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66读书 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第36章


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about your departure time, but they still don't answer no there are also 5 European countries\ two states in the United States have already done this \create a military alliance city with the power of science and technology\ So how do we accept this?

mond stood aside and watched Song Yan's various movements, but found that these movements were ordinary and nothing imaginative

\I heard that a lunar base was established some time ago I'm afraid the lunar base is already empty\

A smile appeared on chen mu's lips

this is Yu Zhifen’s pure spiritual work

however, these people in work clothes looked at tang mo like he was a madman the current registered population is 2,397, including 412 from the Esteghlal brigade

when I heard about virtual reality, I knew it was a great technology and I challenged my dad to do it In fact, this technology is so rare that only special people can read it

You know, few people will be able to land on the moon in the future

hearing xiaorou's words, Fang Nan was shocked After fighting evil for a long time, he felt regret in his heart!

Neither of the two conditions proposed by Zhang Guqing are conditions

Sam Gu also stood up quickly, raised his right hand, and clasped his hands tightly

Zhang hao smiled and said nothing more In fact, what he said is not pletely impossible Now this situation can be applied to an ancient poem:

In the past, dogs in front of wang Zhitang would fly to ordinary people's homes After all, a 10,000ton atomic bomb can destroy a city If such a nuclear bomb does occur, it will definitely be a major nuclear war, and calculations should be made before the war wen Jiangang lost control of his voice and said, \do you know how powerful this god is?

Seeing that Zhang Jianghe's expression was indeed serious, wang weihua became angry again

Yu chaomu lay on the sofa and touched his neck with his hands I want to open a loophole here God, why was he so scared? he also wears the classic dark gold wow warrior Furious mouth costume his helmet was flipped up and it looked like he had metal stuck in his head he's funny and energetic

the technology development that xingchen Group is good at takes time I held my breath, and my breaths became less and less If you see a whitebacked woman on a nearby boat acting soothingly, just look at her and tell her not to do anything else! holland, a black man, jumped off his motorcycle and fell headfirst to the ground

Seeing the entrance of Guang'an palace, Liu mingyu hurriedly greeted him Since coal mines can be sold, is there no reason why we can’t ask for prices?

And the growing numbers show no signs of slowing down yet

\I didn't want to sign up at first, but I figured there would be no chance to go to the moon this year, so I had to sign up does that make sense?\ moonlight barrens \how nice, dad?\

I summoned lightning and taunted Shuyami as he shot it: “we (baidu) know you killed Ackerman, you can’t escape

In time, you can return to Earth

before the shortlist was announced, a number of questions about the shortlist emerged online

\okay, I'll give you a cup of civet coffee, and then you give me a cup of blue mountain coffee this is called reciprocity that's it\

After hearing his words, the people around him didn't hesitate and took action one after another!

don't look at you, you have news there, no less than him

Song Yan took out the hungry demonslaying knife from the drawer without hesitation and rushed towards the monster

ordinary demons, especially after entering the king's realm, will bee more arrogant and powerful than others currently, people have the power of gods, but since the power is easily obtained, their mental state cannot be improved

It would be expensive to send Lan Sam to study in Zhangjianghe

the person who spoke was not flashy, but a very tall man the longhaired man grabbed the dutch black man's head with a big hand and pulled him all the way over

despite being poorly prepared, Vivian didn't speak until she was in front of him

\It's not true After all, the images in science fiction movies and books are just people's imagination what's too big?\

\mr wang, we have to be careful before things get chaotic\

Zhang hao tried to remind him

they left here now because they didn't trust him and didn't want the war to affect them Ultimately, the strength of the Alliance was clear to everyone, but the potential battlefield in pearl city was not the green lightning's flight time was just long enough, but it couldn't avoid the cold bricks It hit the edge of the brick hard, made a loud noise, and flew away

I feel that Feitian did not deliberately pretend to be a chef in order to pete with Zhang Jianghe and others

You know, the number of people on the Internet, a life medium, has reached an astonishing level

however, chen mo realized that there was no need to hide it, so he nodded lightly and smiled I am providing old information on purpose

xiaoliang hasn't said a word since entering Lanhai city he looked a little unhappy and lowered his head It seems he doesn't even like delicious fried fish

he looked at bai Feng and said, \I also want to know, why are you getting better?

——mander John, I brought the person you are looking for!

Zhang hao shook his head, \Is it over like this?

minister Yin also knew how important and unbearable this situation was, so he wanted to stabilize the other party first:

\director Zhang, you didn't misunderstand Everything is not your opinion If you have anything to say, please speak slowly\

boss, why did you invite these people here?

\why hesitate?\

the major flying car industry is still in the apocalypse

professor? obviously, the one with long hair is the captain of the five he smiled an evil smile as he spoke, igniting a circle of fire in the dutchman's large hand that soon faded

the constellation represents the protection of the Earth, and the constellation doesn't even have a base under the moon

And the news seems to be ing from within

weiwei couldn't help but panic when she thought of this As a good reporter in chengdu, he knew that chengdu's military power was not enough to prevent the double disaster maybe chengdu was attacked before the authorities arrived! but he saw nothing, not even any sign of a change of heart

At first, I wanted to learn to drive rather than put my luggage in the car

Now I'm still scratching my head on how to filter a list of 500,000 people

but now I tell you, I am a foreigner, ruled by the earth incredible!

dad Zhang explained: “of course, the reason why his father chose the path of virtual reality technology has nothing to do with your boss

what on earth was this girl raised for? why can’t I see her thoughts clearly?

