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66读书 > 系统启动,黑科技启航 > 第1章 后记4218.02.10

第1章 后记4218.02.10

66读书 www.66dushu.com,最快更新系统启动,黑科技启航!





这样的夜晚对于唐陌来说毫无意义,而红眼兽对于他来说也毫无意义。 “秦陵在外面笑,却不知道他把这件宝物杀在了嘴里。”





- 老师,你做得很好。


- pi,你偷钱了吗?







张家辉将手中的礼物送给了吴海霞的妹妹,然后坐在老人身边,在回家的路上聊天。 “那是白羊座吗?”




超大口径反坦克炮、反坦克炮、榴弹炮、高能激光、能量炮、粒子束能量炮的组合,各种震耳欲聋的枪声,还有红了半边天的烟花,场面蔚为壮观。 。完毕。







Investigate the problem.

the reporter who was named stood up from his chair excitedly. \.\

“If you want to know how other people are doing, can’t you look it up online?

Emergency missions were sent to multiple locations across the country half an hour ago.

there were only two pig-sized fish Asagi mutant rats left.

Although he accepted 90%, he did not dare to confirm the remaining 10% and hoped to get confirmation from Liu mingyu.

hu die had guessed himself and shook his head. Shangquan asked wu die: \In which direction are we flying?\

wu Shaowu put his hands behind his back and turned to look at the row of children standing side by side behind him. his face was cold and he looked at each child according to their height.

Liu mingyu accepted wang weihua's invitation, but he had not yet bee a project supervisor.

obviously miners suffer from the top down and operators suffer from the bottom up, which is not easy for anyone or anything.

his situation in the desert kingdom soon attracted widespread attention. \.\

In addition to the list provided by desert Empire King Feitian to prove that his country was unable to master these technical documents, he also sent a team to conduct a first-level investigation. Yu Jian and others were in a hurry, and they could not hide the problem from others.

this price\/performance ratio is actually very low.

Feitian smiled and said: \what's the point of the seventh song? If you want to e, just join.\

King Zira smiled from ear to ear at a series of organized memorative events.

but we have no way of identifying talented people, many people know they are good first. why can't I go back? \.\


\don't hesitate!

At that point I had time to eat something to regain my strength, as there was still more than half of the tunnel to dig.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

\mr. bach?\

It seems that we can only focus on the remaining level four zombies.

In addition to minimally raising roofs, the number of houses has also increased.

xiaojia gradually realized that the people he thought had not been removed from the stakes and attended the funeral now appeared in the video. ing!

once there, more telemunications stations opened and the number of people boarding the train gradually dwindled.

wang weihua asked with a puzzled look on his face: \boss, is he taking Feitian to the earth?

of course, he is not afraid of death. !

but looking through the observation windows, most people don't realize they're not actually leaving Earth. did you get the land?

\the system has been mounted successfully, why are you still looking here?\

what impressed me most about mr. wang is that you have many mines overseas, which pletely broke the western countries’ monopoly on copper resources.

Space distortion appeared again, and the scene in front of huo die and others suddenly changed!

when he was at his peak, everything he did was for the empire, but which of the six princes was not for the empire.

what if a person is too physically strong and has the strength to fight because he is afraid of death?

the two of them lay on the bottom of the boat, looking up at the blue sky above their heads.

our only concern now is not to contact the Earth Guardians.

he doesn't care about anything, he doesn't care about hurting himself, he doesn't care about hurting others, he has lost his dignity and pride, and he wants to get it back! \.\

mr. wang said through gritted teeth. \.\

\can I ask the specific reason? After admission, you must pay one-third of the capital certificate as the admission fee.\

In fact, what wang Jiale said was actually heard by Zeng danping, who was sleeping. he did not expect that wang Jiale did not carry the zombie virus on the fourth floor and would sleep with it and change back to his original shape.

Gan Lipeng was happy to wele Zeng danping, but was stopped by Zeng danping. After thinking for a long time, Zeng danping decided to tell Gan Lipeng about wang Jiale's existence, but he sent him back without telling Gan Lipeng, knowing that he was transgender. She entered the laboratory and told wang Jiale that this was her new husband, angering wang Jiale.

hu die immediately stood up and quickly picked up Shangquan wu die

Ask: \what's wrong?

\Sir. mr. president, how could you reach over here?

the system layer reaches the first layer. asked a curious man.

Liu minyu's guess cannot have a decisive impact.

As a last resort, the king of the desert kingdom asked his son, prince merkel, to e to us as a representative.

