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66读书 > 一树时间 > 好久不见


66读书 www.66dushu.com,最快更新一树时间!

“xuanyuan childe, long time no see!”(轩辕公子,好久不见啊!)

“Long time no see, you're … that... Son of the chairman of Shenghua Group!”(好久不见,你是…那个…盛华集团董事长的儿子吧!)

“xuanyuan's son has a good memory. we saw him at dinner last time. but it's been more than two years. I didn't expect to see you here this time.”(轩辕公子好记性,我们上次在晚宴上见过。不过已经过去两年多的时间了。没想到这次在这里可以见到你。)

“Yeah! time past quickly. this time I'm here to meet an old man.”(是啊!时间过得真快。这次来这里是为了见一位故人。)

“old man? Unexpectedly, xuanyuan prince still has a deceased man in china.


“Yeah, twenty years have passed. Finally, I can see the long-lost family member.”(是啊,二十年过去了。终于可以见到那位久违的故人了。)

“today I want to introduce a friend to xuanyuan.”(今天我想要给轩辕公子介绍一个朋友。)

“Friend? who?”(朋友?谁?)

“She's next to me.”(她就在我旁边。)

“wow! this lady is beautiful. I don't know who she is.”(哇!这位女士很美,不知道是哪位呢?)

“She is the protagonist of the party, miss wang Yaxi.”(她就是这场晚会的主人公,王雅曦小姐。)

“You are miss wang Yaxi, who has bee*****sing for twenty years.”(你就是王氏集团那位失踪了二十年的千金,王雅曦小姐。)

“Yes, it's nice to meet you.”(是的,很高兴见到你。)单均瑶畏畏缩缩的回答道。她的英语也是考过八级的,正常交流她还是可以的,就是不太自信罢了。

轩辕宇抿了一口酒杯中的97年罗曼尼-康帝(Romane conti)。他的嘴角微微上扬,深邃的眉眼让人忍俊不禁。




“miss Zhang, it's you!”(张小姐,是你啊!)

“duke xuanyuan? why are you here?”(轩辕公子?你怎么会在这里?)

“I came to see an old man. I heard that you are going to marry princen mUrong soon. congratulations!”(我来见一位故人。我可是听说你马上就要和林公子结婚了吧!恭喜恭喜!)

“thank you. I also want to congratulate mr. xuanyuan on being the chairman of LK Group. xuanyuan's son was young, and he managed his family business so well at a young age.”(谢谢,我也要恭喜轩辕公子成为了LK集团的董事长。轩辕公子年少有为,年纪轻轻就把家族企业管理得那么好。)

“I don't know if xuanyuan is free. I just got a bottle of domaine de la Roman e-conti, dRc recently. would you like to try it together?”(不知轩辕公子是否有空,我最近刚刚得到一瓶domaine de la Romanée-conti,dRc。可否请您一起品尝。)慕容梓恒松开张琪的手,走到轩辕宇的面前虔诚的邀请到。

“Yes, thank you for your kind invitation.”(可以啊,谢谢公子的盛情邀请。)