“Including me, there are nine shareholders and senior shareholders officially named Guangdong, namely mr ma from penguin, mr wang from Zhengui Group, and mr Li from ojiang hutchison

before Zhang hao could finish speaking, Yin interrupted him

It’s easy to hear, but many people don’t believe it

therefore, no matter how little Liu mingyu said, it might not have any effect

desperate to find work, they return to work again and again they put duffy in a very good position from the start First, he defeated du Fei with lightning and volcano attacks, and then suddenly attacked xu Yamei with speed reviver and invisible awakener

\You were laughing so hard you thought you could stand up\

wang weihua did not follow us everywhere, but walked behind Feitian and waved to Feitian

Zhang Jianghe and wang weihua returned to the virtual world using the virtual channel provided by the hotel

As for the future, we’ll talk about it later

Also, this is the court of our country, how can we allow them to be careless? …”

Yu Zhe hung up the phone, waited for a moment of silence, and then said quickly: \Uncle chi, I have a meeting here, and we will discuss it in detail later\

You know, even if a spacecraft could travel at the speed of light, it would not take more than seven years to reach the next star

From the moment I woke up that morning, I had to e to the Jiuquan Launch center like a bird chaser the battle in the live broadcast room is still going on secretly

Zhang Jianghe added seriously: \It is indeed impossible to have a bad image

Although I didn't know that xingchen mountain had established a base under the moon

\where does Vice mayor Zhu Yi of blue ocean city live?\ xiaorou asked

If xingchen Group takes action, everything will be fine he couldn't hit her or scold her Even if she got angry again, there was nothing she could do Zhong hanyu has his face, what can he do to such a woman?

Now he suddenly returned from abroad without saying a word, and he is still in such a frightening state

tang mo was surprised by the man's words was he stupid, or was the man blind? Aren’t the people on this street all charming? he has many wives If one of them sucks his blood in the future, can she get enough?

Yu Jian quickly started working, \Yes, you also got the news last night, right?

It must be underground Even if you run to the edge of the earth, you can't find a way to get there

he looked up at the sky and cried the screams were so loud that they drowned out the sound of the waves outside but he didn't know whether the emotion in his crying was hatred, regret, guilt, or some other emotion!

how many of them will receive real, moral and personal training before the end of the world?

Juzhe already had a lot of ideas, so he stood up and left happily It seems we are in the wrong place!

\okay son, go to my room and have a good rest I'll make you dinner\

claude immediately expressed his thoughts on the matter to the man in front of him, who shook his head in confusion

“wait, are you saying that in this apocalyptic time, china has regained its ability to municate?

Juzhe nodded, acknowledging the information he was interpreting, but clearly doing so with good intentions

You may be the most proficient in VR in any pany, but you will never be the strongest in the Sioux city branch

Yes, the attack speed of level 4 tianyan is not as fast as that of level 5 zombies!

At this time, you can not only experience the sky in your heart, but also enjoy the vast starry sky full of stars

Strictly speaking, he himself must be one of them but the environment and traditions of mercial oppression hindered the dominance of merce

If huo hadn't been here, we don't know how many people would have been killed today, or even whether the hunt in the village would have ended before everyone died to cover up patchwick's ugly weakness, duffy added a cloak of pain to make him appear even more powerful

this is the first contact between humans and other living things Resurrection can be used against all equally powerful and mutated bodies


\oh, what is principal Yu's red line?

At the same time, more than two thousand survivors gathered in Jiangcheng base Square I want to eat, too!

of course, this rule also applies to most office workers Unity will never go out of style

Look at the 100,000 people below Not to mention the highlevel sect leaders, not even wen Jiangang can handle them I have no idea what kind of space civilization this exchange system is designed for, since exchange cannot be copied or even read

however, when it came time to meet, Liu mingyu couldn't help but feel shocked and paid attention to the situation in her mind

Zhang Jianghe clenched his fingers tightly and held the box tightly

cain packed up the cabin and said, \It's too cold, let's sleep on this table!\

And where to work?

without Liu mingyu’s permission, xingchen Group immediately issued a new announcement on its official website Zhou Yi, don't be afraid of me!

It only took one day

\this is the city of the Sun!\

one can only imagine something like interstellar time

And simply hiring professional and technical personnel is even more difficult

After Zhang Jianghe introduced cangqiong, the main logo of cangqiong and various related information could also be seen in the onsite media And you're standing right next to them!

Eliminate all possible answers, and the remaining answer, no matter how likely it is, is the only correct answer

he took his other hand out of his body, put the dagger on the soldier's neck, and said softly: \You are a soldier I can control you with one hand, and you don't want to be with you, no matter how old you are\ powerful\ you know me \dead, answer my question honestly do you understand the question? what is the price?

Liu mingyu's purchase of land and medicines was also made public

more importantly, Liu xing wanted to know who the fourth mysterious person was and who was really related to Gan Lipeng in Yangjiang city

do you think mr Liu is crazy?

So thank you again xiaojia for your contribution to the broadcast

Zhang Jianghe quickly explained: \mom, is the moon base really as safe as she thought?\ he understands the pany's development direction, and it is indeed unique \this image is just because they are afraid of affecting the residents of the empty streets hopefully this will create an atmosphere of prosperity and harmony for all If it weren't for those inexplicable plants that really slip under the radar, you wouldn't think we would be safe and steadfast indoors Is the land on the edge of truth? where is the work done?

wang weihua also showed off his camera taking pictures around the moon

\how can this be?\

You need to have at least some familiarity with virtual reality technology to answer this question

\You and I are on the same level, level four?

of course, with chris o'corrigan operating the plane, there would be no problems, and the cens' firm hands could handle it easily

but then huo huo slapped him in the face, \but I'm talking about the plagues I killed, and there were quite a lot of them\

\well, you can't say that this is called obeying everything As we all know, these big groups like to interfere in politics\ Limiting them benefits everyone

\Now I can kill you with one blow!\

Just like in creation, we bine them based on realworld creatures and our fantasies \wen Jiangang said with a smile, why on your lips?\

maybe the technical information we have now is not suitable for us

\I believe you all know the next battle heaven has sent hundreds of thousands of troops, generals, and many righteous gods the righteous gods don't need to do anything I will kill them with my own hands, but there are hundreds of them\ \thousands of troops and horses, the power of the heavenly generals is enough to cause chaos in our heavenly palace\ our henan xingxiu district is divided into seventytwo points, and other districts are under development don't believe it that heavenly court was extremely dangerous who is hiding behind the bars? Use your fighting power to prevent me and the top sect from falling

In principle, there is no big doubt

when bai Feng walked to dJ's car, he saw that dJ was also confused

but it also illustrates what Fithian really means

they just couldn't imagine how such a wonderful creature was born?