Yes, sorry.

during the day, we will broadcast live in some restricted areas. As long as these areas are covered, there will be no big problem.

A minor injury, not minor at all.

the reason why Zeng Liyi became the anchor queen of xingchen Group is because I had a bad premonition about my relationship with xingchen Group. only one of the two ships was safe to sail. I don't think they are short of money either. the presbyterian church is sending a new team to oversee the canton project. \.\

with a question mark drawn on his head, thuong quan wu diep asked: \what are you doing?\

After the black Sesame Zombie finished speaking, he led a group of people to the river not far from the forest.

the three are not on the same level. \.\

he die drained the blood from his body, shook his head and said, \wrong!\

Faced with deadly threats, every reporter bees more disciplined. his magic is so powerful that I feel a little overwhelmed!

If it is too small, it will be poorly managed and more petitors will inevitably appear.

As soon as the four people appeared, Liu minyu immediately increased her strength and directly broke through the eighth level of chaos.

but although that tree used spiritual power to attract victims, I didn't notice the spiritual power ing here.


Even the black mole zombies in the zombie group felt something strange. Apparently, the number of zombies behind them was gradually decreasing! Now that he's covered bach's territory, he'll be working directly with bach!

“there are no treasure chests in this cave, except for a large mirror in the middle that can be seen from below.

Although the side effects of drugs have not disappeared through evolution, and new models have emerged to reduce side effects and extend lifespan, the cost is very high and only original members can afford it. Vaccine conditions.

After multiple confirmations, the next number was well below two thousand.

Now facing two dangers, hodip and others fell into the bai area.

this crystal mine is just a tunnel, and it is unfair to use this illusion to protect the crystal mine.

Feitian seemed to notice Liu mingyu's distress and asked, \what's wrong?

If it were other countries, I am afraid they would have been in a very difficult situation. it hurts!

only large numbers of people retreated and resisted. \.\


he became the central Jade Emperor, one of the Six Emperors of the mythical Age, but few people in the sky listened to him because he was not very powerful at the time.

It's useless to say anything now.

No matter what, the battle won't be so stagnant, huo die is still better than mion's level, because Eddie has gathered super strength in his efforts!

No one in his life could trust her, mentally or otherwise, so he could only trust her. \.\

After speaking, the emperor looked at the middle-aged and elderly people around him.

two eyes measure distance. when two eyes look at an object at an angle, the distance of the object can be measured.

outside of the zombie training tower, you can't simulate a zombie or zerg siege as much as you want, which will make the zombies tired of fighting.

officials don't have to worry, they don't care if there are changes in shareholders, as long as they deliver the promised money.

during the years of development, the zombies produced by the zombie chemical plant gave Liu mingyu a lot of help.

Looking at the bright lights of the airport from a distance, Yu Jian and his group couldn't help but sigh. but I was confused when I arrived because most trucks and scooters passed here, and there were also quite a few cars. the trucks were too thin. surname. It's obvious from the airport.

points are enough for Luu min Ngoc.

Even before the announcement, we were deliberately allowed to delay our arrival. \wang Jie'er patted his chest and calmed himself down through the inter.\

I also realized that their research was not that different from the technology we have today. \.\

In fact, they all use it sustainably, as other countries outside the desert also mainly export oil, such as the desert.

As soon as Lu minyu came out, she heard a loud noise above her head. they dig holes there. Almost all countries use different methods to get their citizens to access voting sites.

the two chatted for more than half an hour before the New Year's Eve dinner officially ended.

they sound happy with each other, even though they can't keep their treasures under the mirror.

the rest of the store is filled with curiosities from a variety of sources, including items acquired by noble families before the end of the tang dynasty, trinkets purchased at auction, and various surprises I discovered along the way.

tu Anh ignored bach Fong's bright eyes and just said: \Are you going to the city to pick fruits? Let me tell you first, our four-level transformer shows the tree for only two seconds. You can't beat it from a hundred meters away .” is worth thinking about. \

pre-login to the system. If you log in all the time on the same day, you will be lucky. If you are all logged in, you will be lucky. If you are all logged in, you will be lucky. Rent If you participate for 15 days you will receive one draw, if you attend for 1 month you will receive one draw.

12. hunting ritual!

how could the ruler of the desert kingdom be depressed in this situation?

once as my subject and once as my subject. \.\

we must also prioritize learning to mobilize the necessary energy. only by mastering basic knowledge can we master advanced technology. Liu minyu replied.

It didn't take long for han hu to notice the change.

