cold, and he began to walk around, preparing to look for some unusual places.

the ban really cannot stop it and there are many loopholes.

the opening ceremony surprised many people.

After a moment of happiness, Feiyun said proudly: \First of all, on behalf of xingchen Group, I wele everyone to this event. the thing in green clothes. Kiwaa.\

deng Yuan stood beside him. In his heart, he loved Song Yan very much. of course, Liu Rong was immediately flooded with zombies encountered on the street. \

“what’s the best advertising message?

most of the wall near the stairs is an Lcd screen. the front of the screen lists the names of the top one hundred teams and the scores of the players, but the top five teams are all very high. . Save the rest and save some effort!

I saw S's body on the ground , very close. \

\when you see these stars? It's awesome, it gets the holiday party started.\

\tsk, how big is it? It's different from what I imagined.\

Although xiang Junshan is not very interested in establishing this foundation, he is very interested in how to overe injuries. \bobby said calmly, \I'm willing to do anything!

the most important thing is not to miss these tools.

bei chenxing put the sword back on the table, then sat down sadly. \

\I wonder what song Liu tianwang will sing this time?\

Ge weiguo looked at everyone and didn't know what to say for a moment, but this time the plane slowly landed.

Soon, zombies gathered around the mental hospital, and Liu Rong was also eaten. they also kill snakes, insects, rats, and ants until they die as they pass by, and then devour them whole.

bai Feng sent the two girls out, locked the door, and ran towards Li Fangfang.

\So son, since you were not the savior in the first game, now I will show you the clear path for my daughter.\

As they walked away nonchalantly, they dug a hole in the bathroom and a jade snake crawled out of the hole. \

\No need, I sent a message to Yu huo, they should arrive soon.\

qin Er's clone frowned and thought for a while: \I think it's better not to let go, right?\

After chen Fan saw that all the railings were running smoothly, he turned around and saw the strange monster attached to the wall. Aren't you afraid that the xingchen Group will steal his glory?

\No, you must e back to me!

\hey, how are you going to fight murakami hirano?\

If we could find enough drugs, could we encounter a species that could cure peach disease? Something is very interesting. many vegetarians change their eating habits as they age. they will abandon their vegetarian diet and eat only meat.

Judging from Liu Rong's voice and the name he said, chen Fan was sure that this was the man who ate a lot. her hair shouldn't be this long so she looks very unattractive to a man. According to gender. \the fat woman opened her mouth to beg, and tianchuan immediately stood up. I have to say that the Star team chose this time very well.\

It's scary, really scary, especially \being there\. the group seemed to have entered the best country in the world.

his dream is that by the end of next year, in order to solve the food crisis, the federal government will produce tobacco and alcohol together. \

\what's the worst question? don't say I can't!\

Even if it exceeds 1V, it is used in the field, otherwise? the result is still the same.

About a year ago, all these people were there and I had to watch. I didn't expect that half a year later, I would be drinking with them in the theater, even though I admitted they liked it. this feeling is very surprising. .

Still, if possible, mr. Ren would like to make his own chips. only when the technology is in his hands will he feel good.

the old man looked at chen mo carefully, then at han Shuang, and said, \Girl, why do you always want to help foreigners? And to be honest, tang Yu has these people.\ they hide a lot. Also concentrate. before he approached me.

\beichen, I know you love xiaocui, but you'd better not delay your future wife now!\

then he waved his hand, shrugged his shoulders, and said to Zhong Runlu:

\Get up, get up, don't touch me, my shoulder hurts.\

In fact, considering the current name of xingchen Group, if it makes mobile phones, even if there is no one like Alima, it can be regarded as something else.

Ivan was surprised to find that it was not dark, but a sea pillar fell from the sky! \

Liu mingyu is very generous and once gave ma Ali ten movies.

but since \an attack was imminent\ at that time, Jiang peng could not go beyond his own experience to search the whole world!

the manager remembered what the boss's wife said at the morning meeting, and his face suddenly changed and he smiled brightly: \dear writer, I'm sorry, I haven't seen your business letter yet.\ Now. the same to you. “Are they crying in sorrow?

Su xiaoya said: \can I go? did King Liu really attend this party? Is the name of xingchen Group too big? I think this matter seems very important and will only change the business of this city.\ why do you Stay there?

Since personal information is inplete and cannot be selected, you can participate in the event with your Id card after filling in the necessary information. cheng Gang answered with a smile, but his eyes were focused on the battle between Gu changqing and Yinghuo.

\Ah? how can a woman rape another woman? how tang will participate in the construction plan of entering the Kowloon city Link is still unknown.\

After all, the latter never lies and can tell if it's someone else at a glance. \

Li Fangfang immediately jumped to bai Feng's side, and after hearing bai Feng's words, Ziai pushed bai Feng's hand away and said proudly:

\there's something I want you to tell me.\

the crux of the matter seems to lie in the last hidden step of the family leader. \

\hahahaha, I don't know if you have the strength, but I'm looking forward to it!\

“I wanted to do it, but I gave up.