Zhang’s mother turned her eyes to Zhang’s father, “humph, it’s so simple, but it’s still the farthest place from the earth

Although Liu mingyu's current strength has not reached level eight, he is already at level seven \It's not easy for you either!\ Zhou Yami said as he took off his robe and bandaged his injured right arm

So in that environment, Jain Shakeen's absence didn't create any ripples

Zhang Jianghe did not answer immediately, but grabbed his mother's hands and lowered his head in shame

the military will always be a place to demonstrate the power of technology, even in the apocalypse

because the sky rotates very slowly but our fourth monster wakes up after a week in a a

but people are just chatting at home and will not be disturbed

when the Iron God passed through three invisible rays of awakening light, the tall man had already ignited the fire burning in his body his soul veins released the original energy in his body from the folds, and the original energy was ignited

Now, due to du Fei's departure, international relations have resumed two or three months ahead of schedule minister Yin raised his hand and changed the topic, \I don't think mr Zhang will miss such a good opportunity, right? At the same time, Shen Nian also took action, trying to aim his gun and attack the man

there is still a big difference in performance

So sometimes, although technical support is needed, it should be done in stages and not get involved too quickly

\It's a pity that they were deceived Are you crazy?\

\Go upstairs\

director Zhang, I'm sorry with your agency, taking over the carmichael mine is not a problem Is the Jaffingale Valley coal mine a bit conservative?

the two cars stopped at the intersection, and bai Feng remembered that the woman had already left here Gan Lipeng said calmly, indicating that he had no other ideas

\haha, it seems that meeting a creature on earth for the first time is not a historic event, but if he disappoints her now, will she decide?

Liu mingyu remembered that she spent a lot of money today


then Liu mingyu's reaction next to him seemed even more real

\Some people just want to think about these things It will take years or even decades for Sky to bee popular\

Zhang Jianghe was caught by wang weihua and almost vomited

Yu chaomu will never lose his weapon again, never be beaten back like a dog, never be beaten again and again

mond stood up and said:

“deyan, can we evacuate the city now?

Zheng Shiyi said: \You guys go back to Zheng Shiyi together, we are not waiting for you here yet\

\are you ready?\

No matter how you imitate or modify the original, death can ultimately be avoided

At that time, bai Likang was the editor of the official website of xingchen Group and wang weihua's \moon Visit\

he is a car enthusiast himself

No one knows about this

the sky itself does not fly to the sky

only 100,000 people attended

\bad boy, you didn't expect him to scream before the Star Group's adventure was released this was a mistake, you should have been your son

As soon as the chinese New Year began, Zhang hao eagerly asked about the pany's situation, \mr wang, how is your business?

watching the volleyball live broadcast, both Zhang Jianghe and Song huangguang felt horrified

Are the people on Earth really as important as they think?

\that's itthat's it, thank you!\

For example, if hair growth is used to transport humans or other organisms, hazards such as oxygen must be considered

Liu mingyu was neither scared nor afraid

this move opened his eyes It turned out that he could actually deceive oruto's number one hero!

captain Fang heard this and shook his head thoughtfully, \mr Zhang, just look at the price of horses here It's simply out of control there are too many rich people anyway\ I'm not afraid \

Shiaroo's curious nature attracted Shiaroo at this moment he hesitated for a moment, then stood up and quickly walked out of the hut then he followed xia Lu's breathing he thought; look at what this girl looks like why do you want to be!

Few people have any idea about this

Reconnection, along with the crystallization of energy and the release of matter, has brought human technology into a new moore era, and technology will reach a new peak every six months

claude took advantage of the waiting time and began to carefully observe his surroundings those things are not what they used to be

Zhang hao advised enthusiastically

the base of the Star mountain moon perfectly reflects the clear shape of the moon minister Yin added

chen mo recalled that in his 'previous life', although the game ultimately failed, almost half of the players in the world had not yet reached the level

the reason why I chose the sky is to show it to others more

Even on the road, he has seen birds the size of airplanes at depths tens of thousands of feet

because Liu mingyu used to play lottery and won the mother star spacecraft

Seeing this, mr Yin tried his best to fort him: \mr Zhang, don't make a decision in a hurry It's still early Just answer me before the boat es back E\ won't I kill you? \

You know, my father had nothing to do with teaching the realities of technology

how can I reverse this decision after a week?

by then, wang weihua will no longer be able to manufacture a large number of items that have not yet been returned

Needless to say, nearly everyone in attendance was impressed

If it were really someone else, xiao bingyi might not be so surprised why not just the host?

there are many diners in the store, of course because it is lunch, but more importantly because of people's confidence and hope for the future two years have passed, and people are still full of hope and the world is still full of vitality

Yu chaomo had a long, long dream In the dream, the weather was warm, the sun was shining brightly, and coriander grew on the mountains he fell in love with Shen Lan, weled her, and cared about her in every possible way

At the same time, words flowed directly from the floor

these are the most mon questions on the internet and I can answer them

Netizens also tried to convince him of the incident

I usually feel nervous until I see a waiter who isn't familiar with me of all the people I've resurrected, only a black man named holland could do that If the enemy breaks through, the first two groups of five will fire on the target, while the second two groups wait with guns drawn If the enemy crosses the line of fire of the first two groups and reaches the front, the latter two groups do the same shoot again

Gan Lipang pushed him out of the door, raised his momentum slightly, took a step forward, and said in a cold voice: \those things that you shouldn't be involved in, don't worry about it!\

If everyone can apply, can they rent public housing?

during the conversation, Liu mingyu learned about the origin of Feitian

bai Feng quickly shook Zhou Yu in the passenger seat, but no matter how bai Feng shook him, Zhou Yu showed no sign of waking up 】

\please bring it to me\

this means that even if we go and talk to the guardians of this planet, we will get no response

due to recent experiences, Feitian did not approach Liu mingyu Instead, he answered Liu mingyu's questions like an old friend however, in du Fei's view, ouyang xiu is still an ambitious, somewhat middleaged fairy tale girl

and munication with ground observers

the dutch black man's eyes suddenly lit up, his face was full of anger, he glared at Shuami, and demanded: \don't forget what you promised me

what is incredible is that this kind of theater was actually built by xingchen Group

Even if such a castle is built underground hurry up

Siying looked at bai Feng curiously and asked, \I'm a little curious why this smell didn't affect your a, but you're fine

xiaorou did take out two fried fish, one for herself and one for xiaoliang then he pushed the other two people towards Jin An and said, \we are all children\ we ate very little Give yourself permission to eat a lot !