In addition to the King of the desert, there were also prince merkel and several princesses from the desert Kingdom present at the banquet... Is this Feitian's body? are you serious?

currently, even if Liu mingyu upgrades the system, he can at least upgrade the system and create level nine zombies. At first, he thought he could create a level 10 zombie. huge

the miners had no idea how they were trained. Faced with a similar situation, he walked towards the mirror without hesitation.

As he pressed one foot against the glass, he disappeared.

As he learned more about technology, he realized why not do it himself instead of partnering with other panies.

whether he will survive is unknown.

that's Grannan's voice. \.\

Although huang Yu stopped giving Liu xiaoyi any more money, he was still worried and finally told him to e and see if anything happened. In hindsight, the oute was not easy.

It is about our learning experiences and learning outes.

Zhang hao suddenly realized that he was actually an old fox who had been in the business world for many years and had a good business vision.

Now it's up to them what they agree to do together.

Liu mingyu smiled softly and said: \Sir.\ mr. Zhang, don't worry, because you know that I have the ability to understand others, so you must also have first-hand understanding of other people in the pany.

before Yu Jian could say anything, Lu Lixi got up and hit the windshield. \.\

tan An opened his mouth wide, but in the end he didn't say anything to deny it, because he found that what xiaoru said was right! \.\

\change.\ he didn't even answer.

the mall system has changed. mr. Vuong shook his head and then changed the subject: \however, I am currently short of cash and banks are unwilling to lend, so the only option after careful consideration is to sell the pany.\

but we can do something.

Furthermore, not all countries have the same production capabilities.

the bald man gathered his last strength, turned around and ran to catch up with the wave of rebirth.

\who knows what causes this?\

with virtual reality technology, I can learn some things based on what I learned in my spare time, and also understand some technologies.


they all work with the Earth Guardians, but don't want Feitian to be upset by leaking information to the Neon Kingdom, and Feitian mistakenly thinks they are the same person

Although many staff members spent a long time training us, as long as we work together, there will be no problem.

Finally, xiang Zixin reported that the system upgrade was pleted.

he gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and kicked himself with all his strength.

, he pierced hoc diep's chest with a spear and threw hoc da horizontally.

\of course not. It's up to him whether to stay in the lunar footprint or return to Earth.

du Jinhong has always been in charge of the affairs of the pearl River delta, but he often goes to a new settlement and goes on a business trip every half month. he basically knew about Song Yiguo's situation, but he never had time to intervene.

It may not seem like much, and no matter how big the discount is, it's still free.

Instead of signing on immediately before an agreement was reached, officials from the countries involved asked our advisers to scrutinize “deficiencies.”

If you have nothing else to do, you can go back first.

return. \

\wrong, you understand, sir.

Give him eight months probation.

while walking slowly, tan An suddenly saw big white flowers falling from the sky.

Gradually, we found our way.

For those below Level 4? \.\

\I'm not afraid.

Just like surfing the Internet.

In addition to being in the dead zone of a training cycle, you must also be given some points to exit a training round. \.\

Even Zai xia looked surprised and seemed unaware that some changes had taken place in the city.

Fortunately, there were only a few pictures left, and duffy began to look at them as carefully as if he were a picture of so-and-so.

he gently raised his hand, turned over, and lay beside du xiaomo, looking sideways at her sleeping face. Now he sleeps more peacefully, performs better, and no longer tortures himself.

Yu Shaomu was originally as stubborn as stone and had a heart of stone. Seeing Zhong hanyu like this, he wanted to drive him out many times, but he gritted his teeth and said that he could do whatever he wanted! \Gan Lipeng remembers that when Jin tao was nervous, he pissed him off.\

\don't you agree to invite me?\

From now on, Shao chunqi will no longer be able to use points to buy small quantities of medicines in the system mall, because before the system is upgraded, there is no unlimited supply of medicines.

bachfang used his spiritual thoughts to look back at the top of the tree. Seeing that the mutated fruit had disappeared, he decided to leave.

So some people who saw the news thought that the official website had been whitewashed.

Now wang Jiale is considered Zeng danping's new girlfriend, which really impressed Zeng danping.

Yu Zhe discovered that Song Yiguo and the others didn’t need to worry at all, because their rat smell would pletely destroy Yangluo market. \.\

can we go back?

he is not the legendary Lu bo, but the number one mander in chief during the Eight dynasties era. Standing outside, you can feel the cold.

After plete integration, Liu mingyu secretly learned the relevant technical details.

he alone has no particular ideas.

prince merkel said he would because the xinjiang Group did not save prince merkel's life and he was not as sterile as the xinjiang Group. with the help of the Earth Guardians, our nation can slowly change and regenerate.

bach Fang stood more than three hundred yards away from the giant tree.