Awesome waves, like small valleys rising from the sky in front of sea cliffs, are not easy to see. Little girl, why did you call me teacher?

Liu mingyu didn't care and immediately took Alima's wine glass.

the car got everyone out of the car and drove towards an invisible road.

She is beautiful, has two dark eyes and is a real role model for others.

I don't know how long it took, but when Liu Rong came back to her senses and woke up, all she saw was her tongue. he tried to walk but he felt like a ball and couldn't feel his legs and feet there. \

Just when many people were clamoring, wang weihua stopped the live broadcast.

\that's right!\

Jiang peng took a deep breath. Not bad, brave enough. \

\Lao Zhang, you are so beautiful.\

\that's right! there is no breathing in a sealed place. If it is a normal animal, it cannot survive in it. Zombies don't have this problem. Even the spark cells are still alive.\ Very good, this is just a sleeping activity .

that day, ma Jiguo happily received the order and handed it to chef wang.

due to the small quantity, they can only be given to pany employees at this time. theyare fruits and vegetables that can be eaten in the employee canteen for several days. \

\Yes, yes, Fatty Fan lost weight after taking the injection.\ Guo haoyu said.

bullets are falling! ...You and I met each other for the first time, but now we have a deep relationship. So I said goodbye. do you know me

when they met in the square, mu Zhi was a little surprised, but also a little embarrassed.

the event was fully planned with help from employees across the pany.

cheng Gang had heard about he tianyu's actions and felt it was very honorable. he knew that when he faced he tianyu and qin An, when he found qin An looking at him, he felt it immediately. ]

the sound disappeared, and a white snake emerged from its belly. Evolution hugh possesses terrifying power of decay, and swallowing it means death.

A few years ago, Liuguang was hired as a teacher in Ruhai city's harem, responsible for teaching mu Zhi to learn culture.

wang Jiahao felt that his whole body was full of energy, but like most people, he could not control the sudden energy.

So while my foster parents took me for a spin around the park, I ran home without them noticing and lit the house on fire with the fuel I had prepared. Keep playing with the kids. \

\It's easy to hurt hyouka Kage, but it's not easy to pletely defeat this child.\

\haha, brother, you are so smart!

du Fei used the Sharingan to lull the scientist to sleep and asked him where the energy crystals were stored.

In addition, they are also waiting for the same opportunity, which is also related to celebrities, to take a step towards acquaintance.

wang Jiahao rushed to the hospital distressed.

the mud horse is a twist in the story. Yin hanchao is such a woman! \

Gu changqing was stunned at first, and then was shocked.

It's over, it's over.

haha, I have been in love before, my first girlfriend was a girl. this kind of mon sense is unusual, but as a normal person, I think it is normal ...\

Yin hanchao expressed his happiness with a smile.

this event is the beginning of the uping New Year celebrations, so huang Yu plans strictly according to the New Year activities and strives to achieve the best results. So, after having a strong family of four women, his sex drive is actually much lower than it was when he was younger.

Yin hanchao continued:

\Indeed, I have a lot of fighting spirit, and everyone in this world has benefited from it. why are some things useless?\

Seeing celebrities who are currently being bullied e in and attend an event they organize is a refreshing experience unlike any other.

Although Zhang Yue gave him only half a bottle of basic treatment ingredients, his stomach didn't feel any pain and he screamed in pain. \

Li Longming shook his head slightly and said nothing.

with a thought in Gu changqing's mind, many leaves immediately gathered in the space between the bow rib and the spear, eventually forming a two-meter-long arrow that burned with zero light!

\You ...why are you here?\

Zhang Yue couldn't believe that seeing his injuries showing signs of improvement, a real killer could still sit on the fishing platform!

Agriculture requires food. Yi wen hugged Su xiaoya tightly, slowly descended, and stopped in the sea. however, the huge waves made Ivan unstable and he was immediately swept into the sea. cleverly, there are no zombies around this Endless King. ocean

No pressure at all.

As a result, Feiyun became the organizer of this event. \

\I heard that these fruits and vegetables are grown by xingchen Group itself. due to limited production, they are now served in xingchen Group's employee cafeteria? So you can't buy them even if you want to.\

In this case, he was too lazy to meddle in other people's affairs. tianyu will never be able to kill qin An in the future! Liu Rong once again put her hands on the ground, bowed and cried bitterly.

\what a pity. Is this the power of a tall singer? however, I don't know what kind of oil captain hall personally sells.\

So can he dodge this third arrow?

this also proves that the pictures given by xingchen Group are real and not fake. \

After bringing it, everyone closed their eyes and thought hard, but in the end no one thought of the answer.

thinking of this, Yu chaomu felt calm again. he lowered his head and left Yang Yang and Zhong Runlu. Just as he was about to fort xinxin and tiantian, baldhead ran over. he first shouted:

% final error. \

when I came back with my father in the evening, I also discovered that my mother had not escaped the virus. \

Journalists who can make a difference and win exclusive investigative rights should not be underestimated. \cen Luyi finally said this, \I will manage the property myself after marriage. You can be sure that there is a chance that I will find a man that I would like to cheat on. this is possible.