this craft is likely of alien origin with support from Earth

when bai Feng heard this, he immediately asked: \then what can I do? After playing in Jiacheng, I will naturally go to Shanghai to play\

however, it is not

qin An nodded slightly, rubbed his eyes, and saw a small figure leading him out of the cell

with this thought in mind, the boat had already docked, and there were two sturdy young men standing on the boat they are beautiful and considered handsome men

Another technology tree presented in this aspect is the development path Zhang Jianghe chose during these two stages

Involuntarily, a tear slipped from the corner of tang mu's eyes and fell directly on the puppy

wang weihua paid careful attention, immediately pulled Yang mingrong to his side, and said to the audience: dear audience, thank you very much for your support in the live broadcast room at this time

\this number\

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jianghe and Feitian were actually live broadcasting however, when distributing the model, they deliberately concealed this fact to let people know that this cult worked for them

In this case, it's entirely possible that he was scared

the surprise in Gu haoyu's eyes disappeared, replaced by a touch of hostility

but it's hard to talk about what happened You must have asked xingchen Group to send me to be their spokesperson, right? For a moment, the thunder was violent and the crackling sound was continuous

Zhang’s mother is not worried about anything happening to her son

Facts have proved that the people of the mountain city are tenacious and the hot spring baths are still prosperous

At least newsroom engineers know this

Although it was built with the help of Earth's guardians, at least now it belongs to a group of stars

but where does it fit in?

As soon as Feitian said this, Lu Jingfu and wang weihua were stunned to save energy, more than half of the power supplies upstairs were turned off

we can't wait there any longer

After meeting with the hot tub and medical staff, a board meeting was held and the pany spent an afternoon and a half discussing the matter, ultimately deciding not to sell the hot dogs

xia Rou casually took another bite of fried fish and said, \try it!

the theoretical load limit of this structure can reach 10,000 tons, which is a very meaningful number

\okay baby?

\Is that you? A fire that burns so hot bees so hot If there is no power source, it will burn to ashes in an instant\

he acted as if all five of his senses were gone before you know it, this sword palace will be pleted \Sister qiuyue, is this bar open near our station? After all, the four of us are surrounded by an invisible and ridiculous killer waiting for an opportunity, and no one can resist it\ prevent attacks \

the number of employed people reached 1 million, and the final number of employed people reached 113 million

In fact, the results exceeded my and many people's expectations

while talking, a man approached the sect As a result of the cult's formation, the land beneath the station was pletely submerged Although the Starry Sky museum has no walls, they stood on the edge of the station and looked down It's like standing on a city wall

“this event was carefully organized by president Lee, whom I met by chance

by the way, I'm not a normal girl!

qin An shook his head, thinking that Lanhai city's foreign policy was really humane

he has to hide and shoot

he stood under a tall building and looked at the place where he had worked for several years

As for other personal issues, you need to go back and deal with them

Zhang hao was very thoughtful

\Is it here? Are you a little scared?\ Sen Lianxiao, who was sitting in the center of the square, immediately said: \At 8:30 ESt, the US military issued a statement Zombies began to develop rapidly And the wall the frontline the zombies are all gone, not even the first third

Although I want to go back to china to work, I also want to stay with my father

however, the base of the moon is very small du Fei was speechless Ilya has obviously put a lot of effort into microcontrol, and his control is sharp and precise, but Yaya has reached level four for the first time

the environment is very beautiful many large and small glass houses were built people look at the surrounding trees and flowers with joy, as if spring is ing

hearing Kane's words, xia Lang's eyes widened with anger and said to himself: \what a dishonest person\ \well, no one lives here yet, you can choose a ship you like and sail Go to your temporary home Liu ti said as he walked towards a small part of the ship where only a few people lived

\oh no!\

however, tang mo, whose hands were already stained with blood, did not feel any dirty feelings towards this dog that came from the same time and place

\Are you that advanced?\

Yu chaomu never wanted to endure such humiliation again he is Yu chaomu, so he can accept it, he can accept it!

this is mainly caused by personal factors such as hamsters

After saying these insulting words, chen Zhenshan slowly raised his hand, waved quietly, and answered the phone

mr Zhang Jianghe began to try to go to the moon station this is a terrible situation I fried fish for them, you can eat it!

hasn’t the sky stopped melting?

there is absolutely no need to go to Jiuquan Launch center

that's the problem outside the conference room, except for pei tianli, it was quiet and there was no one else

\don't worry, mr Zhang If you rent a few more offices and use them as employee lounges, I won't make you homeless\

the most difficult task facing Yu Jian is to municate with Yu Zhe and persuade him to fully support him

\how many?\

minister Yoon tried to do just that he lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and pointed at the ground

however, due to various reasons, Ning huihui temporarily hid the true face of the earth artifact

Same now

“of course I looked, but I didn’t see anything

At the very least, your parents should be warned my name is Zhang Jianghe, nice to meet you

If you really want to turn your landscaping into a living landscape, just reduce the glass cover

when you leave home, it can be difficult to convince your parents when you return home

\the coal mines in the Yavongel Valley are not a big problem As for the investigation, mr Yin has promised to help It's hard to say whether it can succeed Just do it\ Next term! All in all, it’s better than mainland china!

huo wuyu looked up at the sky, and said after two seconds: \one crisis level is okay, two this is an ordinary hunter group, without ability!

\what is the problem?\

the first one looked calm, like nothing happened but everyone agreed that the look calmed him they didn't have an empty seat on this trip, they just rode together Juzhe wanted to see with his own eyes the true face of the mountain city, especially the mental state of the people \hu Ye immediately asked Lu Jiajia After the snowstorm, people's anger subsided, and some went north to look for opportunities\ bai was immediately surprised You know, these two death plagues are scattered throughout the main disaster area well, even if there are not more than a dozen disasters, unless something unexpected happens, they must be ancient creatures!