Liu minyu smiled faintly: \okay! who do you think you are?

only ten miners followed him at first.

there are only seven directions, including underground and above ground.

Now wang weihe deliberately delayed it for half an hour.

there's no point in staying. I never thought you were a genius before. \.\

what are the main technologies?

In fact, it is both a big ship and a small ship.

I'm just very self-explanatory and never thought I'd get the chance to ask the first question.

of course, not all heavenly Emperors are afraid. Surrounding the heavenly Emperor, the old men and middle-aged men in strange attire also behaved equally well.

the King of Silla can use Liu Yurika, his seventh brother, so there is probably no danger.

In fact, when Gan Lipeng followed Zeng danping to the laboratory for the first time, wang Jiale had murderous intentions towards Gan Lipeng. In the end, all the experimental materials delivered to the door were second-order mutants.

In this case, the agreement should be signed slowly.

only people really think that way. You immediately called your men and rushed to the airport quietly.

Shuguang pany is indeed a big hole, but the person who fills this hole mainly depends on the federal government. there is no harm in whether the project is successful or not.

If everyone who joined the check-in system, including the minimum-wage doorman, saved enough money, the check-in savings would be enough to buy a ticket to a chase terminal with fewer cabins.

the desert state has been transformed in less than a week.

Liu mingyu's development in all aspects can be achieved faster through the technology tree.

when they were within fifty yards of the tree mentioned, the surroundings were so covered with roots that there was no place to stand.

Zhang hao smiled to himself.

hoc diep believes that the silk thread divides the entire garden into areas using these invisible lines underground as boundaries.

he will send you our contact information and you will contact us directly.

Zeng Liyi still doesn’t know his situation.

before Fan hongqin could take a sip of tea, he said to the king: \You have nothing to discuss with him. I hope he will respond as soon as possible.

In Yangluo xinyili district, about 5,000 people have registered to immigrate to Africa, more than double the number Yu Jian told Yu Zhe last time. the five-layer crystal stone is also very important to bai Feng.

Eddie had taught him to understand wind, electricity, fire and ice as objects in the seven modes in which physics should be studied, divine light should feel the positive emotions of the positive solar polarity, and darkness should be the strong emotions and dangers !

No matter how we respond, we must seize the opportunity.

Feitian also didn't expect that they would end up alone on the ship.

3. class d mining vehicles.

I wonder if this is history? \It's quite strange. At first you thought there would be such an investigation in your country, but you didn't expect that almost every country in the world would have such a big investigation. why does Zhong hanyu look so scared??

when the ice cubes fall into the sea, they are instantly drunk and it's like they were never there!

Is your job interesting?

however, although Ann said that people stunned by the smell can wake up within a week, bach Fang did not dare to limit this period.

python seems to have no reaction to death. why is it so helpless?

but what about you?

\Unfortunately, this tree also has spiritual power.\

he originally planned to go out with his girlfriend tonight, but something similar happened, which made him feel very unfortable.

bach Fang stood firm and reached out to touch the fruit. Get on the plane quickly, you two go on, I'll go back. Lao Liu smiled and said natural disaster

tu Anh said, bach Fong suddenly remembered that there was a crystal-like place on the tree.

to be honest, none of us want to believe it.

As for cultivating zombies, in addition to directly using points to upgrade, you can also accumulate some experience through the babel tower to upgrade. the Neon man had no idea what was going on.

Especially 1 million points is an astronomical number for Luu min Ngoc. \.\

chong hanyu pursed his lips, stared at Yu chamu silently in the darkness for a long time, and then nodded.

\I'll be there for you. As long as you need me, I'll be there for you.\

the zombie on the right seemed to hear the voice of the black mole zombie and nodded.

\As long as you listen to me, not only will I send you back to base S, but everyone will have 10 high-level crystal coins by then.\

Liu xiaoyi suddenly raised his voice several times, stood up from his chair, and walked to the students: \brother, this is definitely yours.\

Although Luo Jiajia didn't know that the threat was only half over, she still continued to follow huo Ye.

we were amazed by the details on the exterior.

I didn't expect that the king of the desert kingdom could do so well.

mr. wang looked at Zhang hao calmly and continued to assure him: \director Zhang, this is 30 billion... I don't think there is any need for more. If you don't agree, you can explain it to the appraisal agency in detail. Let's study it.\ No to 30 billion if so I obviously. \I will transfer Zhengwei Group to you.