\this person is very brave. If it were me ten years later, I would not have the courage to take that step. Feelings.\ cen Lihao smiled brightly, \that is a piece of meat on the plate.\ Ah!

\what?\ the tears continued to flow.

\You know your problem!

No matter what qi Yijiu thought of him, he was innocent before shooting. First of all, regarding your body, I can say that you are Yin hanchao because my memory is very strong. Although I didn't pay much attention to your lower body at the time, I could see your upper body! there is no official news from the xingchen team yet.

could it be him?

two words flashed in tao man Yao's mind, and he immediately bowed and said: \oh!


he was momentarily confused by Liuyi. he picked up his binoculars and looked ahead. he was shocked and dropped the telescope.

originally, Liu mingyu planned to wait until it was pleted before announcing it to the market. Unexpectedly, this festival, the best fruits and vegetables produced from the best seeds will be publicly displayed. I thought maybe, just maybe, no one knew about Star Assistant?

\Young man, tell me the story of how you met?\

he hid in the crowd and looked around. \

“didn’t Star team announce the roster?

In the end, wang Jiahao chose qin hai. In his opinion, only qin hai can fight, and others don't matter. he is very talented. Everyone else despised him. qin An's strength has pletely changed based on the information Zang xi has obtained!

there were so many that wang weihua didn’t even bother to pay attention.

tropical storms around the ocean from high to high. they are believed to cause waves more than 100 meters high.


Su xiaoya began to greet bobby in English, \hello, sir, where are you?\

If it's not a personal issue, how do people cope with their illness?

Liu xia seemed calm to Lan Yue, but the trap in her heart had been broken. he looked at qin An and said to himself: what will he ask me to do next?

\oh my God, is this a story machine? If you don't want to know this, why are you asking?\

\It's really good. the princess is very beautiful and always young. I saw every teacher's eyes light up when he mentioned the princess. I'm afraid he loves the princess too much and wants to take over.\ \he was lying on the bed.

how many secrets does Zhang Yue have? \

wang Jiahao lowered his head to sign, and then answered the doctor. xie: \doctor xie, I just talked to them. It may be a broken rib. please check it for me.\

\what should I do?\ Yierjiu smiled.

maybe he has a girlish face but not a man's heart ?

Although qin An is an ordinary person, and although he tianyu has passed the test, qin An still has a strange feeling towards him. ? have you ever seen a woman?

\Yes, I have seen it. Five beauties rushed to xuanjian city. Your daughter cheng Jiayao heard what you said. what kind of training is tianyu using? Apart from that, he has nothing else to do, little king of magicians. \Yeah?

the car drove past and Song Yanbian jumped into the car. Just like relying on the strength of twenty people to prevent Yeyu Jackdaw from failing instead of being controlled, it is good, but what is annoying is that Yeyu Jackdaw is very strong!

tang mo still remembered the dozen or so people in front of him. Even if they don't know each other, they probably have a vague idea. As the head of the family, no man is fat.

\dear guests in the live broadcast room, do you think this interview is worth watching? Is this interview with Liu tianwang worth watching? one night, qin An couldn't sleep well because of d2's activities.\ the king's body. \because the strange sound never stopped almost all night long. Even if it seemed to be five or six kilometers away, qin An could hear it. It reached the point where his energy was low, making it difficult for him to sleep peacefully. \Every day!

\I got it, Alison!\

After the ceremony, with the help of onlookers, all the whale meat was placed directly at the entrance of the village in a small pile of meat in less than half an hour.

the kid's got some good skills, but he's not strong enough for his kid. So ... let's wait for that guy. he needed it as soon as possible. when he left, qin An even wanted to be afraid of the possibility of being killed, right? ! \

Yi Erjiu looked cold and said sternly: \we cannot resurrect xu Jin, let alone let the corpse speak!

wang hui slowly walked up to Lin Jie, bowed helplessly, and puffed out his bare chest. how do you determine this before taking action?

Since then, xingchen Group became a distributor and I joined the official forum and realized what was happening to me. \Liu mingyu stepped aside and the servants came soon. only women and men are lying on the bed. this is the truth of human nature...\

Gong xue looked back at hong Luan and smiled unexpectedly: \he is very sensitive, do you think he is?\

don't want to be patted on the back? \

129 gnashed his teeth. beichen, I mean you should go to the palace more often! however, the baby's mother doesn't look very old. I think the maximum sentence for a child born by brother Yun and another woman, or Yunjiang, is three years. of course, the first one can be more.

but if a person with low mental ability were to test a person with high mental ability, they would recognize him immediately. If the difference is large, there may be a delay.

\It has not been accepted yet and we are now ready to enter negotiations.\

Some people think it's important, others think it's not. what happened?

qin hai did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but stood up calmly and said, \You win.\