Not sure what price I should pay? why are you not happy

hearing this, xiaorou smiled, then looked at Zhou Yi and said: \Lanhai city is very famous among the conference venues in Fuhai province It is said that the two mayors of Lanhai city are great benefactors Very good\ Also ” (German) Like the Virgin mary!

when will you be ready

\condolences wele them to the lunar station You are the lunar station, No 001\

Is it really possible? am i late

After Zhang Jianghe flew into the lunar orbit, all his thoughts were immersed in the exploration of the lunar orbit, forgetting that he had a very important mission however, fourthgeneration nuclear weapons will take longer to bee operational

xia Rou quickly took off her shoes and rolled up her trouser legs xiaoliang followed him Seeing this, qin An can do the same It should be on the second floor, right?

Kai baifeng learned that Zhou Yu and others would not wake up until they were in a a for a week I firmly believe that our starry sky is invincible at this time in this life!

Few participants stated that the role they received did not match the role they wanted

I'm afraid you'll see other products in the future that haven't been released yet

According to the original plan, as soon as the annual business meeting ended, he rushed back to Shenzhen to have New Year's Eve dinner with his family the meeting was pletely spontaneous

At this moment, everyone who knows the news is silently praying for Liu mingyu

there were few people at that time and there was no sense of tension

Since the birth of the interstellar group, Earth's technology has made great progress the previous checkpoint was attacked by zombies, and we managed to escape here! when he found out about my relationship with Zhou Yi, he wanted to kill me!

\then I'll take care of it for a while I'll go organize the workers I didn't expect that huaxia would be one step ahead It's really disgusting!\

Fang Nan was a little surprised, and after a long time he said, \xiao Liang?\

After half an hour of wandering, the group returned to the gate of the munity and were quickly admitted into the munity after registration and screening

You must know that energy crystals are not only needed for ordinary anticancer drugs, but also for other drugs that treat serious diseases

despite the rapid development of space technology in recent years, many people have not yet landed on the moon

In the afternoon, Lu Jiajia invited the two of them to the dojo, yes, to the dojo!

At first, Zhang Jianghe just thought that even if his father came up with such an answer, it was unlikely that he would still be talented in virtual reality technology after being a father but Zhang held back and explained to his father Zhang Jianghe Eyes, eyes looked at him in disbelief

Almost everyone thinks that wang weihua admitted the wrong person

From the other party's words, Zhang hao could understand the other party's int

entions, which could be said to be ambitious

Not cheap but not expensive, not cheap but not expensive, what do you think? today, technology is so advanced that publishing is not necessary Zhang hao suddenly said curiously

otherwise, Liu mingyu would have to spend time and energy trying after taking over dai pharmaceutical

A great city can be made from such a small population in any place After du Fei finished speaking, you turned to look at Lightning

Seeing the man following his car, bai Feng quickly ran towards the man

bai Feng stared at the person who suddenly appeared

but because I haven't been chosen to reach the edge of the moon

After that, Yu chaomu didn't eat again, and he didn't even touch his fork he walked over to the sink and got a glass of water while drinking, he put on the shining demon armor

Kane Ann observes the relationship between siblings hearing xiaorou's words, he asked with some confusion: \Aren't you a brother?

For a while, the three people chatted a lot in the room Liu xing decided to wait for chen Yingxi to recover, and the three of them went to the tV tower to see what kind of demon was hidden under the tV tower that could kill Gan Lipeng Kill him and get up and go!

wang weihua, who was next to Zhang Jianghe, couldn't help but shook his head when he saw Zhang Jianghe's actions

Father Zhang nodded and asked, \what do you mean?

\It's too extreme I can 100% guarantee that your pany's prehensive strength will be among the top three among all applicants\

\I see\

but he didn't realize that chen mo had already heard the voice of the black shadow 】

\I still don't understand\

because you are very strong and you are from the Starry Sky Sect

\of course this time, not only are our residents encouraged to sign up, but discounts are also provided to large families and foreignowned enterprises Yesterday, the ministry of Energy approved our tens of thousands of calls and\ German, German, German)

we haven't packed our bags yet

Although it is already dark in china, the sky in california is still sunny

party A sells all interests in the cold storage facility to party b, including but not limited to the leased land, all buildings and equipment, all inventory, etc

\oh shit!\

this month is also the most difficult month in real life Fortunately, no accidents occurred

the latter put his hands together and said angrily

\okay, okay, I won't go, it's really unpleasant

however, when he said this, he thought chong hanyu would not agree

\of course there are others, including the carmichael coal mine, but the petition is huge and the chances of success are slim Stop it!\

Similar to this announcement, xingchen Group Live also issued relevant announcements at the same time

ma hanliang couldn't control his anger and dragged ma Fengyan to buy tickets, but was stopped by Song Yiguo

he raised his hand to pick off the fruits, but the deformed tree immediately trembled bai Feng was unsteady and almost fell down Fortunately, his thoughts blocked his legs, otherwise he would have fallen

Liu mingyu briefly introduced the project and what he learned most about It wasn't until a few minutes later that qin An noticed the noise and gunfire ing from outside

there is not much time left, only 48 hours

Li bangrui immediately said: \Yes, we have the same idea we both need people and resources we are more reliable than outsiders, right? this is a good idea, what\ who brought you here?

coupled with the feat in the forest realm, it means that Liu mingyu cannot rule the world in this way I never thought you could make this little circle last all night without giving up!

xiao ma smiled when he heard Liu mingyu agreed to cooperate

the ancient power seemed to be alive, like a spiritual snake, freely exploring bai's body the body rots If this power really finds bai's body, it will destroy his body instantly!

Zhang hao nodded and smoked a cigarette

Liu xiaowei touched his face and cursed with a smile: \brother, you have already fixed my face

No other contracts will be signed during this period

who doesn’t know that your heavenly Emperor was distracted and killed?

please give the government an explanation


Since the alliance with the Star Group, the territorial power of the Forest Kingdom has increased significantly As the ruler of the country, the emperor tried his best to understand chinese culture

xiaojia cannot return to the conference room

If we don't get the team out of this situation soon, the entire team will probably be buried here Li bangrui snorted coldly

Liu mingyu smiled, put his finger on Liu xiaowei's face, and said with a smile: \why do you think your brother is so impatient?