A flash of white light flashed, and multiple energy needles appeared in Shangquan's hand. he did not dare to be alert at all, and quickly pierced the veins of hodie's neck!

based on the current situation, Yushaxin is not sure that his views have not lost their source.

mr. Vuong didn't want to argue with the other party, so he immediately made his basic suggestion: \director truong, don't lie.\ As long as you spend 30 billion, Zhengwei Group is yours, and this villa is yours. \this is yours.\ added the caption.

discounts on accessories range from 0.01% to 9.99%. \.\

then, Lu bu did as I asked, always controlling his power, and killed the enemy again.

but once inside, there will be no one to protect people like chu du.

Aren't you afraid of men getting hurt?

Forget it, where did he e from? Judging from his three-dimensional quality, he has reached the tenth level peak. If there is no higher-level existence, then Lu bu's quality has reached a level that others can enjoy. . arrival.

It doesn't seem fair that the opponent has that possibility. Yue xie's driver asked confidently.

this is equivalent to a discount of 0.0001 from the original price.

why doesn’t Liu minyu understand anything?

however, it also has the disadvantage of being very beautiful and eye-catching.

then there is no fruit system.

tang Leda nodded and said: \thank you, boss. I have recovered temporarily. why does it hurt?\

when duong mach came out of the cave, he saw tinh tinh lying on the ground with a huge figure.

In order to prevent his lover from quickly turning into a zombie, wang Jiale directly injected a large amount of cold water into the damaged parts of his lover, successfully delaying the spread of the \zombie virus\.

Luo Jiajia looked worried at first, but now he is so stuffed with dog food that he doesn’t even know what to say!

only by mastering relevant science and technology as soon as possible can we enjoy the benefits of science and technology.

After the doubts, many people even watched the live broadcast.

Zhang haotong said goodbye to the union members and sat down next to Governor Li. In addition to mr. wang from Zhengwei Group, mr. Zheng from cheng tai Fook also attended.

At the same time, more people were sent to study.

“Is Feitian still popular?

this is why the Jade Emperor of the Yanhuang era killed people to take the opportunity to enhance his own strength. In the prehistoric period, after these people left the earth, they flew out and pletely defeated the remaining five people. the strongest one became the heavenly dao.

but the good thing is, we don’t see the value in wilderness country.

In the center of the square is a huge rotunda with a raised cylindrical platform in the center. this place is a million times better than I originally thought a great place would be!

when Liu mingyu appeared next to Lu bu, he saw the figure of the mid-level fourth-level demon han hu.

2. Frequency of storage capacity exhausted x 1.

there are few people who don't cooperate until they hear phi thien's request.

Some governments release information.

Zhang Jianange smiled and continued: \Now your pany has established a strategic partnership with Feitian.

As for the promised rewards, can you get enough Jingjing by purchasing crystals?

Zhang Jiaang smiled and nodded: \Yes, to protect the earth.

\who knows what we're thinking?\

this is not a good thing for the desert kingdom.

most people don't think so. In fact, Feitian wants to mess with us, so there is no need for any plot at all.

huo also took a deep breath. Although his blood respiratory system began to shut down, he still breathed as deeply as possible to release more blue light energy. that was his whole life, a glimpse. In a matter of seconds, he and Shiro could be dead behind each other! \.\

this is like information stored in a foreign answer database.

If so, how could I have missed it?

tham Lan cannot be killed now, so he will try to evolve until he is killed. If he can't kill for a year, it'll take two years...he won't be able to kill. two more years, then four.

but despite these plaints, Fan bang still has the heavy sniper rifle firmly in his hand.

Yes, especially the information provided by Feitian covers all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Although the points earned by killing monsters multiple times will be slightly lower, the number of kills will still be low.

You have to look at the person in front of you.

In this way, duong mach can sleep peacefully here.

we really don’t have a lot of pressure.

but you have to be careful when broadcasting live so as not to miss some important insights. Right here, e with me.

I don't believe they hacked government websites. \.\

News of a major collaboration between Starry Sky Group and the Guardians of the Earth are also circulating online.

Everyone fighting around looked at tran mac.

checking the veins under his feet, after thinking for a while, bachfan slowly entered between the veins. why not you? \.\

So when I took a sip, I felt that this cup of tea was very real pared to the words of gratitude.

It's special in every way.

the back of his Sudo neck was white and smooth. when he lowered his head, one of the bones was slightly twisted, and there were dots of blood on the pale skin. qingyan stood behind him, he grabbed qingyan's hand and pulled it out. the sword is ing. go out. In the palace, Li drew his sword.