Later, with a fanatical attitude, he lobbied for the destruction of the xuannv era, and almost ended the xuannv era in order to obtain sufficient resources

In addition, in order to meet Lan Nanming's needs, a fourth zombie will be created

It's all money but I didn't show it on my face Instead, I said loudly: \It's a pity, you put those people on the list to go back to study, where is Yu chaomu\ the aura is too dark? but not? Surprisingly, Freemasonry's experiments in previous lives were not successful, at least in terms of destroying humanity

If someone stays at home for a month or two without going out

Life in the narrow sense usually consists of one or more cells cells are posed of organic matter and water they constantly exchange matter and energy they have the ability to continuously receive matter and energy from the outside world, as well as the power to destroy and destroy radiation Semiopen material that removes excess heat from the body, responds to stimulation, and can regenerate or regenerate


Yue chaomu wanted to say no, but there were many more to chong hanyu A bright world is waiting for Zhong hanyu, and he doesn't need to see it

walk, we must walk, give you truth, give you freedom

tang mo immediately understood what happened, rubbed his eyes and his head with his hands

Apparently it was just nerves and the two signed a contract

during the battle, Lu bu also showed various skills to Liu mingyu

transplanted trees are unconscious and can only detect prey through vibrations in their roots

Gan Lipeng readily agreed After thanking wang Jiale, he returned to the hotel and waited for wang Jiale's research results for a day, so that he could bee a powerful transformer and no longer be afraid of Liu xing's eyes

\are you sure?\

he thought that with so much energy in his body, Zhong hanyu was already sleeping next to him!

In the new world, many of the monsters imprisoned by the wave Star turned out to be level eight or even level nine monsters

bai wanted to fight against the hunter group with all his strength, but huo didn't have much strength he walked towards the middle gate without thinking!

being able to read various books and gain a certain understanding in a short period of time is due to his intelligence developed through genetic engineering \when can I go abroad?\

\you are very brave!

It must be a carbon organism No matter how weak his genes were, he would never reach such great heights

the small shopping center hadn't been used since its last renovation, but it was still packed

\this place is too small Let me take you somewhere else\

\brother Yu, is that you?\

how dare I agree to e?

why did he suddenly bee so powerful?

the main dungeon is the tower of babel, with 100 floors

one by one the others walked towards the green

perfection means everything

Yu chaomo continued walking in the darkness with two pigsized mutant rats, followed by chong hanyu Zuyami stood up and answered

Liu mingyu didn't take it seriously did he take the wrong medicine?

pieces of red crystals were painted on the ground, and tang mo was extremely happy

how can you fight pandora without your powers?

daily change will no longer be just a term

Just three words

Fittian also promptly told head coach Sam Strait, \Let's all go to the goal post, you've got to take those guys and calm down\

After the system was strengthened and updated, daily work became stable work, and problematic projects also changed

In addition, your pany will continue to work with land conservation experts

At this critical moment, when sparks hit the clothes on Shangguan Yudie's back, huo Ye threw Shangguan Yudie to the ground and looked at the two of them they fell to the ground at the same time, giving a loud signal It's actually a good name

As xia Lu lay on the deck, he noticed Jin An looking at his hands he soon noticed that qin An was hesitant and said: \my system is very special when injured by a gunshot, the muscles slowly relaxthe bullet is shot out of the skin, and the wound heals slowly!

Is Lu bu really lying? Lu bu really only needs one move to defeat a ferocious beast with such power do you like the food you eat? I can't afford to import 5,000 people Uncle chi, you are my cousin and my grandfather approved your move to Africa I can't ignore your question then he swung his sword and cut off the vines under his feet

In addition to the simulation time limit, the number of simulations is also limited

by the end of the tang dynasty, he could simply place all the crimson crystal parts and all the crystal center parts on the open road, and then stack them up

Although this number has increased several times


Isn’t that what people die for?

but when he remembered what happened in his dream, he suddenly realized that two years had passed since he unconsciously experienced the apocalypse

Gu haoyu scratched his head and asked doubtfully

\Sister mucheng, are you sure there are really zombies here?\

but by this time, he was deep into the woodworking and almost done

\mr wang, your pany's performance seems to be very stable, why are banks rushing to lend?

Looking at the red color, tang mo immediately felt like he was getting blood and was very motivated

Liu Zhuoli could only stay outside the prison for one minute before the prison was emptied and he was automatically kicked out

the few ferocious beasts Liu mingyu summoned were too few for me

Liu mingyu sighed softly and said: \old man, I think Lao Lu has a lot to say about your pany on this matter

with high power, one stab can kill a level 5 zombie

After xia Rou finished speaking, she gave a thumbs up

the black zombie looked angry, and the murderous intent in his eyes seemed to be shrinking

don't be stuck here, let your boss help you choose

there are also many tree roots growing in the ground bai Feng knew that these roots could be used to spin trees Zhang hao couldn't help but ask

\don't stay here!\

with Sibu mountain's current strength, he could definitely see the signs of hanhu Lubu leaving

Liu mingyu nodded and said, \well, you go, please be safe\ If anything happens, call me or your sister \

the original zombies had no intelligence and were just zombies

many businesses in the Forest State also do not have smaller joint ventures with Star Group

Liu mingyu took Liu xiaowei's mobile phone, checked his Id card, and then used his mobile phone to send a message to Feiyun, asking Feiyun to relax restrictions on Liu xiaowei's use of Id cards, except for permanent cards

For another example, level 8 has now been upgraded to level 1, and there are some subtle changes

this does not mean that fighting is about defeating your opponent ,

\does this remind me to be careful? For a moment, the two disasters themselves seemed fictional hugh kept the kitchen utensils and saw them as food \they could have killed them \

Liu mingyu is still thinking about using small items to light up the technology tree and increase his personal power

the application is invalid, but the grant is accepted, so that's my question the girl is out too!

Liu mingyu dodged King Godzilla's weapon attack again and stepped aside

If managed properly, it will definitely bee a major player in future technologies

You can't have seven lottery tickets in a month

however, if an ordinary person were to learn Fithian's technical information, he would not be able to learn it even if it took ten or eight years

For example, you can drive there in Europe

Ran xiaoyun felt that the socalled alien battlefield was unlikely to be like the newly discovered world

Liu mingyu laughed and said: \of course, this is a good idea for you

\what kind of monster moment is this?\

Liu mingyu pulled huang Yu, and the two met without hesitation can't miss it again!

As for what happened in Neon Land, everyone thought it was just a joke )

xu Yami looked at du Fei in surprise this was not the first time he had seen du Fei create such a metal behemoth, but he had always thought that beasts like him were just models shaped by the Force It was made of iron, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he realized that this ironsounding monster was not just a metal model what are these spirits?

Now it is very corrupt those who shouldn't dare will not dare without his permission

Liu mingyu's two modified factories produce zombies almost constantly

this surprised Zhang Jianghe bai Feng had to work hard to cut down the swaying vines

however, this assumption is incorrect hey, this really pissed him off!

below, as a person closely related to the Jade Emperor, prince Li Jing stood up to defend him because of the Jade Emperor's face: \the ranks of tianxing cannot be underestimated You know, they have the first place in exporting\ this time he was pletely victorious Yes, the reason why we can win is because the punishment of Starry Sky is so powerful the Starry Sky Sect singlehandedly took over the entire expansion pack, and chen mu, the leader of the Starry Sky Religion, was killed alone market forces

Li bangrui smiled and raised his hand

points have doubled than before, and other rewards have also been greatly increased many items have been added to the bounty pool, including zombie bounties, tech, gear, and other related rewards

when he finally got the list, the King of the Forest didn't take it seriously because he thought there were too many

\thank you for saving me\ xia Rou's breathing changed from rapid to steady, and her voice was weak

Some people are sad here

After listening to xiaorou's silly words, qin An didn't have any emotions and his heart was pletely calm If you can, you can film our work with Earth champions or even live stream it

Unlike the list provided by Fithian, the list approved by the king is based on Fithian's data

\Goutuo, what do you mean?\

\could this be a deliberate act?\

more importantly, the Star Group fully agrees with the strategy proposed by the Earth Guardian

the king of the jungle laughed and laughed

60 million sounds like a big number

despite this, xiao tongxin also found himself well taken care of by the locals

there's no point in keeping it

technology tree reorganization

“It wasn’t a big leap, I just started a coal pany with a few partners to test the waters

Lao Lu is like a brother in the dao Alima team, he is the soul of the pany what should we do?

huang Yu asked in surprise Recently, he has been working hard to read various books and learn about artificial intelligence

Since there are several, the ruler can arrange them all by himself, but he can also arrange them at will

Liu mingyu took a step back and said steadily: \mom, master, I wonder what kind of cooperation you want to discuss? Gan Lipeng\ \tell wang Jiale how Liu Yue gained her strength In the end, wang Jiale emphasized that he was very happy he doesn’t think humans can control nature”

mr Liu, can you introduce the cooperation between Star Group and Earth defenders?

the howling of mutated dogs echoed everywhere underground this was a tragic massacre they cried All those who were too young and too old were killed by Yu chaomo's sword what was left of respect was cruelly destroyed by his methods he crossed his legs and practiced the \doll flip\ over and over again

the survivors asked Gan Lipeng to change rooms many times, but Gan Lipeng still insisted on staying in this room and waited for danping to call again


mr wang still firmly believes in it \After the explosion, there was smoke and thunder!\

otherwise, they are the Knights of the Apocalypse

the resulting coolness and humidity are unmatched by normal weather

Zeng danping, who became the second female inspector, quickly showed an astonishing growth rate In just one week, he was suddenly the third inspector, and a week later the third inspector the fourth stage (development stage)

Looking at so many crystal gems, tang mo couldn't help but feel like a novice

we no longer care about the remaining countries to do the job

but this time, there was a sound ing from the forest

the total number of pigeons on this island does not exceed 20, which is still 1\/5 of the total number in the apocalyptic world

Rather than randomly assigning roles to us, the manager actually reads our reports and assigns the most appropriate roles

In infrastructure construction, coal and iron are the main industrial raw materials and both are very important

Improve your zombies' skill level Receipt?

our oil industry has shrunk dramatically due to the nuclear fusion controlled by the Star corporation

Lu Jiajia resolutely agreed, so when he had this strange experience, he quickly explained his feelings to hu Yi

And is the snow on the sea so beautiful? In addition to recruiting according to the recruitment list given by phetianus, the king also prepared another recruitment list \wang Jiale looked at the sleeping Zeng danping and said a lot

\haha, I hope you can e back to life!\

Shao chunqi also knows whether updating the system store is bad or good for him

the number is small

After laughing for a while, xiao ma asked loudly: \mr Liu, do I want to cooperate with your pany in the field of artificial intelligence?

If you really want to learn, it will only affect you and may not even affect your business's overall bottom line

\mr wang, forget it In fact, the foreign debt I bought in my mind last year is still US$560 billion If we add another US$100 billion\

gentlemen wang interrupted at this time: \manager Zhang, even if you add my 100 billion, it is only 150 billion, which is about onethird of your net worth this is the amount of debt\ It is very healthy everything \(German) I'm confused\

the king didn't hesitate If he joins the Earth Guardian, does it have nothing to do with the Star cluster?

In fact, Liu mingyu was not surprised at all when he saw the name of this building

Liu mingyu did not point out any problems in the apocalypse, but pointed to the system interface

Judging from the research that has been carried out in the field of artificial intelligence, it can be said that the most prestigious institutions in the world have conducted relevant research

bai Feng saw that wherever he went, within two hundred meters of the greenhouse, there were trees growing there

obviously, the bike isn't lightweight either wang Jiale said that he asked Gan Lipeng to bring some first and second players for inspection

Introducing technology is as easy as college students learning grade school science

whether we e from Earth to Earth Guardian, or leave Earth and return to Earth in the future, these are the things we retain

\do you think Jungle Kingdom should share the information they have? If we all get back together, will we definitely e back?\

I just don't know how effective it would be

Liu mingyu only occasionally needs to recruit new employees

the appearance of the building is very different, if not different, from the rest of the city

As will be announced later, Jungle State will receive some technical clarification from Earth defenders

Zeng danping used Gan Lipeng's butcher knife to chop off the head of a level 4 zombie in the hotel, but the zombie was not killed he quickly moved the battlefield outside the hotel

\what happened?

It can have a similar effect

Zombies in the sea are a little different from zombies on land

No matter how strong your level two Liu xing is, you can't defeat level four Zeng danping, right?

however, when the three turned back, it was obvious that they had crossed the line, but that was another story!

the God in heaven must have listened to his words, but not everyone did

huo huo looked at Lu Jiajia and asked in surprise: Jiajia?

I want to be in the top ten, but it's so hard when a person crosses this realm, he crosses the realm of another realm and sublimates to another realm

huo suddenly realized: \health system, space system area!

2% of the total population

You know, pared with Liu mingyu, the intelligent robot flying beside him is a very wonderful existence I was watching douyin yesterday, and it seems that it caught your attention

\there's no need to be rude Australia has some great coal mines besides carmichael Even though investing in steel is difficult, it's all the same there's a lot of demand for steel\

have you ever seen Earth Guardian launch meteors?

If this doesn't include your family, don't worry

You cannot vote against your will

After breakfast, the group thanked wang and went straight to Governor Li to introduce him to him they then chased him for two consecutive days and began to make final preparations for participating in the auction


\All members of the Fithian Group are said to be selected from the arts provided by Fithian however, pared to ordinary people, people with high skill scores learn much faster\)

they say bosses are good at judging people I don’t know what my boss thinks I should do better?

At least I haven't found any useful information below level 4

he literally disappears into thin air, almost disappearing, not even wearing clothes

the staff around me encouraged me

the data speculate that due to the stability of the triple helix structure, if this energy information is actually the genetic information of a certain species, then the species will have more stable genetic information, meaning a higher mutation rate the lower rate of evolution makes it faster than humans tens of millions of times faster

In addition to you as the responsible technician, our pany will also send some technicians and contractors to acpany you

Yu xianghui is Yu Zhe's grandfather and the eldest member of the Yu family he is now ninetytwo years old

the feeling of surviving the disaster still makes huo Ye a little scared, but his plan has been successful! 3 the birth of the soul: Lu bu jumps into the air with the Fangtian painted Fish in his hand, lands at a certain place, and then goes to the killing point to start killing Lu bu turned Fang tian's painted fish over before landing he does his best to deal damage to enemies around him

Zhang hao shook hands with everyone one by one and asked angrily: \why didn't you tell me earlier?

After Gan Lipeng and wu weixiang calmed down and returned to the hotel, Zeng danping finally appeared in front of Gan Lipeng and left the hotel without waiting for Gan Lipeng's answer

of the 25 million infected, only a handful still live in poor firstclass living conditions Few people have a good quality of life, and even fewer have no doubt that their reading skills are declining Your personal life may also change

And most importantly, we have no chance to learn the art of fez? In the tongxin Forum, we are all members of our own group, so if you want to win, you should visit us, right?

\has a problem!\

do we have a chance?

So tang mo decided to go upstairs and start working Starting from scratch, every detail must be assembled perfectly how did you choose the location?

can't I cancel my membership by pleting the \opt out\ form?

the hao family is now very powerful, with a population of more than 100,000, and several apocalyptic heroes Six of them are under the control of the hao family they were both lucky enough to get rings two of them the port inherited it this is the ship's first port of call

Nothing can harm him this is the property that Zhong hanyu wants to spend all his money on Nothing can harm him

hearing this, Li bangrui calmed down and said, \don't worry too much war won't break out so easily we still have plenty of time\

Sadness then the Fiti took some people from each of your nations

Yu chaomu felt nothing in his heart he stood up, took a shower and left the RV the wind blew, the horse behind him lifted up, and the armor on his body became cold

twenty million of them are from the Feitian Kung Fu list piled by Liu mingyu, and the other five million are from our family

when I saw the first list in the backend, my head hurt do I know what to do?

In addition to \tower of babel,\ a new documentary titled \Alien battlegrounds\ has been added with the help of his spiritual thoughts, he jumped onto the sidewalk of the building and looked around don't push me, my little shoulders can't handle it

this is the benefit of a good foundation

\about what?

Although the king was confused, there was no doubt in his mind

Yu Jian took a deep breath Zhang hao took the opportunity to ask

Learning a pletely new technology takes a lot of time

Such disrespect is truly intolerable

but the actual procedure is exactly the same there is a group of people in front of you

this is the conclusion Liu mingyu came to after watching wu Ning's battle

Fengtian tower has entered winter, and we can only wait calmly for the cold weather to e down and observe

qin Fan obviously liked this kind of joke he stretched out his whole neck and started talking to the great leader, making tang mo look at him and smile Is there an icon that grays out the official website? this actually appears to be a government announcement

Li bangrui said bluntly

before thinking of han hu, the king of the forest kingdom did not expel the members of the Royal cave, but asked us to help the members of Fesian cave and our members of Fessian cape to help them obtain the technical information they need mr wang picked up a pack of cigarettes without hesitation of course, little is known about these secret tests of Freemasonry, with one exception the test of the weight of the human soul

Liu xiaowei smiled and stretched out his hand and said: \Sister, you can go about your own business don't worry about the two of us my brother and I were joking we made eye contact\ travel plan where \we now? Right mutants?\

\So, mr wang, do you have anything to offer?

\what happened?

\president, happy New Year!\

brother Liu qiaoli is currently in the fourth level of the National Youth League and can only play 30 minutes, but if he needs help, 30 minutes will definitely not be enough

the man's hair fell, and he was startled by the sudden flash of lightning and thunder in his chest, and then the thunder and lightning collided, forming the top of the windmill he bled them to death with violent thunder and lightning

\mr Zhang, this is the financial report of Zhengwei Group last year please take a look at it first\

with 80 skills, being an assistant is a breeze

but they are not smart pared to the people we are looking for the bad news was that it looked like there would be a southwesterly wind, but the good news was that they couldn't make the trip because the sea breeze was too strong!

Yes! charlotte said

Leaders are slowly considering which groups will be left behind

Zhang Jianghe's answer did not exceed pi Kunxiang's expectations

this time, the Forest King Emperor held a very grand ceremony and weled Liu mingyu and Feitian with the strictest etiquette

\I exchanged 90% of the shares of Zhengwei Group for 25% of the shares of harting Group what do you think?\

then I had to kill Shah Glob

It traveled a long way and killed many dogs that climbed on it

All of them are level five zombies, and they are the main bat force of the team this really disrupts the team
